NEW FURNITURE 4 QUAKER PUFFED OATS The new breakfast food. A CAR LOAD JUST UNLOADED AMD ON DISPLAY LargeJ consignment Just received A trial order will convince you that '3 23 it is just what you have been look ing for. Ask for it. IMo breakfast is complete without it. TrtE'CITY GROCERY AND BAKCRY E. POLACK, Propr. WAN TiE D Hay, Grain, Apples, and any other Farm Produce i lfftii maw hftvft. j - j . ... . . '.i-rtis... - I a -r-r we are in the market tor mat from onetoouu ions; aiso uio in any 4 quantity, and all the fresh eggs you have. ., WE ARE READY NOW to contract for your apple orchards and your potatoes. "!;... ... . tl k(. ll A PPMrM RrO rhif u,a cat UTOUCCT IviAnnci rmuco rur an p -ouuuo anu Miai we are jumiy uu tna opui with the MONEY as soon as goods are delivered. TO THE TRADE: We will say: We have a nice lot of Fancy hay, oats, rolled barley in our Warehouse, which we offer to the local trade in a retail way, at wholesale prices. We also have Honey, Cabbage, Dry Onions, rarrAle Pn.tna. dnnlft. anH Vinomr tnw eala .......... A CARLOAD OF PAPER, Wrapping paper. Wix paper dishes, Pulp f plates. Paper Oyster pails and Paper baggs all sizes, and also twine. We 2 bought this car before the advance in paper, therefore we can give you ad- f vantage in prices. BUY your SUPPLIES NOW. 4 PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company ..... t j - We i I Mean Business! WE ARE HERE FOR KEEPS AND DON'T YOU FORGET. Our business is constantly on the increase, and we see no rear- n why we enouia aisconunue. uur stock or staple and fancy groceries is c implete in J J way and our system of transacting business seems to please the general public. If you would like to get better acquainted with money saving to customers methods give us a trial order. We would appreciate a ! call from you and we will attempt to merit your confidence. including Iron Bed,. Spring, Matresse,. Dresser,, Chifforiser,. Cupboards, Bed " " and Dining Chair,, linoleum,, and Matting. We Intend Disposing of th.. ENTllt H PMENT before Thanksgiviug. To do .hi, quick'y we are giving the Public LOWER PR C PS on every a-fr k.nVA.. ran nouiblvbuv elsewhere. You are Cordialy lovit-d t can and ...... r j Inspect these Goods and Learn our Price,. Prices Ras nabi? remem;ber our HFATERS and RANGES STOVE BOOMS and STOVE PIPE. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 E. D. MAI ST EN 14. '5 Adams Ave Phone Black 641 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store SE OtR TIN AND GKAM1C WARE, CROftttRY AND HARD VV A R ) 'it. La Grande Evening OUserver FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2. 1906 Published daily, except on Sunday One year in advance $6.50 Six months in advance 3.5 Pr month 65c Single copy..'.. 5e Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will not pubiish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles end sav disappointment. ADVEKJISINU KATES Unlay Ad rule furnished ova ytueiv .oral rending nni Ice 10c per 1 1 lie first Inset tlon, jo per tint for each Mutejuent inset Hon. HtiotnUuuH of condolence, c ; er Hue. ards ot Ihuclift, V per line. there is good authority for the statement j that th Indian copulation of the Pacific i J coast as well as the entire country has always been over estimated. The Indian population of the state by counties is as follows as shown' by the report of the Labor Commission. Benton, 1; Clackamas, 2; Clatsop, 21; Coos, 63; Curry, 33; Douglas. 138; Grant, S; Jackson, 6; Josephine, 6: Klamath, 7; Lake, 35; Lane. 54; Lincoln, 413; Malheur, 20: Marion, 636; Multno mah, 12;Polk, 149; Sherman, 1; Tilla mook, 144; Umatilla, 1009; Wasco. 80; Washington, 2; Yamhill. 