2 O o . (A 15 U 5 I 2 : S P J i 2 g o a- u z 55 S 2 J a j i I -i 1 3 s s X S w U .E - SPECIALS Fresh Sour Kraut ; SPECIALS rr,!,:i':'j 0m f I r i' it tegl -n 11 Today THEICITY GROCERY AD BAKERY E. POLACK Propr. WANTED Ne coeds this week Veivet Rug? $1.65 fcr $1.00 Art square carpets E.cD for 5.50 Reed Rockers 7. CO for 6.75 Linoleum ... .70 for .62 li Tents. 10x12. 3 ft wail : 0.50 for 8.95 Cupboards.' 5.50 for 4.50 Dressers 7.60 for 6.00 Screen doors 1.25 for .90 Dishes 36 piecejset 6.00 for 3.50 All steel and iron bed springs 7.00 for 6.75 WE 00 UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 f. D. HAISTEN 143 5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEIM Fir Street Store Second Hand Goods This Week Guiter and case $7.50 Organ 10.00 Upholstored mahogany arm chair 3.75 Mantle folding bed 7.50 Dressers 4.00 Bed springs . . 50 Linoleum 25 Cupboards 1.50 Folding cross cut saw and frame. 2.75 Bieycie 3,50 X May, Grain, fruit, in short, All Kinds of Farm Products We have contracts for 600 tons of hay. We must have the hay to supply cur customers. We will pay the behest market prices, spot cash, for all goods V will also want 1 great ota: of cats, and other grain as soon as they are ready for market. We are ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great njmber of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a rr.ited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all the fresh eggs you have. Call on us before You make any Arrangements in 1 o I. Id Grande Evening Observer FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 7. 1906 Published daily except cn Sunday Marketing your goods We nave a nice lot ot nay ana oais warehouse wnich we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale i J prices. We have a car of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, due here tomorrow morning. These will be the finest of the season on this market. Euy your melons new whie they are good, as the me.on season will soon be ever for a year. PHONE MAIN 2 i 0 Kid Produce Company ne year in advance jo.ou Six months in advance 3.50 Per montn 65 Single copy 5c Entered at the Post Office at La Grarde Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's Mr. Ed. Kiddle made the statement a few days ago that if this year's crop had been irrigated at the proper time that it would have resulted in at least an additional $250,000 to the growers of this valley and he remarked that under proper condition that would have brought considerable water. There is no question but what the increased profits would more tnar. pay lor ihe initial cuav, williiii a very few years. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ADVEK1i!I.NU KATES UUplsy Ad rates tarnished a poo appilc-ittloii Local reading noi Ices lOo per line Orel liutsi Hon, :e per lint fur each Hubotxjuenl Inter tlon. 680iullum ofvoudolence, sc per lice. "Urdu of tbankt, tic per line. What are you doing to make the com ing fair a success? The fruit exhibit at the fair this year should be exceptionally interesting. We have the best of fruit in abundance this year and if it is not on exhibition it will be because there is not sufficient interest taken to place it on exhibition. Refreshing Drinks To suit the Weather at La Grande wmild be an ideal point for some one who thoroughly understood the business, to start a mattress factory. Wallowa county, Baker. Umatilla, and Union would furnish a market that could be reached from here and would sustain quite a business and thus furnisn another payroll. Either the La Grande pjblic schools should contain a first class business de partment or some one should start a busi ness college in this city. Either sugges tion is worthy of consideration. However, no doubt the most practical and perman ent would be for a business department to be added to our school. Under present conditions all of our young men and young ladies who desire to fit themselves for clerical positions must of necessity seek other localities. This is not as it should be. The primary law has brought about a great change in the politics of this state. Think of it! It is only five months until our legislature meets and it is receiving very little attention from the public gener ally. Under the old system the campaign for United States senator would now be receiving a great deal of attention. As it is, the people settled that in June and when the legislature meets it will require oniy a few moments to formally elect Mr. Bourne and the balance of the session will be ent.rely devoted to the best inter est of the state. Beautiful j New Carpets and Rugs Arriving Daily. W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO SCHEfciRER'S Its always Summer