1 - II 2 0 WARM WEATHER GROCERIES SPECIALS SPECIALS r ' -V I 2 ? - . Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner. j FRUilT JARS All sizes. Mason andEconomy Jars. Phone your order. Main 75. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. W ANTED Hay, Grain, fruit, in short, All Kinds of farm Products We have contract for 600 tons of hay. We must have the hay to supply our :ustomers. We will pay the highest market prices, spot cash, for all goods." We will also want a great deal of oats, and other grain as soon as they are ready for market. We are ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great number of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a limited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all the fresh eggs you have. Call on us before You make any Arrangements in Marketing your goods We have a nice lot of hay and cats in our warehouse which we offer to the local trade in a retail way, at wholesale nricM. We have a car of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, due' here tomorrow mornina. These will be the finest of the season on this market. Buy your melons now while they are good, as the melon season will soon be over for a year. PHONE MAIN 2 ( i ( gon Produce Company New noods ln'5 week Veivet Rugs $1.65 for $1.00 Art scuare caroets 8.60 for 5.50 Reed Rockers 7.00 for 6.75 Linoleum 70 for .62,Vj Tents;i0xl2, 5 ft. wall 10.50 for 8.95 Cupboards" 6.50 for 4.50 Dressers 7,50 for 6.00 Screen doors .1.25 for .90 Dishes 56 piecefset 5.00 for 5.50 All steel and iron bed springs 7.00 for 6.75 Stc?r.d Hand Goods This Week WE DO UPHOLSTERY and fRNITLRE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEIM 1475 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store ! Guiter ar.d case $7.50 . ) Organ . 10.00 Uphoistored mahogany arm chair 3.7J' Mantie folding bed 7.60 Dressers 4.00 Bed springs .60 Linoleum .25 Cupboards 1.50 Folding cross cut saw and frame. 2.76 Bicycle - 5,80 La (.ramie Evening Observer SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.50 Six months in advance 3.60 Per month 65 Single copy 5c like a blind hors. All this is now reme died and the most fastidious connoisseur of the form divine could not analyze a single point of difference between the people of the different sections; for all of which the people render their thanks to the city. Fine Confectionery and Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. AbVEKlldlfiU BATES Display Ad ratet tarnished upon ppiletlon UctU reading noilcea IOc per line Om Inm llun, jc per lint ftr euob Hubnequeol Iohw lion. M01utluna of uonrtolence. 50 rer Hue. rd ol thanka, 6c per line. Cigars Af VanBuren's If there is no way for a bank examiner to detect a crooked bank, what is the use of bank examiners? The straight bank does not need any. The general public will anxiously await the news of Secretary Roofs safety. He is one of the big active thinking mei of the United States and holding the import ant position he does, we can ill afford to lose him. Refreshing Diinks To suit the Weather at t SGHEttRER'S Its always Summer Time with us Candies, Muts, Cigars and Tobacco During the lost fiscal year, ending June 30, ouJ trade with the Philippine islands fell off about $750,000 from that of the preceding year. The increased trade of the United States with Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico was so great that ship ments to our noncontiguous possessions were 20 more than in 1905. We ship io mem cnieny manur.ctured and pre pared, or partly prepared, food stuffs and buy from the islands chiefly sugar, and tobacco. The Lewis and Clark Exposition one of the very few world's fairs that paid expenses. Chicago and Buffalo, for instance, fell far short of paying. The The management at St. Louis contrived to break even. The exposition corporation at Portland patd back to the stockholders their investment in full and a dividend of 23 s '? . The cost of organizing and con structing the exposition was $900,000, the cost of operation $3660 a day or $500,000 in all. Receipts were $ 1 .600. 000. Portland profited greatly from the fair and there has been no reaction in real estate values such as cities have experienced following a world's air ooom. BOYS WHO RUN WILD The murder of James F. Sloane was C'.c of the moct hcrrible si''vr mm m.tted in Spokane. The fact that the deed was committed by the victim': son adds to the horror of the affair. The act was deliberate, cold-blooded, brutal in every detail; vet it is net im probable that another plea of emotional insanity will be made in his behalf. Every thing may be done to shield the youth who deliberately planned to murder his father for $500. