jGbASSilriEB AD si ggHED FR0NT RO0MPnont MONEY-For ioans on city property tee Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF V; TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande Ore., in : Foley building. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Two acres in Honan's addition, nicely improved, large FOR SALE Good Jersey cow for sale. Nuire ai wiicago store. WANTED Girl , j ' . ,,. vuitiii w uu genera housework in small family. Inquire at urdnae national Bank. ROOMS-Nicely furnished front rooms, north front At 906 Main St. WANTED A eral housework. Call up W. A. Moss on '"Kr pnone at island City. roomy house, good, water. Will ' trade G1RL WANTED For general house C. A Carv. ork. Small famiU r, .,.. Inquire of Mrs. A. L. Richardson. ESTATE LOANS Any amounU oljtf and country real estat r yn. tiusea promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grahde Investment com- ' PANY. ANTED Two men to take contract to cut from three to five hundred cords of wood. Inquire at this office. WANTED Dining room help, male or or female at the Model Resturant WANTED Fresh milch cow, part or all Jersey preferred. M'i3t be a first class cow. For particulars call at this office. FT? FOfieSH-E Wood saw. comolete out fit Voirst class condition. John Allen Cor. Valley and Osborn Sts. SADDLE FOR SALE.-Nearly new saddle and bridle etc. Full leather. Call at the home of Mrs. Jacob Newman or . phone red 1661. LOST-Ladies driving gauntlet glove, between depot and post office. Tan wrist, light color. Fir.der please leave at this office. FOR SALE Blooded dog. fine animal for children, or watch dog. F. D. Haisten. Second hand store. FOR SALE- Pure Bred shopshire Buck Poplar Grove Stock Farm. J- E. Reynolds Prof. La Grande R. F. D., No. 2 WANTED A bright steady boy about 1 7 years old who goes to school, to earn some money on the side. Steady job will not intefere with school work. Apply at this office for particulars. 431 BRICK Brick furnished in any quant.ty or any style, No contract too small or tc large. See samples of our pressed brick. O. KREIGER a Grande, Oregon. rURSALtUIHP Two good work horses, five first ' class milch cows and five calves. See J. T. Bake Box 11. R. F, D. No. 2 TRIiPASS NOTKE Notice is hereby given that all parties are hereby warned not tj hunt, fish o trespass on any or all of my lands. A. B. CoNLEY. FOR SALE Eight acres,6 room house.barn, place for cnicKens or nogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east pf flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan Will RESUME MONDAY The La Grande School of Music will re sume its regular work next Monday. All patrons will take due notice. PASTURE EOR RENT Pasture for rent. 100 acres of meadow land and 70 acres of grain land. Inquire of Dr. M. K. Hau.. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system is the ,!"2st and most practical, and in Wes all the latest discoveries in tn art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 5 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Pnone. 473. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS Can locate you on a good homestead in the Willow country if you call at once. A. A. Barry, 1312.4 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Ore. THIS fOR MINE EVERY TIME No more a muddledbrain for mine I'll call for soda every time Quench my thirst to my heart's content, Save cash for clothes as well as rent Treat my wife and children too "Smile" with them, and "smile" with you. All the popular drinks at Hill's soda fountain. THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FARQUHARSON. Prop. Complete uaortment of WINES, LIQUOR" AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. La GranJe National Bank ESTABLISHED J 8 87 United Stales Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,00000 OFFICERS ANS DIRECTOR? 3ECFOE PALMER. President. J- M. BERRY, Vicb President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. W L. ERENH0LTS, Assistant Cashier. r nvBifiT. A. B. CONLEY." GECRCEL.CLEA.r-K. c. c. fen:ngtcn. F. J. HOLMES. General banking business. Drafts drawnj crT all parts of the world COUNCIL MEANS BUSINESS The city council seemingly met for work last evening and when the Mayor's gavel dropped at 12.80 it was demon strated that Ihey had considered a great deal of business. All were present with the exception of councilman E. W. Bart last, who is in Portland, and J. F. William son, who was confined to his home. The petition for side walk on Jackson St was referad to the committee. The several officers submitted their monthly reports. The receipts from the water system broke all previous records by over $600. the rents for August were $1,921. A resolution was passed authorizing the city attorney to take steps to collect the check given by C C. Frasier as pay ment on impounded stock, upon which ha stopped payment The chairman of the special committee made a verbal report stating that they had met for the purpose of investigating rumored charges which had been called to their attention of the misconduct of two city officers. (The result of their findings was published in full on the evening following the meeting.) At this junction Mr. Fowler introduced the following resolution which was un animously passed. MARSHALL EXONERATED Whereas cetain