La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 12, 1906, Image 3

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    " j- s
j i cream and water ices in town
its your movt our way. What
goes into our freezer is straight
tuff, what comes out your eyes
and palate wili assur: you to be
dainty of favor, smooth to
ehurnmg and altogether delicious.
Oh, no! Costs no more than the
ordinary kind.
StLDER, The Candy
j 1 i
BJr"V 'urn'h,d nv Quant-ty or any
t$!ft No contract too vnall or to
large. See samples of our pressed
brick. j
, ...
La Grande, Oregon.
I auu wiuiu uh w aeaigo eue lar
jroa. It will b attractive, coavea
Mtfen, and remarkably low prleed.
rorour epKieity In me California
Uungalowa and Mturin style Cot
tages. We furnlnh plana, ipeciflca
tlona, and detail complete, any
carpenter ran build. II yno lll
take tbe trouble to aend uaa atontp
we will gladly mail you our pnw
pectui) xplalnlmr our method
fully, or aend ,"iOc 'or our handtome
book o' design..
iftA rfuw for
V vr a an a i a
Ladies: '
The beautiful Fashion Plates and
samples of Materials of the magni
ficent line of Ladies' Fine Tailor
Made Suits and Skirts, made to
your special order of your own sel
ection of materials and linings,
exactly to your measurements and
penect fit guaranteed, also the
most beautiful styles produced in
Ready-to-Wear Suits. Coats and
Jackets, RainCoats. Walking Skirts.
Silk and Voile Dress Skirts, Furs
of all kinds. Silk and Cotton Waists
and other wearing apparel, are now
ready for your inspection, ana you
are cordially invited to call. I
shall take pleasure in showing you
the large fashion plates ar.d sam
ples whether you wish to buy or
not, and I am certain that you will
enjoy the twenty minutes or half
hour necessary to go through the
Very respectfully yours.
Laura B. Jackson.
Slater B,dg. La Grande.
'Phone, Red 402.
Chas. A. Stevens & Bros.
The Leading Style Store of Cn.cago.
This is one of tie best, sn
instr.utions in the slate, and t.nat
peopeinthis city ana va..ey are
begininng todiscover tne advantage
of this school. The system is the
latest and most pract cal, and in
cludes all the Litest discoveries in
the art of teaching mus.c. Tne
school is divided into two depart
ments; No. 1 is for Degmners from
5 years or more and are taught
the first three grades. Pupils come
one hour each day. Tn.s no kin
dergarten system but far superior.
o .i.- re are from 5 to
in ro. wo r-i i
'". ii... .k rarfuata. Pudus
1 O. nero uij a'
take one or two iestM-.s a wee as
they desire. no "T
permitted k len.a
who do noi wu .
nnnos te tne Fo'ey House over
the candy store. Phone. 4 fa.
(October torm. 1906
.Ja th matter of. the proposed county
road petitioned for, by. MarX E. Ch.lder
et al. it was ordered that said "road be
nQ placM , repeip-upeo- the
payment by petitioners ofhe ainoim't of
o..nj.ees assessed by the county road
viewer. -
The aountj road, patitfooed' or by D
McDoniid et al was "continued for th.
"; !n the matter of the count road neti-
tioned for by T. J. Meade at al it
dered that said road be placed in repair
for travel.
The claim for damages nraunii k.
Olive B. McMurray was continued for the
The road petitioned for by John Blok-
ana et al was dismissed.
The petition for the vacation of certain
roajs. filed by L. Oidenbery et al was
continued for tne term.
The application of Jesse B. Paul for
the adjustment of taxes for the year 1905
was auowed and the sheriff ordered to
take credit for the amount of such tax.
The petition of George W. Donnelly for
icense to sell liquor m less quantities than
one gallon in Hi!gard precinct was granted
tne application of Judd Geer for
rebate of taxes ' was allowed.
and the clerk instructed to draw
a warrant on the contingent fund for
3.I3. .
Tne contract for the construction of a
100 foot span steel bridge over the
Grande Ronde river near the Palmer
Lumber Company's mill sit was award
ed to P. S. Esterday & Company of Fair-
ouiy, iit'iiiaui, ths CSr.lidilf'nn Jxtina
$2890. ; "
The application of the La Grande In
vestment Company for rebate of taxes
was allowed and th clerk ordered to
draw a warrant on the contingent fund
for $7.75.
