4 - JeuAssintB a d s 1 Rates-One cent a word, one-half a tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try one today piFURNISHED ROOMS Office. Inquire at this i I i y seej estate) I MONEY For loans on city proper Wm. Grant's agency. Also real and insurance. FOR RELIABLE TITLES go to the ment Company, Foley building. ABSTRACTS OF La Grande Ir.vest La Grarde Ore., in REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts I on city and country real esta:e. Loans j biu&eu piumbiy, as soon as iii.e ,s ap proved. La Grande Investment ccm- AANY. WANTED Two men to take contract tn cut from three to five hundred cords of wood. Inquire at this office. WANTED Dining room help, ma'e cr or female at the Model Resturant. WANTED Fresh milch cow, part or all Jersey preferred. Must be a first class cow. ' For particulars call at this office. FOR SALE Wood saw, compete out fit in first class condition. John Allen (Cor, Valley and Osborn Sts. 'W ANTED A bright steady boy about 1 7 years old who goes to school, to earn some money on the side. Steady job will not intefere with school work. Apply at this office for particulars. FOR SALE Pure Bred shopshire Buck Poplar Grove Stock Farm. J. E. Reynolds Prof. La Grande R. F. D., No. 2 FOR SALE New six room cottage in central location with r il modern con veniences and basement, lawn and shade trees. Good terms if sold at once. Call 1 603 Adams Ave., or phone . Black 601. jwFOR RENT A new store rsom and six upstairs living rooms. Inquire at the Farmers and Traders' National Bank. HORSES LOST Return fifteen and twenty head of young horses, brand half circle V on right thigh, have disapeared from my pasture. A reward will be paid for the return or information leading to the recovery. A. B, CONLEY. 10 TEAMS WANTED per day to haul 5 loads of gravel or from my gravel bar. 6,000 pounds to the load, furnish one man if teamster hauls, 6500 or more to the load. 1 will pay accordingly. Haul one mile, good evel road easy plan to load and unload. J. L. Mars. WANTED Girl or woman to do gen era housework in small family. Inquire at La Grande National Bank. ROOMS Nicely furnished front north front. At 906 Main St. iTEWARWS OPEI-fl D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. ANNUAL TOUR OF THE FAMOUS PERENNIAL SUCCESS ION THE A T MIDNIGHT A SCENE MASTERPIECE! A GREAT STORY 0E CITY LIFE! FOUR ACTS SPLENDIDLY STAGED! Including the Celebrated Jack Knife Bridge Scene Two Big Comedy Character Hits and a Remarkable Catt. Played by a Strcr.g Vetropolitan Company Dric Zftr. and 75c W' www m .'eeeeeeeeeeteeeef cent a word each subsequent i WAVTFD One hundred men tn wnrk rtn 1 railroad at Union. Oregon. Steel lay- j mg and construction worlc. Apply at! office of Oregon Construction Company. ! Uncn. Oregon. WANTED -A competent girl to do gen eral hjjcewcrk. Call uo W. A. Moss on vergere phone at Is'dr.d City. FOR SALE-A swell, sing'e driving horse, s x years oid. weil trjmed. good dispos ition, free traveler, Baymont. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE -Blooded dng. fine animal for children, cr watch dog. F. D. Haisten. Second hand store. LOST-Betwee-. Is'and City and John McNealy's ranch one leather jun-case containing c:ean':ng stick. Finder please return same to Jas. Gan:ty Island City and receive reward. FOR SALE OR TR A DE Good "organ for sale or will trade for wood at 1603 Adams Ave., or phone Black 601. FOR SALE 8 room house, furnished in j good location with lawn, shade trees, electric lights and city water. Also ' a ijubinebs iul anti 5 room building on Adams Ave. 3 room furnished house with good water on Jefferson Ave. and ' two good building lots. 60x113 on ! Adams Ave. Also corner lot on east ' Washington Ave. Will be sold on 1 easy terms. Call at 1603 Adams Ave. I or phone Black 601. FOR RFNT Furnished room. Apply to to Mrs. Emma Simmons, corner 8th and N streets. FOR SALE Reliable young driving horse surrey and harness. