A PATRONIZE ONE ANOTHER FOR THE UPBUILDING OF TOWN AND COUNTYT VOLUME V LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1903 NUMBER 150 ftt (for mhi nuz ?ntnns' inn 11 ' n LABORING MILLIONAIRE m mm. disregarded (Scrlppe News Association) Havana, Sept. 7 -General Guerra re fuses to accept the armistice of hostilities nd there is a threatened renewal at Santa Clara. Commissioners have just reached Genera! Fraves to propose a truce. The cavalry unde: Guerra held up an "sstrainfor Hivi-i and took the n sacks contamirg correspondence from Sars Juan whs re the government I MOld " ENRICHES Bid USES (acrlpps News Association) St Paul, Sept. 7 -The Minnsota sup reme court today, in the case of Mabel Evans decided that leases on the lesaba range made by tha state auditor under private arrangements are valid. The Steel trust and the Great Northern hold leases worth millions which were indirect ly valid declined by this discison. (hill (ALUM TOR FOOD Ccrlpps News Association) S&shington. Sept. 7-Minister Hicks, w&is stationed at Chili, reports that they are suffering intensely as a result of the earthquakes. Chili earnestly appeals to the people of the United States to quickly respond to the calls for aid. Con tributions should be cabled to the Red Cross of Chili. The conditions are here much similar to the San Francisco and the sufferings from hunger and exposure are awful. troops are located. Among the papers siezed were warrants for the arrest of Guerra and a score of other rebel leaders. The people on the train warmly greet ed Guerra's lieutenant who made the seizure. Two cridges on the Western Railway between Pinar del Rio and San Luis, was dynamited by insurgeants this morning. Five humireJ rebels stopped the detach ment that was sent to repair the damages. REPRIEVE GRANTED TO MURDERER (Scrlpps News Association) Sacramento. Cal., SbpL 7 This after- noon Governor Pardee issued a reprieve to Adolph Weber who was sentenced to hang at Folsom next Wednesday. This delays the execution fifteen days. . On the night of November 10, 1904, when young Weber was twenty years old I Julius Weber's house at Auburn. Cal.. was burned. Before the fire department could rescue the inmates, the whole family had been shot dead, with the ex ception of a younger brother ' who died from the wounds. The house was burned and the family killed by Adolph Weber. TWENTY THREE f OR HIM (Scrlpps Newt Association) Seattle, Sept.. 7 John Ellis, aged twenty-three, box clerk at the post office in this city committed suicide last night He left a note to his mother indicating that he was dispondent over some real or fancied disgrace. He used a pistol to end his life. (Scrlppi News Association) Detroit. Mich., Sept. 7 Henry Creata. now working in an organ factory here at twelve dollars per week, says that he is her to half a million, and is the man for whom Attorney Young, of Salem. Miss ouri, is advertising. On account of un pleasant records at home he will not go there to claim his money. He left his horoe at the age of sixteen and has not heard of his family for ever seventeen years. READY fOR OPENING Of SCHOOLS (8crlpps New Association) New York. Sept 7 Eve'ything is in readiness for the opening of the schools next Monday. In an effort to keep pace with the increase of the number of child ren expected for the new year the B-.ard of Education has made good use of the vacation months to provide additional quarters for school purposes. Trrxin aiii immuni HABEAS RP S OR ADAM IMPLICATES W1LLIAHS0H WILL DUPLICATE CANS (Scripp News Association) Milwaukee. Wis.. Sept. 7 Charles Neary, the lightweight expert says he is going after Nelson. Herman Yanger and Jimmy Britt for any purse they want and that when he his whipped Nelson and one other, he will take on Gans, INSANE MAN RUNS AMUCK (Siypg News Association) Paw Rus. Sect. 7 An inmate of the asylum near here ran amuck today ar.d killed seven pat ants. ENGINE GOES OVER BANK (Scrlpps News Association) Santa Cruz Cal., Sept 7 A tender on the narrow gauge and an engine broke loose at Fulton junction and went over a bank fifty feet high taking a baggage and passenger coach with it. The engineer and fireman had a hairbredth escape from death. (Scrlpps Nwi Association) Portland. Sept.. 7 Fianklin Mays was again a witness before the land fraud trial this morning. He testified that Congressman Williamson's trip to Can yon City and Salem were in the interest of the creation of the Blue Mountain For est Reserve. Witnesses from Pineville testified that they had taken up school lands which were afterwards deeded to Willamson. Sichel testified that Williamson had sold him a third interest in thirteen thousand acres of school land for two hundred thousand dollars. MUTINIED AND ESCAPED (Scrlpps News Association) Warsaw. Sept.. 7 Six soldiers in the prison mutiried and killed the director of the prison and released fifty-six revol utionary agitators. SOME GOOD POINTERS ON SOME VERY GOOD SHOES Probably you are familiar with the shoe standard of this store. Perhaps you already know we have no room in ur stock for any shoe that does not come up to our idea of a good shoe. We are veritable cranks on the ques tion of quality in shoes and so far as