The application of Mrs. Wilkinson "for
the adjustment of taxes was allowed and
sheriff ordered to take credit for amount
of such tax, ' i
f The application of Mrs. Little for ad
justment of taxes was allowed and sher
iff ordered to take credit for amount of
such tax.-' 'i '.
The county clerk was ordered to audit
all claims presented by the sheriff, -for
four years back, in payment of prisoners'
board, and to show what amounts were
drawn by each sheriff for each month, and
to allow such claims at the rate of i$5
per week for' each . prisoner when he
number was four or fees, and where the
number of prisoners was four or more, to
audit and allow such claims at the rate
of $3 perweek for each prisoner, and file
the same with the county court at the
earliest convience of the clerk.. ,
Bills allowed at the October term.
1906, of County Court.
Ed Wright, work in clerk's
office., $ : 78 00
F. P. Chiiders. prisoners' board 103 44
John L. Dunington, salary for 45 50
Nellie M. Morton, work in As- , '.
sessors office 62 00
J. B. Gilham, typewriter 75 00
Ed Bussey, hauling paupers . ... , 1 50
E. Alberson, digging grave for .
pauper 5 00
C. E. Saunders, M. D., services 1
' secy. Co. Board of Health, ,'' '
etc. ..... i. J ) U 20
J. W. O'Bryant, Caring for
Mrs. Kelley & family . ... 16 60
J. A. Russel, meat for paupers 2 00
G. L. Biggers. M. D., Caring
for Sullivan, pauper ' 5 00
Grande Ronde Elec. Co., lights
for poor farm, Union 6 60
F. E. Still will, meat for paupers 2 00
Henry & Car, burying Sullivan,
pauper 25 00
Henry & Carr, mdse as per
bill 12 00
Newlin Drug Co.. mdse as per
bill 1 10
J. D. McKennon. & 2 35
Pacific S. Tel. & Tel. Co.,
phnne services for all offices 14 30
A. L. Richardson, professional
services as per bill 9 50
ABC Laundry, laundry for
jail 1 35
Syra Kuhn, grading 8th grade
manuscripts 7 60
Eastern Oregon Rep., printing
as per bill 29 00
Eastern Oregon Rep., do .. .. .. 5 80
Currey Bros, do 33 60
Irwin Hodson Co., mdse as
per bill 12 35
Irwin Hodson Co.. do . ..... ' 36 50
Glass Prudhome Co., do ... 17 60
Dee Bros., printing as per bill 4 50
La Grande Chronic) , do . '14 04
Model restaurant, meals for
Dubois, insane ' 1 60
H J. Newcornb. caring for '
Eyre, insane 6 do
Murphey Bros., md?e as per
biil 1 00
Grande Ronde Elec. Cq., lights t
for Sept. 1906 9 40
Waldo Perry, services as Dep- '
assessor 1 8 00
C. D. Huffman, do . 68 00
hhn E. Hough, J. P. fees. '
State vs Binehoff ,. .. 24 65
I. W. Faulk, const, fees, J. P.
court. Stat vs Binehoff . ... 12 00
George Stoddard. Juror J. P.
court. State Binehoff .. 1 00
W. F. Anderson, do .. 1 00
P. Stephenson, do 1 00
C. W. Preston, do 1 00
Wm. W. Glass, do. 1 00
1 00
7 60
V. D. Grandy.,dc.
. & 10
7 50
5 10
1 70
6 30
6 SO
7 60
Q. W. Hendrick. do
Ed Hardinf. d
i. fi. diiharrCdo
Albert Good, do.
f. Hrgwsifjrrde rr... ju..r-.;.t 7
Ja. ft, Varnstaff do..,..'.. f 'j
John E. Hough. J. P. fees.
Stat vs Manvic
L. Reyburn. sp const fees, J.
P. ct, Stat vs Manvic
6 65
3 35
1 60
12 05
' 9 80
1 70
1 70
L. Reyburn. witness J. P court
Stat vs Manvic
John E. Hough. J. P. fee.
