La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 03, 1906, Image 1

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    - . :
tfit.t.i. !
ews Association)
Sept. 5 Th.s is the crraat
fight day. To use a wall known iooal
sports remark,' "This ;s the day when
Goldfieid will be placed on the map with
mark! ind.catirj that it is the greatest
sport.nj city in the nation."
Thes.;n is out in ail its glory today and
such a thing as a ciol sport coii.d not be
found in the town.
Early this morning spaca! trains began
- -- uy noon na as
sumed a truiy busy aspect.
Most of ' the betting is being done at
ten to eight in favor of the boy with the
fighters were up early this morn
ing, but neither did any work, beyond a
few limbering up stunts. Nelson seems
confident and happy aud says his smile is
"one that won't come off." The colored
boy wears that old time worried look, but
claims to be confident that he will be able
to clean up the Dane in proper shape. He
looks lean, but his friends claim that he
is in the very pink of condition.
There is beginning to be some activity
displayed around the camps of the two
fighters. Gans has selected Jack Walsh
to be h,s time keeper, and he announces
that Frank McDonald. Jim Griffin. Bob
Turner and Kid Sims will also accompany
him to his corner when the battle begins.
Beh;Neison will be found Nolan, Bob
Lun(. Johnny Raid, Kid McCoy and Tim
Referee Siler, who will referee the fight
is in spiendid condition and seems to be
taking little or no interest in the final ar
rangements, When questioned he only
says. "1 will be on hand all right."
At the final moment the ciub came
through with the additional three thousand
three hundred dollars. This additional
lift bring the purse up to thirty three
thousand three hundred dollars. Both the
f.ghte4yjoi for the holdup declaring that
they "Sd not fight if their demand was
not complied with. Tne manager of the
club balked a littie at first but came
through as soon as he saw that the fight
ers meant business. Under the ne v deal
Nelson will get twenty-two thousand and
Gans eleven thousand.
At noon the betting was not as heavy
as was expected. A strange condition
exists, in as much that both bettors and
non-bettors are unanimous in picking
Gans as the winner.
Looking out over the crowd as the pre
liminaries were about to btgin there ap
nflaroH t t. .k?f ...... uu. Ji(.j willloll
present. They did not seem to be of the
sort which one would naturely expect to
be in evidence at a prize fight. On the
contrary they appeared to be women of
refinement and were in most instances
accompanied by escorts and conducted
themselves as though they were witness
ing a presentation of some theatrical per
Promptly at noon both men weighed in
with full ring costume. Neither man
tipped the scales which were set at one
hundred and thirty-three pounds. It was
announced at this time that the prelimin
ary would be pulled off promptly at two
o'clock and that the big fight would begin
at three sharp, Pacific time.
The first preliminary pulled off prompt
ly at two o'clock. This was a bout be
twean Bob Lundieof San Francisco and
Jack Clifford of Montana. This was sup
posed to be a ten round contest for one
thousand dollars. The first round of this
fight was satisfactory, but Clifford suc
ceeded in landing a knock out blow in the
second round.
At two thirty-five the time keeper se
lected by the club had failed to put in an
appearance and another man had to be
selected. This gave Billie Nolan an op
portunity to make another grand stand
play. He entered an objection to any
California man being chosen. Bert Ulmer
of Goldfield was selected.
At two fifty the fighters entered the
ring. Battling Nelson was the first to
etep within the ropes. He was closely
followed by Joe Gans. Both were
covered with heavy bathing robes,
Gans addressed the newspaper men say
ing that he wanted it understood that he
did not want any of his men to enter the
ring or throw the spung for him. The
only thing that would go would be if
Siller asked him if he had enough or was
counted out. He did not want to take a
of i ?---! by any ? !. man iii iiis
corner. On the tossupGans won the toss
and secured the south corner.
Nelson made a few remarks in which he
stated that he held the same views as
Gans regarding action of his men enter
ing the ring and throwing up the rpung
He said that all that Gans said applied
to him as well.
Gans led off with two light left for
the face and they clench, Nelson received
a right on the body and Gans quickly
shot right and left to face, he then follow
ed with a right to face and let Nelson
miss three left and right swings for the
jaw. In the mix up Gans shot his right
twice to the face and out boxed his man
at every point in the game, Gant jarred
Nelson with two rights to the jaw and
followed it with left to the face. After
breaking the clinch Nelson walloped his
right hard to the jaw and followed with
left to the fame place. Gans then pep
pered Nelson face with triphammer
with his rights, and lefts to the face and
jaw and kept this up until the gong rang.
Both men came up quickly with Nelson
the aggressor. Gans uppercut twice with
two terrible punches to the jaw. He then
followed it with a straight right to the
jaw. Nelson seemed impervious to pun
ishment and came in all the time. Gans
measured the distance and time and time
again shot his short arm right to the Dane's
face He then went to close quarters
and got upper cut to the jaw and again a
stiff rifcht on the same spot. Nelson fought
to a clinch and landed a terrific right to
the face. In rhe mix up Gans rocked
f&babiy you are familiar with the shoe standard of this
swe. Perhaps you already know we have no room in
our stock for any shoe that does not come up touu'r idea
of a good shoe. We are veritable cranks on the ques
tion of quality in shoes and so far as possible we try to
protect our patrons by excluding all shoes which look
dubious or doubtful.
