Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders.The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. QUAKER PUFFED OATS The new breakfast food. Large consignment jnt received A trial order will convince you that it is just what you have been look ing for. Ask for it. No breakfast is complete without it. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. W ANTED Hay, Grain. Apples, and any other Farm Produce that you may have. We art in the market for HAY from one to 600 tone; also OATS in any quantity, and all the fresh eggs you have. WE ARE READY NOW to contract for your apple orchards and your potatoes. Give us a call before you sell, and REMEMBER that we pay HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all p'oduce and thai we are "Johny on the Spot" with the MONEY as soon as goods are delivered. TO THE TRADE: We will say: We have a nice lot of Fancy hay, fiats, rolled barley in our Warehouse', which we offer to the local trade in a retail way, at wholesale prices. We also have Honey, Cabbage, Dry Onions, Carrots, Potatoes, Apples, and Vinegar for sale. A CARLOAD OF PAPER, Wrapping paper. Vzx paper dishes. Pulp plates, Paper Oyster pails and Paper baggs all sizes, and also twine. We bought this car before the advince in paper, therefore we can give you ad vantage in prices. BUY your SUPPLIES NOW. PHONE MAIN 2 ! Oregon Produce Company i eeeeeee : WK 5 Mean BuiiNes WE ARE HERE FOR KEEPS AND DON'T YOU FORGET. Our business is constantly on the increase, and we see no rea- n why we should discontinue. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries i c implete in every way and our system of transacting business seems tr. please the general public. If you would like to get better acquainted with money saving to customers methods give us a trial order. We would jpwuciate a call from you and we will attempt to morit your confidence. : SEATTLE GROCERY STORE j LAWSON BROS. Prop. t 4 4 4 4 4 NEW FURNITURE A CAR LOAD JtST UNLOADED AND ON DISPLAY Inc.udins.ron Bed,. SpHr Matr,se,. Dresser,, Chilton, Cupboard, . Bed Loun.r, 'f L Dinins Chai,, linoleum,, .nd Matting We intend Disposing of tni, H PMENT before Tha-Ksgiv. .T.do.toq-lckw.r.J . . . than ycu can possibly buy clsewhee. You are Cordial, l.ivitd n call ad - " Inspect these Goods and Learn our Pricf$. Prices Reas rub . REMEMBER OUR HrATERS and RANGES STOVE BOOMS and STOVE PIPE. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 f . D. HAISTEN 14' 5 Adams Ave Phone Black 641 H. B. HAISfEN Fir Street Store SiE OLR TIN AND CRUIK WARE. qcr.KtRY AND HARDWARE 4- 4 La Grande Evening Observer SATURDAY OCTOBER 27, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance .. $6.50 Six months in advance 3.6 Pr month 66c Single copy .. . . ' 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oreunn. firn C"" Matter, Alexandra Gripenborg; and in the decis ion of the two Cour;s of Appeals of Florence and Ancona that the women of Italy have a right to vote. LA FOLLETTE IN WISCONSIN . This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment ADVKR'JinlNU KAl'EH .Juplnjr Ad rate rarnlnhed upon application Ml rending noileev IOc put line Ann Inser tion, C per Hot roraHCh Mub.eiieoi lnei tioa, erolntlom of oun1nlenoe, jc , er line, 'ard of thanks, taper Una. Sir Thomas Lipton says that American women are the best in the world. We had Sir Thomas scooped on that information a long time ago. Oregon City Courier. The President has returned to Wash ington. Books are open as to where he will land first and hardest, Panama, Ha vana, or the Government printing office. From the latest accounts it appears that the American army of invasion in Cuba now consists of two peace com missioners and a brigadier general. Tom Watson says he is not going to write any more for Watson's Magazine because it owes him $9000 in back sal ary. If all editors should hang up their pens for a little thing like that printing presses would adorn the junk pile. HOW UNION FEELS The Pendleton East Oregonian, in the issue of the 20th of October, praicts the early abandonment of the experiment Station at Union, and says: "It is now a standing joke i- the Grande Ronde valley as to whether Walter Pierce of Hot Lake, or Tom Wright, of Union, will get the biggest slice of the farm