charges have hereto fore been reported to this council against L. Rayburn, city marshall, charging him with collecting from or requiring to be paid by dissolute women, sums of money not authorized by law or any act of this council or its officers; and whereas, an investigation has been made by the city roimril nH no rrnnf ha hn ofFrH sustainin; such charges, theretofore be fore it resolved that such charges are hereby dismissed and said L. Rayburn be. and he is hereby fully exonerated by this council. BEAVER CREEK PROJECT Engineer Picklerwas present and stated that the engineering corps now camped on Rock creek and expected to finish the preliminary work of establish ing the levels and general topography of the country. This fa:t had been assured that there, are over 600 feet fall from the point where the water will be taken out of Beaver creek to a point above where the ditch is now taken out of Sheep creek that supplies Morgan Lake. Four ballots were taken in an attempt to elect a city attorney and the matter was passed over to the next meeting. J. 3. Eddy, right of wav acent of the O. R. &. N. Co. being present desired to know what was the intention of the coun cil in reference to the passage of an ordi nance which had been introduced to regu late the rate of speed of trains through the city and for the protection of street crossings. Mr. Edde stated that the company very much desired that no radi cal action be taken until the improvements now i n course of constructions were com pleted and both the city and the company would know to what extent the new arrangements would relieve the Fir street crossing. The council took the same view and promptly killed the ordinar.ee. An ordinance was passed ordering the improvement of 2nd st. also on S st. and an ordinance making the salary of the street superintendent S75 per month. The La Grande Evening Observer was selected as the Official paper of the city. The office of the City Scavaneer was declared vacant and the matter was trans ferred to the supervisor or the street superintendent. The council adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening for further consideration of the many matters before the body. (0RINTI1IA1S IN NEW YORK (Scrlppa News Association) New York, Sept., S-The Corinthian Association football eleven, of London, the leaders of the soccer football teams of England will play their first New York game at Lieingston Staten, Island, this afternoon. They will play against a team selected from the Intercollegiate Associat ion Football League, which is composed of Harvard, Pennsylvania, Cornell. Col umbia and Hartford Colleges. Their second game will be played on Saturday against a team selected from, among the best players in New York, to be known as the All-New York Team. Warren Smith will be the New York captain on Saturday, while B. S. Taylor, will direct the New Yorkers this afternoor. To morrow the British players will be the guests of the British Consul in New York They will be entertained at two banquets THE STAGE Not unlike the system in vogue during the last theatrical decade, Maude Fe i'.y. after filling a stock-starling engagement of several weeks in Denver, is now play ing a similar engagement at St. Louis where the current two weeks will mark the last appearance of Miss Fealy in stock work. She will come directly to New York to begin rehearsals of "The Illusion of Beatrice." the new Martha Morton comedy which will inaugurate her contract to star under the direction of John Cort for a term of years. Manager Steward nas secured this attraction for the season about to open. SUMMaVUI ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oswald and family returned home Saturday from Wallowa where they have been on a pleasura trip for the past week. Mis Violet Chattin left Tuesday for Island City where she will spend a few days with her sister. Mrs. Robert Smith. MrBrisco, who has been spending the past month in this city, left this morning for his home in Montana. Mrs. Jack and her daughter, Miss Mary, of Imbler, spent Sunday in this city as the guest of Mrs. Gillispie. Miss Christie Vanderpool left Wednes day for La Grande where she will spend a fev. days with her uncle. Mr. Thompson. . Mr. E. F. Tice and son Ernest returned home Tuesday from Enterprise where they have been for the past few days Ha reports crops looking fine in tnat valley. Mrs. Norris made a business trip to La Grande Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas, who hava been spending the past two months with her mother, Mrs. Mills, returned to their home at Hay, Washington, Monday. Mr. McElroy, a real estate man of El gin, was a caller in our town Wednesday. Mi. J. J. Johnson, of Athena. Oregon, passed through here Wednesday enroute to Eagle valley. He is well pleased with the valley and thinks that he and some of his friends may locate here in the near future. Mr. Class of Walla Walla, who has located near the Fir Grove, is a visitor in our town today. Mr. Sam Keck passed through here Tuesuay enrouuj to Elgin wiieie ii i going to receive medical treatment. Mr. John Alinger is on the sick list. The Union veterinary surgeon is doing business in this city today. . Prof. Frost was a visitor in our town Sunday. . . Justus Wade, of Walla Walla, is a visit or in