Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders.The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. QUAKER PUFFED JOATS The new breakfast food. A trial order will convince you that it is just what you have been look ing for. Ask for it. No breakfast is complete without it. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. W ANTED I i nay, urain, rruit, in snort, an Kinds of farm Products We have contracts for 600 tons of hay. We must have the hay to supply our customers. We will pay the highest market prices, spot cash, for all goods. We will also want a great dual of oats, and other grain as soon as they are ready for market. We are ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great number of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a limited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all the fresh eggs you have. Call on us before You make any Arrangements in Marketing your goods We have a nice lot of hay and oats in our warehouse which we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale prices. We have a car of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, due here tomorrow morning. These will be the finest of the season on this market. Buy your melons now while they are good, as the melon season will soon be over for a year. PHONE MAIN 2 j Oregon Produce Company i ... -- -: . Soc'y and Mgr. PHONE MAIN 31 PARR-SIM MOMS COMPANY Dealers in Grande Konde Valley Products Fruits. Hay. Potatoes and Griin ::: Apples a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE May Wanted ov HIGHEST PRICES PAID Call and soe us before you sell Jefferson Ave, and Greenwood St. t La Grande, Oregon J OjYSTER COCKTAILS SGHE&RER'S EXCELSIOR HEATER EXCELSIOR HEATERS . RANGES We have a complete line of these well known Heaters. They give universal satisfaction. HEATERS for Coal or Wood. Our prices $2.25 to i2o.00 JUST RECEIVED 75 TRUNKS, SUIT CASES TELESCOPES AMD GRIPS AT 25c to $12 50 TRUNrf " --vtr brings every WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING RA;r rh w.thout n- - . . ww w su. Xkuu2 ,r ordinary tnii.K I .,.,. , pack. f rw m sund aTAhe Phone Red 1161 f . D. HAISTEN 145 Adams Ave Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store 'it Sy'.n at.. La Grande Evening Observer TUESDAY OCTOBER 16, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 Six months in advance Z.60 Per month 66 Single copy 6C Entered at the Pou Off ce at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a norn-ce-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ADVERT Ir-INU KATES llplj Ad rate raroltiird upon aptilrlloti ocal ratitlnx doi lcc 10c per lln firm liner- tlon, s per lint lor eiu'h xubse'jueiil land- Hon, MoliilloDnnf C'n'1.'iPoor. 50 , r line. Hrda of ttiHnkK. hr per lis It is gratifying to every citizen of thi state to know that the progress of city of Portland was not retarded by the fact the great Lewis and Ciark fair of 1905 was held there, on the contrary was the step ping stone to wonderful increased develop ment. A greater Portland means a greater Oregon. There is an increasing demand in the west for deposits of lime for Portland cement of magnesite of gypsum, and of o her materials used in industrial lines. Dar- .e.ul.rlyin connect oi with construction work. This impetus is due to the great demand for Portland cement in connect ion with the railroads and extensions, the buildiug of the large government irrigat ion enterprises. Recently the prospective demand for an immense amount of builJ ing material in connection with the re construction of San Francisco has given a new acceleration to the demand. Plans have recently been completed I for two additional large Portland cement1 plants to be located in California. Another plant is just completed at Ogden Utah, and negotiations for still another plant in Utah are still under way. The develo ment of these economic minerals and of building materials will add a large factor to the wealth of the western states. Mining World. 9 j m BUY A DAIRYING IN JAPAN A famine is predicted th is year in Rus sia, in addition to the other troubles now threatening that unfortunate country. The exceptionally dry spring has greatly affected the crops and from many pro vinces come reports that the peasants will be unable to get aicrg without gov ernment help. In a report just issued by the Department of Agriculture it is stated that crop prospects in Rusv.a are probably less promising than a mortn ago. Wonderful has been the advance in electricity. The ue of e'ectr c ty for heat has advanced bt little ard we are pract ically as far frcrn heatxg for practical purposes as we were fifteen years ago when it was p e::lc;ed that hy this time cities the size of La Gi ancle would be heated from distant or local power stat ions. Tne tiinj iruy yet cvna bjt it is not looked for soon. Experiments so far make it too exper.si.e for practical util.ty. Articles have appeared in some of the papers recently to the effect that Japan is developing the dairy industry with such rapidity that it will probably soon shut j out, by home production, imports of dairy I products from United States. As the taste for dairy products has not yet been accquired to any great extent by the Japanese people and farming land is utilized in that coun'.ry in suJ) a way as to make it difficult to profitably keep many milch cows, the reports of the rapidity of the development of the dairy industry published appeared to be not well founded. The only dairy product largely used in Japan and other Oriental countries by the natives is condensed milk. Of this article Japan imported to the value of $325 154 in 1901 and $804. 190 in 1905. About one half of its im ports of this article is from the United States. Rural Northwest. STARVING TO DEATH Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat. Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair bt., Columbus. O.. was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that 1 could not eat. and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep: and not before I was given up to d;e was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a com plete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 60c. Guaranteed by Newlin Drug Company druggist. B 'Stay Satisfactory Hang W. H. BOH N F N K A MP C 6 Hardware, Stoves and furniture Crockery and Building Materials COST Of HViSO W. V. Stafford. Co'r.nvss or.er of the Bureau of Labor Sut.stcs. has submitted a statement tj Governor Pardee on the cost of liv ng ;n San Frarc'sco as com pared w th what :t was before trie fire It is pointed out that the chief item is rent the advance, beconrvng about 2? per cent. "1 fail to d fcover any material differ ence in tre cost of l.ving in tl'isc'ty out side the house rert. Meats, if anything a little cheaper; clothing apparently just the same. Some oa ryand poultry supplies have bee", a htt'e cheaper than in previous years, no riOk.bt thru lack of coid storage facilities. Some claim is made that fruits arfi .cf.aS es are a litt'e higher than in piev-cs yeuis but if such is the fact, it is n.t tee'a'; re thtr is it very marked, ard rrvM re attr tinted rather to the interrupted n t'.'.ct cf d sir tut'ion than toan'ail rg iff cf supply or sys tematic nteit tr rase prices. Some lines of g' ocer es notdb y canned goods have considerably increased. Perfection Sold on Merit J.A.FOLGER&C- j Iflfu SPICES Always the Same JAFcigersCo. San Francisc0 Hand Bas and Pursed EV LINE JtST ARRIVED HAND BAGS We have the new s;,v i-.r; bds in All;gator. Seal. Morocco ari Walrus. The new Aatmob i'j.;. fine leather Im.rg -ev.-.tr ; ,-.r-cd frames, havj se ec r. - .-. ir. card case '.3 rr.a'.c-. Gentlrmen's Purses t.. : b.-s ..ard cases in Seal, M r!?.. Pg Sk- n and Bock Sin. C r .h P:! Purses A-'..ir.( .r,-:e Caps. wa'.s. Puzzle Purses. l-i P.rsts d'd Co.n Bags of all CLR COMPLETE L A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR B. W. NO YES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL : : it glecfric Supplies LAMPS and H0LSE IKI0i SPLCIALTY f'wl A.iams Avtrue I