v: PATRONIZE O - ON El A fi onrii P p? trr-M tu tr i i rt- . . . . . . -- .,. - , ., 1 - ' ' ' I III L . 'lf f I J II I 1 I IX I r -1 t IT- -T- A K. I A n . - . . . . . . - u . , - - ' iwvvin minu UUUNTY J ' A Lj.- . - ! ' r 1 l T exeeav mtt. III Hi II 1 It c hi IH lI i - V VOLUME V I '. . " 'r j LA GRANDE, UNION COUI mm '"nmr.. i. ' ' la ' ' . 1 T . ' MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1906 , NUMBER 162 RAVISHED AND KILLED (ScrJpp, News Association) Warsaw. Rut.. Sept. 10-Iti. estimat u. ai least hfty g0,dier. an(, thtee nunarea civilian, which were mostly Jaws, were Killed during the last two days luhiii a, oieanca wnich still continues. The troops have, captured and outraged hundreds of young Jewish women. . Ord ers have been received from St. Peters burg to suppress the Terrorists at any cost. HETTY'S SON IS CANDIDATE (Scrlpps News Amociatlon) Austin Tex., Sept. 1 0-Reorganized Republicans this morning filed a manda mus suit asking that the secretary of the state be compelled to place nominees on the official ballot. E. H. Green, a son of old Hetty Green, heads the ticket for governor. PIERCE IMPLICATES HIMSELF . (Scrlpps News Association) St iouis, Sept. 10. Attorney' General Hadley today resumed the oil inquiry be fore the special commissioner. The case is a continuation of the oust Droeeedinir a against the Standard Oil and Wt - Pierce Republic oil comrvmia Pi.rr. admitted tnat the Standard holds 27B shares in the present Waters-Pierce com pany but pleaded that it was business motives and no intention toward quench, mg competitive fin. s. AYAIAIKIL or n, SAND TAFTOB HAK IN OHIO INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION (Scrlpps News Association) 1 Berlin Sept. 1 0 Seventeen nations are represented in the internatianal insurance commission which opens its session here f (Scrlpps Newt Association) Dayton, Ohio. SsdL 10 Th and factions of the Reoublieann mra crath. ering here today to be present at the state convention tomorrow. Tomorrow will tell the attitude of Ohio :oward the presidential aspirants. Taft and Foraker. It is rumored here today by the people who are in close touch withth. mhi of Ohio politics, that ha -k;. - wwiiiwiiibmUII cauea foraker-Dick, which was instituted to name the state ticket will tirtrv-trt Taffr for Republican presidential candidate. AliD siiiiy iSorltpn Nwa Amociatlon) Tim Sept., 10-This city is over whelmed by an avalanche of mud from the mountains. Trie towr.ship of Kawreli is practically obliterated. According to a dispatch three hundred lives havs been lost in this district. . j MOUNTAIN BROKE AWAY , i Tba side of the mountain broke away and a sea of semi-Kquid sand, mud and stones swept down on the village. , The people were taken unawares and trapped. mrinN in mAinf (Sorlppt News AssocUUant Portland. Maine, Sept. 10 The election in this state assumes a national Impor tance this year on account of tha lhnr attack upon Congressmen. ' Uttlefield of the second district Un.tj.ri StaUs senator Frye'e re-election ie stake. Governor Cobb is a candidate to succeed himself. Several davs win h required to obtain the results of the liauor questions which i one of the mam uestions. BODIES RECOVERED The exact number of fatalities will rot be known. At an early hour this after noon fifty bodies had been recovered from the sea of mud. Tiflis is the capital of a Russian govern ment by that name, and is in ths centra part of the former kingdom of Georgia. The province is bounded by a crest of the Caucacus and occupies 1 6,6 U miles. In the city of Tiflia are numerous schools. llfiB WIN THE BATTLE (Scrlpps News Association) Havana. Sept. 1 0. An official bulletin today claimed that the battle of Pinar del Rio yesterday was a government victory. Avols rescued a government train and de feated the rebels, the latter losing three hi.jred men. The government forces wefe approachir.g to attack Pinar del Rio which Gureras, the rebel leader, was holding. Rincon, fifteen miles from here is in the hands of insurgents. The trains have all been stopped and plundered at will. The rebel infantry is moving into Santa Clara and will join the insurgents there. The government troops with machine guns have repulsed an attack" upon the troop train this