eep Your Money At Home And 7W at c h The "Town Grow ': VOI LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY. NOVEMBER S t90a NUMBER 301 POLITICAL PULSE THROBS fEYERISHlY AS TIE END Of SUSPENSE APPROACHES (Bcrlpp. News Association) - Chicago Nov. 5--Twanty-firea stas elect a full state ticket tomorrow. Seven elect minor state officers, thirty-two elect lejisf tures. and ill ex:eDt Oregon. Maine nd Vermont wh ch tuue held their elect ions, elect full ticket. IN WISCONSIN Milwaukee W,s., Nov. 5 -Trie Reajb licn ctaim eight to a lunired thouun-l lead for Governor Davidson, the presen' occupant of the chair. The Dsmocrats claim t lead of fiftsen. Congressman Bibcock's re-election is unc.rta.n. A l:ght vote is indicated. IN IOWA Des Moines la., Nov. S-Governor Cummys claims re-election by a hundred thousand. "Stand patters" will probably knife him however. TURBULANT NEW YORK New York Nov. 5 Tnisis "Dough Day" at Tammany. It is said that Tammany has distributed seventy thousand dollars to district leaders to bnrg out votes Betting today is four to one on the r e publican candidate for governor. Wood ru says that the Republicans will place Chas. Hughes on the governor's cha'r by a plurality of over two hund edtnu-and POLICEMEN TRANSFERRED Newf'ork, Nov. 5. Ihmsen says that Hearst will win by 200 000. General Bingham ton ght will transfer 7000 p:l;ce meru He thinks that by th;s action it will be certain to keep patrolrre i from inter fering in the election, as each man will be in a strange pa.e and no one knows where he w 1 ba stationed to morrow. The straw votes continje toia. all of which are unfavorable to Heirst. Tne indJendant candidate's chances in Brook lyn are steadiiy decreasirg. The bai o!s will all be p-inted thus al laying considerable rear. Ovjr twonni lion hav'Jwan pintad in ti;!as". sinn'.y two hours COLORADO REPUBLICAN Der.ver Nov 5 lrrritiai opinions tc day concede that the R-3pur,licans wi.l carry the sta.e o? Colorado oy a: ;e-ist ten thousand. PRESIDENT TO KEEP INFORMED1 Washington Nov. 5 President Roose velt will receive returns at the White House, tomorrow night, after returning from voting at Oyster Bay. He will receive telegrams from friends advising him of the trend of affairs in their nspective localities, also bulletins from all of the press associations and telegraph companies. Secretary Bonapart upon the sanction o' the President has issued ar. order to all mpbyes in the navy yards that they will oe allowed to go home and vote to morrow. . ELECTION WEATHER Washington, Nov. 6 The weather bureau predicts for election day, fair and warxer in the east and middle west; in the southwest rain; Minnesota rain or snow; colder in Montana, Wyoming and Washington. TROUBLE IN WEST VIRGINIA Charlston W. Va., Nov. 5 A serious trouble has occured in Mingo county. The governor has been asked to send t'oops. The Republican election corn miss oners and a deputy United States marshall are in jail. The companies of malitia are under orders awaiting the go erior's nvestigaton. Charlston, W. Va.. Nov. 5, 3:30 p. m. Three companies have been ordered to Williams, upon the representation of the Postmaster and attorney Scherr, thi Democrats have sworn in one hundred depiities and have driven the negroes from the county and are planning to steal the I election machinery. IN NEVADA Reno. Nev., Nov. 5 -The Democratic siiver party claims the election by a large majority and say that the election of Sparks for governor and Bartlett for congressman is practically assured. There is a strong fight for state senator as that man will be electeJ t o United bta'es Senate two years hence. Tne Democrats are pledged to Sanator New lands but the Republicans are not pledged. IN CALIFORNIA San Francisco Nov. 5 With the excep tions of a few eleventh hour speeches the campaign in California closed today and the last day is being devoted to the formulation of plans to bring out voter . Clear wheather has been predicted for tomorrow and all parties expect to bring out the full vote. Republican Chairman Stone, in a statement issued today, claim ed victory for the entire Republican ticket be a 30.000 lead. The Democrats claim Bell's election by 80,000. Lang- don't manager makes no predictions as to the size of the vote but says that in dications surely point to the election of Gillitte. Bell was to have delivered his final speech here at noon but his throat trouble would not allow it' He has left for his home but stated he was confident of his election. IN MASSACHUSETTS Boston, Nov. 6 Tom Lawson's prom ised boom for Moran came today in the shape of half page ad in aM newspapers of the city. The vein of the ads is a gen eral denouncement of the moneyowai sat d calls upon the common people to demand their rights. Ur IN WASHINGTON STATE Seattle, Nov. 6. Chairman Debruler of the Republican state committee said to day "The campaign has been apathetic because of the lack of effective opposi tion. Because of this apathy there will be a reduction in the norma! vote." Chairman Titelow of the Democratic party said "Our cause is in the hands of the labor vote and should that vote re main steadfast, we will greatly . reduce the Republican majority. We expect to increase our representation in both houses. THINGS QUIET IN IDAHO Boise, Idaho, Nov. 6. Chairman Brady issued a statement this morning claiming that the ssate will give Governor Gooding the Republican candidate for re-election. 