La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 03, 1906, Image 1

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    ep Your M on ey; At Kome A n d Wat c h
The To w n G
' - .' LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 190b . , , . mjmrfp xnr,''
fHlFFC TA SEALS GETTING FEWER, v It I FT If 111 BIG GAME PLENTIFUL IN MICHIGAN lv rv r I f r tir tv ......... '
Wit ;r;rrrr-; TAFT K DDK HF T K D NN Nr.
i - - - i- 4 i wt - i m . m m m m i iiicuvivi itiium. i.uv. iinrr nrn m m w -
10 III
Scrlpps News Association)
New York. Nov. 3-A Drominent fur-
; rier in this city estimates that owing to
the yearly decline in the catch of seals
for the past six years sealskin garments
j this year will be 55 per cent dearer than
'they were in 1901. In the later var
22.672 seals were taken in the Rookeny
Is'ands of. St. Paul and St. George and
this year when the season closed only
Q..S.I ..-i. R. A l . .. '
.ta Association!
Scrlppsew$ Association! Nw York. Nov. 5-The Colombia Var-.
Sheridan. Wv.. jTk.n.. sitv craui ni th. n,... .
t no uie inuians kmuu uvai viuo arq
rave 1'Bed to accompany Col. Rogers1' holoin8 their rea" on the Harlem river
ml th 6th cavalry to Fort Mead. S. D.: this .ft.rnoon.'' There are six races on
where the government will support clrd including a race of a mile and a
them until a commission of chiefs can go third beiw"n th. varsity and the Nassau
to Washington tn ca;-t u.. Br-.. . 2;t Club: a hail miM raea for nioht um4
Barges: a quarter mile for single scullers;
an eight oared race between collsos fr.h.
permitted to carrv arm. t . 1 men and science fraehmwv
rf ilv l UL1US "
have gffear of treachary. .
wren weir side of the contrnv.r.,,
ask him for hunting
-e B-vMiua biiu Lti n
(Scrlpps tywt Association!
Wilkeibarre. Pa. Nov. 5A ,f
bile owned by J. V. Harvey was found in
the Susouehanna
jthrottlt was open and is supposed that
.the machine plunged over the high bank
C iU. J. .1 r .
... hi uarnness. narvey was last seen
Juring the early evening and is missir?
today I
'Scrlpps News Association)
Boise. Nov. 3 Judge Beatty of the
V I riHII UinVtTi Unikerffitat rnnrt ll.lll . -
ushiii riMKlMli i ....... .,1u.,(to,i.i
W Scrlpps News Association, ! sion. at Moscow to trv the InnH franrf
Chicago, Oct. 27-Wheat opened
.osed at U- corn opened at 43 ; thirty indictments involving eight of the
losed at 4j; oats opened at 35.V '. most prominent business men in the north
losed at 15. - -...- . . . I ern nart of tn9 gtate of q..,..
P " W Kvvvm....,t,M. a e a t,
Seasonable Suits and Overcoats
(Scrlpps New Association)
Boise. Idaho. Nov. 3 Secretary Taft
is making a tour of Southerp Idaho today
in a special train which left Pocatella this
morning at seven o'clock and spoke from
the train at Shoshone, Glenns Ferry,
Mountain Home,' and Nampa. At each
place large crowds were present. His
speeches were mostly on national issues
and showing the necessity of supporting
the hands of the natonal adminmr.mfmn
in its war upon trusts combinations rail
road rebates and unjust discrimination, by
preserving the party in power in congress.
He also urged the re-election of Governor
Gooding a an endorsement of th. action
taken to bring to justice, the parties
guilty of the assassination of ex-governor
Steune- berg. He is expected to arrive at
Boise at three this afternoon where he is
on the program for an address.
(Scrlpps Newt Association)
New York, Nov. 5 Jacob Brothers
Piano House was burned this mominof.
The loss was a quarter of a million dol
lars. Bursting barrels of paints and oils
forced the fireman to flee.
Bcrlppe News Association)
Boston Nov. 3 Tne church and parish
of the first Unnitarian association was
burned this morning with a loss of a
hundred thousand dollars.
A few words about Kirsch
baums suits and overcoats. You
can give 20.00 to 25.00 Dollars
for a suit of Kirschbaum clcthes
and derive 50.00 or 75.00 Dol
lars worth of good impression
from them. That is the great
secret about Kirschbaum clothes
which men all over the country
are beginning to learn. The
clothes are cut the same as the
fashionable London and New
York tailo-s cut theirs; they are
made from fine toned fabrics
and tailored almost by hand.
They cost yon no more than any
other make. But there is .dis
tinct class difference between
The popular materials are worsteds.
Kirschbaum clothing and other
cassimeres, and cheviotti.
Below are a few of our good numbers.