morning at Artimist. ... .. MANY Off fOR SCHOOLS , Beginning with this mornins andenntin. ueing for at least two weeks there will be a steady exit of young people from La Grande who have either previously or recently Deen tnnoculated with a desire to secure a higher and better education This morning there were nine going, some to Washington, some to Idaho and others to Utah. The Walla Walla colleges open this week." Whitman having ttrted this morning. Eugene and Corvallis open next week, all of which draw liberaly from this city.. The fact that nearly every inst't ution of any repute in three states have La urande students, speaks veil of tha educational trend in this city. OAKLAND 3 FRESNO t (Orrlpps Near Association) Oakland Sept. 10 Oakland this morn ing defeated Fresno in a close game by i score of 5 to Z. MtaamAAA. - This Is The Place , , - i: WfO) f 4iuu LADIES' GARMENTS We are receiviug daily the Latest Styles in Ladies' Goats, Suits, and Skirts. These garments come from the greatest fashion center of the United States, New York, where we have a residence buyer who is in posi tion to get the very latest. MEM'S WEARING APPARELL For men who wear good stylish clothing. We agents for the greatest Tailoring made to measure suits in America, int PAYAL TAILORS, every . GUARANTEED to fit .and give satisfaction. ' KIRSCHBAIM CLOTHING , . in ready to wear garments which are equal to any and we ask your indulgence by calling, "we will show you." . - .: .- , . Phone Black 130 5y su t L MMIMXS&tmiM j X Vergere No. 27 j; "ttt ll.tMM,t7 1 PKULIAR ACQKNI V . vuji n.auH, egea seventy yean, ie today suffering from an awful accident wtitch he sustained last Saturday night Mr. Krause, while not a sonambolist wa walking In hie sJeeo some time Hr ing tha hight and sUpped off an upstairs veranda. This however is partly suposi- uon, as Be migt have risen, not feeling well, an walked about the house, and during his tour have opened the door lead ing to M)e veranda. The aged man tumbled ta th face belpw sustaining a compound fract ure oi tne arm above tne wrist, a deep gasn in tne jaw, besides being bruised in me ooay resulting from the terrible jolt ur. Molitor was called and set the broken bones. The old gentlemen is to dm fAl ing as well as conditions will Dermit. Mr. Krause is the father of the Krause Brothers who are proprietors oflha meat market. BATTLE wm in SIEDLKE :rlppa News Association) Seidice Rus., Seyt. 1 0 The 'ronna nH their artillery today. The shell destroyed many buildings in the three centrala streets of the recolutionary center. Firing from windows is meeting with no little success. Sixrbuildinffs are in flames nnw ana tne tire continues to SDread. Both sides are expecting re-en-forcements and a deadly and bloody battle is eminent, A famine threatens. The riotara hv. destroyed the bakeshops and those who survive the outbreak will be destitute, five-hundred Jews beina now without food. Officers in manv instance lH men to the attack instead of auallinir th the disturbances. The Libau reirimenf nf InTantry are the most active. AGED 80 AND GOING ALONE Julia A. Woods commonly known aa Grandma Woods left this morning for an extended trip in Oklahoma and Texas, b randma is but a week or two short of eighty years of age and is making this or.g and tedious journey all alone How ever she is very optimistic over tha irin and fails to see any reason why an aged person can t travel as well as a younger one. While away she will visit relatives and friends at various points in those states. " SCHOOLS DO LITTLE WORK The opening day of the city's school was not a strenuous on, as the teachers Jdis- missea tne scholars immediately after as sembly this morning In order that the proper text books coulu be secured. Promptly i the opening of the afternoon session the work began and bv . four thi afternoon the tittle fetlows are alroadv partly in the harness.' In the HlghSohool little more was done than to cat in line op the fall work and for the students to ! tK r.!l.