PROfESSlONAl CARDS PHYSICIANS 0 L. B1GGERS to. D, Physician and Suroeon LJ.c P lston Bid. over J.M.Beiry's store G.fce Phone Black 1221 h.iidence Phone Ked 1001 J. H. HUBBARD, M.D. Physician and Suroeon Office in Slater Building. Cor. Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. Phone Main 79 J. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Suroeon n.. . over Hill's Drug Store. Offi -e r'.ione 1362 Residence Main 55 N. MOLITUR M. D. MYSICIAN AND . SUROEON Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Offioe Main 68 . KesiuenceJYlain 68 "WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON i.ewis I uilding, opposite Sommer House Urhr hours. 1 to 4. 1. to 8. p. m. I Vnl ain 71 BACON & Hall PHYSICIANS AND SUHOEONS (nice in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 I". Bacon residence, Main in M, K. Hall residence. Mam o DR. II. VOLP. Physician ano Suhofon Jffice: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 Call answered day or night. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksville Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building P rones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 64 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attohneys-at-Law IA ORANOE OHBOON Office in Foley Building '.. . Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ' Office in Ralston Building a Grande. Oram L. A. PICKLER L.vil, Minino, Irrioation Enoinekrino and surveyino Estimates. Plans, and Specifi cat.ons. Office in Bohnenkamp Bu:'ding. U GHAN02, OrFOON Dentists U. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Ohice over Hill's Drug Store .a Imaniie. Ohkoon .v I RINARYJ5URQEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARV SURGEON Uffce at Hill's Drugstore. La Grande Or Ivtsidence Phone Red, 701 Office Pitone 1361 Farmer Line 68 . e LIGHTNING COLLECTION AC EN T II. A. Watson. Mir. Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. Office Lewis building J U Grande, Or. Till". TAYLOR STUDIO To vie Summkr Girl: I Want you to visit my studio and bit iiis show you how successfuly ' I can plHitograh you in your sum mer gown. Come while your gown iis fresh and new. it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to the laundry. Remember the new location of : THC TAYLOR STUDIO is next door to llm Observer llrti e PH'- NE BLACK 1 182 SUNDAY PHONE 81 !... LODGE DIRECTORY fcACLES- La CrsrceAene 2SEF.0 E. insets Frcsy right in Elk at 8 x m. Visitirg fcrhren nvited to att. , I. R. Snook W. S 3r.G. L. Biggers W. P. I. 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. J. A Arbuckli. N. Q. D. E. Cox, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 81. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, G. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox. Scribe. M. W. A.- La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at I. O. O. F. hall. Ai, visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams. V. C. John Hall. Clerk. FORESTERS OR AMERICA-Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers ire invited to attend. FrepHon Chief Ranger L. L. Snodorass Financial Sec. Board ol Trustees- Dr. G. L. Biooers John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 3I.K.O. T VI.-- Meets second and fourth Wednesdays lach month in I. 0. 0. K. hill. Visiting nights welcome. H. C. Ball. Com Mox Dlocii, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVENoT27.-Meets every tirst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Mauuk Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vfssey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E.. La GRANDE LODGE No 433 - Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. .Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully. Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Moots every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting members welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul Commander J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L. Ackles, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE-SISTERS Roweia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi- illy invited. Milly Frawley M. E. C Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. HORSES LOST Return fifteen and twenty head of young horses, brand half circle V on right thigh, have disapeared from my pasture. A reward will be paid for the return or imformation leading to the recovery. A. B. Conley. fOR SALE Eight acres, 6 room house.barn, place for chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan IN A HURRY? THEN CALL Wn. S1EYNCLDS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service LITTLE THINGS IN WALL PAPER make big differences sometimes. Pattern, coloring, texture, holdfast printing lots of tnfluj go to make up big successes or - big failures in interior decorat ing. Get our free ad vice, look through our ex hihilion looms and so get wall paper that's worth ynur buying. STANIELS & JARMAN Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars s2Jr.