Lot 20097 Medium small combination check and plaid
effect, double breasted Dark gray worsted very stylish
Lot 18994 Heavy Dark blue cassimere single breast an
. excel'ent winter dressy suit
Lot 1SV9 Navy bine serge fine quality double breast, es-
$20 00
!y neat for young men
t m America" is one of the well earned titles of the
medium and shaped
The oreaUst ove'CJit
KW.hhauSiiAint. Tne hest styles we carry are the
back. Velvet collars Prince's? serge linings! Ihecmef materials are
M.ilon. Worsteds. Mousse and Kersies and Cheviott.
NjU a few of our b'g vajts.
Heavy bao cr-ec-;- ve.vetco.-CIA ff Lot 36283 CrayCassirr.ere. aoed we cht well en.
5.UU our price H'l" JJ made, a great wearer J) O.jU
good limngClO Fur Coats
r f ;7,a
Jar. soid evervwr.ire r
Lot 24755 Heavy K.-ey e.
another speca. w
A. - -
$22 00 to $50.00
s by far ti-e hancsrme. hr.-i show. From our immense stock we
;an easily iind a f:forev;-y f:". a sty'e for every taste, and a price that
...v nurse '.e ' e cn.-.g:
,01 2559 VeioorCa.f.huvy-,.e Ea.ker toe. neat uppers... JQO
Lti IT- niaitd bvpv nurse
Men's Fa:. Li
' Lot 9Hin
, -
itot 28
.trv fne
. 1 u n.CM a
,arsa v,ij 3jc " n-scuff, very pliable ...
iC A!
Vcrcre No. 27
hone Black 130
(Scrlpps News Association)
Marguette, Mich. Nov., 3 Northern
Michigan Hunters report the prevalence
of wolves all over the country. They
have increased in numbers wonderfully of
late and are causing great destrnction to
in the woods. To the south of Flat Rock
river'along the Floodwood road they are
especially plentiful. Bears r. unusually
numerous in the upper peninsula woods
this fall and a large number have lately
beea killed in Algeir. Luce and Mackinac
counties. In ' the district west of St.
Marie very large numbers of them have
been seen. , The bears killed have been
found to be in fine condition..
" Dan Van Housen, who has been taking
order, for several weeks, hat been rep
resenting th. Woodburn Nursery i. ex
pecting a car load of 60.000 . trees to
arrive within a few days. The major
portion of the car being winter apples.
This meant a large increase in orchard
acreage of the valley. This of course
only represents a portion of the trees
sold in the valley this fall as other nurs
eries have had agents taking orders and
cur home nurseries have booked hund
reds of orders. Union county will toon
have thousands of acres in apples besides
other fruits and trainloads will be shipped
out instead of carloads.
Attacked on both flanks the Hearst fire
is being diverted from Hughes to Root
and Crocker. The last three days of the
campaign is to be repel their onslaughter.
Tammany today is in a chactic state.
The defeat of Hearst means the unhors
ing of Murphy and a tf organization of
lines clearly drawn. All of the forces of
McLellan and every interest for Hearst
is now unequivocal for Hughes, Crocker
is expected to return aftor the election
to give advice in the organization.
Los Angeles, Nov. 3 Timothy Spellacy
state Democratic chairman today sent the
following telegram to chairman Connor, of
the" New York Democratic committee.
"In California Hearst refused Democrats
justice. California Democrats pleads
with the Democrats of New York to nd
our party of riot and rot by repudiating
Hearst at the Polls."
(Scrlpps" News Association)
Washidgton Nov. 3 Acting Secretary
Keep today announced a shortage of
$61,500 as shown by the accounts of the
subtreasurv at St Louis and said that
Orby who has been investigating will
return today and have his report ready
by next week.
iScrlrps .w. AitnocUtlon )
Seattle. Wash., Njv. 3 Tr.ree section
men were by sincka and gas in
tha Cascade tunnel ine on the Great
Northern yesterday. The dead are Mau
rice Delaney. Jjhn Baker. John Bridcctt.
The cause was pocr ventilation.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington. Nov. 3 President Roose
velt it running today in many states.
His name does not appear on the ballot
but hit record and principles, are being
used to brinf the people together in be
half of good gove rnment. Altho this it
an off year, the President hat shown his
inr.rM Hy Citisi. ..wuiosi. to
all parts of the country where the neces
sity of securing members of congress fav
orably to his policy is paramount Th.
greatest interest centers in the state of
New Jfork and it appeart that his effort,
to save the state from being carried by
Hearst is successful. Hearst however, it
ttill an unknown quantity with which
Hughes must reckon, but all signs on
the surface peint to aland slid, which .
will overwhelm rh ti t... i- . ..
meant certain but th. best prediction,
that can be mad. today is favorable
to th. Republicans.
"crip ps New. Association)
London. Nov.. J Th. wedding took
place her. today of Mis. May Cavendish
Bentick, daughter of Mrs. Cm. Cavendish
Bentick, who wat Mitt Elizabeth Living
ston of New York, th. twin sister of Mr..
Ogden Mills and Mr. John Ford flrtt
Secretary of th. Brittish Legation at
Copenhagen. Mr. Ford it the ton of
the lata Sir Ford, who died
while Brittish Ambassador at Rome,
(Scrlpps Newt Association)
New York, Nov. 3.-Mr. Walter Dam
rosh opened this teasons Symphony Con
cert in th. Carnegi. Hall. Among th.
soloists were Mm. Schumonn-Link.,
Moritz Rosenthal, Josel Levinne. Eugene
Yeaye, Leo Schulz and Mme Oadski.
(Hcrlpps News Association)
St. Paul. Minn,, Nov. 3 The Chicago
& Great Western and the Chicago St.
Paul &, Minneapolis and the Omaha roads
today granted an increase of wages to
telegraph operators ranging from fivt to
twelve dollars a month.
(Observer Special)
lokio. Nov. 3 Today it th. birthday
of th. Mikado and, it i. safe to say that
th. anniversary of No, 3. 1852, on
which day Emperor Mutenshito was
born, wat never celebrated with so much
enthusiasm and to generally at this year.
Chrysanthemums ruled th. day. Th.
sixteen-petaled chrysanthemum being th.
crest of th j Emperor th. flower stands
in high esteem in Japan and is extremely
usea on hit birthday to add hut.v nrf
color to th. artittie decorations in which
m wowium vav.. 1 1 iv victorious .na-
ing of the recent war and tha war-lika
enthusiasm of tha populace contributed
impressive color. The morning wat .de
voted to a review of th. trooDs after
which th. who!, country gave way to
fesivities of all kinds. The city wat gaily
decorated with chrysanthemum, and"
flowers of all kinds and presented more .
th. appearance of a hothouse than a lively
business city, '
New York. Nn. S All .lan.n...
houses and places of business are oailv
decorated today the occasion being the'
birthday of the Emporer Mutenshito of
.For the past few days a peculiar story found a lantern and a companion and went
has been making the rounds of the valley
about a strange woman and what she has
been doing at various places throughout
the valley,' Today the reports were veri
fied by residents of Surr.merville who
visited in La Grande.
The story they relate is to th. effect
that early this week a little girl attending
school in the Iowa district, locate' mid
way between Island City and Summer
ville, went to the privy in the rear of the
school and discovered a strange woman
lying under the porch of the outbuildinu.
Becoming frightened, the hurried to th.
school, hut as the teacher is a gentleman
she refrained from telling of her dis-
covoryand it was not until that night that
the little girl mustered up courage enough
to relate what she saw to her teacher's
! wife. On learninzof the fact tha teaehnr
least !
(fc'crlMn News Axsoolutlon)
Washington. (D. C. Nov. 3-Chairman
Greggs of the Democratic cgressional
commission claims that the democrats
will control the next house by a' leasts
majority of twenty. This is the
official pred c'irn.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago Nov. 5 Charies Thysi, an
oiler aboard the steamer Mack, while en
tering the Calumet river today, thrust
h:s head out of a tort hole while
a draw and was dacapited.
to the outbuilding. Here they found
traces of human habitation, for under tha
outbuilding wars nf r.lnthmn ...k
at quilts and a bear skin.. The cavity
under the porch had been enlarged 6y ;
digging . with hands. They found th.
traces but not the individual.
Further investigations were fruitiest.
However, a day or to afterwardt, th.
Dune Mercheson farm wat visited by
this same unknown person and after con
siderable threats, she wat prevailed upon
to leave the house, going, no on. knows
where. Sh. has neither been seen or
heard of eince.
It is supposed that she it an escaped
lunatic or else she is an insane that hat
not yet been Incarcerated. Her presence
in the , valley has put a0 quietus on the
after-dark wanderings of the children.
pasvr.g i
(Scrlpps News Association) i e
Washington. Nov. 3 -it is slated on I
high authority today that the government !
will undoubtedly make representations to
Japanese officer who yesterday was j
caugnt in Disguise making sketches and Z
taking data on the fortifications in and
about Manila. Japan it certain to disa-
We seiect rubbergoods carefully because careful choosing is necessarv A
slight difference in quality makes a big difference in the time such goods last.
Just now
are very seasonable and we have good ones at most reasonable prices. A
hot water bottle is the moit Suitable antidote for cold feet. It is also con
stantly useful for curing pa;n of every sort. Heat is the harmless cure for
pain. Full line, also, of fountain, bulb and combination syringes and other
rubber goods. f
Laprande, Oregon.
vow responsibility and apo'og ze.
,.. SSSSSSSi.....
. ...... "... ?Z'ZM.imn vm stww uf
hmJ" i Ir istufned thit morning
Jttf EElLiSJiEiUM.vrwT i
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Mt ttllf IHMMUM