La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 02, 1906, Image 1

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' 6 P Your Mnnpv A t
Nome And W ate h The X o w n Grow
B 7 J
fill ARGUE
(Scrlpps News Association)
Minnesota City Minn.. Nov. 2 The an
nual crop of Cranberry is now almost
harvested and it would be safe to estim-
ate the full crop of (he United States
I this season at 1 P'bushals of which
400.0;0, busfj jjbs needed for
' Thanksg vinj m-r earliest crop
I comes f rrf J I Cner the berry
was finjf Q. J
i ne m
ML .
0, bussJ Jta ne
igvinj -r earl
fr" t t ner -
'j ... ... ; m .... t x
Bartlett art
, withanatt) ..
up again BitTteTffl5o!rri ore Crcnir sumer will narhanVv
Judge Eakin and was set ft trial at the ! per quart for berriosX 7
Fsbruary term of court .lessors Bart- '
lett and Gardinier wereery anxious for (ROCKf R AGAINST HEARST
irr,Wdiate trial and throl Crawford & rSnrip,,. News Association)
Cftwford. who repreoentTvn. made a I Dublin Nov. 2-Richard Crocker
nra ngni to nave the case tikv uo at 1 former Tammv leader.
lited Statet
sets in.
4st the crop
') Wisconsin.
nberry states
season. One
300.000 bu.
year will
"ile the con-
kv ft rnr.
todav reiterates
this time, but the Judge stated that Tie did j his praise in the action taken bv McCar -
rens in deserting HeaiS He says "Every
body in New York who wishes to support
sammoning a special jury and also stated I the Democratic organization should follow
that hi had missgivings regarding tha j the example set by McCarren. .
legality ot a jury so summoned. Mr.
not Me fit to do so. stating that he did
not 7h to cause the . extra expense of
Crawford stated that his clients were
willing to wave all questions of legality of
' the jury or the indictment if they could
secure a trial at once.
Whin the Judge stated that he would '
saUhe trial for February Mr. Crawford '
at once asked permission to withdraw the I
plea of not guilty and thereby be in a I
DOSltifin to file a demur tn tha nrioinal I
information. The Judge granted this re
quest tj set Tuesday at two o'clock for
(Scrlpps News Association)
Salem Ind. Nov. 2 Charles Williams
acting cashier of tt Citizens bank com
mitted suicide by shooting himself in the
vault with a shot gun thi morning.
i i Scrlpps News Association)
Pittsburg Nov. 2 James McMillian,
Affad 65. a. manufactura. aaant. wa.
the time of listening to the argument to j found murdered near his home, early this
set aside the indictment. j morning, with his pockets rifled.
m mm
(Scrlppn News Association)
San Francisco, Nov. 2 The Japanese
consul and Secretary of the Interior Met
calf went into a secret conference this
morning to discuss tha exclusion of Jap
anese children from San Francisco schools.
The air of mystery maintained by the
secretary and the consul has led to a
circulation of various rumors, one of which
s to the effect that the consul it in pos
session of important instructions from hit
home government. Another is that Met
calf had additional instruction from
Washington of great importance.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Manila, Nov. 2 A Japanese, Captain
of an engineer corps was caught today
while snatching the fortifications of the
Island, in disguise. Ha will be reported
- - .
Seasonable Suits and Overcoats
j -hp-
Kirschbaum clothing and other
cassimeres, and cheviotts.
Bslow are a few of our good numbers.
I nk 20097 Medium small combination
effect, double breamed Dark gray
Lot 18994 Heavy Dark blue cassimere
' I - ir.el'ent winter dressy suit
Lot 1 35 19 Navy b!ue serge fine quality double breast,
pecially neat for young men
A few words about Kirsch
haums suits and overcoats. You
can give 20.00 to 25.00 Dollars
for a suit of Kirschbaum clothes
and derive 60.00 or 75.00 Dol
lars worth of good impression
from them. That is the great
secret about Kirschbaum clothes
which men all over the country
are beginning to learn. The
clothes are cut the same as the
fashionable London and New
York tailo's cut theirs; they are
. made from fine toned fabrics
and tailored almost by hand.
They cost yon no more than any
other make. But there is a dis
tinct class difference between
The popular materials are t worsteds.
check and plaid
worsted very stylish
$20 00
ie greatest overcoat in America" is one of the well earned titles of the
Kirschbaum plant. The best styles we carry are the medium and shaped
back. Velvet ollars ind Princess serge linings) The chief materials are
Melton, Worsteds. Moniaise and Kersies and Cheviott..
