r jGiiASSirTEB ADS Rate One cent a word, one-half a cent a rA tion. Classified add. bring quick results. T,,h ,ubsunt inser- WANTED Room and board in private! GOOD WATfc r I family. Phone J. M. Berry's star mi...,. , .t5hor cmpetent womn, . . ' only 01 lour. Ask Mr I M wiwTi:nni l... , I s mrs. J. M Berry. 'WANTED Dining room help, male ot ! S. - ft or female at the Model Resturant. 1 2 e"'le-ian or lady waiter. -NT Neatly furnished front room ily located. Pnone Black 1941. i nave exnene"ee FO V ce FOR SALE OR TRADE Good Crgan I ,R RENT - Furnished large and cozy for sale or will trade for wood at 1603 j ont n:,m- MC a n house. Washing- Adams Ave., or phone Black 601. I ,M ard Crew wood Sts. Call Black f 1 168!. X FOR SALE Good milch cow. Will soon 1 5 be fresh. Will sell for cash or exchange ! FOR RENT-A 7ZZTT" T I for wood. Fred Jacobs. cellar and 'u r uu nowiy pamiea FOR SALE New reclining chair with rubber tires. Will sell cheap. Fred f Jacobs. I WOMEN OR GIRLS WANTED Five . B. C. Laundry. . -For loans on city nrooertv see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. f: or six woi I l .A:J : mozy-f FOR SALE Small house, 1 acre ground Pleasant hone addition. A snap. In I quire L. 0. Nelson at Par-Simmons I Co. I FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF I TITLES go to the La Grande lnvest I ment Company, La Grande Ore., in i Foley building. ortl PCTATtT irviMC a I I li'ty and country real estate. Loans d promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment com- papered. Wii! rent partly furmshed - F-uper person. Inquire at residence -tl2:!.. ,A,!nue- E' G"TRmcE BED ROOMS FORRENT-Comfortlble and hjmeliKe in a quiet house near Adams Avenue. Two only. Inquire of Hattie R. McDoraid at No. 1616 Six th St. 'Phone Black 464. FOR SALE CHEAP-7 room house and three lots close in. convenient to school, round house, and to town, will sell all furnishings such as stoves, dishes, furn iture, bedding, etc. Good well and city water. Inquire at this office or phone Black 1261. PANY. SPECIAL NOTICES JEWtlRY Siegrist &Co.,Jewelers, have placed on sale at their store 400 fiine watches at wholesale prices.Mr. Herman Siegrist while in San Francisco secured about 700 Waltham Elgin watches at a bargain part of which were sent to this city and placed on sale. Watch their window for bargains. L. qtlKt Of STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of the Aurelia Mining Co. that the annual meeting for the election of a board of Directors and any other business that may appear, will be held at the company office in La Grande, Oregon, on the first day of November 1906 at the hour of 2 o'clock p m. J. A. Thronson, Pres. J. L Corlett, Vice pres. FOR SALE OR RENT One farm of 1600 acres. One farm of 800 acres will either sell on easy terms or rent - vr five jtir;. Mere a splendid opportunity for the right person. For particulars see A. B. Conley, Address Cove Ore. or Phone Vergere telephone line. A SUDDEN PROPOSITION The sudden cold will come to a sudden end if Antigriphine Tablets are taken.-25e.-NEwuN Drug Co. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured hv Dr K.nrr'. N.u, T ;f- Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausia. head ache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort. 25c. Guaranteed by the Newlin Druo Co. m1I ART LESSONS Nina Hunstock wishes to announce 'ladies of La Grande the s'-3 is preparea co lake orders and give essons i in oom water colors and china painting. Studio at 906 Main St. TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of parties on good timber claims of two million feet and better. Foley Blk. La Grande Investment Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duiy appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of M. Baker Deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the 9j0hdulv verified to me, or J. C. Baker my attorney, within six months after the publication of this notice. . ' S. K. Baker Administrator ' La Gra.'de. Oregon Sept. 7 1906 Notice of Appointment of Ad ministrator To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the es tate of Louisa Griffin deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to J. W. Knowles. his attorney, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of August, A. D. 1006. Jesse Griffin. Administrator. SPECIAL NOTICE" La Grande, Ore., Oct. 5. 1 906. To whom it may concern: As there has been some talk and won der as to whether the insurance company known as the Pac fie Live Stock Associ ation, of Spokane, would ever pay its losses, if they had any. I desire to an nounce to the public that 1 lost a fire ani mal and that I received prompt payment in full. 1 cheerful'y recommend ttvs com pany to all, as beirg cheap, safe and reliable. Yours respectful!, Amalcated Sugar Co. By F. S. Bramweli. Mgr. It is enough that a woman should be well and strong to be charming and beau tiful, in order to be this she must take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, one of the greatest beautifiers known. Tea or Tablets. 