PATRON I , 1 2E ONE ANOTHER FORTHE UPBUILDING OF TOWN AND COU NTV IT NUMBER 147 VOLUME V LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1906 SMtirCft team rifle shoot opens Trir.iri liMMunr I iLKKini briar a .atusBt BOSTON SINKING (Scrlppi News A iclatlon) Sea Girt. N. J.. September 4. The team rifle shooting contest under the auspices of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and the matches of the National Rifle Association began here this morning with a large attendance and an unusally large number of contesting teams. The conditions for the shoot are practically the earns as last year, excepting that the rapid fire at 600 yards has been eliminated and there will only be one skirmish run instead of two. (Script Newt Association) Seattle. Sept. 4. The cruiser Boston, after being hauled off of the rocks on Or cos Island, proceeded on towards Belling ham under her own steam. It is now re ported that she is sinking in the harbor, seven of her compartments being flooded. Later Wnen the Boston got off of the rock she steamed for Bellingham, 22 miles distant. The pumps ard crew j t . - n.. , . ....- .i i Mm going down. At 2:50 this after noon the vessel seemed to be doomed. The crew of the Paul Jones is rendering every possible assistance. The Boston carries 300 men and when she struck was on her way to Bellingham where she was to en gage in target practice today off point Blaine. RIOT IN VALPARAISO (Scripts News Association) Sontiago Chile Sept., 4 Secretary Root and his party left here today for Valparaiso to inspect the ruins of the city. Root's visit has greatlv increased the friendship of this cauntry for the United Stales. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY .Scrlppi News Association) Washington, Sept. 4. The navy de partment has selected the sites and is taking active steps to install the wireless stations on the Pacific coast. Within five months it is expected that all of the stations will be in operation, several are already in working condition. STRUGGLE 0 III CUBA l5crlpp News Association) , Havana. Sept. 4. An engagement, said to be the greatest in the present rebellion, is now in progress near Cienf ugos and the insurgents are getting the best of it. Loyalists under Colonel Valleare at a dis advantage, and waiting for reenforce- ments. Valle has three hundred men to withstand fifteen hundred insurgents. LlAUltO ID (Scrlpps Newt Association) Tucson. Ark., Sept. 4 Three suspects have been arrested in the Minite camp near by the Immigration inspectors. Let ters were found upon them showing that they were acting as agents for the Mexi can revolution leaders. GRAIN MARKETS (Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, Sept. 4 - Wheat opened at 1 1 closed corn opened at 41, !$. closed at 41V; oats opened at 3058, closed 20 U. BRYANS RIMING MATE (Scrlpps News Association) St Paul Sept., 4. Governor Johnson was renominated at the state Democrats A,vention. He is bemg mentioned as Uytitabiie man to run for vice president with Bryan in 1908. When Bryan's name was mentioned the convention went wild and it was fully five minutes before order was restored. IT IMS MEWS NOMINATION OVATION III c H 1CAG0 (Scrlpps News Association) Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 4. Mayor Tom Johnson in discussing Bryan's stand for ownership of railroads, says it will cause the nomination of Roosevelt in 1908. That such doctrine will drive thousands of Democrats from the party but he adds "To all such Democrats I say 'Cod speed' To every such one there will be ten from the other party to join us. The govern ment ownership is the paramount issue and with it Bryan will sweep the country." MRS. KKKIY ABOLISHES POD (Scrlpps Newa Association) Roslyn. L. I., Sept.. 4 Ever since her lection as a member of the school board of Roslyn Mrs. Clearance Mackay has practically conducted the schools of this town according to her notions. Although the :s the only woman member of the board of education she exercises absoluta control over that body, which meekly approve everything the mitlionariess dec rees. Her latest notions is the abolition of the rod in the schools of Roslyn, a measure which is the delight of the unruly porpotion of the children, who have made life a burden to teachers as well as prin cipals. The schools were opened today and with the beginning of the new school year thsroi is abolished as an instrument of correction disobedient and unruly children. Although no positive statement in the matter has been made it is expected that Mrs. Mackay will take it upon her self to bribe refactory children into good behavior by liberal donations of candy Those who are well acquainted with the conditions in the Roslyn schools expect that many of the teachers and principals will be compelled to resign because they will find it impossible owing to Mrs. Mackay's ill-ad vised interference to main tain discipline among his children. VILLIAGES OBLITERATED NEW YORK