possible we try to protect our patrons by excluding all shoes which look dubious or doubtful. . - This fall's showing surpasses all previous display in the essential points of style lines and superior con struction. Not a shoe on sale at this store which we cannot commend to our customers. We hold ourselves personally responsible for the worth and wear of our shoes. SCHOOL SHOES we would call your attention to our complete line of SCHOOL SHOES. If there is one thing that the careful mother wants it is good shoes for the boys and girls. One trial order will convince. LADIES' SHOES Thtse are some of the ladies' pets. t No 1803 Pat. Colt (31ucher) dressy T'V l,.,,r. a i i muaium sum a No, No No. o 1816 via blucher light upper medium heavy soie cushion insoie cur best seller in ladies' snoes 15b5 Vici Btucner man wp medium sole, a fine wearer 1470 Viei bal pliable uppers heavy soles especially good 5218 Box Caif bal school shoes heavy sole $4.00 3.50 . 3 00 2.50 . 2.00 Phone Black 130 L lVM.'WW.Um.) SJ JIM -.! II Ji 4t x 0 S5.S3 ! I 4 50 I j S.50 tl i 3 53 XI pegged 2.50 Vergere lio. 27 I (Scrlpps News Association) Boise Sept 7 J. W. Lilard of Baker Uity uregon and bteve Adams has ap plied to the district couit for a writ of habeas corpus to release Adams from tha Idaho penitentiary. The application was made at noon today. Adams had been arrested in Oregon last February charged with complcity in the assassin ation of ex-governor Stuenberg. He nad never been indicted nor given a preliminary hearing. 1 his move it made by the attorney for Moyer and Hay wood for the purpose of finding out what Adams knows about the case. 0. R & N. HAS A TENDER SPOT Then was a distracted lady in town this morning. And she had reason to be. When passenger number six pulled in this morning a lady was seen to hurry from the train and make her way over town. This was nothing worthy of special notice but when the smoke of the passenger train's engine could be seen slowly wind ing skyward in the region of Hot Lake, tha dispatchers and ticket agents and every employee at the O. R. & N. Yar ds suddenly sat up. The lady who had me andered to the business section of the city had returned and found the train gone. She promptly went into hysterics. Between sobs and screams her story was elicited. On approaching La Crande she had left the child in the chair car while she went in search of milk. As was evi dent, on her return the train had carried her little one toward the rising sun. The officials came to her rescue by load ing her on tha Elgin branch engine and started the little steam engine on the fastest trip it has experienced in years. Engine and distracted lady overtook the passenger and child at Union. The scene there can best be imagined. ANNUAL ELECTION OF OTEKERS The Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church met at the home of Mrs. Qeo. Currey, Thursday afternoon, with a very good attendance. An interesting paper on tha conditions of India was read by Mrs. Thornt on. A letter direct from one of India's mission aries was read by Mrs. Clark, which vividly described the horrors of India's superstitions. The report of the Treasurer shows that in the past year this society paid out $50 toward the spread of the Gospel and to Famine Sufferers in Foreign Lands. All felt encouraged to labor on, for the nlightment of those who know not of the blessed Savior of mankind. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Thornton. Pres.; Mrs. Simmonds, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Hunter, Sec; Mrs. Cla Cor. Sec; Mrs. Geo. Currey, Treas. Mrs Leighton, Mite Box Supt. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Geo. Cleaver Oct. 4th. flELD DAY fOR TEMPERANCE ' (Scrlpps News Association) Hartford Conn.. Sept 7 Temperance advocates from all parts of New England and other parts of the country are assem bled at Lake Compounce today to take part in the annual field day. which repres ents the largest gathering of temperance preachers and advocates in this part of this country. The whole day will be given up to a discussion of temperance work and methods and many prominent temperance workers, me.i as well as women, will address the gathering. Among the speakers will be Major John B. Merwm. of St. Louis; Rev. Chas. A. Crane, of the Methodist People's Temple of Boston' and Judge M. Warner, of Putnam. HAW TERRORISTS BURN HOUSES (Scrlpps News Association) . Potsm Rus. Sept. 7 Terrorists today started a fire here and destroyed 177 houses and burned one boy to death. ft ALL I) MOUTH at s DISFAVORS (AIL LOAN (Scrlpps News Association) Washington Sept.7 Secretary of Treas ury Shaw . today issued the following; statement to all depository banks: "1 am advised that many banks are loaning their surplus through brokers in New York on a call at a high rate of interest. Money that is loaned on a call is well nigh uni versally for speculation. 