L-A GRANDE GROW AND WE WILL ALL joROW WITH IT mewl ttmt irtr M 1 r VS" . ! : : VOLUME V ' GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREQON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER It 1908 - "J "" ' - NTTMD1TD 0ft - - - w wa ,-, . k 0 1,1 "- mnmin son mm Oct -A t.lerr.m 1 making V'SitS P'"Sbu"' P- city from St.Ub.nvill.r,v.a!,d th. .lop- d pr,p"n ,0' ment of Miss Nell.. Scott and Frederick Si ' "M PtoniMd in wa.one or th. most ?ccomp!ish.d vounir 1 hT. 7 . """urg out .y.n . . ' ,n,a young . that wa. not known until thi. ,..! men or ta.i-fcnd. a suburb nf Pit.. .,., , " - plan, fot th. wumin m LMi-tna, i suburb of P tt- Whii. h.,. u j I burg. KraaWn..ei.nbvVic.Pri!l?'LVher,h8 and Mrfcairbank.. is that th. brid. T. , . .. " Th. couol. m.t ast vr t th. h,. """or uojectoa 10 me engagement wh ch - . j , .. " """" wa. toh.v.bwnannouofjthi. J Z- m.IndiMnpoli. nd .inc. th.n th. Vic. President m h. v.:" youn ra,rt,nl, n b..n paying much w.r. .ngaged and that th. w.ddin, Z "T. Sco fr.qu.ntly. b..n plar.n.d for November nd could ... infZid bv 'th? "Chicago wa. nora.3nwhvth..hnM.-e..w " lnrrm by th. Scnpp, News, of hi. villetobe marrid. Mr.. Scntt w. "roth.r elopem.nt. H. Mid h. that th. Fairbank. had objected to th. heard of Mis Sc" engagement. , . v his brother han been contemplating For several weeks Mis.Soott h.. been riage. Fr.denck is tw.ntv-.iaht never nd didn't know mar- . (LARK'S DAYS NUMBERED - (Scrlp.'ewi Association) . Butte. Mont. Oct. 1 1 F. A. Heintz who has returned from New York last night, gave an imterview" today, which is xpected to have a powerful bearing on the politics of the states and will prob ably result in the retirement from the political . arena of Senator Clark. It is announced that he is supporting President Ro:sevelt and is sending a Republican senator and Congressman to Washington to stand by the President in his anti trust policy. As Heintz's party in Mon tana is the anti-trust and independent, is believed that tne announcement will de termine the political cornplex.on o Mon tana', campaign and will m.an th. elec- senator as a .uecessor to Senator Clark, whose term expired next year. TRAIN WRECK Scripp. New. Association) St. Louis, Oct. ll-'lh. I ran Mountain fast mail train jumped th. track while making up for lost tim. this morning. The train had reached the city limits without reearding its speed. As a result one man, the engineer is dead and ten injured. Three men who jumpad from the moving train, were severely injured and may die from the injuries. NO CONFIRMATION (Scrlpp. New. Association) Carson Nev., Oct. 1 1 Th. United State. Land office has received no advice to th. ff.ct that the principal portion of th. Walker reservation i. thrown noon on October 2 9. But presuming th. pres. dispatchers ar. corr.ct say that th. m.thod of allotingth. min.ral from th. agricultural land is to be outlined by th. G.n.ral Land Offica. Th. mining men ar. deeply interested in a. much a. th. Iaw in Nevada do not limit th. of claim, any person can locate. Th. reservation consist, principally of min.ral lands, gold, silver and copper. A big rush i. .xpected unl.ss peaceable settlement of allotment i. devised. Six township, ar. reserved for th. Indian. ftARfUL CONDITIONS Scrlpp. New. Association) Lodz, Oct. 12- Many terrorists wen x.cut! this morning after th. rum head courtmartial. Thert war. no papers published today and the'trooD. Datrol th. streets continually. A general strike i. in full .wing. Th. city prisons ar. cram med and official, are reoortina numerous m.thrd. of .Muring room in which to place the prisoner.. Th. citv is a m of boiling hatred, on. faction airainst an other. It is feared that there will h. general slaughter of people before night fall. NO JOHN D. FOR HIM (Scrlpp. New. Association) Chicago, Oct. 1 l-l would rather hano tomorrow tnan be John D. Rockefeller," said uamel Frances, a necro. todav death watch was1 placed over him pre paritory, execution tomorrow for killing nis wire ana uera Scroggs. BAD WRECK ON ION PACIfK (Scrlpp. New Association) Ridg.. Wyo., Oct II In a h.ad on collieion on th. Union Pacific this morn ing, engineer Strong and fireman K.ll.y and head brakeman Meyers, all of Lara mie, were killed. Head Brakeman Simms was fatally hurt. An unknown tramp was later found dead in th. d.bri. Traffic is stopped. AMERICANS WIN BRILLIANT GAME IN THE TENTH INNING Score by innings. Amer'ans 000000000 35 Nationals 000000000 00 Batteries: Nationals. Pfeiter and Kling. Americans, Walsh and Sulli van. Qames won : National. 