Note a few of our bij values. . ' .
Lot 36283
A ) v ij 1
V V" f ;'A I
r At S5S33 Heavy back cheviott. velvet eol-tf I A ((
Lt?. everywhere far SI 5.00 our price $IU UU
i f 0177,5 Heavv Kersey extra gooa immj
mother spec''
Gray Cassimere. c-od we oht well r sC e f
made, a great wearer ... 4 U.DU
Fur Coats $22 00 tO $50-00
far the handsomest we have ever show. From our immense stock we
i. Pnd a fit for every foot, a style for every taste, and a price that
can easny i'u ...!...,.
Note the offering:
fii nlease eve'y purse.
2810 Men's Pat. Calf, new toe.,very fine .
Kangaroo Kid. Blucher. non-scuff, very pliable
Lot 2813
Lot 2559 Velour Calf, heavy sole. Banker toe. neat uppers
has unit
P 0
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago Nov. 2 The Republicans in
making their forecast of the results of
tha Tuesday election are most sanguine.
Ths Democrats conceed a plurality to the
Republicans. The Republicans expect to
poll nearly 700,000 votes and place the
Democrats vote at 300,000.
The Socialists claim they 'will have
between 80,000 and 90.000.
Both Democrats and Republicans agree
there are four doubtful congressional
district in the state. There is very
little opposition to the re-eiection of con
gressman Joseph Cannon, who only mide
on speech in hit district.
i Scrlpps News Association) :?
London, Nov. 2 The Jewish, xodus
from Russian by land and ,saa has sud
denly commenced again on a large scale.
Numbers are sailing on RussiaiiStcam
ships for New Yorn and Philadelphia.
These are principally small capitalists
and artisians who prefer to leave Russia
before their limited means are exhausted
thru the increasing industrial depression
Two thousand sailed this week.
(Scrlpps News Association) .
Patterson, N. J.Nov. 2 Goods made
'romtin plat which includes, products
of the American Company and all ether
comptnies in the same line off business
t. . ... i - . ,
.. uuuu t(iwll t.jl u vltwau Ui
the Increased cost of tin plate, also pig
tin and pig lead. It i from the, two last
products that soldier I mad for the
manufacturer of can. The9 increase
applies to everything ezcept pickers,
can price of which have not been decided
on a tha season does not btgin until
January. In some cases the ad vane It
qual to 25 per cent. i "
FOR lift
County superintendent E. E. Bragg's
office in the court house looks like a lib
rary hit by a cyclone. While the super
intendent i - figuratively covered up with
'books, he is still able to oversee the proper
distribution of the two thousand books
that lie arranged on tables, chair and the
floor. The bo.ks. which wih be apport
ioned to the sixty districts of the county
are the first consignment of the Oregon
Lhrary Commission which was constit
uted last year. At that time a ten cent
tax was imposed on each child, and in
Bragg' office can be seen the first bene
fit derived from this excellent law.
Bacutifully and substantially bound,
written by the best writers, and deal
ing with subjects that every sohool child
should knewthey are of immense value.
They deal witHhistory, geography myths
and a few heavier subjects, suitable for
advanced students.
The Commission rules that the dis
tribution shaU be in accordance to the
school population and therefor La Grande
gets about one quarter of the entire lot.
The remainder will be distributed on the
same basis to other districts.
The choice of books for this county was
made by Mr. Bragg from a list prepared
by the secretary of the commission, Mis
Cornelia Marvin, a lady who has estab
lished a reputation in the east for ability
to choose books suitable for school child
ren. While the choice of books for La
Grande was left to Prof.. Hockenberry,
the books that will be sent to the rural
and outlying town schools were selected
by Mr. Bragg and Miss Kuhn.
With the annual consignment which the
commission is to produce, the schools of
Union county will ere many years have
libraries of actual worth, not the kind
that decorate the walls, but ones that
contain of information and know
ledge. The msvement certainly is com
mendable. Tne fund which Union county secured
for library purpose was $438.54 with an
additional $10.84 which the Grange
school district subscribed. For this rea
son the Grange school gets a trifle
larger apportionment than Others.
iff m
Ccrlpps Nfcors Association)
Richmond Nov. 2 The Stat Con
vention of th Christain Churches of Vir
ginia which commenced on Monday was
orot V3 a close last nignt. I her was a
large attendance at th sessions and
important business in connection with
missionary work, schools etc was trans
acted. Among the speaker at th con
vention were A. McClean, W. J. Wright,
and Herbert Monminger of Cincinatti
G. W. Buckley Kansas City. J. H. Mohor
ter of St Lojis, Mrs. Ida Harrison Lex
ington Ky. and Miss Ella Maddock of
Ind. .
