"in? i Trrr -t: n 1 "VVVVB ' - , , --t r " w www w wwwwwww Todays New Today in; The Evening Observer, a : news paper, for the Home TRY IT Patronize the merchants whose Advertisements j ; you read in thcPfily- or Weekly 1(Pbscrver. 1 Their goods are i reliIc and they belong to the (aggressive class i that make cities greater and bet ter -money spent with them will surely help you TRY IT Our Commercial Pinting Department is 0 K TRY IT a a m a a a a a & ! ; ( 1 JOSEPH ill IS M1SS1HG J. Frank Cutler and Jim Pennelle. an old prospector aged abont 60 years, who have been nrosDectinir in tf.it taction far several years, left Joseph about four weens ago. They separated just below me torks of the Minam with the under standing that thev would meet Wednaa. day. Aug 22, at Sam Dillys cabin on the uisune r ork of the Wallowa. Mr. Cutler was at the appointed rend ezvous on Aur.. 22 and waited five davs for Mr. Pennelle. but he failed to put in an appearance. , Mr. Cutler.after a dillisant search could find 1.0 trace of him and while there is no chance of Mr. Pennelle settinc lent he is familar with every ravine in thj section it may be possible that he has met with an accident , . When he left Mr. Cutler he had a bav mule and white horse with him. If anv one should find any trace of Mr. Pennelle or outfit they will conf ere a favor by tel ephoning J. F. Cutler, Joseph. J oseph Herald. ' PROf. SMITH IS SUPERINTENDENT Professor J. F. Smith of Sumpter has been appointed as county superintendent of Baker county schools to complete ' the un-expired term of the late J. A, Payton. Prottesor Smicn nu nii. immii uummaiaJ by the teachers who were in Institute last week. ' SCHOOL Of MUSK OPENS The La Grande school of music opened this morning with an enrollment of sixty scholars.. Profesor and Mrs Day certain ly have every " reason to be proud of the success they are making.- This year they have students from Wallowa and several points in this county. BAKER OFFICERS RESIGN '. When the county court of Baker county met last Friday it was fronted with eight resignations by local officers most of the resignations being those of road supervis ors, five of the eight in this class. Stock Inspector, Carl Parker, Deputy Inspector Will Parker, and Fruit Inspector A. J. Hilton composed three other resignations fOR SAIE btarved out and must walk back east or sell at a loss my real estate and insur ance business office and household furni ture, including a fine Korr Bros, upright Piano, the only time you will ever get a chance to buy this make at cost and 60 foot lot in best residence part of the city for only $450. Three houses' and lots at less than cost 160 acres of valley land 7 miles from city, all In cultivation on good road, new school across the road, only $20 per acre held at $25 one year ago $1 100 cash will handle this. 480 acres of heavy timber 15 miles east of Union, 1 mile from new proposed R. R. 6 good springs of water and good cabin only $6.00 per acre. ' G. H. Powers.; The broken land man NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given, that the co partnership heretofore existing between W. D Grandy and James A. Russell under the firm name of Grandy & Russell has been dissolved by mutual consent,, and that by the terms of said dissolution James A. Russell becomes the owner of all prop erty heretofore owned by the co-partnership, and will collect all sums due said partnership, and pay all partnership lia bilities. Dated at La Grande. Oregon, this 6th day of September, 1906. W. D. Grandy, James A. Russell IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the estate of I K, D. Ruckman, Citaticn Deceased ) To E. H. Ruckman and Martha J. Ruck- man, and all heirs or devisees unknown or non-resident Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon. You are hereby cited and required to appear in the oounty court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union at the court room thereof, at La Grande, in the county of Union, on Thurs day the bth day of September, 1 906 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day then and there to show cause, if any you have, why an order of sale should not be made as in the petition of the adminis trator prayed for, of the following de scribed real property belonging to said estate, to wit: Lou 1-2-5-4-19 4 20 in Block 21 Town of Imbler, Union county, Oregon, to pay estate debts and claims. Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union, with the seal of said court affixed, this 7th day of August A. D. 1906. (Seal) Attest: J. B. Gilham. Clerk, By F. C. Eramweil. Deputy. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS p PHYSICIANS " .'.QL BIGGERS M. D, - -- Physician and Soroeon ' ) Ice Ralston Bid. over J.M.Berry't store Office Phone Black .' 1 S 2 1 -L Residence Phone Red 1001 - J. H. HUBBARD, M.D. ' ; Physician 'and Surobon Office in Slater Building. Cor. Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. - Phone Main 79 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON ; , Physician and Surobon ; OlT.ce over Hill's Drus Stnr Offi .e Phone 1562 Residence Main 65 N. MOUTUR M. D. physician and suroeon Cor. Adams Avanua nJ nnrt ?t Umoe Main 68 Residence Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON ewis Building, opposite Sommer House Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. ' r-'iiiieMain71 BACON & HAul PHYSICIANS AND tUROBONS lice in Foley Building. Phone Main 19 J. r. Bacon residence, Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence. Main 2 DR. H. VOLP. Physician and Surobon Jffice: Corps Building. Telephone Main 80 Calls answered day or night jH. K b. mGCkE DRJ H. C P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksville Graduates, under Founder ' Offioe Sommer Building v i f-ones: Office Main 65; Res. Main 64 ATTORNEYS t CRAWF.ORD. 4 JCRAWFQRD Attornbys-at-Lav LAORANDE orboon DM., u c.i. n..;u: ' ' -i VHIW Ml 1 Ul WU1IU11I J. T. