a IGbASSIFiEB ADS . Rates-On cent word, one-half a cent a lion, uassihed adds bring quick results. word each subsequent Try one today. GOOD WAQES-For competent wJine-, FOR SALE-Small house. 1 acre ground in farmly of four. Ask Mrs. J. M. Berry. 1 Pleasant hote addition. A snap. In- W ANTED Dining room heto. m: I 1uir4 L, 0. Nelson at Par-Simmons or female at the Mndnl Rschiri Co. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front rotm "ANTED A place for a boy in High centrally located. Pnone Black !94!. school 15 years old to work for h s board and go to school. Address; L A. Jackson. Joseph, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Go-d cr2in ! for sale or will trade for wood at 1 6 jl ' Adams Ave., or phone Black 601. j FOR SALE Good milch cow. Will sc;-n ! F0R RENT A six room house with be fresh, for wood. Will se", for cash or excharje j Fred Jacobs. FOR SALE New reclining chair w:tl rubber tires. Will sell cheap. Fred Jacobs. WOMEN OR GIRLS WANTED -Five or six women or girls to work in laun dry. A. B. C. Laundry. , MONEY For ioans on c ty property seel Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. cellar and barn. House newly painted and papered. Will rent partly furnished to proper person. Inquire at residence I No. 1702. Island Avenue. E. Gutridge FOR SALE $65 New Drop Head Auto- matic Lift Standard Sewing Machine. snap on easy payments. Owner going away. Inquire F. D. Haisten, Second Hand Store. Vvii i nu- itiut nave eApei office. ueriueinan j iuy waller. iwtjuife ai link FOR RENT Furnished large and cozy front room. MClain house. Washing ton and Greenwood Sts. Call Black 1681. BED ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortable and homelike in a quiet house near Adams Avenue. Two only. Inquire of Hattie R. McDonald at No. 1616 Six th bt. Pnone biacK 404. , nmtiiii - AMUSEMENT -V K1 FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande Ore., in Foley building. FOR SALE CHEAP 7 room house and three lots close in, convenient to school. round house, and to town, will sell all furnishings such as stoves, dishes. furn iture, bedding, etc. Good well and city water. Inquire at this office or phone Red 1751. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grance Investment com pany. SPECIAL XOTICES JEWflRY Siegrist &CoJawe'ers. have placed on sale at their store 400 fiine watches at wholesale prices Mr. Herman Siegrist while in San Francisco secured about 700 Waltham Elgin watches at a bargain part of which were sent to th.s city and placed on sale. Watch their window for bargains. FOR SALE OR RENT-One farm of 1 600 acres. One farm of BOO acres will either sell on easy terms or rent for either one or five years. - Her is a splendid opportunity for the right person. For particulars see A. B. Conley. Address Cove Ore. or Phone Vergere telephone line. ART LESSONS Miss Nina Huntock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she is prepared to take orders and give lessons in both water colors and china painting. Studio at 906 Main St. ware received by the hostesses and Mesdames E. F. Parr. M. K. Hall. Chas. Vutpillat. A. L. Richardson. Misses Car men Stoddard and Mollie Proebsleli Immediately after the arrival of the guests, the serving of a two course lun cheon began. The dining room and table decoration were in keeping with the gen eral scheme. This room was profusely dotted with green creeper interwoven with pink ribbon. On the tabi the same color were carried out with the addition of whit ribbon. The harmony in colors and the taste exhibited by the general arrangement distinguishes Mrs. Grace Barrie as an adept in this lire. Group of sixteen were served at u cleon by Mesoames nan, vurpiuai assisted by Misses Carmen Stoddard and Mollie Proeastil. The first course consisted of pink salad served in green peppers; nut sandwiches. ' The second, creamed coffee: white and pink kisses.. During the reception, at various inter vals, vocal solos were rendered by Mes dames A. L. Richardson, T. Scroggms, J. J. Carr and Miss Etta Foley. The Misses Edna and Florence McCall recited and later rendered a piano duet. Besides the La Grande guests, there were many from Island City. I PROMISE IT SHALL BE LADY AUDLIYS CKLV SICKET - One of the season's remarkable record breaker both from a viewpoint of atteni ance and general satisfaction i claimed to be "A Mad Love" which is announced tor monuay wuu wim .. Smart, one of our youngest stars of em otional character recently discovered bv Manager Edward R. Salter, and a splen did company of recognized player. "A Mad Love" is a modern version ot Miss M. E. Braddon" "Lady Audley Secret" and has proved one of the most imposing and permanent triumphs in the history of literary endeavor. Being a it is a play that deals with humankind and has for its characters those seen in the daily life it pleases all classes. PAINLESS DENTISTRY AT PORTLAND PRICES NOTICE Of STOCKtlOlDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of the Aurelia Miring Co. that the annual meeting for the election cf a board of Directors and any other business that may appear, will be held at the company office in La Grande. Oregon, on the first day of November 1906 at the hour of 2 o'clock p m. J. A. Thfonson, Pres. J L Ccrlett. V':r ores. 10 TEAMS W ANTED $4 per day to haul 5 loads of gravel or and from my gravel bar. 5. Ot'O pounds to the load, furnish one man if teamster hauls. 