(Scrlpps News Association) '
Sandusky Nov. 2 In accordance with
the bill int rod uced by Senator Foraker
and passed by congress the Hon. Wm
Elliott U. S. Commissioner for. marking
joldier AgJiyasJiat just cpmpJedjriVt
ing the graves in the Confederate cem
etery on Johnsons Island. The cemetery
was recently purchased by Robert Pat
ten of Cincinatti.
(.Scrlpps News Association)
Rome, Nov. 2 The Italian Govern
ment has decided to send a new expedi
ticn to Pendair of a scientific and politi
cal character. One of the main objects
of this expedition, which will have the
duke of Abruzzi as its head, will be to
define the limits of t Italian sphere of
influence in reference to Abyssinia and
Brittish Somaliland. The expedition will
start immediately.
, The Elgin Short line this evening brot
to La Grande. Sheriff J. Blakely who
with L. F. Bosewell and E . F. Sargent
Salem wher he will spend the rest of
hi life in th penitentiary for murdering
"Brick" Johnson last spring. Chart
Grasssr convicted of horse stealing and
sentenced to one year in the penitentiary
wa also in tha custody of th sheriff.
During two hour that John. Bar was
in th city last vning hundred gather
ed at th depot, and by a general cran
ing of neck nearly all got a gllmps of
th man who from now on will b a
convict, many long years, for ha ia
only 52 year oTag. In a raspons to a
question whether or not he expected oorj-,.
viction during the trial he said he figured
on getting a few years but a life
term had never entered hi mind.
"Yes I bad farewell to my family be-
fore coming away. That wa last even
ing, (Wednesday) but I didn't see them
this morning w left there too early for
them to see me. My eldest child is four ,
years old and my youngest four months."
Further inquirie divulged that his wife it
a frail little woman who will have to be
supported by her own folk who live in
Wallowa county. Replying to a sugges
tion that good behavior would perhaps
shorten his imprisonment, ! said, "Yes I
am not a hot headsd fellow and have al-
had business with until the shooting scrap
and think I can get along alright there.'
Bare has none of the "Doughty appear
anceandmany expressions of sympathy for
j him-eere heard .from the spectator who
crowded around him.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Sheridan, Wyoming Nov. 2 Corres
pondents with the troops deny that the
Cheyennes and soldiers fought near Ash
la'.d state that the troops never saw any
Indian. It is reported here that tha
Indians burned the building on the "O. W"
ranch but the report is discredited,
(Scrlpps New Association)
Chisago, Nov. 2 Leonard Leopold, the
drug clerk, alledged to be implicated in
the murder of Miss Margaret Leslie, was
arrested at Wausau, in Wisconsin, accord
ing to a dispatch from the chief of police
of that city who says the prisoner admits
that he is Leopold. The police of this
city say the prisoner admits his connectio
with the crime and that he got the diamonds.
Next Sunday Mrs. Nettie Sleeth of
Portland will deliver two lectures In La
Grand under the auspices of th W. C.
T. U. Th morning address can be
heard at tha M. E. Church and the even
ing lecture in the Presbyterian church.
She is a fluent speaker, earnest and con
scientious worker, and her addressee
should draw a good crowo.
(Scrlpps News Association) -
Pittsburg, Nov. 2 The Carnegie Plow
Manufacturing plant was destroyed by
fire this morning. The loss is $250,000.
Phone Black 130
ws as mrr i'eVaTa A
Vergere o. 27
(Kcrlpps News Association)
San Francisco. Nov. 2-Arguments on!
the injunction restra'ning Abe Ruef and j
his followers from interfering with Dis-
trict Attorney Walter A. Langdon in the! a
discharge of his duties began this morn-1
The court room was crowded. Affidavits
from Ruef and acting Mayor Gallagher
was presented and contained complete
denials of all assertions contained in
Langdon's complaint. The affidavits also
contained a statement denying that Ruef
had ever contemplated taking the office
by force. Ruef and Langdon were both
on the stand but nothing of importance
was asked.
We select rubbergoods carefully because careful choosing i necessary. A
slight difference in quality makes a big difference in the time such goods last.
Just now
are very seasonable and we have good ones at most reasonable prices. A
hot water bottle is the most suitable antidote for cold feet. It is also con
stantly useful for curing pain of every sort. Heat is the harmless cure for
pain. Full line, also, of fountain, bulb and combination syringes and other
rubber goods.
La'Grande, Oregon.
4 A .M