195; Total 2925. V A f) BUY A Jlw'StayS&ttsfiirtoty'K&rtgc ! SEATTLE , GROCERY STORE LAWSON BROS. Prop. 4 B. W. NOYES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Deale Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phono Black 1161 Hamilton Building. Corner Fir and Adams Aver.ue Washington county is the only csuntyin the state where the -three hundred dollar exemption have been allowed, since the supreme court declared the practice un- nstitutional. On next Tuesday thirty-four states hold their elections, but generally speak ing New York is about ail the masses are interested in, in other wares the New York campaign is the c,ef attraction on the political board. The Colorado again flows to the sea, the waters of the big -river after many months of emptying in the Salton sink having been restrained by a concrete constructed bank in place of the one washed out nearly a mile long. Rock and gravel in immense quantities were filUd in on the river side of the wall. It cost the Southern Pacific railroad a million dollars to turn the big river back and send it on to the Gulf of California. But it is a paying p'oposition, as five times in two years the railroad was compelled to move its trak back from the encroach ing waters, lengthening the distance over forty miles. Then $25,000,000 in prop erty, the homes of ten thousand people have been saved. Salt works that gave the railroad thousands of carloads of freight annually will again be able to -resume operations. The paid-up capital of the chartered banks of Canada increased dunrg the six months ending December 31. 1935. from $82,999,900, to $85,294,213. The bank deposits rose, during ne same period, from $468,571,648 to $512,227, 733. PASTURE FOR RtNT Persons desiring first class green pas ture with running water should inquire at the La Grande National Bank. 4 V W. H. BOH N K A MP CQ : Hardware, Stoves and furniture Crockery and Building Mat I Hand Bags and Purses j I FW !!F .1'. iST fiRniV'Fli It is most creditao:e to the Chicago Tribune that it has har.aed c .er to credi tors of the wrecked Milwaukee bank the $5000 reward ser.t :y the Chicago Clearing House to its marag.r.g editor, James Keeley. hr arresting Stt-s- and in Morocco. It has aiso reieaseJ the county from expenses, wtven exeunt to $5000. This act s.-,cvs the sp.r:t tkat guides a great pa;er. to ; ) .o,),). l. li. STKWAHD. Proprietor and Mgr FRIDAY, NOV. 2 BEACH & BOVVERS' FAMOUS MINSTRELS An All Feature, preponderous aggregation of minstrel talent, such as the world never dreamed of seeing at one time. A number of our peep e are watchr.g with much interest tr.e resjit of tre work now being do-.e ct ne Aureita mine up Grande R;r.ce r.ver aid tnere is every reason to bei.eve tiat th s will not be a disappo ntrr.ent and tat ,t will be the mea-s of c.her t,:1's be ng placed on other prcpert esin t-at mineral belt. THE SHOW THAT HRESENTS- MORE LNEWJ FEATURES, NOVELTIES. SENSATIONS . ow man any minstrel tympany Traveling Big Band and Orchestra J-0Z?c, J50c and 25c 0MUO ILO . ""'I'Mmwi. .n. w The protection of gir.e in the State of Oregon is costing tne ptip e cf this state in the neighborhood of $30,030 a year. Up to September 30 of the present year the expenditures from the game fund for the protection of game Is Disease a Crime ? very lime HL.I- n pupnlnr muirrlnr p!llisl'(i an ciii'Mriiil nv...-li' in whiHi tin' writer a-M-rifil. in siiIi-mik'c t'i,n mi disgust' MioiiM N- ri':irdi'(l ii I'l'iinmal. Certain it S. tint tittit-ti nf i h- sk-SitH'SS ami siiITit'iiil' i'l niiiiiliiiil is due tn llie vinliilioli n( I'lTiam nf Xaliiiv's liiws. Hut tn wiv all sii-kn.s flinulil lis ri'iianlril as onminal. 