55 cents, Niwlin Dfuc Co. - XJhe farmers ana traders 9atonai SSank Capital Surplus and Undivided Property . Liabilities of Shareholders Responsibility $ 60.000.00 .. 16.000.00 . 60.000.00 .$1 36.000.00 J Conducted under Supervision of United States Bank Examiners. i SAFE AND RELIABLE Glad to continue old enstomers and pleased to meet new ones. A General Banking and Exchange Business Conducted. Loans made on approved Security. Highest Market Pr.ce paid for Union County Warrants and City of La Grande Warrants. Be sure to call on us when you rave warrants for Sale. imusD rusnis Mite Mabel Grave of the Home Finding Society for Idaho and Oregon, organized a board at this place. Mr. Casey and family, who moved to Pendleton. re again to be residents of Hilgard. They moved back Tuesday. The steam shovel crew of the O. R. & N. which has been located her for quite a while expect to imigrat to other parts this week. The O. R. & N. is making some striking improvements west of Hilgard, up the canyon. They have constructed a new public road for the county on the south side of the track which is well built and is one of the most picturesque parts because it is built on the side of the moun'ain. They built this stietch tl cccr.t) read tnat they might fill m one trestle. Mr. E. E. Bragg, county ' superintend ent, was a very pleasant caller of the Hilgard schools Tuesday morning. The teachers and pupiis have a warm place in their hearts for Mr. Bragg. There are about forty-eight pupils. Miss Greta Breckenndge of La Grande is now assisting Mr. Lewis as P. M. at this place. The autumn time has come, The fall time of the year, O heart be frolicsome. And drive away thy fear; For it js the time, When poets write in rhyme, About the golden leaf. And the garnered sheaf; Let's bathe in colors gay, O soul along the way. Vale. ISLAND CITY ITEMS Mr. John Rowley left for her home in Westfall, Oregon, Friday night, .after a pieasant visit oi two uuiauuu iu the family of her aunt, Mr. W. G. Hun te-. Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Wade returned Saturday night' from Walla Walla where they visited relative for a week and also attended the Fair, Mrs. C. H. Bidwell. Mrs. E. E.' Kiddle, and Mrs. William Hall arrived home Sun day night from a several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rinehart of Walla Walla. Mrs. Geo. Childers and family, late of California, are now residents of our little city. Sr. Ed Kiddle is sti'l confined to his room as the resulo of the injury he re ceived Tuesday at the mill. Mrs. W. G. Hunter is epending a few days at the Cove visiting .Mrs. Beswell and old time friends. SUMMERYILLE SlfTINC Matt Mills left Monday for Hailey Idaho aftei spending the past two months with his mother, Mrs. Mills. Mrs. J. M. Choate and children returned home Monday after a week's visit at Walla Walla. Ed Combes spent Sunday in Elgin. Jim Childers and family of La Urande spent Sunday in tms vicinity visiting friends and re.atives. Miss Hattie Wall of The Dalles is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Berry. Mrs, Dibbie cf Wallowa is the guest of Mrs. Gillisp'e.- Everette Berry and family returned to their home in Wallowa Tuesday after at tending the funeral of h s mother, Mrs. Berry, who d ed at Imbier. Oct. 6, 1906. Hon. and Mrs. McLeod of Elgin were callers in our town last week. Mr. Thornton and family have moved from their ranch into town for the pur pose of sending their children to school. Harry Rule of Alicel was a caller in our town Sunday. Samuel Keck left for his home in Wal lowa Saturday. He has been employed at Wade &, Robinson's saw mill this sum mer. Married In La Grande, Sunday. Oct ober 7, 1 906. Mise Lulu Lanman of this city and Mr. Fre3 Clorson of Wallowa. Mr. Oilman left Wednesday for Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will spend t'ie next few weeks visiting friends and rela tives. Died Near this city, Oct. 8, 1906, Granopa Craig. The funeral took place at the Summerville cemetery, Tuesday. Oct. 9. 1906. Mr. R. M. McKenzie is having his livery bam re-shingled. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. In the matter of the es tath of R. D. Ruckman, deceased. No tice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of R. D. Ruckmn, deceased, pursuant to an order or the above entitled court made and en tered on the 6th day of September A, D. 1 906. will from and after Friday, the 1 2th day of October 1906. proceed to sell at private sale for cash to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by the court, all of the folio ving described real estate, viz: Lots I. 2, 5. 4, 19 and 20 in Block 21 of the Town cf lmb!er. Union County, Ore gon. C. H. Finn. Adm.nistrator. Dated and first publication, September 12th. 1906. AUCTION 1 will n at public Auction t my place two mile north of Cove, Oregon sale to begin oromptly at 9 a m Saturday. Oct 20. 1906b following-described property 8 Milch Cows. 2 Two-year-old heifer. 