La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 11, 1906, Image 6

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    Fall Opening
Mew Autumn Colored Dress Goods
The fabrics especially in demand among early purchasers are now to be seen in the
largest and best chosen assortments of plain colors and fancy effects we have ever
shown at this time. The remarkable sales being recorded every day are proof of the
unequaled worth of the lines at these prices.
Fine ill wool Mohair,
Children' Dress plaids
18c to 60c
Shaddow Checked Wool Dress Goods
Fancy plaid waistings
60c to $1.15
35c to 60c
Opening sale of Womcn's.Childrcn's and Misses' new fall
coats and skirts, offord remarkable opportunities
The widespread interest manifested in our "06 Fall Garments is due to the attractive
ness and authoritative character of the styles and the extraordinary values at
popular prices
$8.50, $10.50 3.00, $4.25, $2.75, $3.00,
$15.00 $5.00, $6.00 $3.50, $4.50
For Women's New Fall C ati in soft ;
plaids, charming greys and browns Misses' New Fail Cuts in all the' CHILDREN'S COATS
and the like. Some of the most clover popular styles and colors. At these j In bearskin, astrakhan, crushed vel
models of the early season. Every prices we are showing many styles vet, and cloth in white, blue, red and
garment beautifully tailored and cor- ' made by men taiiors in the best possi-! brown, the most beautiful line we have
reef in fit and style. ble manner. j ever shown.
We have established a separate department for this line and, having secured th6 ser
vices of a milliner who has had several years' experience in San Francisco and other
large cities, we feel confident that we are as well prepared to take care of the ladies'
wants in this line as any house in the city.
All the latest novelties in pattern, trimmed and street
hats. Come in and look them over whether you
want to buy or not- always welcome
$7.50. $10.00 $12.50
$15.00, $17.00
The UtO'.l and best in Casvmertjs,
Woistejj ,ind C'ajs for ovary Jay
wear 01 dios.
$4.00, $5.00, $6.00
$7.50, $10.00
Many new and nobby things in this
Ime god material and nicely tailored.
$2.25, $2.75, $5.00
Everything from the good strong
onos to the dressy Buster Browns and
, 1338, 1310. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE
liartxesst Store
Smallest Prices
n I :
1 5
After months of diluent search ue have completed our Fall Purchases.
Goods have been jrrhi.ii Ur the last six weeks and from time to time we have
been able to give you a gll.-njse of tlie many new lines that we will carry during
the coming season Our stock is complete and we cordially invite you to attend
our formal FALL 0PLM0
Without indulging in self prase we feel this year we can serve you
better than ever before -better goods, larger assortment, more
novelties and in spite of the rising market at practically the same
prices as prevailed last year.
As this is an occasion, especially for displaying our merchandise
we want you to feel that you are welcome whether ready to buy
or notwe want you to know wlW you can buy at our store and
what you have to pay
Or. M. K. Hall is in Talocaset today.
B. H. Webb of Alicel. (pent last even
ing in La Grande.
C. W. Conkin of Wallowa' county seat
it a business visitor in La Grande
Attorney J. D. Slater is in Baker City
today with business before the circuit
court of that county.
M. F. Griffen. assistant Forest Ranger,
was over from the Cove today in the
interest of hie office.
William Werm of La Grande, was a
visitor from that city in Baker yesterday.
Baker City Herald.
Jay Claridge of La Grande, was a visi
tor yesterday in Baker looking after
business matter. Baker City Herald.
Mrs. Hatti Hayes Dart, who hat been
visiting f i iends for several days, leaves
tonight for Portland.
C. R. Thornton, the architect, left this
morning for upper Katharine creek, tak
ing with him hit surveying parapher
nalia. Conductor C. H. Norris who hat been
on the Pendleton-Huntington passenger
run for the patt three months hat return
ed from Pendleton.
R. H. Williams, one of Wallowa county's
sheepmen it in the city looking after
business and incidentally visiting Mr. and
Mrt. Peter O Sullivan.
The dance to be given Saturday even
ing under the auspicet of the Commercial
Club closes the present teriet and will be
the last until further notice.
Geo. T. Parr of the Parr-Simmons
company was in the city yesterday in
conference with C. B. Simn'one, mana
ger of the company. Mr. Parr returned
to hit home in Moro this morning.
Father McGrady arrived this morning
from Portland. He will speak this even
ing at the Steward Opera House on Soci
alism. Mr. McGrady isa talented speak
er and deserves a packed house. His
ability in this line is common knowledge.
Mr. J. Roup, now with the Wise Piano
Company of Boise. Idaho, is transacting
business in the city and in Elgin today.
Mr. Roup was formerly a native of Wal
lowa county anH while in La Grande is
meeting many former neighbors.
There were three initiations last night
at the Eastern Stir. Fifty members
were present and a most enjoyable time
was the result. Hope Chapter No. 13 for
years has held the honor of having the
banner floor team in Oregon and on last
evening they certainly lost none of their
J. E. Reynolds and S. L. Brooks both
attended the fair at Walla Walia last
week and returned enthusiastic over the
success. Une day they report the attend
ance was over 8000. The exhibits were
all hat could be desired and the racing
was exceptionally good. The county of
Walla Walla was taxed of a mill to as
sist the fair and the business men and
farmers were unanimous in their approval
of the act of the county court as they
claimed the results justified the expenditure.
Yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Fred Swaney, Metdames Swaney
and G. E. McCully entertained forty-five
of their lady friends at five hundred. For
originality and uniqueness the party was
without precedent this season. The home
was profusely decorated, the autumn
scheme being adherred to thruout. Two
rooms were tastely dotted with autumn
leaves and the other two were decorated
with aspargus ferns still retaining the
red berries. On the railing between the
parlor and dining room were two pretty
horns of plenty, one bell pointing in each
The serving of refreshments, too, was
unique. While Miss Edna McCall enter
tained the guests wi.h several beautiful
instrumental selections, the hostesses,
assisted by four little girls served "Horns
of Plenty." 'Tntti Frutti fillings. Cinna
mon stisck.and Cafe au Lait The little
waitressesHelen Bartlett, Bessie Beulhar
H. Anthony and Ethel Hanley were dres
sed in white the dresses being covered with
yellow autumn leaves. They also carried
leaves in their hair. These little fairy
like creatures served the dainty dishes.
Prizes were won by Mesdames Van
Buren and Fred Kiddle. The former
was awarded a Ruckwood vase and the
second prize being cut glass salt and
peppers. Those present were:
Mesdames W. J. Snodgrass, E. W.
Bartlett, Jay Van Buren. Wm. Mosby.
J. J. Carr, James McCoy, Wm. Allison,
Fred Kiddle. J. Gulling. H. S. Cavana. G.
M. Richey. Ed. Thomas, F. A. Watts.
E. F. Vurpillat. J. M. Berry. M. K. Hall
Wm. Ash, C. H. Finn. R. Newlin T. J.
Ormond. J. E. Foley. A. V. Andrews, E.
E. Bragg. T. J. Scroggin, E. Roming. C.
It it time to think about heating stoves. I have a nice j
line to select from, all sizes and prices. If you
thinking of getting a stove call and examine them,
I am sure you will find ore that will suit yo'J
magazine coal heater is a wonder, it is wcr.oerfj.
it will save coal. Try and you will be convinced.
and ;
Hardware and crockery.
M"li! "1 ft
The Flor De Hackman 10c. cigar
is always a winner when quality is
at steak, fhey afford the best and
sweetest smoke to be had any- ,
when. There may be better e gars
but so far no one has been able to
1 .cate them.
Phone Red 1381
' Cor. Adams Avenue ana Greenwuou
Conkey. Kate Hanley. F. E. Moore, Wm.
Erickson, W. H. Bohnenkamp. H. C.
Grandy, James Snodgrass. J. H. Aikine,
C. Smith, Wm. Jackson, Wm. Morrison,
A. L Richardson, Wm. Stoddard of Perry
Spence and W. K.Jones.
Misses Edna McCall, Margerett Newlin
Burke and Allie Stephens.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dr. G. L.
Biggers entertained the Ladies' Aid of
the Baptist church. Ice cream and cake
was served. The ladies discussed the
coming year's work and transacted vari
ous other business. Sewing was also in
in order.
Next Saturday evening Mrs. H. C.
Grady and daughter Ellen will entertain
a number of their lady friends at Five
Hundred. Invitations are now out.
The O. R. & N. announces a special
rate of 5.40 for the round trip from La
Grande to Elalock Island and return.
Tickets on sale Oct. 1 9, for train No. 5
only. , '
Don't you think you had better try
To wear a smile and srg a song?
It's a good old wold after all.
Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea,
In the gprmg and fall.
Newlin Drub Co.
Mr. Denver Charlton and Miss Cassie
Puyburn were united in marriage at the
Baptist Parsonage at 7:30 p. m. Oct.,
9. Pastor W. H. Gibion officiating.
Tu.e young couple reside at Hilgard
where they arewelland favorably known.
Their many friends join in wishing them
a long and happy married life.
The Junior League of the M. E. Church
will give a dime social at the church
pariors next Monday evening. The little
folks have an excellent program prepared
after which refreshments will be served.
Admission will be ten cents.
FOR SALE $65 New Drop Head Auto
matic Lift Standard Sewing Machine. A
snap on easy payments. Owner going
away. Inquire F. D. Haisten, Second
Hand Store.
consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a
necessity in the hygienic care of the
person and for local treatment of
feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing,
germicidal, deodorizing and healing
qualities are extraordinary. For sale
at Druggists. Sample free. Address
The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass.
May apply to a tight rope walker, but
not to us. It's this way; the more cus
tomers we have that are hungry, the more
speed we make to get them fed. We do
it too, in such a nice
That, although their lunch is a hurried
one, they have no dyspepsia afterward.
Good food helps to do it and good food for
a little money can always be had at our
restaurant. When you want quick lunch
es call and see us.
The Model Restaurants
WeMHI Weekly tirn
t If you would go to school, of course vm, J
properly equipped We have the equipment complete
I from Books and Stationery to Typewriters.
Unless the druggist does his work properly the brelt
to be derived from the doctors prescription is lost " We
vu. WUo...c93 a.iu ldK8 ine trouble and tin? tn
corrmounH all nrpcrrlntr lu
. "fi as iney snould be Our anu we wou;a oe pleased to have vm,
call and become acquainted with our rcdo rf ,
Corner Depot Street and Adams x