- RA(i fOR ROOSEVELT TROPliY (IIP (Scrlppa Newa Arwocialion) Marblehead. Mass., Sept.. 3 The first of the five races to be sailed off Marble head for the Roosevelt Cup is being sail ed today. The races are held under the joint auspices of the Eastern Yatch Club of Mars., and the Kaiserlicher Yacth Club of Germany and three German boats are contesting for the Roosevelt Cup against an equal number of American boats, which were selected during the elimination races held a few days ago. The American boats which are defend ing the Roosevelt Cup against the German challengers are the Auk, the Caramba, and the Vim. The Auk was designed by E. A. Boardmanand is owned by Charles Francis Adams. The Caramba was also designed by Boardman and belongs to C. H. Foster, while the Auk was designed by William Gardner of New York and is owned by T. L. Park of the American Yacth Club. The yacths are limited in Jimensons to 32 feet in length on the water line, beam and draught there is no time allowance. The sail area is limited to 650 square feet. Each yacth is required to carry a crew or not more than three who must be native born citi zens cf the country in v.'hlch t? tmrhf was built. The Roosevelt Cup goes to to the owner of its yacht which first wins three races or wins the fifth race of the series. CANNON TO HELP (Scrlpps Newa Association) Portland Me., Sept., 3 Speaker Can non will be the principal speaker at a meeting here this evening, in support of Representative Littefleld whose home is in this city. Organized labor is oppos ing Mr. Littlefield for relectinn in the eighteenth district and Speaker Cannon will make a determined effort to defend Mr. Littlefield the charges made against him by the labor organizations. saTeoe real estate The property known as the Ball board ing house No. 1714 Sixth Street, lot No. 3 block 1 02 Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, belonging to the estate of Jane Ball, de ceased, is hereby offered for sale to the highest and best bidder subjeat to the life interest in said estate of George Ball. Bids will be received up to 5 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. September 4, 1906, by the un dersigned at his residence at 1712 Sixth Street, La Grande. George Ball, Administrator of the estate of Jane Ball deceased. Dated at La Grande, Aug. 28. 1906. THEN AND NOW We all know the typewriter has come to stay. We discovered that long ago. It is only a question which typewriter, for j the word is well and truly used in the singular sense. The typewriter that has come to stay is not the one of ten years hack, when in novation caused such a stir in business circles. Then nobody ever thought of as sociating the word "alignment" a typewriter; it satisfied the user so long as the machine would write some fashion or other, and with constant break-downs ever-present repair bills were paid smil ingly. But things are different now. Time tests all things. The business man has become wise. He wants what he pays for. He has learned the value (from dearly-bought experience) of a machine which will write properly, not only the day it is bought, but perpetually He also wants to be satisfied upon the peculiarities of the many machines now before the public. The individual claims of our product places its position beyond all question, and the few particulars we give on the following pages will, no doubt be found of interest to those buyers who "want what they pay for" ABOUT THE OLIVER The No. 3 Model, which has secured such a firm foothold on the universal markets, constitutes what is reckoned as the most perfect typewriter possible. WHY? Here is our answer IT WRITES IN SIGHT There is no carriage to lift; no con structional parts to peer over. Your work is there right before you ALIGNMENT Each type-bar is a double or U-shped one and the alignment is secured thereby. No ilols or so-called "guides" are neces sary to preserve the alignment of the Oliver. The U-shaped type-bar does it. SIMPLICITY In the construction of the Oliver less than one-half the usual number of puts .. w.,4u.,k,), ai meie to learn is learnt quickly. The freedom of the Oliver type-barl permits oi any jesirej fore, so that heavy manifolding equally good results are obtained first to last copy. From one to twenty copies can be made -simultaneously, without materially increased exertion. STENCILING No extra-heavy touch is needed to cut a perfect stencil on the Oliver. The or dinary touch is sufficient, therefore all risk of "cutting out" is avoided. The type of the Oliver cut the finest stencils pos sible. OPERATION Tne Oliver never tires. Its operation s a pleasure, even when used without intermission. Its tcuch is beautifully elastic and most responsive. The fastest operator cannot overtake its speed. NON-LOCKING TYPE-BARS The type-bars of the Oliver cannot lock, no matter how many keys be depressed at one time. TYPE CLEANING The type of the Oliver are not, as with other machines, cleaned individually, but collectively, and the case with which this cleaning in done makes excuse for diity type impc ssible. LINE RULING Lines, either vertical or horizontal, and in any color, may be ruled upon paper whilst it is in the machine, and without the aid of a ruler. Ordinarily, any neces sary ruling is left, of course, until it can be done in the usual way. but is usually forgotten. REMOVABLE CARRIAGE The carriage is removed from the ma chine(for cleaning and other purposes) instantly, without manual interferences with any fastenings whatever, and is just as easily replaced. PAPER RELEASE , , -.! fJnn U A klliMtO iliu.,r,i.ti. i is given to the paper, leaving it to be either straightened or otherwise moved in any desired position. No force is nec essary, consequently no soiling or tearing, of the paper occurs. CARD WORK The Oliver typewriter will feed the stiffest and stoutest card as easily as a single sheet of paper. A WORD ON INVOICING If there is anything which demonstrates to the full the value of the Oliver for tab ular work, it is invoicing. To those users of hidden-writing who attempt to satisfactorily prepare invoices thereon, the futility of such a task must surely be apparent. Mechanical contrivances (known as "tabulators") have been de vised, it is true, to assist them, but so much time is lost in "setting" the mech anism to