15k "TT- - oHll Fish A New Department AMUSEMENT Best Offer TO THE PUBLIC Ever Made To our already large and complete stock of groceries we I have added a SHELL FISH rmo "PECK'S BAD BOY SOON DUE - Before Qaoroa W Px-lr ly.t4 .1 "vmt.i upon wnicn will I; be found fresh Grabs, Clams, Crawfish, Oiympia and I j; Eastern Oysters. In fact all that Shn,,w k s t Governor of Wi seanftin h hail arki.u.t national fame as the author of 'Peck's Bad Boy, a series of sketches written an urutn-ifa cu.ii !- i -r uwg oueii risn market, x x 4 I P. W. WHITE, GROf.FR ! Promtit Dfilivarir j , pnone Main 42 New Tarns, New Jocky Caps, Naw Trimmed Hats, Coif Cloves, and Peter Pan Purses E. M. Wellman & Company I ADAMS AVENUE 1 ADAMS AVENUE Yes if you will step this way please, we will show you some of the excellent laundry work we are doing every day. You will feel proud when you walk along the street dressed in one of those shirts that we turn out of this laundry 57 A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 La Grvnfc, Oi Pjjcn. Pride of Grande Ronde The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the very heart of the est wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial ill convince you of its superority. Insist on having your order filled with this brand or the "Patent" from this tame mill. For sale by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. Pride of Grande Ronde NEW I TRUCK AND TRANSFER LINE See the wagon on the street. i CHAS. A. DUiNNi ;', Phone Main 57. '' The most awkard and ungainly woman can be tranformed into a beautiful lovely creature if she has the brain power to absorb the fact that Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do the business. Tea or Tablets. 35 cents. Newlin Drug Co. Now is the time to have your old umbrella re covered. Smith will do the work. CREAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles with admirable fidelity to life, and under his sanction largely incorporated in the farce comedy of the same name, an nounced for presentation at Steward's opera house on Thursday, Nov. 8. The engagement has attained a fame and popularity almost, if not quite rivaling that of the author of its inspiration and every where has won a most enviable patron age in every respect. Thin People WHAT IS IT ? $1,500 House That is to be Mad For $2O0.oo HOW ? It wfll pay you to TRY THIS Weigh yourself. Take Vinol a while. Weigh yourself again. The eain in flesh, strength and appetite will be better arguments for Vinol than . we all can say. This is because Vinol contains in a concentrated form all the medicinal ele ments of cod liver oil taken from fresh cod's livers, but it is a better body build er and strength creator than cod liver oil or emulsions because the useless. indigestible and nauseating oil has been eliminated and tonic iron added. Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens every organ in the body, tones up the digestive organs, makes rich, red blood and firm healthy flesh. So sure are we of what Vinol will do that we refund money to those who buy Vinol and are not benefited. Newlin Drug Company. Note While we are sole asents for Vinol in La Grande, it is now for sale at the leading drue store in nearly everv town and city in the country. Look for Vinol agency in your town. The average young woman of today is busy. Beauty is only another name for neaun. anu u comes 10 aa ou. or every 100 who take Hollisters Rockv Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets. 35 cents. Newlin Drug Uo. Blood Poisoning recjlta fnm chronic cnnQtinafinn uhirh is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life mis. iney remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor: cure sour stomach, nausia. head ache, dizziness and colic, without eriDina or discomfort. 25c. Guaranteed by the Newlin Druo Co. Notice of Appointment of Ad ministrator jownom ic way concern Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the es tate of Louisa Griffin deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to J. W. Knowles, his attorney, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of August, A. D. 1006. Jessi Griffin. Administratoi ! H. A, Staniels ! SUCCESSOR TO Staniels Jarman CONTRACTING PAINTER PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR Phone Black 1781 La Grande Ore. Caii ai Our Office and let Us give You Full Information. Never will you have such an Oppor! unity Offered You Call at Once LA GRANDE INVESTMENTS I Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Ore. The Myriad Service Garment Hare you ever considered how desirable a "Mackinctte" Rain-Coat is? Proper outer garment tor Pull Dress and Informal occa sions; reliable during; rain or ihinr, and suitable as a Spring or bill Overcoat j in short, eady whenever an outer gar icnt i.: needed. A necessity, if one ever iMed. We suggest the I & W" "Wellington" Model dig that will probably meet .ur idea as to style. You are cordially invited to inspect this beautiful line of Raincoats A Young Mother at 70 "My mothar has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense turferinff from HvanAn.i. hmA .n:-i.. disabled her, until six months ago, when si uBVau wining cecinc timers, which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life." writes Mrs. W. L. Qilpat rick. of Danforth. Me. Greatest restora tive medicine on the globe. Sets Stom ach, Liver, and Kidneys right, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, Biliousness and weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 60c. Guam teed by Nkwlih Dhuo Co. HOW IS THE TIME To buy your breeding stock we have a few choice Cockrels of White and Brown Leghorns and Orphingtons left yet, bred and raised on the largest poultry farm in North East Oregon known as Orchard Grove Poultry farm. L. P. Day. Prop., R. F. D. No. 1. La Grande, Oregon KOIKE fOR BIDS The La Grande Improvement Company will receive bids for the construction of four concrete foundations and tlio con struction of four frame dwelling houses for immediate construction particulars at office of La Grande Investment Co. : A. V.Andrews : : TAILOR, HABERDASHER : Gymnastics alone can never give that elasticity, ease and graceful figure which comes by taking Hollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea. Tea or Tablets, SS cents. Niwlin Dkuo Company. PASTURE EOR RENT Persons desiring first class green pas ture with running water should inquire at the La Grande National Bank. THANKSGIVING BAIL Remember the Forrestors will give their annual Thanksgiving Ball, Thursday November, 29th. Do not forget the date. MEAT Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. WV will do the rest. KROUSEBROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Phone- Main 48 ART LESSONS Miss Nina Hunstock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she is prepared to take orders and give lessen in both water colors and china paintma j wmwiw nh Buu main oi. LUMBER RETAILED AT3 WHOLESALE PRICES Belter Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building I X i Grande Ronde Lumber Co PERRY, OREGON A m - t....i... ... ........ i 'i r?.--'-'"Himed this moriB - ,