15000 majority. The Republicans will elect sixty-one out of seventy-two of the legislature. Chairman Lockhart, of the Democrats, claims a majority of two thousand and a slight control of the legislature. HER LAST VOYAGE (Scrlpps New Association) New York Nov. 5 The old full rigged ship C. F. Sargent which arrived here a few days ago in a battered condition having expirinced a full Cape Horn storm on her voyage from Portland Oregon has seen the last of her rxean going trips. She is turned into a coal Hulk to-day. The stout old vessel isat least sixty years old and is supposed to be the last of the old American full -rigged ships. Her hull is still rs sound as the day she left the stocks, but owing to her bulk and slow speed cannot compete with the modern rigged craft. THAW WAS RETURNS RO AURELIA CONCENTRATES SANE SATS DETECTIVE (Scrlpps News Association) . Pittsburg, Nov. 6 Roger Omar, a de tective in charge of gathering evidence for the defense of Thaw, stated today, "Thaw will stand trial on a plea of justi fication and his attorneys will make no effort to prove him insane when he shot White." There is no explanation for the sudden change in plans. ' J. A. Thronson, this morning received the assay from the concentrates secured by the test run of the Aurelia mill, and to say that they were satisfactory is stating the facts ' in a mild way. The essay shows a total value of $223.66. .n order to properly appreciate this figure one must remember that th nrt iiH tn - cure this sample was what was considered the very poorest ore to be found in the mine. This class ' f ore was used because the mill was new and it was feared that it would not save the values until it was re-adjusted. In this they were mistaken for the assay of the tailings showed that only $2.03 in value passed over the plates and tables. It is thot by the mine officials that when the real work of mill ing begins, it will b found that the aver age will reach near the three hundred dollar mark. The officials of the Aurelia mines are to be congratulated upon the great amount of successful work accomplished the past summer. Aside from doing a considerable amount of development work, a six mil a , The Luxury of Good Shoes Nothing to compare with the .greatful comfort of shoes that fit. Nothing go pretty as a dainty foot in a dressy shoe See our foot helps first aid to comfort shoes built for style and foot ease as well. Our stock of Fall footware, for Men, Women, and children is extraordinarily large, offering a perfect range for choice in the various styles our prbes are tne very lowest that could be made on shoes of such high quality. THEN WHY NOT COME IN TO-DAY ? EMJEZLIER ON TRIAL (Scrlpps News Association) Albany N. Y.Nov. 6--The trial of Chas, E. Fitchum the former teller of the First National Bank of Saratoga who is eharg ed with embezzling $1 16,000 five years ago was continued to-Hay The prisoner admits he took $30 00 and that the rema:nner was used to cover over drafts. i : Men's and Womens shoes "Diamond Special" $3.00 to $3.50 in box-calf and viol in all new lasts, etc. par Excellence" for men and women-$4.00 to $5.00 vici, kanceroo, also patent ..j men ii n a 11 Qhans? the "shdAC thnfnro,-ri,i.--..,,.Ji-: ! i rti l-av-wi"- iw, n.ANOfcKUU, aiso PAT) f kid and vica kid all shapes the shoes that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also Complete Line of WORK SHOES and CHILDREN'S SHOES : MEN'S SHOES - .t Colt Bj'. r.ew toe E very fine 2310 Pa A FEW OF OUR GOOD NUMBERS 23 IS K'13 $5.00 K:d B.'jcher. Harvard tee Q J CA new heal a shoe that does rot s;u " new iii I 2647 Vici B ucher Auto tee. very fine upper, QQ reaj , 1:607 E E Kangaroo ua: pia:r, i.e 'i it 25S9 Ve.our Caifba'. new tee. heivy soil $4.00 $3.50 2553 Bex Ca'.f B:uc-er new tee. heavy sole LADIES' SHOES I 1815 Vici Turn Sale Cushion Sole, Cuban tJ CA heel, opera toe 45.DU 30060 Vici Blucher Duchess toe Cuban heel C2 CA welt , 1816 "Easy Feet" Vici blucher welt, cush ion insole (sure cure for corns) M80 Vici Blucher, Welt E Bonton toe . $3.50 $2.50 U90 E. Vici Blucher 2 lift heel, patent tip C CA $2 00 476 Nurse maid rubber heel and side Phone Black 130 U'l. n.i-w j,m .3 iujh.ii. Sier --- - - - - i si I nil mi .ar Vergere No. 27 NOTED MANAGER DIES (Scrlpps News Association) Seattle, Nov. 5 Charles Wray, mana ger of the Pacific Coast Amusement as sociation, died this morning of Bright's disease, aged forty. He was the theat rical bussiness manager of theatres in very city on the coast. LARGE POWER SCHEME (Scrlpps News Association) Cleveland. O., Nov. 5. Backed by a $4,000,000, Myron 1. Hernck of this city and Thomas F. Walsh, of Denver are nearing the completion of a scheme to harness fifty mountain streams in Colo rady for the development of water power. At first they will only supply a territory within a radius of one hundred miles from a central station but will gradually taks in the entire middle est. WILL MAKE TEST (ASE (Hcrlpps News Association) San Francisco. Nov. 6.