which must be added the con stant raising of the carriage (occasioned by the operator's lack of confidence in the tabulator), that the invoice could very well be written by hand in half the time. Fur thermore, tabulators on other than Oliver typewriters, interfere very seriously with vital parts or the typewriter itself, render ing it very unreliable for ordinary use. The Oliver is the ideal machine for in voicing. With its visible writing, per manent printing point, indicator and per fect release key, margins are instantly found and maintained all with greatest simplicity. No tabulator is necessary on the Oliver, but, if one is wanted, we sup ply the best tabulator made. Bear in mind, however, that we save extra cost and give better results. Again, with the wonderful manifolding power of the Oliver, it will make as man copies of an invoice as required, and every copy clear and distinct. The use of an Oliver for invoicing in sures - Speed, legibility, eniciency. economy, neatness and regularity. The Oliver is already adopted by some of the largest business houses for invoicing as well as correspondence purposes, fur ther particulars of which we shall be pleased to furnish on application. NhwLiN Drug Company. Agents PUBLIC SALE At the J. 11. Salcsbury place, One quarter mile west of Imbler, on the Summery ille road SATURDAY, SEPT. 8 COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. f n .... renewing property will be sold to the highest bidder: 4 work horses, 8 colts, one and two years old. 4 milch cows. 8 heid young cauie. it wagons. I surrey, 5 sets of harness. 1 beet seeder, 1 beet plow. 2 neet cultivates. 1 beet rack and nets I cider mill, 3 steel cables and pulley; . walking plow. 1 gang plow I three- section harrow, 2 garden cultivators. Kaiuon urni ana cultivator, dibs anri I chickens, book case and desk, folding bed i ana springs, o sets of beds, children's bed coucn. steal range, heating stave, cook stove. Organ, extension table, settees. , imueunii. chairs and olhr household go,,ds loo numerous to nenlion. i T ei ins: S 1 0 and under. r.ath' nu.r e i n is x months with appraved secun y Frt!S uncll bB 8erved vALLoDURY in L. M. A,.,,: BE LOYAL P To Your Home, and buy the only sugar that is made in Oregon. It is made in La Grande, and there is no better sugar made in the world. Its purity is unchallanged. Ask your grocer for LA GRANDE SUGAR and insist on getting it. If he does not carry it, tell him it is up to him to be loyal to his own interests OREGON STATE FAIR On account of the Oregon State Fair which will be held in Salem, September 10-15 inclusive. The 0. R. & N. will give a rate of one and one third fare to Portland plus $2.25, ticket carrying pas sengers through to Salem. The above rates will be offered under following con ditions: Sale dates September 6, 8 and 1 3. Limit -Continuous passage in each dir ection up to the final limit. September. 1 7. Stopovers will not be allowed to pass engers in either direction. Children of half fare age, one half of above rate. Validation for return Tickets must be executed for retdrn by Southern Pacific agent at Salem or at the rair grounds. not properly validated they will not be good for return from Portland. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notice is hereby given to all users of city water that no remission of water rates will be made for less than one month, and without filing a written notise with the Recorder. See Section 4 Water rules and regulations. Notification blank may be obtained of the city Recorder. H. C. Gilman. ' Water Supt J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material. Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand Gravel delivered. and La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the rgV. prise. uiamoenains Colic. Cholera and Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many yean and know its value. It has received thousands of testi BKxuals from grateful people. It has been prescribed by physi cians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before med icine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Gin you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY City, and Valley too if he wants your trade Only 82 years old "I am only 82 years old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as long as 1 can get Elec tric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H. Brunson, of Dublin. Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in flamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by New -lin Drug Co. Prico 50c Notice of Appointment of Ad ministrator To Whom II may ounv.uf u iiuliwe u hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the es tate of Louisa Griffin deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to J. W. Knowles, his attorney, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of August, A. D. 1006. Jessie Gifpin. Administrator. RESIDENCE fOR SALE OR TRADE A five room house, with four lots, two blocks from new school house, sells cheap and on terms or trade, inquire at this office before Sept, 10. A tragic finish A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyke, which a child's finger could have stopped, to be come a runinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like man ner Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until a traggic finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes: "Three doctors gave me up to die of lung inftamation, caused by a neglected cold, but Dr. King s New Discovery saved my life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at (Newiin Drug to. 50c and $1.00 Trial bottle free, 9 Diarrhea Remedy NOW