Hi "LA GRANDE SUGAR" j None Better. None Purer. None Sweeter, ii tsc LaCrande Suar and Use no Other I hell Fish A New Department I I To our already large and complete stock of groceries we J nave aaaea a 5ntLL FISH COlNTtR upon which will be found fresh Grabs, Clams, Grawfish, Oiympia and eastern uysters. In fact all that should be found in an up-to-date Shell Fish market. x :. . .. ... is: w. white, grocer Prompt Delivery. Phon Main 49 1 I LA GRANDE IRON WORKS i D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor J Gjmplete Machine Shops' and Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed t'le esl' cheaPest m'" on tne market. Our shops are Qipped wi'h machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large otothing to small. Highe' prices paid for old cast iron. MILLINERY All kinds. Popular Prices. Entire new line of Lunch Boxes. New School Tablets E.M. Wellman & Company ADAMS AVENUE INSPECTION SOLICITED You will, we think, appreciate a thorough inspection of cfcr Photos, we have conridence enough in our work to beleave it is the best possible to attain, and we aim to turn out only work that is perfect in pos ing, printing,and finish. E. J. RITTJER Photographer La Grande, Ore. it SEED Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK For several seasons we have been the leading seed distributors of Union county and our present stocK it Wger than ever Everything in the seed line S0ue our prices on either small or quantity purchases H V. OLIVER ! Slater Buil dinar JEFFERSON AVE Main 57 Li Grande EvenlnJ Observer THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 1906 CUR RE Y BROS..Editors and Proprietor Burma shyer (Sciipps News Association) Washington. Oct. 1 1 The director of the mint this afternoon purchased six hundred ounces of silver for delivery in ots for San Francisco. New Orleans and Denver. The price the government paid was 69 and 1 1 hundreds cents per ounce. WVORd COflORfSS The next divorce congress will be held at Philadelphia, Nov. 15. The congress will receive the model divorce statutes. the drafting of which was placed in the hands of a committee when the congress met at Washington last winter. The purpose is to secure uniform reform di vorce laws in all the state. At the congress will be delegates from 41 states and representatives of the Chureh Union and other kindred organizations. COME ON TIME As the theatrical season has just open ed here it would be well to call the attention of the patrons of the ODera house to the fact that they can confer a great favor upon the management also the patrons by arriving at the theatie in time to become seated before the curtain goes up for the first act. Straggles not only loose the benefit of seeing the first of the bill, but also prevent those whs did come in time from receiving thm benefits of their promptness. No one has the right to disturb others. Come on time or Wait for the hmntmft ft fH .,... . STOCKMEN ATTENTION All persons detirious of securing a grazing permit in the Wallowa and Ches nimnus Forest Reserve for the grazing season of 1907, are hereby requested to be present at the stock meeting to be held at Wallowa, Oregon, Tuesday November 6, 1906, for the purpose of alloting the ranges. Mr. A. F. Potter. Chief of the Section of Grazing of Washington, D. C, will be presen: at this meeting to talk over the grazing situation with the stock men. All persons desiring a grazing permit for the season of 1907, are requested to bo present in person, if possible, or by a representative, or your application will be accepted by mail until November 1 S, 1906. Permits will be refused to all persons who do not file their applications by November 15, 1906, unless satisfact ory reasons are given. Howard K. O'Brien. Ranger in Charge. Wallowa. Oregon, October 4. 1906. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system le the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in she art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 473. 1 IF YOU HAVE A TASTE FOR THE BEST ice cream and water ices in town s. m vuur iv if l v a rn ir us m m - goes into our freezers is straight stuff, what comae out vmir and palate wil! assu you to be dainty of favor, smooth as to "churning" and altogether delicious. Oh, no! Costs no more than the ordinary kind. SELDER, The Candy I Man 'Km TIRE" I wish to sail attention to two case of "nerve tire." or nerve exhaustion. tk at re cently came under my observation. Their similarity in certain ways was striking. One patient was a business man suffering "rom headache and constipation who slept very little and always awoke unrefreshed. He gave a history of a fall upon the end of the spin about three years ago, since wnicn urn ne naa been gradually "going down hilL When business was most ex acting hi brain seemed to refuse to work and a terrific headache resulted. Upon examination 1 found considerable spinal tenderness the entire length with marked lesions (abnormalities) at the in nervation of the digestive tract. It was evidently a case of nervous exhaustion from over-work with epinal lesions, weak ening digestion and thus helping matter along. Correcting the lesion, with a short vacation, restored him so that he returned to business with no return of the trouble. The other case wa that of a woman who had used up her nerve force by too close attention to socio! affairs. 