. Ul u j ' School Days WILL SOON BE HERE LOCAL ITEMS AND THrf GOLDEN RULE COMPANY Is prepared as usual to fit the Children out uith everything in uearing apparel and school supplies. All the newest and staple things in Dress Goods The Best in School Shoes The Best and Newest in Caps The Best in Hosiery 0ur23c liosc f?i l8c has neier been "tchc(1 Pontile Pone InL nil Uli 'T.nlHon Pulo' Dr!(Ac ALWAYS THE LOWEST THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY Largest Store- 1308, 1310. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE Smallest Prices It :: A Square Deal C.B.SIMMONS. President ?! Sec'y and Mgr. PHONE MAIN 31 PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits. Hay, Potatoes and Grain ::: Apples a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Now HIGHEST PRICES PAID Call and see us before you sell Jefferson Ave. and Greenwood St. La Grande. Oregon STILL SHORT A TEACHER Yesterday morning City Superintendent Hockenberry received a telegram from Chicago saying that Prof. F. R, Garlough who had been secured as science teacher in the tvgh school here, cannot take the position and asking that the contract be cancelled. This leaves the high school without a science teacher but every effort will be made by the superintendent and school board to fill the vancancy with a I sutabie instructor before the schools open ! next Monday. I MIRTH SIDE VICTORY j The North Side team won the game j this after noon by a score of 11 to 5. I The feature's were Wm. Miller's work at first a-d H. Siegrist's catching. The i baloo". ascension was rendereJ impossible by reason of the baioon catching fire, j A fu 1 account of the bail game will appear tomorrow. Off TOR BOISE 1 HiATTC rm?n is i c-jrtinel several extra coaches containing the delagate of California and Oregon enroute to Boise Governor Cramberiain being among the number. PA m The La Grande delegation consists of I ! Turner Oliver secretary of the Commercial Corner Depot Street and Adams Aenue. luh. accompany. Mr: Oliver. Mr. Hall A C. Hurtipgton, J. L. Caviness. J. W. X,Lytle J R. Perry, J. R. Price and Bird J I F. Lew s the above represented the i Commercil Club. The Grande Ronde X I Valley Fru.t Growers Union sent there J secretary E Z. Carbine and L Oldrbutg. Will Landon of Umati!l is visiting his mother in this city. Miss Nell Disque has returned from her visit in Baker City. Mrs. C. H.Finn left yesterday for Port land to be gone a week. Mrs. Carrie Daryea. and daughter Jaunta have returned from Seattle. Tom Gilham. who has been visiting in Seattle for several diys, has returned. Miss Mabel Galloway came over from Union this morning to attend the Teachers' Institute. The Commercial Club will give a Labor Day dance this evening. The music will commence promptly at nine o'clock. Fred Howard' clerk intheHuelat music store left yesterday for Hood River where he will spend a week visiting his parents. Constable I. W. Falk. is acting chief of Police during the absence of Chief Raybum. Rev, Ophal Crocket formerly pastor of the South Methodist church of this city and who has been visiting here returned to Spokane. Miss Mabel Eaton came over from Union this morning to attend tne annual institute for teachers being held here today. Master Walter Galloway cam 3 over from Union this morning to spend a week visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Troutman of Pendle ton, who have been visiting Walter Pierce on his farm near Island City, have re turned home. The first meeting tf the Kaffe Klatch for this season will be held next Friday afternoon at the Home of Mrs A, V. Andrews. This being Labor Day the Observer took a vacation sufficient this afternoon tc witness the ball game, consequently the paper is a little late this evening. Mrs. J. W, Dickey and son C. E., left tiis morning for Baker City where they will meet Mr. J. W. Dickey and they will go on their recently purchased farm situ ated eight miles out. It is reported that contractor Pete Bosquet has gone to California with a view of forming a partnership with the Ott Bros., who were forced out of busi ness by Wallowa going dry, and will build a brewrey in the northern part of the state. Horace Baker returned last night to hiit home at Ontario, Lloyd Baker to Weiser and James to Twin Falls, after being called here to attend the funeral of their late father, Hon. M. Baker. Mrs. Carrie Baker, who resides at Tacoma, will remain several days. Fred Housh returned home Sunday morning from Portland where he went on business connected with the Grande Ronde Electric Company. , A party consisting of Mrs. Hannah Rogers. Mrs. Sue Williamson and daught ers, Mrs. J. W. McAlister and daughter, Mrs. Lee Thompson and Masters Henry and Robert Burke of Baker City, have retjrned from a two week's outing at Phiz springs. Mr. J. W. McAlister. who is working a crew of men at the Eclipse Copper mines, is back after a loaa of supplies. They are continuing their tunnel, which is now in 312 feet, and expect to strike the ledge within fifty feet. Mr. McAlister brought back some very rich ore. The ledge not only carries copper but gold and silver. SPORTING GOODS ! I have a complete stock of shot guns and rifles all sizes, hunting coats, gun cases, and revolvers, all kinds of cartridges. If you are going hunting come and tryjj some of the Selby shot gun shells, I have them in threwj different kinds of smokeless powder, also black powder Do not forget about our doors, windows, and shingles j MRS. T.N. MURPHY Hardware and crockery. Vi 1' ?