- The answer to the order of Judge Wolberton of the United States circuit court requiring the board of education of this city to show cause why an injunction compelling the re-installment of I Yasuhara. a Japanese pupil re cently excluded from the Pacific Heights jrammar School, was filed this after noon. The order was issued following an application for an injunction presented to Judge Wolberton with the intention of making this a test case. The application is made on the grounds that the present resolution of the Board of Education ex cluding Japanese pup, Is from the city schools is a violation of the treaty now ex stirg between the United States and the Empire of Japan. T e legal points 'in the case will be argued tomorrow. Am bassador Aoki. of Japan, has made re peated calls to the State Depatrnent at Washington and has discussed the ques tion in all its bearings witn Secretary Root. VIOLATION OF TREATY Tokio. Nov. 5. Members of a. I sections of t e Diet take exception to the new Un'ted States regulation exclud r.g the children of Japanese citizens in America fro-n the public schools. Ths nswspapers hsre warmly discuss the subject and as sert that the rule is a violation of rights undsr the treaty signed in Washington on Nov. 22. 1894 and proclaimed on March 21st 1896. (Scrlpps New Association) Milwaukee, Nov. 5 The court this morning decided that Capt. Pabst, the famous brewer, before his death illegally transfered tohishiers $4,000,000 of his estate and the administrator is ordered to pay into the state treasurv, an inheritance tax of about $160,000. road has been constructed, a ten ton quartz mill installed, a mill building fifty six feet by fourteen feet erected and over twelve hundred feet of ditch constructed. A thirty light electric plant has also been installed. In other words, the mine ha been properly equipped and placed in con- Hitinn fnr nnorwflAfi TW knsn 4f within a period of lest than a year and with an expense of less than seven thous and dollars. This amount also includes all the tools, teams and wagon which are still on hand and in good condition. Thh test given the mi'l proved beyond all doubt that the miU i adapted to th needs of the ore and that there will be no question a to saving the concentrate. ' The sample shown at the Observer office wsre of ths finest quality, and Mr. Thronson state that in milling no diffi-" culty from slum or dimes were expert- . need. The Aurelia by thi time next year have made har owner rich and the upper Grande Ronde river mining district famous. PABST MUST CANADA IS PAY TAXES TO SMASH SWEAT BOX SYSTEM (Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, Nov. 6 The court this morn ing issued a writ of habeas corpus for Leopold who is accused of having murd ered Margaret Leslie. The attorney for the deferdant claims that the police want to take him over the scene of the mnrder in an effort to force a confession, The court said today that the sweat box sys tem would have to be smashed if he con tinued to sit on the bench. Judge Pinckney ordered the Sheriff to take charge of Leopold and keep him.from the police until the trial. While Stensland was testifying against Hering he related the story of his down fall which dates back to ten year ago when he said he lived on Ave thousand a year. Weeping bitterly Stensland asked to be excused and taken to the jail. Herring was given three sentences of one to fourteen years to run concurrently. Stensland was given two additional sen tences of one to fourteen years to run concurrently with the one he is now serving. (Scrlpps News Association) Montreal, Nov. 6 The number of immi grants from the Canada during the past year was 189,064 an increase of 42793 . over 1905. Ths immigrants from the United States numbered 68,910, or 14, 287 more than in 1906. Canada has for year pursued a policy of inducing immigration by extensive advertising and paying houses to immigration companies. It is said tiat each Brittish imgrant cost Canada $ 1 3 aud agriculturist and ser vants cost the government $8 each. The homestead entries in 1 906 amounted to 34,646 in Manitoba and the northwest. The so called fertile belt in thi section of the dominion contain 90,000,000 acres suitable for settlement, of which 67,250,000 have been granted to rail roads, homesteaders etc, leaving 22,760 000 acres for homesteads. SENTENCE SUSTAINED (Scrlpps News Association) Washington Nov. 6 The.supreme court upheld the lower court which passed sentenced on Rev. J. C. Rsyling, of Geor gia, for hiring a negro to assassinate a, family by the name of Harter. GRAIN MARKETS i8crlppe New Association I Chicago, Nov. 5-Wheat opened at 74V closed at 74 V, corn opened at 451 closed at 4 3 lb ; oats opened at 546' closed at 34'B. RUBBER WORTH We so!(!Ct rubber goods carefully because careful choosing is necessary. A slight difference in quality makes a big difference in the time such goods last. Just now HOT WATER BOTTLES are vtiry seasonable and we have good ones at most reasonable prices. A hot water battle is the most suitable antidote for cold feet. It is also con stantly useful for curing pain of every sort. Heat is the harmless cure for pain. Full line, also, of fountain, bulb and combination syringes and other rubber goods. NEWLIN DRUG CO. La'Grande, Oregon. -.L- - . ... mm tiiMMtuue " yn V " "1 'r- isuirned thi jywi'ng j " U muni i in i i