8 Grade Jersey heifer calves, 1 Brood mar. 2 Three-year-old geldings, 1 Four-year-old driving gelding, 1 Seven-year-old driving mare 1 One-year-old mare, 1 Young Durham bull. 2 Mower-, 1 Rake. 1 Binder 1 Walking plow. 1 Wagon, I Hack. 1 Top Buggy, 1 Stake rack wagon bed. 1 Set double buggy namess. 3 Sets double work harness. 1 "Steel Age" cultivator, 1 C.lampbn wire fence machine. 1 Disc. 1 Cook stove. 2 Heating stoves. 1 DeLava! cream separ ator. No. 1, S Milk cans, and many other artic es too numerous to mention. Terms: $10 and under, cash; Qver $10 six months time on approved security, bearing 8 per cant interest. Five per cent discount will be allowed for cash on sums of over $10.' Free lunch at neon. F. M. Daugherty, . L. B. Stearns Auctioneer. WANTED Person capable of handling our agency in La Grande for crockery, teas, coffees, baking powder, etc. View of putting in store. Particulars, ad dress, Empire Tea Company, Pendleton. State references. i fa Si if EN if! The Myriad Service Garment Have you ever considered how desirable "Mackinette" Rain-Coat Is? Proper outer garment for Pull Dress and Informal occa aionsj reliable during; rain or shine, and suitable as a Spring; or Fall Overcoat in short, ready whenever an outer gar ment is needed. A necessity, if one ever existed. We suggest the "RScW Wellington" Model as one that will probably meet your idea as to style. ; You are cordially invited ; ; to inspect this beautiful I line of Raincoats : A. V. Andrews : : TAILOR, HABERDASHER . Trust to Nature' A (rri'ni imiiiy Amrrlriitu, Imth mea and wniiifi'. ii ri' lliiii. pale uml puny, with poor riivul. i urn Ix-ruUM! lin y have ill tn;i u-d tl.i'lr kiiiiitt:liK liy hiixty anting or t miH'li futliif, liy consumiiic ulcu- lllllic llOVClMtfl'rl. l.r by tKI fllKK COIltillfl- iiM'iit. tn li'iuii'. i.lll.'i. or f.n'iory. hiiiI In tMiiiMMiKiii-i i lir -loniHi li nm.-t I'k tr'atd in u mitiirul way l-fon tlicy can rectify tlii-lr Piirlli-r lnistaki. 'i nn iniiiolpit In ninny siii'li miiiIc, ill fuel lui'vury weary, tliiu iind Uiiii-liliHHliil ihtsuii. do their work with gri'i.t diMii-iilty. A a rinult fmixiKi mint's early. Is exlrcmp and lasts Ionic. Tin' ili'inaii'l for nutritive aid It lilieail of the Hiijiply. To lui-iirp erficl HphIiIi pverv tiKxiip. Ikhip. nerve and uium-lp kIioiiIiI take from the IiIikkI cer tain muierialM and return U It certain others. It Is iiei'edMiry to prepare the Htoniui'h (or ili work of takiiiK up from the food wh u is ii'vci.ary ui make good, rich, red IiIimmI. We must o Ui Nature for the remedy. Tliere were certain roots known to tint Indians of this country liefor the advent of Uip white, which later came Ui tlie kiKiwIedKP of tlit settlers and which am now growing rapidly In professional favor for the cure of olistinnte stomurli ami liver troubles. These are found to be safe and yet cer tain In their cleansing and invigorating etfert UMin llie stomach, liver and blood. These are: Golden Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root. Kloodrool. Mandrake root. Then there Is lllack Cherrytiark. The medicinal principle! residing In these native roots when eitrarted with glyc erine as a' solvent make the most reliable and ethVient stomarh tonic and liver In vlgoralor. when combined In Just the right proportions, as in I'r. I'leree'i Golden Medical Discovery. Where there Is bankrupt vitality such as nervous rthutistioii. had nutrition and thin blissl. the Issiy acouire vigor and the nerves. IiIinnI anil all the tiasiii feel the favors hie effect of this sovereign remedy. Although some physicians have Is-en aw are of the high medicinal value of the alsive mentioned plants, yet few have used pure glycerine as a soKfiit and usually the docUir' prescriptions called for the ingredients in varying amount, uiih ofc.io.. The "Golden Medical filscovery" la a scipntilic preparation compounded of the glyceric euraefs of th alsive mentioned vegetable Invn.lieiitu and contains nc alcohol ur liarmliil lis bit- form lug nriin. PAINLESS DENTISTRY AT PORTLAND PRICES I p A I N L E S S E X T R A C T I N C I 50c V5 LaGrande, ' ' . CD, I u A 21 . m Oil v 1 s I L V E R T I L L I ' IM C I $100 The one priced office. Not o ie p ice to oie and an other price to others, but the san.e pric3 for the same kind of work to ali. Gold Gro.vns ... $ 5.00 up Bridgework psr tooth 5.00 Gold Fillings l.OOup Plates 5.00 up Examination and Estimates FREE LA GRANDF. DENTAL' CO. Successors to Reavis Bros. Over Watts Drug Co. Phone Black 51 PARR -LOG AN CO. I LA GRANDE, OREGON. Peal Estate Insurance Gity Property Farm lands Fruit lands Timber lands Beet lands List your property with us and get quick returns Sole agents: ' . J FAIRBAKS-M0RRIS CO. I PORTLAND 2 Engines, Pumps j Irrigation plants a specialty Office in La Grande National Bank Building B. W. NO YES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Dealer in Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Black U61 Hamilton Building. Corner Fir and Adams Avenue ft