-TU AN ATTRACTIVE SMOKE means a fine cigar. There is a fas cination in La Flore De Hackman's special cigars that is irresistible, even to tnose'who do not use to bacco. It is not hard to account for. however, because it is the high est type of a cigar. Havana filled, Havana wrapper, hand made. It has many imitators, so be sure and get the real thing. Phone Red 1381 Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood it' V BORN LYMAN-To Mr.ard Mrs. last Saturday morning, boy. E. Lyman ten pound School Books and School Supplies Toilet Articles and Fine Stationary Our Prescription Department is Complete and our Prices are Right. Ill ROBBERIES LAST NIGHT SEND BUTTER TO SALEM Geo. W. Weeks, superintendent of the dairy exhib-t at the Salem state fair, is visiting his son, W. W. Weeks in this city and soliciting exhibits in his line for the big fair. While there are not as many creameries in Eastern Oregon as some other sections he is working hard to have Eastern farmers and dairymen represent ed by a splendid exhibit, Mr. Weeks says that there will be a milking machine in operation at the fair grounks, which will give practicle illustrations in mech anical milking. CASEY STILl AT IT 'Box Car Casey" too well known in the halls of policedom to need any in troduction, was rouiided up for what is to be hoped, the last time, by acting chief of Police Faulk this morning. Casey had stolen a pair of overalls and a pair of second hand shoes, the latter beinz converted thirty five cents. Casey has been the limit, and the city authorities are going to make every effort to remove him from the city for at least a period of two years, if the warden down at Salem is equal to the task of keeping him there. The acting chief had a lively time early this morning with the gentleman of box car profficfency and it was only after several smart raps on the "Cocanut had been administered that he saw fit to be lead quietly. DAINTY Treats in eatables, so folks say who sit daily at our tables to refresh the inner man. Our restaurant will give your stomach a rest, because the foods are carefully selected and cooked under ord ers of a ohef of wide reputation. Our bill of fare is varied daily and always con tains some choice idbits. Live not to eat but eat to live and daily dine withJ?' It will be a picnic to your interior depart ment. The Model Restaurant J.A ARBUCKLE, Prop. OI'KN PAY AND KIUHT We Hell Weekly C i Cn ileal TlukrlH lor P4 IGC GR E AM AND Agents for the "POSTAL TYPEWRITER." has the universal key board and only $25. y Hi w.i-cv in.) tenses, i 3 re of Rev. E. 3. Hays pastor of as'ter:an church was entered ti'I' e-in; by burg'ar?. Some silver this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Van Huren ar9 heavy losers as a result of a bold thievery last evening. Mr. and Mrs. t'it a-J a vesi a-, we, I as a pair of Van Buren had gone up town about seven veie taken. While the Havs ! V.I.-.k nH iw r.t,.rm. .k.. -i -j- . ...... .... H),UII llltuMml U UUl QtOVDH , aiie-iaing cnurcn services they discovered a window screen ... u. . Bnwrea irom tne tront door , been dis oduad in rho kirr.hon si-Nai a carerui investigation for nrnar.hinii th fi-nnt tv,f .nontf). i :-eie wa.i ,u hap hazard method about it. j-.it ot a careful sysmatic plan al befo-efie sm ;'.i had been completed. eery r-rn a-.-i iHjr in naj iiean -ais.tc.eii aut he must have had a ge.ttle nar:v s.-sot limn whan m new but had On ap- was found wide open. Quickly entering the resi I dence. they were dumbfou.-.ded to see the 1 r.nnttmta nt rWat. ilnura.. i t i. ' I - v. wova umncia ailU brunKS house scattered about the rooms of the house As far as they have been able to find out i the lns4 inr.lnHpc a e,it f Utk,. , - . . f . , . ...-.--w- w .ui, vi v:ubi09, 1UI mi taim m: uerai':i2 irom Hit un SHELFLEX HAIR PIS ' CAN T BKEAK EM fa SCHOOL STATIOVERY 1 : Custom ! the rfoor I ' i ' AISO SIDE COMBS AVD BACK COMBS : E. M. Wellman & Company! ADAMS AVENUE v .n si )'(..-! ng in a neap on us iantiemar carefully reDlaced C'5,)U,' 'H'"' re criginaiiy tound it. HI , seems t iat ;: silent search ended abrupt- ! , ly f.v wvleoiii.darak'e was sacked there' w s a vaiu i .ie set li ,v8r unmolested n-v..tnstar.j ng trat M in plain ght. i Even effK t has hee- .rude to find the1 yet -o succese. The' ; tact was first discovered when upon ar j riving home Srev. Hays found the d-xir i unlocked. Burned matches scattered about t ie house told of the robber's wan- derings j Another case of roboery was seported serviceable, a set of manicure tools, a gold watch belonging to Mr. Van Buran. and a va'uable pair of opera glasses. Nothing beyond this is missir.g. more migni nave neen liken and not . come to the notice of the owners. it appears certain to the police that j the city must have keen worked by a , gang of robbers, who use a prepaied plan in entering houses. Needless to say j the'perpatratorsiwill behunted down if such j a thing is possible. In no instance durinz last niget's robberies, did the bold ones leave the slightest clew as to their iden tity. While Rev. Hays was not so hesvy a loser, Mr. Van Buran's loss will reach over a hundred at the lowest estimate. ICE CREAM SODA None Better Doctors Prescriptions and Family Receipts, a Specialty Two Graduated Pharmacists Always in Attendance. RED CROSS DRUG STORE AP5.Sin?r i , """"''''' e AT COST Season is over for gentlemen's summer suitings and I have 25 imported patterns left. I will not carry them over. Will sell at cost. 59 inches wide and Z toJZ ... hiclc. rtu sunaoie ror ladies' sk rts and coats. Call at once and get first choice. AL. ANDREWS! TAILOR and HABERDASHER '-.-1' ; r