Stat vs Cotner... .-
I. W. Faulk, const. fes. J. P.
court. State v Cotrrer
L. Paul, witness, J. P. court.
State vs. Cotner ..
A. E, Haynes. do
Ralph Atkinson, witness J. P.
Ct state v Cotner, . L."
Ben Cotner, do
Dn.k Ryan, do ....
Jerry Prow, do
Thomas Mulhollen, do .,
J. W. Van Fleet, do
Thomas Jarman, do
Lute Stephenson do
Stephen Cady. do ..
John Hough, J. P" fee, stat v
Ben Cotner, 7 95
I. W. Faulk, Const, fees J, P.
Ct. stat vs Ben Cotner 60
John Hough. J. P. f state vs
Meyer, 7 95
L. Ray burn, sp const, fees, J. P.
ct, stat vs Meyers 3 60
JnKn Hmioh. J. P. feS Stat V
Atkinson, , a 6
I. W. Faulk, const fees. J P
et, stat v Atkinson .... 50
J. M. Selder, service as county
- commissioner, . ..., 23 60
Ben Brown, do . 20 60
Oregon Scout, printing as per
bill, 20 70
George May, Relief. 8 00
D. W. Souder, Relief, 10 00
Maggie Slagner, do .,. 12 00
John Hildebrant. do- 16 00
John Wilson, service as Grand ' '
Jury Bailiff, 18 00
M. Hayakwa, wit. cir. court,
stat v QonU 93 10
Wm. Wiggins, appropriation for
road petitioned for by Wm.
Wiggins, 150 00
R. A. Leatham, Work on road "
District.No. 12 64 43
Mis. T. N. Murphy, Mdse as
per bill 6 40
M. L. Hulse, work on road dis.
Vo 34 11 25
H. Vehrs, work on road dis. 37 7 00
C. S. Hawes. work on roads, ... 17 50
Roy Hawes, co S 00
Lee Young do 5 50
Elmer Neilson, work on bridges 33 75
G. D. Webb, do 10 00
George Belden, 46 25
A.T.Johnson, do 28 65
E. V. Houston, do 28 75
S. N. Smith do 65 00
W. M. Porter, work on roads. . 60
W. L. Meyers, work on road dis.
No 32 9 99
E. E. Golden, work on road dis.
No. 28 25 00
Geotge Harret, woJk on road
dis. No. 18 4 00
Dick Smith, work on road dis.
No. 21 2 00
B. Logsdon, work on bridees .. 85 40
Levi Rogers, work on roads, .. 5 33
Silvester Hempe. work or. road
dis No 28... 20 84
S. R. Hiatt, do 139 43
Frank Hempe, do 45 62
J. H. Delaney, do 30 00
Ira Stewart, work on roads 60 00
McKinnis Bros, lumber as per 26 43
Stoddard Lumber Co. do 4 65
Grande Ronde Lumber Co. do. 10 19
do do 32 68
C. R. Thornton surveying
Msade road, etc. 15 75
Thoa. Brasher, viewing Mead R 13 25
Eli Bair. do 11 76
James Clark, chairman on
Meade Road, 2 00
C. R. Thornton, Surveying
Chiiders road etc 7 00
Thomas Brasher, viewing Child
ers road 7 50
Eli Bair. do . 6 00
C. R. Thornton, blue prints 1 50
Charlie Crrndall, work on
county roads w 1 2 00
I. W. Faulk, rock work 4 00
D. D. Turner, hauling lumber .... 4 60
Mrs. T. N. Murphy, mdse as
per bill 14 85
J. W. Sills, work on road dis
trict No. 25 13 21
J. A. Allen, lumber for road dis
tncl No. 25 30 45
Blue Mountain Grange Na. 345 P. cf
. H. (net Oct. 3 in regular session. '
4 After much discussion it was decided
to enter the State Grange prize contest
beginning Oct. 15 1906.
' Among other interesting features uf
the Lecture program was:
Select reading by Mrs. Huffman; John
Henry Brown, by Mrs. C. E. Golden;
The Blue Mountain Grange Bulleton by
Rny Gekler and reading by Fred Huff
man. Th following program, has been ar
ranged for the next meeting Oct. 20..