when sold." If the big farm is to be so!d. the best inter est of the county and of Union will be conserved by cutting the farm up into sinali tracts and selling it out to men who will cultivate every inch of it. We have too many large tracts heie already. Union Republication. This year the state of Wisconsin no state tax was levied, the income from corporations and the increased tax on railroads making a state levy unnecess ary. Wisconsin is Senator La Follette's home and for the past ten years he has con ducted a tireless campaign for better laws laws which would place the burden of taxation on the large corporations where it belongs. At last he has won a triumph which places Wisconsin in a unique class in the Union, as far as taxation an1 assessment is concerned. Oh, for more La Follette-men with the backbone to sta'd up for principle re gardless of corporation persuasion, bluff, or coin. t La Follette has achieved this triumph in Wisconsin against the opposition of nearly all the prominent party leaders having with him only the common people. He was turned down by tne national Re publican convention, but on appeal to the people of Kis state, was recognized. La Follette is one of the big men of the nation. E. O. There is notning that takes away the beautiful, womanly charms like a plodding stooped, awkard carriage. Tnere is ab rolutely no excuse for tnat as long as Hollister's Rocky Mountain is made. Tea sr Tablets, 35 cents. Newlin Drug- Company. B. W. NOYES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Dealers in Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Black 1161 Hamilton Building. Corner Fir and Adams Avenue BUY A rub y XasnasaEsv . Jb'Suy S&ttsfMtorylt&nt W.. H. BOH N F N K A W P CO : Hardware, Stoves and Furniture Crockery and Building Materials I :l j Hand Bags and Purses lEW L.E JLST ARRIVED r m ii WOMAN SllffRAGISTS REJOICE 44)444)4444444444 At a recent bu iness meeting the offic ers of the National Woman Suffrage Association adopted the following resolu tions: Resolved that we rejoice in the endorse ment of woman suffrage, since our last meeting, by the United Mine Workers of America, the International Btotherhood of Book-Binders, the International Brother hood of Teamsters, the American Feder ation of Labor, the California. Colorado. Iowa. Indiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan. Minnesota. New Hampshire. Ohio and West Virginia State Fed. ra tions of Labor, and b the Democratic. Prohibition, Socia'is's. Independence League and Union Labor parties of Cal ifornia; in thegrantirg of the full balk j to the Uo and a half million women of The Myriad Service Garment Have you ever considered how desirable a "Ivlackinette' Rain-Coat is? Proper outer garment fot Full Dress and Informal occa sions reliable during rain or shine, and suitable as a Spring or Fall Overcoat; in short. -eady whenever an outer gat- rent f? it'edcd. A necessity, if me ever itted. We suggest the R & W" "Wellington" Model is or.e that will mbafcly meet ur rd-.A as to style. You are cordially invited to inspect this beautiful line of Raincoats Finland, an j the nomination for the Fin- J nish Pjriiment of cur fr end. Baroness : A.V.And TAILOR. HABERDASHER HAND BAGS We have the new style shipping bags in Alligator. Seal. Morocco and Walrus. The new Automob:!e style, wth fine leather lining, leather cover ed frames, hand sewed purse, and card case to match. Gentlemen's Purses E II books ar.d tard cases in Seal, Mocha. Pg Sk i and Buck Skin. Tr,e new r.oveity Cum e.r.3 Hill Purses Ajtoir.Dr 'e Caps. P Skm Wallets, Puzzle Purses. Lch P-jrses ar.d Com Bags of all kr.is. SEE O'JR COMPLETE LINE :4 i A. T. Prescription Druggist HIL.L LA GRANDE, OR TJhe farmers9 ana traders 9aii'onai 32anA CaP'tal $ 60.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Property ... . 15,000.00 Liabilities ofj Shareholders 60.000.00 Responsibility ...$155,000.00 Conducted under Supervision of United States Bank Examiners. SAFE AND RELIABLE Glad to continue old enstomers ar.d p'eased to meet new ones. A.General Banking and Exchange B.siness Conducted. Loans'made on approved Secur ty. Highest Market Price paid for LV:cn Csanty Warrants and City of U Grande Warrants. Be;Sure to ca'l on us when ycu have warrants for Sale.