1 ; Amer'ns 2 t - GREAT MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT Having received our complete line of Fall Millinery whMi comprises the very latest creations in Street and TrlMmed hats, we ask your indulgence while we "show you." These hats are trimmed and built by experienc ed city trimmers who are in touch with the very latest styles. You Arc Welcome Phone Black 130 Vcrgere No. 27 LADIES' COATS, SUITS, AND SKIRTS It has been given up by the buying public thatTH E FA I R-is-the leading store for ladies' teady made garments for style quality and price Our ladies' department is crowded with the latest in all the above garments, jeady for inspection. Do not be talked out of it. LADIES' COATS Ouriin. j . - com- prises all the late shadow plaids checks and all solid colors in Kersies as well as blacks, which are very popular this season. Lengths and ?8 . Prices as to qwity. $6.50 to 25.00 SLITS, SKIRTS This lme ... needs but little passing attention as our stock is very complete and is known by everyone. New goods arriving every few days ALWAYS WELCOME MISSES,' CHILDREN'S (Scrlpp. New. Association) Chicago, Oct. 11. The ski es wnr bright and clear today and as th. hour for the third game of the world's cham pionship series between the Americans and the Nationals approached, the air was al most warm., WIRES DO AW The details of the game could not be secured today due to storms in Western Oregon that have crippled the telegraphic wires. A flash from Portland says that the Americans won by a score of 3 to 0 in the tenth inning. MI COURT This morning Judae Eakin passed sen tence on the following three who had been convicted, Gonta, the Japanese who at tempted to shoot one of his fellow country men, was given three years. Burke, convicted of larceny in a dwell ing, one year, and Maroney, alias "Box Car Casey." two years for larceny. In the cast of th. state vs Shark.y. who wa. charged with wantonly beating a horM, Sharkey wa. acquitted. District Attorney Ivanho. filed a mo tion to withdraw th. indictment against Councilman Oardinier and Bartl.ttand to b permitted to later Ml. a n.w informa tion. Th. jury in th. cast of th. stats ' v. M.y.ra, charged with assault with intent to kill, brought in a verdict of guilty. Th. afUrnoon was taken up with th. hearing of argument, on th. indictment against J. C. Smith and John Klein. Th. court will rwder its decision at 9 o'clock in th. morning. IN TUNNEL A WfC K (Bcrlpp. New. Association) N.w York, Oct. 11-Thr. men. two of them construction foremen, who wer. killed in Pennsylvania tunnel by an ex yu.iuM ana a aozen otn.r. that w.r s.ver.ly wounded, wer. r.moved thi. morning. Immediately after th. ex plosion, which h'ppened a week ago, th. wood work caught fir. cutting off all means of escape. OLD S01D1ERS FROZE 10 DEATH (Scrlpps News Association) Cleveland. Ohio. Oct. 1 1 John Reese, a veteran of the civil wai froze to death in his home last ninht. He had bean living without fire and th. sudden to proach of cold weather took him by sur prise. He was planning to leave for the soldiers home today. TERROR UNABATED Siimmerside Burning tHi-rlppa News Association) Halifax. Oct. 1 1 Summerside the caD itol of Fnce Edward Island is in flames this morning. It appears that the city of hve thousand is doomed, The fire start ed in a railway depot on Water Front, and was fanned by a gale until within - Ulf - - . a nan an nour me town was a roaring furnace. All surroundina town hiva rushed aid. Loss of life is feared but bv noon no cases have been reported. The property loss is already beyond conser- ative estimation. COATS Tni ry often neglected by W. have made a thi. department merchants special not. of and hav. what you will want in the above lines. Full length coats, 3.50 to 8.50, in children's, and 6.50 to 15.00 in Misses' coats. You will also find line of Tarns. Caps, other acessories. a complete Skirts and JUNE CAPLES PARALYZED Judge John F. Caples, on. of th. for.- most attorneys and most rjrominent Dion- eer citizens of Portland has Just suffered a severe stroke of paralysis and his con- amon, while not dangerous, is considered very serious considering his advanced age. which i 74 years. Judge Capl.s is w.u known in eastern Oreuon. bavins taken an activ. interest in th. .tat. poli tics for th. past 30 y.ars a. well as hav ing been an able lawv.r. Ha has bn engaged in many of th. leading law suits in easrn Uregon counties and has ad dressed many audiences in .astern Or.