Vocal Solo Bessie Raga'n
R. A. Crawford, do ' .
h. B. Hendrick, witness J. P.
court Stat vs Binehoff
G. W, Farm, do-
. Allan Poe.
Mrs. M. E. Frakr.
Song ' the Orange
Diacuain -rr-r --j,--,-. :nr-of
ProfMcor. Akerman'e article on Rural
High Schools. Edward Jspr. ;
Recitation .. 4 ..Earl Hughes
Song t, . .. . , ... Alx Robertson
Eay J Th City $f
New Or'eacs. Fred Huffman.
Address... The Misi-
issippi and Missouri nvrs J. W. McAlistr
Discussion .. ,; Th, Eariv
Sjwing pr Grain. W. R. Jasper.
Song ... i. .. .. ,4 . Etha Huffman
Slect ...Mrs. W. F.Gekeler
Discussion . . 'The Dumoinff if
Trash in th public Highways, Edward
urout and C. E. Golden.
Address .. . Th Pickine and
Packing of Winter Aople P. H. Dickeson
The Blue Mountain Bulleton.
Roll call answarad oy giving Idusjand
fact on anvthinr
On Oct. 20 will be held the first all day
meetings this season. "A big dinner and
a good time is assured by all Granger.
The Citizens of La Grande and the
surrounding country will undoubtedly be
pleased to learn that La Grand is to
possess a first class business college in a
few days. -
Miss M. M. SlatUry, president of the
Standard Commercial College of Spokane
ha pent th past weak in th city pr -paring
for th opening of th new college
whichwi'lbea branch of th Spokan
Miss SIattry who is a university and
colleg graduate has had several vaarm
of xprino a a high school Uacher.
an wnt to bpokan a few years ago
ana tner opaiuni Ctir.dird Sh?"
hand School, which is to widely known
over th Wst While other school made
Engligh a separate course, charging extra
tuition. Mis Slattery mad it a part of
th Stenographic course, with no extra
charge, and insisted upon completing
both English and spelling.
Another strong feature or th work
wa individual instruction instead of larg
class work. With th assistance of the
strongest teaching fore that could b
secured, it resulted in th students of th
Shorthand School ' completing
th cours in three - or four
months, instead of from six to nine
months, th usual time required. Its
graduates were toon recognized to be far
abov th average and in such demand
that the tchoolnow guarantees positions to
all its graduates. It was evident that
with such excellent results in stenography,
the same good work and great saving of
time and money would result in teaching
book-keeping and the other commercial
branches in the same way. The demand
upon the school by those "desiring a com
mercial education has been to great, that
th .'Standard Shorthand School has recent
ly been expanded into thh Spokane Stan
dard Commercial College and is moving
into the new Columbia Building, a six
story steel structure on the corner of 1 st
and Howard Streets. It can boast of
having the most elegant quarters in the
West. The floors are laid in tiling; par
titions are of solid plate glass; old mission
furnjture and other corresponding furnish
ings make th elegance of th surround
ings coincide w th the excelenc of th
Miss Slattery has recently secured the
service of one of th best college men in
the East to manage the commercial work
in Spokan and Intends to devote most of
her time to th school her. Sh stated
that sh will leave for Spokan on Sun
day or Monday next for supplies and to
arrange matters there so that she will be
able to return th latter part of next
week with an assistant, and begin work
at once. It i hoped that every young
man and woman will take advantage of
this excellent opportunity for thorough
training as stenographer or book-keDoer.
that they may demand better salaries or
CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111., wrltest ! pplrj out over $150 U lo
slclans, who treated ma for La Grippe without giving mo any relief. V a
bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and aftr taklnt
vi una uiiv uuuio s wtus entirety curea. Z1 - ( ;
K .. : ' ) ,
Mm 50c M4 $1.00 ABSOLUTELY CUARAMTEED1 Trial .itinrm
use this knowledge as a stepping sten to
position of prominence. Miss Slattery is
particularly desirous to train
eom- r-yonruj-r- 4adjr-r
teacher of this, work jutdlcan; place, bar
in a position at toon at th becomes pro
ficient. "Tocher of tonography ara
vry scare." said Miss Slattry. "and it is
to be hop that more young people will
prepare themselve for th profess'on,"
Business mnini other eitijensjof; L
Grande hav shown much interest in mak
ing the coiieg a success, and there U nu
reason why it cannot b mad on of the
best in th entire west Our young people
can be educated at horn with about one
tenth the expense of sending them away
to college. Let every on get in and do
all he can to boost the Standard Com
mercial college of La Orand. '
The new college will be located on
Depot street in the northwest corner of
the Sommer House block, (back of the
Farmers & Traders Bank).