5500 or more to the load. I will pay accordingly. Haul one mile, good evel road easy plan to load and unload. J. L. Mars. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby g'ven that the under signed has been du y appointed Adrrln s trator of the Estate of M. Baker Deceased. All persons having cia:ms against said Estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified to me. or J., C. Baker my attorney, within s x months after the publication of this not ce. S. K. Eaker Administrator La Grande, Oregon Sept. 7 1906 TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of parties on good timber claims of two million feet and better. Foley Blk. La Grande Investment Co. SPECIAL RATE TO RABIT SHOOT The O. R. & N. announces a special rate of 6 40 for the round trip from La Grande to Bialock Island and return. Tickets on sale Oct. 1 9. for train No. 5 only. JUNIOR JEAGUE SOCIAL The Junior League of the M. E. Church w 11 give a dime social at the church panors next Monday evening. The little folks have an excellent program prepared ? ir which refreshrn3'. will be served. Ad'niss on will be ten cents. Blood Poisoning resjits from chronic cowipation, which s qu ckiy cured by Dr. King's New Life P.iis. They remove ail poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, rausia, head acL,e. d rzir.ess and coiic, without griping or d'scinr.fort. 25c. Guaranteed by the Newlin Drug Co, Don't you think you had better fy To wear a smile and srg a song? It's a good o'd wo'ld after ail, I Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea, n the gpnr.g and fall. Newlin Drug Co. PARSIFAL COMING The more on seeks for the original source of the mythical legend of the Holy Grail, which is the foundation of Richard Wagner' beautiful spectatle of "Parsifal' the more one becomes bewildered at any different explantanalions that present themselves. Eminent writers and scholars have presented their individn.il views, ar riving at many different conclusions They all agree, however, in admitting that the legend, in its various forms, ex isted long before Christianity became to potent of the world' historv. From close study of the subject one would come to the belief that the legend is practically the same form, but with a different direct meaning, had been created in pagan lands of the earliest antiquity, and later had been adapted by the early Christain church in its mysterious plays and so handed down to us in its present different forms Certain it is, however, that Wagner must have made a close study of the vast material bearing upon the subject, and in the production of "Parsifal" gives us an idylic story of composite nature that it is so exquisitely told and contains such a grand inoral lesson, that it will live and shine wherever Christianity reigns and as long as Christianity endures. DR STILL ON MIX AND DYSENTERY "Some of my greatest successes hav been in this line. One of my earliest cases was a little boy of four, at Macon, Mo. H was trudging along the dusty u;h kta 4tltitt mnther. Taktno the little fellow up, 1 began fumbling along the spine. Some piece I found hot, some cold. Going deeper ...I found rigid and loos places'in the muscles and liga ment of the entire back, while th lower spinal muscles and tissues were in a badly congested condition. 1 worked for a few minutes on that basis and told the mother to reporT next day. She came the next morning saying that her child was well. Flux was then prevalent in Macon, wher 1 was visiting when this occured. That mother" brought other sick children. As near as 1 can remember I had seventeen severe cases of flux and cured all without drugs. Other case of summer and fall diseaees 1 was called to treat and soon found myself burdened with a large practice." (Diary of Dr. A. T. Still.) Osteopathy I nnonG THE CHURCHES M1MT CHURCH CP CHRISTIAN BOIENCK Kuiiliii Building uppoatte Foley Hotel Hunday 8ervln. - - It a Services Wedncadav P m I Reading rooni st sera' piece open lueodaya end Tliindays from 10 u ll:iO a in and ?ii tv and Haluidayt from 3 to 4 p m. SOCIETY LATTER PAV S UN 18 Hundy School... 10 II ileulai arvtr.... .