this vicinity. GRAIN MARKETS tScrlppa Newa Association) Chicago, Sept. 6 -Wheat. opened at 69 closed at 70; corn opened at 4 7 '4, closed at 47,SB; oats opened at 29, closed 50. i MOTHER KILLS CHILDREN (Scrtppa News Association) Ottawa Ohio, Sept 6 The Insane wife of Henry Knippen this morning decapit ated with a butcher knife her two children, one three years old and the other eight een months. NOTICE Of PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given, that the co partnership heretofore existing between W. D Grandy and James A. Russell under the firm name of Grandy & Russell has been dissolved by mutual consent, and that by the terms of said dissolution James A. Russell becomes the owner of all prop erty heretofore owned by the co-partnership, and will collect all sums due said partnership, and pay all partnership lia bilities. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 6th day of September, 1906. W. D. Grandy, James A. Russei l. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Laler in Building Material. Buildine Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oreeon Dro a line naming work, and I will nar.e tLe rV;t rr:e SMALL SAVINGS, ROW THEY GOT e p ... in . ,,,5r ? y h $18 86 for 10 years $182.50 J2 - - I ' " " " " 3 60 " " " 868.00 28 60 76 100 91 26 v " "' 2.S0 182.60 " " " 1826.00 273 75 " " 2757.60 Rfi tin ' - ' Kcnnn the rlu'shTw tab,,dee " '"c' jd interest which if added would largely increase count'wUh tfMbMk? dMnUe' of ab0, nowin " " opan P vings c- farmcrs and Traders NATIONAL BANK .Jtxy Mountain tea Ningeta a Bv.T Median far Buy fw! X'p OvWm Besita nt Hums Vigor Mwriftr fnr Cnnximtlne, lnrflpwHloo, I.W. ''Jj"iu,7rm'hl'- nmplee. Ecwdln, lmpun a u u Brlh Blumah Rowel HnuUcl ad buclurlM. It Rockv UountAin To In lao. r..rm. ?, ranta it b. Orauiaa made b oLLurss Dnw Cohmkt, Miullarm, Wis. E KUCGETS OR SALLOW KOPta Only 82 years old "1 am only 82 year old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as long as 1 can get Elec tric Bitter," say, Tvjr,. . H. Brunson. of Dublin. Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in named kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by New lift Dru- Co. Pnco 60c Repairs for Any Make of UlOJfUIC ' - at Smiths CREAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles Can You Bite Hard? You should be able o. Something b wrong; if IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION-STATE -OF OREGON In the Matter of the estate of 1 R. D. Ruckman, I Citation Deceased J To E. H. Ruckman and Martha J. Ruck man, and all heirs or devisees unknown or non-resident Greeting: In the nam of the state of Oregon. You are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union at the court room thereof, at La Grande. In thn county of Union, on Thurs day the 6th day of September, 1906 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day then and there to show cause, if any you have, why an order of sale should not be made as in the petition of the adminis trator prayed for, of the following de scribed real property belonging to said estate, towit: Lots 1-2-5-4-19 & 20 in Block 21 Town cf Imbler, Union county, Oregon, to pay estate debts and claims. Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union, with the seal of said court affixed, this 7th day of August A. D. 1906. (Seal) Attest: J, B. Gilham, Clerk, By F. C. Eriwell. Deputy. vu uiiiwh Notice of Appointment of Ad nvnistrator To Whom it May Concern Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the es tate of Lousa Griffin deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to J. W. Knowles, his attorney, within s i months from ths date hereof. Dated this 22rid day of August, A. D. 1006. Jessib Gifpin. Administrator. Nature intended you to have teeth ai strong and as perfect as an Indian's. But almost no one now-a-days ( except an Indian ) has perfect teeth. teeth for you (if you arc B mil tU m1a .t. B r1 - ii ivfciu ai y i but expert Dental science can fix your mouth so skill fully that, in both comfort and appearance you will never feel the oss. Expert, scientific, painless dentistry. Don't delay -It doesn't pay consult us today. Charges very reasonable. DGrandt Denial Company ' . flQFGflN (TATF FAID On account of the Oregon State Fair which will be held in Salem, September 10-15 inclusive. Tha O. R. & N. will give a rate of one and on third fare to Portland plus $2.26, ticket carrying pas sengers through to Salem. The above rates will be offered under following con ditions: . Sale dates September 6, 8 and 13. Limit Continuous passage in each dir- nwviwu uiiu uiv imai limit, oepiemoer, jf. Stopovers will not be allowed to pass engers in either direction. Children of half fare age, one half of above rate. , aiiuauon ror return i icuets must be executed for return by Southern Pacific agent at Salem or at tha rair grounds. not properly . validated they will not be good for return from Portland. TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of parties on good timber claims of two million feet and better. Foley Blk. LaGrahdi Investmeht Co. coughs QUICKEST CUHE coTds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT DR. KING'S I LUWQS Prlci 50c io $1.00 ABSOLUTELY CUARAHTEEDi Mai. tiinliM : SOLD N3 RECC':i'EKDED BY j ewl i n 13 rujr Co rrrpan v