-Hrm. nf fi.Smr. tri -.J camping expeditions out of their minds.' Miss Eula Forsythe and Miss Mary Zurcher of Enterprise passed through La Grande this morning enroute to Weston to attend school, i. ; r PACIFIC (Scrlpps News Asuoclatlon) Santa Barb ra, Cel., Sept 10. -The second section of number 1 0 of the South ern Pacific, leaving San Francisco atK-R in the afternoon yesterday was wrecked at Seacliff twenty miles below here this morning. It is reported that thirty Dassanuara are injured, some very seriously but not any killed. Doctor A. W. Tivlor. tha Southern Pacific surffeon." and aavaml local surgeons have left on a special train for the scene. No particulars can be had. . The wreck occured while tha train running forty miles an hour, The engine baggage and one passenger car left tha track. It is believed none will die frnm injuries while five are seriously hurt. The , cause is unknown. f A RLE Y'S , BREAKERS RETURNED (Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco Sept 1 0 The United railroads this morning shipped three hun dred and fifty of Farley's strike breaker back to New York- Several hundred are expected to be shipped soon. The com pany has no use for strike breakers now that a peaceful settlement - is in sight through arbitration, and is aandinir tha men home. ; i j TRESTLE The work of tunnel.no tha hilla htu...n Kamela and Hilgard will progress with more rapidity. , During the last few days an additional force has been set at work. It ie the Intentions of the O. R, & N. to tunnel the hills in order. to do away with the many high tressels the 0, R. & N. now rrosses. When the scheme is culmin ated, the stream that winds and meander nrst on one s.de of the track and then the other, will have had its course changed and Instead of crossing and recroning the path at the track will run along one side only. The work is a monster affair as it necessitates many hng tunnels. The tressels willbe filled in, a fact that insures more safety for the trains. The company is also making hrprover ment at Hilgard in the way of building a STORES BURNED (Scrlpps News Association) . ' t Valdivostock, Sept. 10 All wara hnnik officios and goods stored in the Piers vol unteer fleet, was destroyed by fire today. DELICIOUS PEACHES mayor Stoddard on Saturday vninr Brought in a load of peaches which he had just gathered from his orchard atross ths river. He kindly presented the Observer force with a box that was simply a surprise to us all. A few mora shocks like this and the Observer will ha telling our readers far and distant that this is an ideal peach country. Mr. St!- dard has about twenty-Ave trees and his entire load would have attracted attent ion in any fruit country and the flavor was all that could have been desired. ADAMS FACES NEW CHARGE (Scrlpps News Association) Bo.se, Idaho. Sept. 1 0- Steve Adams, who was released on habeas corpus was rearrested charged with the murder nf Lyte Gregory of Denver, on May, 1904 He will not have a preliminary hearing for two days in order that officers from Denver can arrive. GRAIN MARKETS tScrlpps Newa Association) Chicago, Sept.8 -Wheat opened at 69j$ closed at 695,; corn opened at46. closed at 46 oats opened at 80, Closed 10. slept iron the danger (Scrlpps New Association San Francisco, Sept. 10. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company steamer, City of Topeka, bound from Eyreka to San Francisco, struck on the roeka at Point Arena, early yesterday morning in the fog. Just before the accident, the captain saw the Point Arena lioht anri ordered the helm put over. The steamer struck a glancing blow but succeeded In reaching open water and headed for jthi port under full speed and the pumps working and at rived shortly after I o'clock yesterday afternoon. The passengers were all asleep and knew nothing of their perilous journey until they reached the wharf in San Francisco. Tha will be placed in the dry dock today. Got Your o) Books Yet t We are having a' large sale on second hand books and there is every reason why you should have them. The books ara good and the saving is worth while. It is important that you pick as early as possible because assortment may break at some point or your choice of the better of the second hand ones become limited. We can do you good on everything in school supplies. FALL STATION RY we bought stationery with our school supplies, when you want anything in writing materials come here and pick from the newest papers out. NEWLIN DRUG GO. La Grande, Oregon.