This fall's showing surpasses all previous display in
the essential points of style lines and superior con
struction. Not a shoe on sale at this store which we
cannot commend to our customers. We hold ourselves
pwsonally responsible for the worth and wear of our
we would ca!i your attention to our complete line of
SCHOOL SHOES. If there is one thing that the careful
mother wants it is good shoes for the boys and girls.
One trial order will convince.
Trfvse 50T9 jf tis lad'es P"'s
No. 1805 Pat. Colt iB.Jcherl dressy
' medium sole
No 1816 V'ci 31uchir light upper
' medium heavy s; e cusnion ir.sole
' our best seiier in ad es' shoes
N--1565 V.c. B.jc-er matt top
med um se a rr.e wearer
No '470 Vic; hi p. able uppers
' heavy soies espe: .ally good
jj0 J2i8 Box Ca ' oal school shoes
heavy sole
A few of our good numbers.
No. 283! Pat. Colt Blucher a shoe that
ooes not crack. neU and noriby
No. 2813 Kanteroo Kid Blucher so"j r,y
all leading shoe stores at 5 CO
our price
No. 2560 Box Calf heavy sole' B'u'chir
neat and dressy
No. 2SU Vici Bsuoher (non ssuffi
light uppers heavy sole
No. 610 Stonewall (seamless) pegged
(oles a No, 1 work shoes
. 4.50
. 3.50
.. 2.50
V ergere No. 27
. fne Black 130 J. iZfJ
14"" " 4
Nelson's head with two wicked right
punches t: the face and followed it with;
a short arm jolt to the ear. As the gong
rang Gans worked a hard left to the jaw.
Nelson tried to get in close and Gans
whipped his right to ear. At close ranse
Gans landed twice with richt to
the chin and as they fought at close range
Gans swung right and left to the head
and got a straight right over the ribs.
CHns hooked a wicked riuhl to the
stomash and Nelson shot a straight right
to the face. Several of Nelson' swings
went wild. They went to a furious mixuo
in the center of the ring in which Gans
drew blood from Nelson's nose with a
straight left. Nelson ie being out pointed
but he never gives ground and seems to
stand punishment. This was decidedly
r--.' -
Nelson missed left for the body. Nel
son chased Gans about the ring but his
blows invariably fell short. In a clin-h
Gans worked his right and left to face.
Nelson went after Gan body and bored
in with his head, the black man backing
steadily away at the same time pepper
his man with right and lefts to the face.
Nelson caught Gans v ith a terrible right
swing to the jaw. Nelson cutting loose
drove Gans against the ropes landing
with both hands on the side of the head.
Nelson bleeding from the nose kept after
Gans but this time Gans shot a straight
right to the face which he duplicated a
moment latter. Gans put a strong right
to the stomach as the gong rang. Nelson
brought the great crowd to its feet as he
went to his seat in the corner with a
faint smile on his face. Nelson had the
best of this round.
Gans quickly shot left to nose a Nelson
rushed in and they went to close quarter
Nelson swung hie right to the ear, forcing
Gans to the ringside drove hi right to
the blackman's kidneys but Gan rocked
Nelsons head with a series of left and
right punches.
Nelson swung back wildly and Gans
swated him on the (ore nose, and with a
terrific drive Gan brought the blood
from Nelson nose again with a stinging
punch to that organ. In the mix which
followed Gane uppercut with right to jaw
and not for a moment did Nelson break
ground. He s ung heavily to Gans face
with a left. He was rebuked with a stiff
rightvin the face Nelson went to his
corner spitting biood Nelson was badly
punished in this -ound.
Nelson rushed Gans but the colored
man smashed him on the face three
tiiret with his right, and easily avoided
Nelson when he attempted to land. Nel
son bored in and forced Gan to the ropo
The crowd objected to Nelson' boring
tactics, in punching his head against
Gans. After breathing from a clinch
Gans planted a right to the gall and fol
lowed it witn several right drives to the
face sending the blood from Nelson's
mouth in a stream. Gan tent Nelson's
head back and hammering his man all
around. Nelson was in bad shape when
he went to hi corner. His face was cut
into ribbons. Gans has a big lead and
looks like a sure winner unless Nelson
gets in a chance blow.
They stood shoulder to shoulder in the
center of the ring and Gans walloped the
Dane with right and !ef to face. Nelson
tried desparately to break two right
swings to the body and for his pains re
ceived two short arm swipes on the jaw
at close quarters.
Gant had no trouble in averting Nelson's
onslaught and let Nelson swing over the
kidney, he then swung right and left at
Nelson's face and found no trouble in
keeping away from Nelson's swings, Gans
I plaved with his man sending rattling
right to jaw and then worked hi left to
the face. Nelson swung desperately for
Gans' face but seldom if ever found the
black man's anatomy.