PROHIBITIONISTS MEET (Scrlppi Newt Auoclatlon) Binghamton, N. Y. Sept. 4 The state convention of the Prohibitionists of New York will open at the Tabernacle Metho dist Episcopal church here this afternoon. It will be called to order by Chairman J. H. Durkee, of Rochester, and Homer L Castle, who made a remarkably good run as candidate for Governor in Pennsylvania and whom theJProhibitionists of that state expect to elect this year, ill be the prin cipal speaker, A full ticket will probably be nominated. (Scrlpps Nevts Association) Chicago, III., September 4. Extra ordinary preparations have been made fcr the reception and entertai.rment of Mr. William Jennings Bryan who is expected to arrive here this afternoon from the East and who will deliver an address at the Auditorium this evening. He will be welcomed upon his arrival by large committee and will be-entertained - - V - It. , ... i.n ..IK. WW,W1 fc I J ii.uvui til n.w W ' w i ning. Many or the most prominent and influential Democrats of Chicago and the state in general will be. present at the dinner and large attendance is ex pected at the metting in the evening. Shortly after the meeting Mr. Bryan will continue his journey to Lincoln, Neb., where he is due tomorrow and where he will be received with an elaborate home coming ovation, in Louisville, Ky on September 12. and in Cincinnati on Sept 13. He does not expect to reach Kansas City untill later. Chicago Sept. 3 W. J. Bryan arrived in this city and was met at the city limits by friends headed by Major Dunneand Ma jor Dahlam of Omaha, was followed by i string of motor cars. Mr. Bryan accom panied by Mrs. Bryan entered an automo bile and was escorted to the auditorium where she will remain until he lunches with the Iroquoise club. Tonight he will be present at the Jefferson club banquet. Mrs. Bryan received almost as great an ovation as her husband and despite the fact that she was very tired she as sisted Mr. Bryan in receiving and partook of his enthusiasm. ""(AUGHT In THE ACT GOV. FOLK BREAKERS 11 (Srrlpps Nwk Auclation) La Hore. India, Floods have devast ated the Behar distr ct and many villages lave been obliterated. SOME GOOD POINTERS ON ! SOME VERY GOOD SHOES Probably you are familiar with the shoe standard of this store. Perhaps you already know we have no room in our stock for any shoe that does not come up to our idea of a good shoe. We are veritable cranks on the ques tion of quality in shoes and so far as possible we try to protect our patrons by excluding all shoes which look dubious or doubtful. ' This fall's showing surpasses all previous display in the essential points of style lines and superior con struction. Not a shoe on sale at this store which we cannot commend to our customers. We hold ourselves personally responsible for the worth and wear of our shces. SCHOOL SHOES we would call your attention to our complete line of SCHOOL SHOES, if there is one thing that the careful motner wants it is good shoes for the boys and girls. One trial order will convince. WITH TEVEIi LOCATED III 1IS(0 (Scrlpps Newt Association) San Francisco Sept.. 4 Fourhundred strikebreakers arrived early . this' morning over the Southern Pacifio via Stockton, and were taken across the bay on tugs and escorted to the company's bams. No violence was offered and there were only a few pickets or sympathizers stir. The company now have about eight hundred strikebreakers here and it is expected that thev will make an effort to start the cars to day. Trouble is looked for. (Scrlpps News Association) Jefferson City. Mo.. Sept. 4. Govern or Folk has returned from the Bryan re ception and is very ill with malaria fever. He is confined to his bed and is declared by his physicians to be in a very critical condi'.ion. While at New York he was exposed to late hours and crowded halls. It is thought that the change of climate had much to do in bringing the governor down. He has been in robust health for some time. RETT DISSOLVING (Scrlppi Newt Association) Oyster Bay September 4. The fleet which yesterday was one of the mottfform idable factors in the preservation of Americans honor and justice is today dissolving to their respective stations. The battleship Colorado sailed at day break for the Asiatic station and is expected to arrive at Gibraltar on the 20th. T-.e;e No- No. LADIES' SHOES ome of the .ad as' pels. No. 1:5 Pat. Colt 1 3 soie jgi6 Vicr Bijcher , upper hpavv sole cushion mso.e r -.r hest se.ler ,n iff 5 Vici Biucner ma ?-:e. a fire wearer j470 Vici bai pliabe uppers u-w soles espe-:;a.;y good ;2 ,S Bex Ca;f heavy sole . sher) dressy '.ides' sr.oes top ha! ssr.00. snoes $4.00 550 . 3 00 . 2.50 . 2.00 MEN'S SHOES A few of our good numbers. No. 283! Pat. Colt Blucher a shoe that ooes not crack, neat and nohby No. 28 1 5 Kangeroo Kid Blucher sold hy all leading shoe stores at 5.00 our price No. 2550 Box Calf heavy sole Blu;hcr neat and dressy No. 2514 Vici Biucher ( non sc jffi light uppers heavy sole . No. 510 Stonewall (seamlessl pegjid soles a No. 1 work shoes $5.50 . 