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire at this office or 'phone Black 1672. WANTED Young man as assistant in dry goods department of general store Good opportunity for right party. Ad dress "A" Observer office, giving ex periences and references. WANTED 1 00 men to work on railroad at Union Oregon. Steel laying and construction work. Apply to the office of Oreicn Construction Co.. Union Oregon ART LESSONS Miss Nina Hunstock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she is prepared to take orders and give lessons in both water colors and china painting. Studio at 906 Main St. rOR SALE Eight acres, 6 room house, barn, place for chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan BRIDGE! Seats on Sale Monday FIRST MFETIHG V; ' .... f -: ... , : ' ' -.11 i& u. . I ' -L tiiiA -Ar ft RAJ erfl,, I LARGEST TABERNACLE OUTSIDE OF This morning at ten o'clock the first meeting to be held in the new Mormon tabernacle, was called to order by F. S. Bramweu, presiaent oi tne Union siane. The occasion was the first session of the quarterly conference which opened at that hour and will continue until tomorrow evening. While the church is not completed as' far as seating and licrhtintr in r.nnr.nrniiri I temporary seats have been placed to ac- comodate the thousand members who are expected to attend Sunday. This morning's session opened with a reading of reports from ward bishops, and stake presidents. Before noon, however, C. W. Penrose, one of the ablest speakers of the west, was heard in one of his in structive and entertaining lectures. The AMUSEMENT PATHOS AND COMEDY Theatre-goers, partial to the Elmer Walters' style drama will be favored with a visit of "A Millionaire Tramp' which will be presented at the Opera House Sept. 28. This play has been voted a success for several years ana is popular through its unique construction. The piece contains a happy mixture of sensational melo-drama farce comedy and quaint rural life. The public from time to time has been imposed on by various so called "tramp' plays, but the only original and reputable drama of this character is Elmer Walter's "A Millionaire Tramp" which comes to the Opera House Sept., 28. While others have taken his cue and tried to follow his example, he still has maintained his high standard of excellence with this high attraction and the com mendable press notices and public approva warrant the assertion that "A Millionaire Tramp is the best drama portraying the Am erican vagabond. timer waiters latest temperance play "A millionaire Tramp contains seven of the strongest comedy characters that ever have been collected in cne play. Each one differs vastly from the other and lends opportunity for variety and action. The ghost scene in the first act and tne darkey porter's scene in the third act are two of the funniest imaginable. The dramatic scenes are fully abreast of the comedy and the scienic of mounting superb. The Church of the Holy Cross in the second act is one of the hand somest of its kind. The Country Opera House in thethiro act is a decided novelty something entirely new and out of the ordinary, while the old hotel in the last act is the embodiment of quiintness. "A play which deserves to be well received upon its presentation at the Opera House is "A Millionaire Tramp' . The company is said to be giving a general ! good show. Mrs. J. H. Stevens of La Grande came over last night to be the guest of her sister Mrs. Frank Fraizer until after the county fair. Pendleton E. O. 1 theFaregood It is is the generally agreed sentiment among the papers of the world. Here is what a few of them sayjof the Scotch concert company wiich is booked for this c ty Oct. 1 INDIA Transported the entireaudience." Englishman. Calcutta. Jan. 14, 1905. 'Surprsed and de'lgr.ted us by possibil - ies or a two reop.e e-tertainment. P sneer Press, Ai'ahirad, Jan. 20, 1905. II! MORMOH SALT LAKE. AND WHERE THE CONFERENCE meeting adjourned before lunch time to meet at two o'clock. At that hour the three hundred who are in attendance to aay, meet again ana listened la further reports of the conditions of the L. D. S. church in general. Tomorrow is the big day. At ten o'clock the meetings of the day will open with reports and lectures. In the after noon at two o'clock a choir of sixty voices will open the last session. After an elab orate music program Mr. Penrose will speak. This feature alone will repay one for attending, as his ability as a speaker and lecturer is well known. Over a thou sand members are expected to attend tomorrow and the city will be full of strangers. EGYPT -Held audiencd spellbound . Egyptian News, March 30, 1906. MEXICO "Majority of the audience wished they might be favored with a second night but prior engagements made it impossible." Mexican Daily Heraid. Mexico City, March 25, 1903, A REAL SUCCESS Life in a great city, as depicted in "On the Bridge at Midnight" has an everlast ing claim on human interest and the .nat uralness and avoidance of the harsh ex ageration of falsely sensational stuff, makes this play an achievementof the commend- able sort, In scenery and in the absorb ing story it tells. "On the Bridge at Mid night" is unexcelled and has been ac cepted as standard. The many unusual characters, the excellence of the bridge scene, one of the most impressive repro ductions from real life ever taken out of the heart of a great city, combine to place "On the Bridge atMidnight" in the first class of dramas for the people. Sept. 26. LOST Some where in the city of La Grande, a gold locket. Has W. O. W. on one side and L. F. D. on reversed. Finder return to this office and receive reward. i i r-v NEW TRUCK AND LINE See the wagon CHAS. A. DUNN Phone TABERNACLE BE1NQ HELD FOR RENT Six room house furnished or unfurnished, inquire of Mrs. W. W Berry or At Andrews' store. Success results from two things -opportunity and pre 'piredntss'. 4Tht Holm Bum mi CoBef. lilllll ilil both lowad )x frttnf m m eW weiti 4 Rwd that liult "ucoptl bom 1! ri' " ct Holnm Bum CouV rJ"W 4 We will pyt yotl &m mmmTmhI mm h lha putwiUn i jm will nil H Im Cilii i Mi. loot court, m thonrund. )lo)td bv the O. R. & N. Co., until lo Gun., .mi now occupm tht high poMio oi Contul t Hvbn, woo by W mem. V, Mr. look booUerpinf mi tferofitphy I il I lohnai Buuhm Collate trajiged with HortUnd iMchinny htnw for kw d now enjora baUrn poulion with ll U. S. GovrrnnMnl j tht Philippine!. 1 Mi ld"k t count tht Holmn Buf imt Ci'll'je. went lo Jtpui tnd lounrjrd rmirmiHiily wcctHlul bunneoi oi hit own. .Thit min'i HAttit a tht muk toleh; of twhmcal and itilual tiauiing which tnaUod ha lo pup o(r'uinl-t and mould then to ha purpoat. ! Vl'me U l lolda. It ull. all about tht Holm a Buxiirat Colioft, tht coma i atueff, luuioa, etc k a foldat m n imp b cauM il m worth wtul. BUS NESS COLLEGE WASHINOTON 4V TENTH STsJ PORTLAND ORE. TRANSFER on the street Main 57. IS NOW 1 . !" 2 '"jl. ivJ- rs,.l THE LA GRANDE DENTAL CO. advertise what they do and what they charge for doing it CROWNS $ 5.00 and up BRIDGEWORK $ 5.00 per tooth GOLD riLLIGS $ 1.00 and up SILVER fILLIMGS $ 1.00 PLATES $ 5.00 and up EXTRACTING 50 Cts. Our prices are Reason; able and ue Guarantee our worn. Examinations and mates FREE- Esti- LA GRANDE DENTAL CO. Successors to - Reavis Bros. Over Watts Drug Go. Phone Black 51 Now is the time to have your old umbrella re covered. Smith will do the work. CREAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles I live and let my brethern live With all that's good to me; ' Unto the poor some cash I give, i ne oaiance I give Kocky MountainTea New UN Drug Company CALL POR B US Notice is hereby given that the under signed will receive sealed bids up to and including the Third day of October, 1906, for the construction of a wooden (com bination) bridge to be built over the Big Ditch on what is known as the' Randall Road, said bridge to be built in accord ance with the plans and specifications now on file in my office Sealed bids will also be received on or before the above mentioned dale for the construction of a steel bridge over the Grande Ronde River near the mill site of the Palmer Lumber ComDunv near La Grande, Oregon. Said bridge to be a 100 foot span, 16 feet in width, with first class concrete abutements, a good quality of steel and shall be built 10 feet above the bed cf the river. Each bidder is required to furnish his own plans and specifications for said bridge. The County Court of Union Ceuntv. Oregon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at La Grande this 1 1 th day of September, 1906. J. B. GlLHAM, County Clerk. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This Is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, ami that people in this city and vnllry are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, arid in cludes all the latest discovones in tht art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and arc taught the first three grade. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades ere from i to IS. Here they graduate. . Pupils take one or two lessons a, week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do.not study. Opposite the Foley Hou'.c over the candy store. Phone. 473.