W WW W W W BETTER THAN EVER We can serve you better than ever before; better goods, larger assortment, more novelties; and in spite of the rising maiket at practically the same prices that pre vailed last year. Women's, Misses' and Children's new fall coats and skirts. ew patterns almost daily. The widespread interest manifested in our '06 Fall Garments is due to the attractive ness and authoritative character of the styles and the extraordinary values at popular prices $3.00, $4.25, $5.00, $6.00 $8.50, $10.50 $15.00 For Women's New Fall Coats in soft plaids, charming greys and browns and the like. Some of the most clever models of the early season. Every garment beautifully tailored and cor rect in fit and style. I $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50 CHILDREN'S COATS n bearskin, astrakhan, crushed vel- prices we are showing many styles , vet. and cloth m wmte, oiue. rea ana made by men tailors in the best pos3i- I brown, the most beautiful line we have ble manner. ! ever shown. Misses' New Fall Coats in all tne Dooular styles and colors. At tl-.ess , MILLINERY t: . it nt o'ii-a fht car- . , ... . i .. i. J . i f- wp na ve esLauiisiitiiJ d. bcucLi cue ugyanun,.!. iv vices of a milliner who has had several years' experience in San Francisco and other large cities, we feel confident that we are as well prepared to take care of the ladies' .wants in this line as any house in the city. All the latest novelties in pattern, trimmed and street hats. Come in and look them over whether you want to buy or not - ALWAYS WELCOME MEN'S YOUTHS' AMD BOYS' CLOTHING $7.50, $10.00 $12.50 $15.00, $17.00 The latest and best Worsteds and Clays wear or dress. in Cassimeres, for every day $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 $2.25, $2.75, $5.00 $7.50, $10.00 I J Everything from the good strong Many new and nobby things in this , ones to the d' essy Buster Browns and line, good material and nicely tailored, j Sailors. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY Liircrest Stop 1308, 1510. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE Smallest Prices PARR -LOGAN CO. IMGARD HASHES Ed. Pilgrimn who has worked for Mr. j Casey for a number of years, died at ia j LOCAL ITEMS j I 3 1 LA GRANDE, OREGON. Real Estate Insurance City Property Farm lands Fruit lands Timber lands Beet lands List your property with us and get quick returns Sole agents: FAIRBANKS MORRIS CO. PORTLAND Engines, Pumps Irrigation plants a specialty Office in La Grande National Bank Building Grande this week. j Mr. Lewis our genial P. M. met with 1 an accident th:s week by cutting off the J index finger of his left hand, so we are 'informed. Dr. Hall of Li Grande Jress- ' ! ed the wound. J The school is increasing in numbers. J : Next Monday the Principal will enroll more pupils. The pupils have organized j a school literary society which meets on j every Friday afternoon after recess each I week. Parents are invited to attend the j exercises of the children and encourage j them in their work' Question for debate next Friday, Resolved; 'That country life is preferable to city life." Affirmative Lauren Christopherson and Loyd Mewman. Negative Myrtle Newman and Lena Young. SCHOOL REPORT HilgarQ school fjr October 26. Prin;ipdl's room Total number enrolled Days attended Days absent Tines Lite Average Attended Frmudry room Totai number enroled Days attended Days absent . .. D. A. McAllister returned yesterday from a brief business visit in Baker City. Henry D. Block of Elgin is a visitor in La Grande today. Miss Pauline Harris of Baker City is a La Grande visitor today. W. C. Rider of Elgin transacted busi ness in the city last evening. N. J. Watson of Summerville is a. busi ness visitpr in the city today. A. B. Conley of Cove is in La Grande today. Mrs. N. Molitor returned this morning from Portland. John Graham is meeting frie-ds in the c'ty today. Ha is a business man of Elgin. J. W, Bush, traveling representative of the Blue Mountain Creamery is in Imbler today. Miss Hattie Baswell of Enterprise transacted business in the city and vis tsd friends. C. C. Stackland a fruit grower of Cove is spending the last of the week in looking after his extensive business H. C. Masterson, the leading druggist of Elgin transacted business in the county seat this morning. The Misses Ida and Emma Gillman of SummerUe are visiting friends in La Grande today. Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, the State Grange lecturer returned last evening to this city from her lecture tour at the headof the valley. She speaks at Cove today. Prof. C. S. Sherrill principal of the Hil gard public school will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist church service next Sunday merning and evening. The Elks will hold a social meeting I to morrow night at which all Elks and their ladies are expected to attend. The meet ing begins promptly at nine o'clock. Hon. "Bud" McAlister of La Grande arrived in the city yesterday and goes to Sumpter this morning to attend the range apportionment meeting today. Baker City Herald. Pastor Gibson, who has been visiting at Cove this week, will visit Haines on Sunday and preach for pastor J. ,W. Sage. The building fund of the Baptist church in this city is being nicely aug mented by contributions of adjacent Bap tist churches. Dr. and Mrs. Phy of Hot Leke were visitors in Baker yesterday spending a few hours with friends. They were ac companied by Miss Davenport, who is their guest at the Sanatorium. The lady is a sister of Homer Davenport, the cele brated cartoonist. Baker City Harald. G. W. Bartmess returned last evening from Walla Walla where he went to wit ness the marriage of his daughter, Grace to Mr. Frank Biggler of that city. The wedding took place Sunday evening. Tne bride has many friends in La Grande who extend congratulations to the groom and best wishes to her. Yesterdays fire was a failure. The alarm sounded ail right and proper, the department turned out promptly enough, the usual crowd gathered, in fact all that necessity for an entsrtainmg time was the fire. Instead of a burning building and destroyed property, only a pile of rubbish in the railroad yards was being consumed, and was being closelv watched by the section men. the m)R'.h endint 23 455 . 1? 23 20 Tunes Late WATCH WRONGS! I V. I ( i I I T E I ) V S. C. S.irs . 460 12 - 20 rncpi Vale FINE CH1NAWAE I have just received a new assortment of chinaware, cut glass, and silverware. Come and examine them. 1 know they will please With each $2.00 cash purchase I am giving away a ticket which if presented at Hulse Studio entitles you to a PHOTOGRAPH of yourself FREE mrs. t.n;;murphy Hardware and crockery. i AS FILL Of GOODNESS AS AN EGG IS OF MEAT The Flor De Hackman 10c. and 1 2 ac. cigar is always a winner when quality is at steak. They afford the best and sweetest smoke to be had anywhere. There may t u-.-- K... fir n nn has been able to locate them. C. E. HACKMAN, : Phone Red 1381 I Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood JAMES ROBERTS AT LIBERTY James Roberts who yesterday morning was arraigned before the circuit court cha-ged with accepting money, is today a free man. The jury which heard the case, retired early yesterday afternoon but it was after one o'clock this morning before an agree ment was reached. Not guilty, was that agreement. The prisoner was immediate ly released and needless to say, the way he took to tha street was anything but slow. He has been incarcerated nearly five months awaiting trial by the circuit court, and it was generally expected that he would be found guilty as charged, for he was' alleged to be complicated with Bernice Loekhart who was convicted of robbing from a person. Roberts went immediately to the hotel Foley and regis tered and for the first time in months, eat breakfast from a real table. PURCHASE BARBER SHOP THE ACTORS BIT . Even actors, who are supposedly wi.e, sometimes fall prey to pranks committed by others. Last evening during the pre sentation or recks Hud Boy. when the "bad boys" were just havi-.g the time of their lives playing pranks on fellow citizens i . were suddenly treated to a counter attack. A party of La Grande boys wno occup.ed ore of the boxes, duly appreciat ng the abi.'it'es of Busier and Peck.thiew ..