- ".1: : w: H' Is St" V. 1. BETTER THAN EVER We can serve y ou better than ever before; better goods, larger assortment, more novelties; and in spite of the rising mar ket at practically the same prices that pre vailed last year. Women's. Misses' and Children's new fall coats and skirts. New patterns almost daily. . The 'widespread interest manifested in our '06 Fall Garments is due to the attractive- t nessand authoritative character of the styles and the extraordinary values at popular prices ' $8.50, $10.50 $15.00 For Women' New Fall Coats in oft plaids, charming greys and browns and the like. Some of the most clever models of the early season. Every garment beautifully tailored and cor rect in At and style. $3.00, $4.25, $5.00, $6.00 Misses' New Fall Coats in all the popular styles and colors. At these prices w are showing many styles made by men tailors in the best possi ble manner. $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50 CHILDREN'S COATS In bearskin, astrakhan, crushed vel vet, and cloth in white, blue, red and brown, the most beautiful line we have ever shown. , MILLINERY We have established a separate department for this line and, having secured th6 ser vices of a milliner who has had several years' experience in San Francisco and other large cities, we feel confident that we are as well prepared to take care of the ladies' wants in this line as any house in the city. , All the latest novelties in pattern, trimmed and street hats. Come in and look them over whether yea' want to buy or not -ALWAYS WELCOME MEN'S YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING $7.50, $10.00 $12.50 $15.00, $17.00 The latest and best in Cassimeres, Worsteds and Clays for every day wear or dress. $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 $7.50, $10.00 Many new and nobby things in this line, good material and nicely tailored. $2.25, $2,75, $5.00 Everything from the good strong ones to the dressy Buster Browns and Sailors. 11 THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1508, 1310. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE Janzo.st Store B Smallest Prices LOCAL ITEMS a IHMMM.MtlllMf.IMMI.MI A Square Deal c. GEO. T. PARR, B. SIMMONS, President Sec'y and Mgr. PHONE MAIN 21 PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits, Hay. Potatoes and Grain ::: Apples a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Now HIGHEST PRICES PAID Jefferson Ave. and Greenwood St. Call and see us before you se',1 La Grande. Oregon SOCIETY t Sarah and Marion Smith and Runa B:con will entertain about twenty-five of their lit'.le friends at a Halloween party at the C. T. Bacon residence tomorrow Mrs. Wm. Erickson will entertain a party of young people at her home Thurs day at a masquerade card party. On Saturday evening she entertains a party of lady and gentlemen friends at Five Hundred. On account of the death of Miss Henry Mesdames E. E. Komig and J. B. Stod dard and Miss Stoddard have posponed their party which was announced for to morrow evening. Dan Sommer who had been in the city returned to Elgin this morning. . S. N. Bolton is in North Powder today on business. T. T. Glen returned yesterday from a bjsiness trip to Walla Walla. . W. 1. Dishman transacted business in the city this morning, from Elgin. George Good, manager of the Foley rouse, lett last evening for, grants Pass. J. J. Miller is in La Grande from Union. Father Vhjte is visiting friends in E gin today. J. B. Gilham returned today from Portland where he has been transacting business. John Wilson has returned from Port lind. He went there for medical treat ment and returns much improved. C. S. Van Duyne, proprietor of the Little Racket store is in Elgin today on business. J. K. Wright who has been in Spokane for the past few days returned this morn ing. Rev. and Mrs. S. W.Seemann of Union are in the city and will soend a few davs visiting Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Hays. , Presiding Elder J. D. Gillil an rfttiirnnri last evening from Wallowa countv and ba home today and tomorrow. Mrs. M. Block who has bean viiitino in the city for the past week returned to Portland today. Miss Nina Hunstock is lamin i(h ituJlu i'ur spending two day with her mother in Baker City. Rev. Robinson, pastor of the Baptist church in the Cove, who has been in the city for the past two days returned home this morning. C. B. Simmons manager of the Parr S:mmons company returned this morning from Portland where he went on a busi ness trip. There will be a special short service in the Central Church of Christ this evening. All members are asked to attend and invite their neighbors. Mr, and Mrs. Charles R. MeBriri. nf Tooele Utah have been spending a week in La Urande visiting their son, Prof Lyman McBride of the public schools of this city. Charles Noyes who nas been visitins his family for the past month returns this evening to Stevens where has been em ployed in the sawmill for the past several month s. Mrs. Wm. Conditt returned this morn ing from a visit to friends and relatives Portland and vicinity. She also visited friends in Walla Walla, where she wa a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed. Attorney T. A. Crawford returned Ut night from Wallowa county where he was attending court. Court adjourned last evening and it is exDected that JuHith Eakin and Attorney lvanhoe will arrive either this evening or tomorrow evening James Gardinier. T. E.Buehler. and A V. Andrews have returned from their hunting trip at Arlington. While they returned with five large geese they report the weather to warm and the ireesa soared too high for any extraordinary records. HEATING STOVES It it time to think about heating stoves. I have a nice J line to select from, all sizes and prices. If you are j thinking of getting a stove call and examine them, and J I am sure you will find one that will suit you. My J magazine coal heater is a wonder, it is wondertui now . ... . :A II ? it will save coal. Try and you win De convwu. , F I MRS-T-N. MURPHY Hardware and crockery. Jim .! IF YOU NEED GLASSES Don't wait for a Traveling Optician ; ; Gall on one to whom you can turn for satisfaction in ; : the future I have all modern Eye Machinery, such as ; ; no traveling optician could possibly carry with him. A panor equal to any in Portland in which to make the -test. My glasses have always given satisfaction. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. The Neighborhood Club met this after noon in the club rooms. The study of English History was especially interesting today as it dealt with the origin of the Holy grail and founding of Knighthood The story of Pars.fal was yet fresh on the minds of the hearers and it was with interest that the correction of that story with today's study, was discussed. The many other interesting historical events during the reign of the Piantagenetes were briefly studied. PROGRAM OCT. 30. 1906 Describe a river in the United Kingd.m whose initial letter is the same as your own. English History paBes 64 to 122 Leader Mrs. S. Ing'e English Antiquit.es Mrs. I. King Paper Religion of the Early Britons Mrs. E. B. Hays Reading from Robert Burns Mrs.M. V. Mallory O. M. HEACOCK JEWLER & OPTICIAN La Grande, Oregon BOUND OVER Joe Veit was arraigned this morning before Recorder Snook acting a l.t;,.. of the Peace, charged with stealing a gold watch chain and razor from a Greek camp to the value of $39. The defend ant refused the services of an attorney simply making statement that he had purchased the articles from some stranger He was bound over to the sum of $400, in default of which he is now languish ing in the county jail. RE-ELECTED W. (. T. U. PRESIDENT (Scrlppa News Association) Hartford Conn. Oct. 30 Mrs. Lillian Stevens of Portland Maine was re-elected National President of the W. C. T. U. to day. FORRESTERS BALI The Forresters of America have de cided to hold their annual Thanksgiving ball Thursday evening Nov. 29. Nothino will be left undone which will make this the most enjoyable affair of the season. The Forresters have the reputation for giving especially enjoyable dances and this will be no exception to the rule. ALASKAN GOLD OUTPUT (Scrlppa New Association) New York. Oct. 30 It is estimated according to reports of the United States Geological Survey that the output of gold from Alaska this year will amount tn over $15,000,000 or more than 60 over the previous year. The pioneer miners of the Yukon could not afford to handle the gravel averaging less than $10 sr $15 to the cubic yard. Now it can be worked for less than $5 a yard. EIGHT WERE EXECUTED (Scrlppa News Association) St. Petersburg. Oct. 30 Eight of the robbers who were connected with the robbery of the Custom House last Satur day were executed today. GRAIN MARKET J (Scrlppa News AwoclaUoni Chicago, Oct. 27-Wheat opened atrt closed at 74V' r.nrn ntunul AXIL' ' ww... vuugu W closed at 43.V. oats opened at 55.i AS FILL OF G00DESS AS AIM EGG IS OF MEAT The F'or De Hackman 10c. and 12!jC. cigar is always a winner when quality is at steak. They afford the best and sweetest smoke to be had anywhere. There may be better cigars but so far no one has been able to beats them. C. E. HACKMAN, Phone Red 1381 Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood DIED HENRY In this city, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1906, Miss Edna R. Henry, aged 32 years, 1 month. 2 days. The funeral will probably take place Thursday afternoon. The interment will be in the Masonic cemetery. Bessie, as she was universally known, was born in South Bend, Indiana, Sept ember 28. 1874, the only child of County Judge and Mrs. J. C. Henry, respected and honored pioneers of this city and county. She was but three years of age when she accompanied her mother to this city to join Mr. Henry, who preceded them. From girlhood she was always a favorite and took an active part in the social life of the city up to three years ago, when that dreaded disease, consumption, laid hold upon her, and despite everything that wealth and science could do, death finally relieved her of her suffering at 1 :40 this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry have the sympathy of all in this hour of their grief. Mrs. Charles Roup received a telegram this morning stating her huiband, who has been in Salem for the past several months had died there last evening. The body will not be brought to this city for burial, as the funeral will take place in Salem tomorrow afternoon. The deceased leaves a wife and five children. He had been in ill health for the past several years, and was in Salem for treatment. FINED S50 EACH Officers Rayburn and McLachlen early this morning arrested Minnie Lawic nA her lover G. J. Gleason on the charge of keeping a baudy house and beinp an mmat. of a baudy house. The Officers for sev eral montns nave been trying to rid the city of this class of men who live off the earnings of these unfortunate women. When the defendants appeared before Recorder I. R. Snook, they entered a piea or guilty and he eave them th. fn limit, $50 each. The officers notified tnem thatif they continued living to gether they would file a state case aeainst them next time. READY TOR BUSINESS 9 Messrs Noys and Hall now have the Armory Hall floor in first class condition and this evening promptly at seven thirty the doors will open and those who de sire to partake of the pleaure of roller skating will find ample oportunity for pleasure. The skates are the best to be had and everything has been arranged for a sucsessrul opening. 1 he band will give a concert in front of Jay Van Buran's and from their will go to the Armory Hall where they will furnish music during the evening. On account of an error on the part of the shippers the ladies skates did not arrive, but they are now on the road and will be here in a t short time. V I."" V"V 1' ITCS! - I 1 vj ! A v"j it nr. H III ! . ?J ?: ."3 si K ,13 Ed Blackburn is transacting hiKmo. in the city from Baker City. OYSTERS ARE NOW IN SEASON for fair now and we are ready for you now Never have we seen finer than we are now offering. Large, fat and juicy with a delicious flavor that will make you want more. WE ARE READY to serve them any you like, raw, fried stewed, broiled, roasted. Whichever you take you will find delicious. You can have them at any time. After the show before the show or during the show. For Z4 dinner, for lunch or for breakfast if you M say so. Come in and open the season. The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop OI'KX DAY Wes.ll w i . K" NU MOLT fer $4.50 PARR -LOGAN CO LA GRANDE, OREGON. Real Estate Insurance City Property Farm lands Fruit lands Timber lands Beet lands List your propewj quick ouie agents: FAIRBAKS-M0RR$ CO PORTLAND l'U' engines, Irrlrf:.: . 1 U Pumps ciosea ai so.'. "ujiug 45