1:111st uh'1 to I cvitv rva-oiin'.ilr iiHivliiiutl us radically j a wruiii;. ! a It would U- liar"h. uwymiiiiihctlc, cruel, yes criminal, to ennilemii the pimr, weak. uver-uur.iil liiniew iie wlm sinU; iiinler tile heay luait of luuiseliolil euros uml Imrileiis. ami -ullers (mm weak-Iie-ses. vanms ili-ilacemenis o( pelvic organs aiul mner ileraiiiieiiieiits peculiar to lier sex. Fri'uuent Unrlne ef I'Mldren. with lt ex seiinK nemaniN u-ttn Hie s..tem, eitupled with the fare, witity ttml UUi' of reanmr a Utye faniily. Is eftfii the rmie of weak n"s'. 4lei'iuiirimrti; mxl (ii-ltilny wliii-h are tATariiivateti ..v id- ninny hoiiM-hoel rares, tiui the imnl. anil eever-entlihkr woiU which the mother 'Tillei! uimn to iM-rform. Ir. Fierce, the niaker of itmt wiirUl-fatneil reni ty for woniatr Hi'iillar weakneNe ami ills lr. Pierce's Vavotue rrescrtiithm -vays that oueuf the krri-ati".t otNiiclM tuhe euro of this elaHof t'laluilK'N iihe fact that tho pHir. over-work"i hoiiM'Wife i an not iret tiie necileil rest fi-om Imt many lntiiHeholil caret and 'alHir to ei.atle her to secure from the use of hls"Prv. riitlon" Its full henellts. It 1 a mailer of fretnient eperlenc. he ys, in his extensive iracic in these cases, to meet wiih those in which his treatment falls by reason of the iiatleut Inahllity to aiisiain fruni hard work hum enouvh to be cured. Wild those satlerintr from prolapsus, ante Terslon ami n-trorersion uf the uterus or other displacement of the womanly onrans. It la rery necesnarv that. In addition to lak lnir his "Favorite PreserlMion " ther alstaiii from tielnn very much, or for ion perlmis. on their feet. All neavy HttlnK 01 straining- of any kind stnuld also be avoldisl. As much out-door air as possible, with moderate, liarlil enen'lse Is also ery Important. I,et the patient nlwrvs thesi' rulm and tha"raior lt Presa ription " will do the rest. Dr. I'leree's Medical Adviser I vnXfrrt on receipt of 1nmps to pav expense nf mailinij onlu. ts,.id to Dr. tt. V. Pierce. U..IT..I.. XT V n. . .. . . t one-cent stumps tor pa- IIAXD BAGS We have the new style sh. pping bags in Alligator. Seal. Morocco and Walrus. The new Automobile bty!e. with fine leather lining. Jeatiier cover ed frames, hand sewed purse, and card case to match. A. T. Prescription Druggist Gentlemen's Purses Dill hooks and tard oases in Seal, f Mocha. Pg Skin and Buck Skin. The new novelty 1 Com and Bill Purses Aitoni')hile Caps. ' Pi Skin Wallets, Puzzle Purses, Leg Purses and Coin. Bags of all . kinds. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE Hll Ll 0 LA GRANDE. OR aggregated $2 1 ,000. At fee same rate V". r 31 itampti for cloth-oound. or claims paid frsm that fund will be &Ae Jftarmers ana Tjracteft 7atonai Siank .a 1. . . . . . . fnr th. r.m.l.. ( .1 it sick consiiii ine iKH tor. Tree ot Cuar(Te for the remainder of t-.e year the total by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential IW til n - -, Til . I. . 1 1 . , , coo nnn u ! ' lrrlr " iesain i eiieu inviirorive 8.uuu, to which trust be added $1700 regulaf atorokeb. liver tod bowela salary and expenses of the Carre and 1 apaaaaaa-a-aaiiMM Forestry Warden ""t-fg a tct! of $29,700 of vis h e eiperses of garre protection. It is the same cid story. It it the sur vive of the fittest. Oregon of today only haa 2900 Indian. It s easily within the memory of many cf our people when the rWnrl jnn(j, vaVeyjewUinej as many . J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material Building Stone. Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande. Oreeon Capital.. ... Surplus and Undivided Property Liabilities of Shartholders Responsibility $ 60,000.00 15.000.00 60.000.00 $135,000.00 Conducted under Supervision of United States Bank Examiners. SAFE AND RELIABLE Glad to continue old enstomers and pleased to meet new. AGeneral Banking and Exchange Business Conducted. Loansmade onjapproved Security. Highest Market Price paid for Union County Warrant, and City of La Grande Warrants. Be's for Saie. Isure to call on us when you hava warrant Pro a tin naming work, and I will r