As usual Nelson rushed Gans contenting
himself with watching for an opening
Gans met Nelson with a right to the
face that staggered Nelson. Gans receiv
ed a right punch as the men worked to
a corner. Gant swung his right twice
to the face and Nelson swung back wild
ly. Nelson neatly ducked two left swings
and Gans kept up a mercilesshammering
on Nelson' face. In tpite of all punish
ment Nelson will not give ground at any
time. Nelson went to hi corner with
blcod streaming down his face.
Gans swung hi right and left hand
Nelson slipped to hi knee. Nelson got
up in a jiffy and Gan went at him like a
demon and smashed him almost at will.
The gong was a great relief to Nelson and
he appeared grogy when he went to the
Nelson swung his left twice to Gans'
jaw and a moment later ewung right in
the same place and Gans landing four
punches to Nelson' one. Nelson swung
right and left hard to Gan' jaw but the
latter more than evened matters by tend
ing stinging blow with right to left jaw
Gans was bleeding slightly from the
mouth as the gong rang. This was Gans'
Gans met Nelson rush with a stinging
left to the face. "Stay with him a,nd don't I
let him get away" was thejnjunction from
the Battler's corner. They went in close I
and Gans smothered Nelson with two
rights and following it with left to face.
letl to the regro s jaw. Nelson then
brought biood from Gan' mouth by a
stream of successions of lefts and. rights
to the mouth. The mix resulted at closed
quarters. The fighting arena is red with
blood and resembles a shamble. Both
men fought at a nervous pace and ' the
bell rang with Nelson having the better
of a most vicious round.
' They closed in with Gan fighting hard
and requesting by Referee Silei that Nel
son stop batting with hi head. Nelson
apparently realized that hi only chance
was to fight breast to breast and judging
from the preceding round he i the better
man at thi style of the game. Nelson
started a stream of blood from Gan'
mouth by two wicked upper cuts, They
broke from a clinch and Gan immediate
ly whipped in two nice ones to Nelson's
jaw. Gans was cautioned to keep away
by hi seconds but Nelson kept at close
quarters and finally swung a light left to
the mouth as the bell rang. If anything.
Nelson had the slight lead in this round
Nelson rushed in and they fought shoul
der to shoulder for an advantage Gans
getting Nelson away from him and whis
ped a stiff right to the face. Nelson forced
Gant against the rope and slipped to the
floor. Gans held out hit hand to assist
him to his feet and they immediately
resumed hostilities. Gans rested himself
and seemed content to permit Nelson to
do the leading. They fought breast to
breast like two bulls and Nelson butted
Gans on the head with lis head. They
went very low, head to head fashion, and
then in a monotonous fashion each sought
to fight according to the style best adapted
to their diffetent styles. The bell rang.
Gans had a slight lead in this round.
Siler said that he believes Gans was rest
ing up.
Nelson rushed It and sent Gans back
with two left hand and two right hand
swings to the ropes. Nelson uppercut
with left and right and a moment iater
reached Gan's month; bringing the blood.
He again landed on Gan's mouth. Both
men resorted to wrestling tactic, Gans
being chief offender. They exchanged
right swings to the face in the center of
the rigbt, and then went to a clinch. The
men again fought breast to breast and at
these close quarters Gans worked his
right and left several times to the jaw.
They went to close quarters, and Nelson
worked in two left uppercuts to the jaw
(Continued on Page 6)
(Scrlppi New Association)
Tangier Sept., S Paul O. Stensland
president of the Milwaukee Avenue bank
of Chicago, was arrested here this morn
irg. on complaint of Assistant state at
torney OSsen who pursued Stensland
from Ch cago through England and Spain
Stensland travelled under the name et
Polsen. of Norway. . .
Stensland chose Morrocco as his per- .
manent residence, thinking .it is safe
there because there is na extradition treaty
between the United States. ' Stensland s
oapture was due to a woman whom ha
scorned who gave attorney Olsen the first
hint of his whereabodts. -
The banker Wt Chicago July 12. for
New York, sailing for. Liverpool : where
remained for two days when he hoarded
a eteamer for Gibraltar. Definite clew
of his whereabouts being found there
where he has established a bank account
of $12,000. He was not careful in
preserving his identity and left a wide
open trail. He lived In a inconspioioue
hotel but a frequenter of cafes and
associated whit dancers. It is not likely
that he will quibble over extradition.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Chisago Sept., 3 William Hearst tele- :
graphs the Chicago Tribune denying that
he is a canidate for the vice presidential
nomination on the Democratic tickets in
1 908, as reported in the paper.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Boise. Sept., 8 A monster patriotic
reception is to be given Vice-President
Fairbanks, who is attending the National
Irrigation Congres this evening.
(Scrlpps News Association)
London. Sept. 3 The Northwest pass
age which has been searched for. for
centuries has been discovered, according
to a Christania dispatch, stating that the
Norwegian Polar expedition under Amund
send. Amurdiend arrived in Behnng
There is every reason why you should come here for
anything you want in the stationery! '
Our stock is complete, we afford an unusually wide
selection and the new lines in correspondence papers
come here as soon as they come out.
you will find it to your interest to trade here, while our
ample assortment contains papers to suit every taste.
We also have all the items that go with a stationery line:
; La Grande, Oregon.