EXCELSIOR HEATERS RANGES We have a complete line of these well known Heaters. They give universal satisfaction. Absolutely DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sul phuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) substan ces adopted for other baking pow ders because of their cheapness. BOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK QUAKER PUFFED OATS The new breakfast food. A trial order will convince you that it is just what you have been look ing for. Ask for it. IMo breakfast is complete without it. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. W A N X El D t Hay. Grain, fruit, in short. All Kinds of Farm Products We have contracts for 600 ton of hay. We must have the hay to supply our customers. We will pay the highest market prices, spot cash, for all goods. We will also want a great deal of oats, and other grain as soon as they are ready for market. We are ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great number of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a limited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all the fresh eggs you have. Gall on us before You make any Arrangements in Marketing your goods We have a nice lot of hay and oats in our warehouse which we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale prices. We have a car of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, due here tomorrow morning. These will be the finest of the season on this market. Buy your melons now while they are good, as the melon season will soon be over for a year. PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company 9 I! Qminrn flonl GEO. T. parr. er t UIJUUl 1 1SVUI t. B SIMMONS, President Sec'y and Mgr. PHONE MAIN 51 PARR SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits. Hay. Potatoes and Grain ::: Apples a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Now HIGHEST PRICES PAID Jefferson Ave. and Greenwood St. Call and see us before you sell La Grande, Oregon OYSTER COCKTAILS i SGHE&RER'S i HEATERS for Coal or Wood. Our prices $2.25 to $25.00 JUST RECEIVED 75 TRUNKS, SUIT CASES TELESCOPES AMD GRIPS AT 25c to $12 50 EXCELSIOR HEATER WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN 1415 Adams Ave Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store ROMADKA ' KFAnV ACCESS TRUNK A RAISING 1h. cover brings every comer within reach without re. moving trays. Saves K the time of an ordinary trunk to pack or nn pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to eet out of order. Will etand all the kuock and hard usage of traveling. Costs no more than a common trunk, $5.00 and ttv. la Grande Evening Observer THURSDAY OCTOBER 11, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 Six months in advance 3.50 Per month 65 Single copy 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment ADVERT I81NO KATES Jlsplay Ad ratoi rarnlabed a pan application 'axafti reading not Ices 10c per line first Inwi. Hon, jc per line tor each Hubaequenl lour- lion, leiolnUona of uon'lolence, 5c , er line, wrda of llmi.k, (y oer line. one representative. Jackson county with looless inhabants has two; Yamhill' with no more has two and so on. ! That the lumber industry of the North west, great as it is has only made a beginning is plain and self evident. Joseph Gilden. the inventor of the barbed wire is dead, but the creation of his brain will continue to be useful for all the time to come. The assessor's roll shows the total till able acreage in Union county to be 141 000 acres. The proper distribution of water would easily double this amount. This is the advice of Governor Folk of Missouri deals out to c:t:zsns ni msr chants. He says: "We are proud of cur splendid cities and we want them tu increase in wealth and population and we also want our country towns to gro. We wish the city merchants to build up, but we also desire the country merchants to prosper. I A V-t v -- ..J-r If a place is good enough for a man to live in and make his money it is good enough for him to spend it in. No merchant can succeed withcut advertis ing in one way or another. Patronize your own papers build them up and they will build up your town and increase trade and opportunities. Do not be afraid that business is going to be hurt by the recent i exposures of the wrong doing in the commercial world. No man who is doing an honest business can be injured by light." TL. ... . . ne bouniy court is certainly right in demanding a strict accounting of money annually spent upon our county roads, which amounts to thousands of dollars each year. Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff in his olxial report to the forthcoming session of the legislature estimates the population of the state of Oregon at 433,574, as against 413,536, in 1900, an increase of 20,038. Some of these days the people of Ore gon will wake up to the fact that a forty road can be kept in repair at a much less expense than our present wide thoroughfares. Many states in the east became aware of this waste of money and the change years ago. The next legislature will re-apportion the state with reference to the number of state senators and state represent atives, the several vCunties will have. Ten years ago we lost out and the wrong should be righted this time. To illustrate according to the state census Union county is credited with 14,700 with only Wool is now among the most import- I ant of Oregon's industries. A third of all the sheep in the United States are owned in the northwest and Billings Mon- tana and the Dalles, in Oregon, are the J greatest initial wool-markets in the 1 country. Last year Oregon produced 22,000.000 pounds of wool. Montana 25, 000.000. Washington 15.000.000. and Idaho 13.000.000. Most of this product was sent to Massachusetts which has the greatest numbei of wo len mills of any Slate in the union. Nowhere in the world except in Australia is there finer-or better wool produced than in Oregon. These cond:to.is are at the r best in eastern Oregon and the uplands of the Willamette Valley. Pr ces receded for Willamette wool last year ranged frnm twenty to thirty cents wh.'e in Eastern Oregon the wool brought from tweny twenty-Stx cents a pound. The finer j fleeces of Eastern Oregon wooi ranged I , 1 I trom s x and one half pounds hile the coarser ones from the Willamette Valley often v.e.ghed as hgh as fifteen pounds. The Oregon Ciy mills are the largest woolen mills west of the Mississippi river and have Deenin existence nearly a half a century. Their plant is thoroughly up- to-date and gives employment to about four hund'ed people. I BUY A J 5J5J33352 It Stay Satisfactory "Rans 49 W. H. BOH NF (M K AMP C Hardware, Stocs and Furniture Crockery and Building Materials Hand Bas and Pursl EW LIE JUST ARRIVED i to ! ; HAD BAGS We have the new sry.e sh.ppu bags in Alligator. Seal, Morocco and Wairus. The new Automob.le s-vle. fine leather lining, leaner" cover ed frames, hand sewed purse, and card case to match, with Gentlemen's Purses Bill books and card cases .in Seal, Mocha. P'g Skin and Buck Skin. The new novelty Coin and Bill Purses Auioniouiitt Caps. Pig Skin Wallets, Puzzle Purses, Leg Purses and Coin Bags of all kinds. - , SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE Rummafe Sale Tr,e ladies of St. Peters" Gui, will hold their annual fall rummage sale in the Slater building, Oct. 12 and 13. being Friday and Saturday of this week. They heve colected a large and more varied assortment of goods than ever before for their customers to select from. Bear in mind the place and date. A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL 1! LA GRANDE. OR Tea Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green J. A. Folger tl Co., San FrancUco Tea I cmom The Eastern Oregon Trust aniJr Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK $60,000.00 RESOURCES koans ' - 561366.01 nas 5000.00 Warrants 2481.67 Furniture & Fixtures.. 1 769 25 Ixpensv 245270 ash on hand and in ban.ks26507.00 $99576.63 LIABILITIES Capital .$60000.00 Earnings 2047.07 Deposits S7529J& $99576.53 i wrritKS rTCEAVER T W"' MILLER" V'" R'nt - ER- CashJei; unt T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Casher j . . i reasurer, (