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS attornbys-at-law Office in Ralston Building ,a Grande. Oregon L. A. PICKLER ..vil, Minimo, Irrioation Enoinibrino and Surviyino . , ., ' V Estimates, Plans, and Specifi , , cations,. Office, in. Bohoenkamp i r Building. U Grahdb, Orboon Dentists C. B. CAUTHORN "" DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store , Irande. Orboon STERINARY i SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON .'. VETERINARY SURGEON , ifTce at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 ffice Phone 156! Farmer Line 68 LIGHTMC C0LLEGTI0N AGENT H. A. vyatson, Mgr. Our system gets the monf y. Full particulars made known'' upon application to interested parties. . , Office Lewis building " '. La Grande, Or. ini.iiurry? "; THEN CALL ITHE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than i takes to toll it. Day phone Red 76 1 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at yout service J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Oravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will , name the rigV. price. I OREGON STATE' FAIR - , On account of theregon Stat Fail which will be. held m' Salem, September 10-18. inclusive. --The O.JtAIt willX fiv rate f on -and'' one 'third fare to . Portland pjus $Z2S. ticket carrying pae angers through to Salem. The above rates will be offered under following- eon-eT ditione: -y I f1' d,ur:!Ptfrb- .6, 8 and 1 3. f Limit-Continuous passage"in each dir-1' ecBon up to the final lirnit September. 1 7.; Stopovers will not be allowed to anger in either direction. ' .v i Children of half fare am u h.ir " ' above rate. ' " '"' " '" 3 Validation for return TV.t.f . 'rr,.t executed for return by Southern Pacifio; agent at Salem or it, the, j air ground.; - ;not .properly validated they will not; be good for return from Portland. ' aevoted their iivee to theperfecting of Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea. it con tains the choicest medical roots and herbs known to modern medicine. Tea or Tab- ; eta, 36 cents. Newun Droo Company. LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES i La Orande Aerie 296F. O E. meets ivery Friday night in Elk nail, at 8 .. invited to atu m. . Visiting brhren I, P. R. Snook W. S 3r.Q. UBiggers W, I. O. O. F. La Orande Lodge No. 16. meets in thuir Hl! ,u.r. c.rj,. MtMi. ..w.. ,,. wv.ui ua j milium Visiting brothers cordially invited - to at tend. Cemetery nlat mav ha uan m!t Model Restaurant J. A. AnauoKLe. N. ft D. E. Cox, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMFiMT u t f ft z w , a, w, U. r . Meats avarv first mnA Tk..n- days In the month in Odd Fellows hall. visaing patriarchs jdwayselcome, D. E. Cox, Scribe. , - M. W. A. La QnnHi r.mr, TTAH meets ever firat nH thlri w.jT,.... of the month at I. 0. O: ' F. TialL An visiting neighbors are cordially inTitad to attend - " -C. a Williams. V. C John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS ntr AMPPirai., Maid Marion No.' 22 inf " Vwh Tv,.,r- day night in Redman Brothers sre invited to attend. 1 f Board of Trustee--DErO. Lz Bioobrs junn nALL ana j. 5). WILLIAHL FRIENbSHtP TENT No.ol.Ho.T M-Meete second and fourth Wednesdays ach month in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting (nights welcome. I u H. C. Ballj Com Mox Block, Record Keeper ' L. O. T. rM ' hivr-n or first and third Thursdays Jn. the after noon at- the Redmen- hall. AH Visiting laaies are welcome. M. C. Vessey. Record Keener. B. P. 0. lEL.'La' GRANDE LODGE No 455 Meets each .Thursday tavefting at eisht Vclocb "in ' Ifllt.' Vll JJ... m - eaSf vs VWMllt Avenue, i; Viaitirn.Brojhei-jar cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis. Exalted Ruler G. E. McCullyI Recording Secretary. I. A rtPANDR inmp m.'. tea WOODMEN OF ' tHEORLl--MaeU every .. . Friday- of aoh month . in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting members welcome. i . b heb Jacobs Consul; Commander J. H. KBBMSY.CIerk. 1 KED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-;Meeta every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corps building. , A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, ' N. L Aciu.es. C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHB0NE- SISTERS RowenaTem- ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday,'1 even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members ''cordi ally invited. Milly Frawlct M. E. C Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF YOtK HOME will be greatly increased by car ; and judioious harrnonizing of pat t ' J ' tems and colors in wall hangings ceiling, and border papers. Soma of our meet recent designs in wall . papers are as well worth seeing as a line of paintings , or etchings. Yet the exhibition's free I Wel come any business day. STANIELS BARMAN 'i Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars bk ii iwf - mm jf 8 ir he B s. IS be g in id le iit rs is id- T m i