Monday, Oct. 22. is opening day and as
a good enrollment has already beer, se
cured, a large attendance is exoected.
Many are arranging to enter later but th
time to enter is opening day.
A special inducement is offered to all
who enrol! on the 22nd by giving a large
reduction on scholarship. ': " '
As Miss Slattery is living at the Foley
Hotel you can phone her or direct all cor
respondence there. Free catalogs will be
sent upon application.
Miss Slattery i pleasant to meet and
you will enjoy talking over th work with
her in preference to writing if it it con
venient to do to.
Again, let all th citizens of La Grand
us vry effort to boost th Standard
commercial uonege. . w will all reap
ha haneflt if our young people attend.
! I wish to sail attention to two cases of
"nerve tire." or nerv exhaustion, t'-at re
cently cam under my observation. Their'
Similarity in certain way was ttriklng.
une patient wa a business man suffering
rom headache and constipation who slept
very little and always awoke unrefreshed.
H gav a history or a fall upon th end
of th spin about three year aso. tinoa
which time h had been gradually, "going
aown mil. - when business wa most ex
acting his brain seemed to refuse to work
and a terrific headache resulted.
Upon examination I found considerable
spinal tenderness th entire lenirth with
marked lesion (abnormalities) at th in
nervation of the digestive tract. It was
evidently a case of nervous exhaustion
from over-work with epinal lesions, weak
ening digestion and thus helping matter
along. Correcting the lesions, with a short
vacation, restored him so that he returned
to business with no return of the trouble.
,Th other cast wa that of a woman
who had used up her nerve force by . too
close attention to toclol affairs. I was
called first because the menses failed to
appear at th proper time. I found , th
seme spinal tenderness with a marked
lesion in the lower spine that would affect
the7 menses. A few treatments corrected
that trouble and a persistant course of
treatment afterwards removed the spinal
irritation and restored the ton to her sys tem.-
. r- ,--,,,...
These cases are similar in - that both
pitients used up mor nerve enrgy than
they produced. Both had spinal lesions
that produced individual symptom a' the
weakest parts of their tystems. Both al
so responded to common-sense treatment
The American people are a nervou race
abd drive themselves to do extra work by
sheer fore of will. Th result is a break
down at tomi point at th weakest or
gan to b affected. e Ths abnormalities
make people more liable to wear-and-tear
just as any other machine that does not
run smoothly. Th indicated treatment is
always an adjustment of th machin and
moderation in its use. Such i th king
dom of Osteopathy. Osteopathic Health
Drtijr CormDanv
AH our groceries are good, clean.!
fresh." and 'pur. The kind that
will mak your.meal very delici-'
ous. and give the' 'house-wife an
easy task in prepairing It. '
We challenge th city on fresh
farm produce and berries. Every-
thing that should be found in a
first dais grocery.
'Hl' ) i '.:
Fresh and Cured
Can be obtained at this mar
at ail times. We deliver all
orders promptly, , Phone - to
i i '. f ''
us or leave your order. We
will do the rest. ',
Successor to J. Bull and Go.
; Phone'Maln 48
I WOOD i r SAW;!
YVod sawed prorptly
Rates raasonat.e
J In Ats of ten cords or over 40o"
in tots or less man ten cords duc.
Laava rtrriara at fl D U.R.r. a
x 1 ty's Feed Store, - on Adam .
' Avenu or tlphon '
'J.L MARS, ;
Contractor and Builder
Dealer in Building Material
Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand arid
Qravel delivered. .
La Grande. Oregon 1
Oro a line naming work, and I will"
nam th right.rnc.
! phy-
ii tents