-.em a b x of bon bons. When the cur tain went down there was a lie!y scram oie o tne actors to secure at least oni p.ece of the candy. One m.nut j and i ha f by t:ie deck and there were screams of frig t and pain con ing from hehir.d the curu.n. Tne troupe to a man, ha eaten some of the candy: and it was fair ly loaded with red pepper. EAGLES ATTENTION Tonight, at Lodge Room. A number of initiations after which a big supper will be spread. All eagles of La Granee and al visiting'brothers are expected to be ptesent Bring a friend to the supper. A good time for all. G. L. Biggers, M. D., Vice President. INSPECTING BRIDGES The County Court which is in session this week, is today inspecting the bridges up the river. HOT DISHES are served here. The is not a single iceburg about our hot dishes. Some res taurants have what should be hot food, as if it had just come out of A REFRIGERATOR That kind of food gives you dyspepsia and shortens your life. Our restaurant serves what buoys you up and makes you content with all mankind. For a Oopd square meal that will help you keep yotir religion come and see us. The oftener you come the batter. The Model Restaurant J. A ARBLCKLE, Prop. JHK D A V -ND NIOUT WeH-n wkly i en Mt'nl Tlukru for P4-3W HOT DRINKS ON COLD DAYS SGHEttRER'S mil '..! Ju s Of coui-, t lat 'i .n,l cK .hs ! .t gone wrong, lost its ac, : nuke it r'ght once irore v same w th clocks. .irac. f it i.e- or sfl w.thm :e:e we e some .i y 'U shcjld ct ft om. :c.)es or circits i'V now that we c.u: i t,i t'ev ' a g vd orej even ir.ire a wa'chmakcr's rera r and in e of w.tches Arrangements we'e whereby D. S. Crewe If v ery a:' 'ut e. t s '. -I ' ptr.u ;. r you. rentembsr that we !ue fe most mooern machin m in Eastern Oregon. Y.m a-e sure to tie fitte.i correctly Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. O. M. HE ACOCK I omp'eted tod.ty and F. W. Joik- putchased the barber suap now owned by Perry Do Lapp in the Foie, building. Messers Crowe and Joi'y are popular tonsoriai experts r..w e-itj-'.-yed in the Hubbard & Haggin shop. Both have a large and thorough experience in their line and should make their -,e;aunch a success. For nearly two years thiv hav jheid chairs in the shop w''ere they are j now employed. De Lapp, the present : proprietor of the Foley barber snop con J template going to Summerv ile. He will i cater to his large list of patron in the yicjer.i ,ucu,on until uie i 9th of this month htn the transfer w.li t) rub. THE HIGHEST POINT lnt NEW JE.VLEt ANn ilpr'.f A M Oppos.t. Uohnei.kamp', Store Li rj'rande Oregon w M BRICK BUILDING FOR S ALE Built a vear ago by Hamilton, coit of same as JiiOO now only $100. J. L. Wars A reoV'd in rnounta!n Cllmoing has been achiee'i by Dr. Fred A. Cwk of Brooklyn, who ly reacred the summit of Mt. McKinley whic towers 20.464 feet above the Pacific ocJr It is believed :o he the highest point oJ trs North Am 'icir continent. Mr. Coo.- acenionof the mountain is the first on record and follows repeated failures. Dr. Cook was surgeon of the Perry Arctic etpedition m and similarly associate with the Belg urn expidit'on of 1337-9. iRAIN MmEh tSvrlppi New, AnnocUtion Chicago. Nov. 8-Wheat opened at?3, closed at 75; corn opaaed at 3 closed a: 42',; Mts openi at 34 closed it 54'. A Square Deal , GEO. T. PARR, -9 C. B SIMMONS. President Sec y and Mgr. . PHONE MAIN 31 PARR-SIMMJNS COMPANY Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products F:UHay. Poesarar3,n ::: Apples a Specialty URGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE HayJVanted row SSf!SST T,68 PA, Jeff4 Ave. and Greenwood St. Call nd see us before you ;i u Grand9i (a.. ...... 4 HoWiw . ,