-. . p I Mutual Improvement Aaaoclatlou meeu con- jointly at 7.3D p in CAlHul.lC CHtKLH W.J. Whyte, rector Low M. UIkIi Mok .... Ro-ery rd Benediction foilovirg 10 in. mew ml WANTED Person capabie of handling cur agency in La Grande for crockery, tea9, coffees, baking powder, etc. View of putting in store. Particulars, ad dress, Empire Tea Company, Pendleton. State references. farmers anct Traders Rational SJank Capital ' Surplus and Undivided Property . . . Liability of Shareholder Responsibly $ 60,000.00 . 15.000.00 60.000.00 $135,000 00 Conducted under Supervision of United States Bank Examiner. SAFE AND RELIABLE Glad to continue old enstomer and pleased to meet new ones. A General Banking and Exchange Business Conducted. Loan made on approved Security. Highest Market Pric paid for Union County Warrants and City of 3 La Grand Warrants. Be sur to call cn u when you hav warrants ' for Sal. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB MEETING The secord meeting of the Neighbor hood ertrbrvvttl be held Tuesday Oct. 1 6 at 2 p. m. As this is the first of the regu lar program beginning the year's study of the Bay View course, a full attendance is desired. Many of the ladies have received their books and the first number of the maga zine and are more than pleased with the inviting prospect offered them. All those who have not yet sent for their books may give their orders to Mrs. Turner Oliver or send independently, but are urged to secure their books as soon as possible, that there may be no delay in startinff the study with the other. All are asked to read the first sixty-three pages in th English history as prepara tion for Tuesday' program and th dis cussion of th tarn will be led by Mr. Oliver. Following is th program: Roll call Describe a city in th British Isles whose initial letter is the same as your own. English History Pg 1-63 Discussion - Mr. Ulivr Music Medley of English National Airs M.s Slater Character sketch, Charles Dickens Mr. Hill Sono. Selected ... Mrs. E. C. Moore Paper. Englands' Capitol.. Mrs. Cavanna Talk. Old London and the Royal Family ...Mrs. Ingle 8t. PETFK'8 EH'OPAL CHURCH I pton H. (ilbbe, rector 18 tb Hunday (t Trinity Huly coniiruD on. ... Ji in Kun.lnv hool . . .. 10 m Moraine Hcrvio... II Kv nlnK Krrlc - 7:p na KvtTT one Invited io allend tlicx service PRK8HY f WAN CHURC H Kev. t. B Hy, uwtor Hundiy School ... - " Hrnlor Kndmvor ' "V m Pruvcr M!iu ThiirwlBy T.JD P ro MornlPg Hervlce " Tlicmfi-.-frliit Feeding Tlie jiummoe. Mini Bertha Young -Violin Hold Evening Hi-rvli-e "' P m Ttirme! --rut That On Ml no Account.' Tnechorut choir under tlie direction ot Mr. Lylc A cordie' Invitation In given to nil who have no church borne lo attend Ihnte aervlcea From two to fiv o'clock thi afternoon n elaborate receotion was given at th J. M. Berry horn with Mesdames J. M Berry and F. A. Watts as hostesses When the guests were ushered into the receotion room, which under the direction of Mrs. Grac Barri had been decorated with Virginia creeper and red, they U. K. CHUKCII Rev. U. '. Mredlth, patnr llundav Bchool - m Junior League P m Kpworth iMgue P m Morning Rervlce " m KTanlnc Nervine 'M P m Morning pu'dect: "Tlie Advuntaugca of Mplrlt- llal fc'tVaVMllon." ' Fvcnlng Subject- "I he Call U, Follow CUrHt." A coidlal Invitation to ell tncae ervle la estendvd CKNTKAI CHURCH of CHRIMT OrPOflTE HOMMKK HOUHK a H. King. paur, l.M P. W. UIKI &.hnnl h - P. m Morning Worahlp - pec It meeting... P rnanlialo service - -tM ' .naatlna Wednesday. .. P . . . . . j .... Woman's Mlaelonary Aunmaryi navo r ..- day of each month at J p m. moil, Hunday, I fcl. U u.ln.-aliiLiial Burdao Baring." Ual;t Kveuluf - 'Clirlatlanlty and KilcUIKm. Reference toThoa. Meoreay Aordlal Invitation lo all tb aervloa. BAKTIHT CHURCH Ut. W. II. tllbaoa, paator In the MeU.odlal cnurcn wmin, of Jefferaon Avenue ana juiro r Bcbool - . .,. ...... ll a ro LAGRANDE: s - I toMi giiisf '..g " N j J 50c Xi i s I L V E R F I L I N C $1.00 The one priced office. Not one 'pr'.j to one and an other price to others, but the saiue f:'.cs for the same kind of work to ali. Gold Crowns Bridgework psr tooth Gold Fillings Plates Examination and C 5.00 up 5.00 1.00 up 5.00 up Estimates FREE LA GRANDE Successors Over Watts Drug Co. to DENTAL Reavis Bros. Phone Black CO. 51 PARR -LOGAN CO. LA GRANDE, OREGON. Real Estate Insurance City Property Farm lands Fruit lands Timber lands Beet lands List your property with us and get quick returns Sole agents: FAIRBANKS-MORRIS PORTLAND CO. Engines, Pumps Irrigation plants a specialty Office in La Grande National Bank Building B. W. NO YES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Dealer in Hunday UM.i.lilnv Tkm.. "i-aiitecuat; May II Be IK-pcawu, l tnnM u u v p i: .iiiu MtdurMia r TIwme-.-'Th Commandmenui Clnlt Left Ue -Onr Obcblcucc." Evening aervlce.. ..7 ; i p n Tbc:-"l'rin iowra -... A cordial Invilittim to all tbcae service Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Black 1161 Hamilton Building. Corner Fir and Adams Avenue