4.50 3.50 350 . 2.60 As a result of an attempt at robbing a bunk house at Hillgard yesterday Thomas Burk and Ed. Hele are now lodged in the county jail. The two men had entered a bunk house at one of the camps at Hil- gard and were making off with a grip containing many valuables when some of their fellow workmen happened along and took the two men in charge until Sheriff Childers could send a deputy from this city to apprehend them. They were given a preliminary hearing and bound over to the grand jury. Whether they are the two men who so thoroughly ransacted two houses in this city last Sunday night, is of course not known, but it seems very plausible that they are the same parties. It would have been easy for them to make La Grande a visit Sunday night and still return to Hilgard in time to report for work Monday morning. They have been employed in the camps there several days past. The man Thomas is a very intelligent individual. He dresses well and has every appearance of having been a refined gentleman. At the preliminary hearing he acted as his own attorney anc exam ined and cross-examined witnesses with the ability of a professional attorney. He it was who was caught in the act of removing the valuables, and like Dimon of ancient farre. he requested to bear the burdens alone and rejged the court to release Hele and place the crime on his shoulders alone. The request could not be granted and both men are now await ing the circuit court cill. Mr. will doubtlessly plead his own cause be fore that court. TO VISIT GETTYSBURG BATTIEflFlD (Scrlppt Newt Association) Chastota, N. Y Sept 4 A special train with the veterans of the Seventy- sixth and the One-hundred and fifty- seventh N. Y. Infantry and the Tenth N. Y. Cavalry and a large number of ex cursionists started from hare at six o'clock this morning for Gettysburg, where the veterans and other excursion ists will pay a visit to the historic battle field and other points of interest. Most of the excursionists will remain in Gettys burg and vicinity for several days before they return to their homes. TRANSPORT TOTAL LOSS (Scrlppt Newt Association) Washington, Sept. 4. The government dispatches today confirm the report that the transport Sheridan is a total loss. All of the movable property hat been re TO SUCaCD TREPOff (Scrlppt Newt Association) St Petersburg, Sept., 4 It is reported that Chief of Police Trepoff is to be succeed by Baron Kiegels. FISHING BOAT SEIZED (Scrlppt Newt Association) Galveston. Sept,, 4 The Mexican gun boat seized the American fishing boat Aloha of this city while she put into the bay to escape the storm. WED UPHOLDS sum ARRESTS IMAY fOLLOW (riii'lpps Newt Association) Philadelphia. Sept. 4. District Attorn ey Bell is expocted to make arrests on criminal cnaraes. as are the result of the closing of the Real Estate and Trust Company. He said that the looting had been going on for tour years or more. During all of that time the state examiners (Scrlppt Newt Association) Goldfield. Sept 4 All of Goldfield stayed up last night to talk over the big fight. There is but one conclusion and that is that Gans it a mighty popular fighter just now and can have almost anything in Goldfield. The praises of the Baltimore negroe it sung by every body while there it nothing but condemnation for Nelson. There it no denying that Gans put up a great bittle and fought honestly and in the spirit of true sport. His conduct both in the ring and after the battle is exceedingly commendable. It won for him more friends that were ever lost by his faking. Throughout the fight he had the sympathy of the crowd. There were a mighty few who bet on either Gans or Nelson that ware not per fectly satisfied with Siler's decision ami whether the foul was intentional or not the former was so evident that there was nothing else to do but give the fight to the negro. Many are inclined to believe that the foul was premeditated and intent ional but Nelson people not only deny this but declare no foul was committed. Those who say the foul was intentional on the part of Nelson, declared the Dane had not only lost his head, but was rapidly wearing himself out and could not. be expectedto go much farther. jWE WANT ! STATIONERY YOUR! TRADE ! There is every reason why you should come here for anything you want in the stationery. Our stock is complete, we afford an unusually wide selection and the new lines in correspondence papers come here as soon as they come out. IF YOU SEEK BOTH QUALITY AND RIGHT PRICES you will find it to your interest to trade heie, while our ample assortment contains papers to suit every taste. We also have all the items that go with a stationery line: PENS, PENG1LS INKS, ERASERS, ETC. NEWLIN DRUG CO. did not examine the bank or did it slovenly. Phone Black 130 Vergere No. 27 Fred Sanford one of Cove s young popular men, was in the city today on La Grande, Oregon. e business. eeeee