1 was called first because the menses failed to appear at the proper time. I found the same spinal tenderness with a marked lesion in the lower spine that would affect the menses. A few treatments corrected that trouble and a persistant course of treatment afterwards removed the spinal irritation and restored the tone to her sys tern. These cases are similar in thit to h patients used up more nerve enorgy than they produced. Both had spinal lesions that produced individual symptoms a the weakest parts of their systems. Both al so responded to common-sense treatment. The American people are a nervous race and drive themselves to do extra work by sheer force of will. The result is a break down at some ooint at the !) or gan to be affected. These abnormalities make people more liable to wear-and-tear just as any other machine that does not run smoothly. The indicated treatment is always an adjustment of the machine and moderation in its use. Such ie the king dom of Osteopathy. Osteopathic Health. STARVING TO DEATH Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat. Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair St.. Columbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before 1 was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a com plete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteed by Newlin Drug Company druggist. All our groceries are good, clean, fresh, and pure. The kind that will make your meals very delici ous, and give the house-wife an easy task in preparing it. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and berries. Every- thing that should he' found in a J first class grocery. j PROMPT DELIVERY I PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDES BR; J r l ' J j i NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION Ladies: The beautiful Fashion Plates and samples of Materials of the magni ficent line of Ladies' Fine Tailor Made Suits and Skirts, made to your special order of your own sel ection of materials and linings, exactly to your measurements and penect fit guaranteed, also the most beautiful styles produced in Ready-to-Wear Suits, Coats and Jacket, Rain Coats, Walking Skirts, Silk and Voile Dress Skirts, Furs of all kinds, Silk and Cotton Waists and other wearing apparel, are now ready for your inspection, and you are cordially invited to call. I shall take pleasure in showing you the large fashion plate ar.d sam ples whether you wish to buy or not. and I am certain that you will enjoy the twenty minutes or half hour necessary to go through the line. Very respectfully yours, Laura B. Jackson. Slater Bldg. La Qrande. Phone. Red 402. Representing Chas. A. Steviks & Bros. The Leading Style Store of Chicago. WW Yes if you will step this way please, we will show you some of the excellent laundry work we are doing every day. You will feel proud when you walk along the street drew ed in on of those shirt that we turn out of this laundry A. B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 La Gr.'nfc, Oregon. SEEING IS BELIEVING is a proverb especially true of our business. It we examine yo'ir eyes and fit you with sjasses you must believe in us. For you iU see better than you ever' did with those old window class srjeatzclas EVERYTHING to aid theight can he found here. And vuu know or have heul of our moderate charge method. ' Repairing Promptly done I. H. PEARE. kwelM' "! 0pt!c!2r. vemveee... . NEW TRUCK AND TRANSFER LINE See the wagon on the street. iiCHAS. A. DUiNN 4 Phone Main 67. ..,pi j inmiw .opera nom D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor and Manager. ONE NIGHT INLY MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 Edward R Slater's Company (Direct from Broadway Triumphs) PRESENTINO The Now Century Dramatic Sensation A Mad Love A most remarkable dramatization of Miss Braddon's famous novel, "Lady Audley's Secret" with ' Maretta Smart And the same company and magnificent production that set New York talking, and commanded the daily attention of the entire New York Press! A DRAMATIC SENSATION, AS DARING AND HUMAN AS TlniJlSELF! IT HOLDS THE MIRROR IP JO NATURE" Seats on Sale at Van Burens OpCnS Saturday, 6ctObe7l3 Box scats $1.00, Orchestra and Orchestra Center 75c. Dress Circle and Gallery 50c. Children 25c. vMmHMltMHmHMmNHmvHMmHv'Hrv ELSS PRICES REASONABLE1 SANITARY PLUMBING is as essential in your home as the doctor OUR WORK fxecutcd in workmanlike manner and approved sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatory! and all plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NEIL 101 S Washingtan Avenue TELEPHONE RED 161 'J. ''t aiff ttt ft I tttttttt ) ).. tiiim,'