- gon in political campaigns and in Fourth of July celebrations, BIG APPLE (ROP 'I estimate that the croc of winter apples for this year will exceed that of last by between 200 and 500 uer cent." - t, n . . ioy j. m. Drown, tne Horticultural in spector of Yakima county. The crop will total between 1.200 and 1,600 car loads, the greatest in the history of the Yakima valley. The crop is also freer from pests of any kind than in any other recent years." PARR-SIMMONS AB?Sr fIRM All the large shipping points of the United Stages ar. calline for Grand. Rond. Valley's fruit. During this week four carloads of pears will have been shipped to Chicago by the Parr-Simmons company of this' city. A car load of apples went west this morning. Mr. Simmons has also purchased thirteen carloads of potatoes from growers in the valley and has already shipped them to eastern points. Mr. Simmons buys his fruit direct from the producer and always gets there is. TOBACCO CROP RUINED (Hcrlpps News Assuclatlon) Cincmati, Oct. II -It is estimated the frost this morning damaged the tobacco crop to the extent of four million dollars. Thirty-four counties of Ohio, Kentucky ana inaiana suite red. MNS. DAVIS SERIOUSLY ILL (Scrlpps News Association) New York. Oct. II Mrs. JafT.ninn Davis's illness . regarded a. serious. Her co'd has failed to yield regardless of the treatment she has boen undergring. JURIST KILLED (Scrlpp. News Association) bait Lak., Oct. I l.-Juda. C. W. R.n. nett., for many years on. of the laadino mining attorneys in Utah. wa. killed this morning by a street car. IN dlCtl SOCIETY Ccrlpps New. Association) N.w Port, Oct. 1 1 Mis. Evelvn Birht aud M. A. Sand. w.r. married tvUu It is an .vent of the fall season smnns th. four hundred. HEAVY SNOWS IN EAST (Hcrlpp. New. Association) KochesterN. Y. Oct. 1 1-Ther. sr. heavy snows ov.r a larg. portion of th. stat. today. Wir.s and trees ar. down. IN llttO (Scrlpp. New. Assoclstloa) San Francisco, Oct 1 1-D.spita th shak. up in political circle and th sus pension of all leave of absences th. reign of Urror continues. Two holdups occured last night Two aftarnoon papers following th. example of th. morning papers appeal to th. citi zens to taking a hand in tha matter of cleaning the city of thugs. Hardware dealer, today say th. number of Ml., of ravolv.r. tine. th. begining of th. carni val of crime i. not exaggerated. They My that nineteen thousand i. a conservauv. .sumac, and tnat heavy Mies continue today. Two men suspect ed of having connection with th. r.c.nt Japan... bank robb.ry and murd.r w.r arrested early thi. morning. INJUNCTION CRANIED Judg. Eakin today granted an Injunction wherein Arthur B. Brown, T. W, David son and R. A. Marr ar. plaintiff, and Alonzo Cleaver i. defendant Th. complaint allege, for caus. of ac tion that th. Central Railroad of Oregon is a duly organized corporation; that th. capital stock cons'sts of 20,000 shares of the par value of $100 each; that 1925 shares of this stock is now In the hnds-of defendant; that the plaintiffs ver that they ar. th. owners of three fourths in terest in these shares and that th. de fendant holds them in trust for the bene fit of the plaintiffs; that in case defendant saw fit to dispose of this stock they will be greatly and irrepairably damaged; wherefore the plaintiffs pray for an order and decree from the court restraining th. defendant 'pending this suit from in any manner transfering or incumbering said stock and that th. plaintiffs be adiudired to be 'the owners of three fourths of said stock. TONIGHT'S LECTURE Rev. Fath.r McQrady will l.ctura this v.ning in th. opera house on Industrial Evolution. H. i. an orator of note, of commanding personage and a polished scholar. Our people seldom have such sn opportunity and th. op.ra hous. should be crowded. Th. pric. of admission has been placed at 26 cents. Socialism . and will continue to be an important fsr.i. or in th. politics of our country and .v.ry on. should become familiv with it ob jects and by attending th. lecture tonight you certainly will hav. th. subject pre sented in an abl. mann.r. GRAIN MARKETS (Scrlpp. N.w Association) Chicago, Oct 11-Wheat ODer.edat 74 V closed at 74,: corn opened at 42 M. closed at 41 ; oat. opened at 54. closed S3 V. j Do You Play Football SPE0AL NOTICE The Junior League of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Reeves Saturday afternoon at two thirty. All members are requested to be pres ent as business of importance will com. s the be.t i . Bowl or engage in any athletics that stretch the sinews and strain the muscles? Do you want to escape sore ness and injury and get the greatest good from your exercise? If so, use NEWLIN'S ELECTRIC OIL after exertion. It penetrates instantly, soothes and relaxes every fiber. Note the peculiar sense of rest and com fort that follows. If an injury befalls, nothing relieves quicker. PRICE 50 CENTS. Guaranteed to give sat isfaction or your money ba:k. NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande, Oregon. ' : ;