1 am not willing that this money be enticed away from tha locality whurs it wn rinnitwt tnr us. It has been deposited there to aid legitimate business and if you have more) money than your community can absorb, return it to the treasury where it can be placed to do the most good." IN OHO (Scrlrps News Association) Washington, D. . C, September 7 According to those in touch, the Presi dent has affected a compromise between the Ohio Republican factions. The Fora- ker-Dick combination are to favor Taft for president ai d the Taft men are to support the Foraker-Dick state candi dates. This removes Foraker from the race for President. DANE STILL WHINES OVER HIS WHIPPING Uoldfiaid Nevada, Sept.. 7- -Nelson is still in bed as a result of the beating of of last Monday. Ha and Nolan are still claiming that they were robbed of the fight but they get little sympathy Referee Siler said to day that Nelson needn't whine about getting the worst of it for he got the best of it all tha way through. Twenty times, Siler says, he could have called a foul on him but Siler wanted tha crowd to have a fight and as the fouls were not serious he let them go with only a warning. In reply to Nelson's charges that he got a piece of money. Siler asks if he was in on money if any one thinks he would have let the fight go 40 rounds when he had so many chances to call him on a foul Gans says if Nelson wants further proof he can have a finish fight and that he will make more generous terms than the Dane or his managar would offer to him. SPEAKER CANNON BETTER Portland. Me.. Sept. 7. Speaker of the House Joseph G. Cannon has entirely re covered today from hi: slight illness and will address the people here tonight on the polit.ca! issues of the day. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP (Scrlppe News Association) Liverpool, Sept. 7. At a meeting of the Trades Union Congress today, with out discussion, it unanimously instructed all labor members of Parliament to intro duce a bill providing for the nationaliza tion of the railroads, canals and mines within the united kingdom. SEAL POACHER RELEASED (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. Sept. 7 The department of Justice today ordered District attorney Valdez of Alaska to release five Japanese who were captured at St. George Island as Seal poachers. The charge has been unsustained. EIRENEN INJURED (Scrlppe News Association) St Louis Sept.. 7 This morning assist ant Fire Chief G. Carry was fatally hurt and ten firemen injured by the explosion of a gasoline engine while fighting a fire on Lucas Avenue. LONGWORTH CONFIDENT (Scrlpps News Association) Oyster Bay. Sept., 7 Congresman Longworth and wifs left here at noon for Cincinnati. He feels certain that he will be renominated and re-lected to congress. GRAIN MARKETS tflcrlpps New Association) Chicago, Sept. 7 -Wheat opened at 69 closed at 69; corn opened at 47, closed at 7S; oats opened at 30, closed 30. . WILL REORGNIZE BROKE BANK (Scrlpps News Association) Philadelphia, Sept. 7 The directors and depositors have accepted a plan to reorganize the Real Estate Company. It was proposed that Earls as president be allowed to put the plan into effect. MEN'S SHOES A few of our good numbers. No. 283! Pat. Colt Blucher a shoe that ooes not crack, neat and nobby No. 2813 Kanjeroo Kid Blucher so'd hy all leading shoe stores at 5 00 our price No. 2550 Box Calf heavy sole Biuihsr neat and dressy No. 2514 Vici Blucher ( non scuff light uppers heavy sole No. 5 1 0 Stonewall iseamiessl soles a No. 1 work shoes DESCRIBES NEW 'FRISCO J. H. Stanton of 'Frisco was in the city last evening and after discussing Senator Gillitt's nomination for Governor i the man from San Francisco drifted to the 'New Frisco.' Hegavea graphic des cription of the present condition there. "It will take years to make the ruins ! look Ike a city, let alone old 'Frisco. L'fe there now is a burden, sure. The principal streets are today one mass of street cars, and wagons hauling away debris. Up one side of the street wagon follows wagon, all empty, going to the debris of some huge building that was On the other side or tne street are scores of loaded wag' ns. Just imagine now, the ' dust nearly a foot thick and street cars assissted by the dump wagons. I say irnigine if you can. the amount of dust ! i lr'trA un thara tvirv mtntif " 1.1ml. r'wr.w J In speaking of holding industries he stated that little one-story tin shacks are oom.ng up by hundreds as it is almost impossible to get contractors to build a business or residence structure al a nomi nal price. The contractor is forced, by reason of the frequent labor strike, to charge fifty per cent more than he would under more quiet circumstances. SAW LA GRANDE'S FORMER MAYOR "By the way, said the traveler. 1 recently saw A. P. Fuller who is one of your for mer mayors. The old fellow is doing office business in mining enterprises." Got Your Books Yet ( We are having a large sale on second hand books and there is every reason why you should have them. mm i ne dooks are good and the saving is worth while. It is important that you pick as early as possible because assortment may break at some point or your choice of the better of the second hand ones become limited. We can do you good on everything in school supplies. FALL STATION! RY we bought stationery with our school you want anything in writing materials come here pick from the newest papers out. at-.. supplies, when and NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande, Oregon. e t