Time with us Candies, Nuts. Cigars and Tobacco NEW HAY It should not a very difficult task if we went at it with that object in view and with a determination to win, to secure j one hundred new families, Did yau ever stop to consider the results of suh en I affnrt Cn U.mArA t 1... .1 4. bi.wi u. win. iiuiiwicu ncn laiiiinca Miac . j Would purchase eighty acres each ot our There is no question bjt what La j best valley land and improve it, would Grande during 1907 will better her water i place 5800,000 immediately into circula system by bringing in some of the pure I tion and each year afterwards would mountain stre-ms. This will cost monev ' spend $70,000. We are all out after ! but we have reached that point where we payrolls, Here is a chance. We have j must have a better grade of water and : the land. The people will soon be pour i more of it. It is quite possible that no ; ing into this state by the train load, look jless than $100,000 will be expended j ing for just such localities that Union , next year for water. i county offers. Consequently it should ! j not be ditficult to secure one hundred For several years much thought was farn'!,e5 of tne thousands'that will arrive given to the probiem of securing artVian and lcate somewhere in the state be water in this valley. While the required i tween now and tne first of January. 1907. depth has never been reached to demon- during this month all of the transcontin strate whether or not a Pew sufficient to ' enta' roads wl1' 8've their usua' home ustify the expense or whether a flow ' see'"ers rates and the "SJa' results will cui'd be obtained, the popular trend is , fo'iow- "-w drifting towards irrigation made i p. ss i)!e through the storage of our waste w.iters and directing where reeied at :ich pencas w.nen needed. Choice lot of this year's Time thy Hay just In small bales. Best we have seen fcr ma received--y years. Ghoped feed and steam to order. rolled :ar!ey manufactured Leave your oiderV.cw fcrwiruerV vuec. i n McAt'ster will s.-on cjt the third . of y.hlfa. which will give him 200 : cr. !::ty acres besides a good pas '"'" t'ie fail. At the present price ro.ns $1,400 revenue from forty' v;w the quest if n is. as every : s measured by H.v.v much is it Hov much is suc:i laid worth? i -. VcAnster by ro means owns ail cf WANTED S.iiismen and collector to work in La Grande and Union county. Apply by letter. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Baker C ty Oregon PALMER HOUSE! A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA 0T B ETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation we point to with pardon- able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda J fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has nev tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun- dred who have, and do, and always will, because they war.t the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account cf their delicate flavors. Hoping J you will kindly favcr us with an early call, so we may show you, ' We are respectfully, tjj A. T. HILI j Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK $60,000.00 The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by offer a sustitute for doubtful investments, but by ac- :: cepting small deposits it protects them from tjieir own " thoughtless expenditures. We wantycur'savings account no matter how small GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS OFFICERS r rn IT" W"' FILLER, Vice Rresicert GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier T. j. SCROGG1N. Asst. Cet.ver F.J.HOLMES, Treasurer, and. for he -s surrounded on i J GRAMDE R0NDE CASH C0MPAXY. Phoor.e Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prep. this it nd a ; r . os rys in.iarcondit.ons and evidence cf rr.-auctiuness. An cf tnat section ' .-st tst cf the city is being rapidiy cut ' i p x'.t s-r.a:; tracts and at the present ' t.-e t-ie't are a number cf very reat and c.rv'ir-.ar e dA'e -lings in curse of con-, s'.r.:.-: cn. Tne time is cL-e it hand ' "te dstaice between La' G-arce ana .siand City will be thickly i JOHN PALMER. Prop. Firstclass accommodations. Board by the day week or month at reasonable rates New furniture throughout. Centrally located ADAMS ANENUE, between Fit Greenwood. 2 f g SEEING IS D BELIEVING t is a proverb especially ima business. If we examine your i and fit you with glasses vou r believe in us. For you will see f better than you ever did with J those old window glass spectac es Of Mt J Jl tlir W I must I EVERYTHING T s to aid the sight can be found r.e'e. And vou know or have heara of 1 our moderate charge method. JTO- Repairing Promptly done 2 J. H. PEARE. -vvcler and Optician st: eo. t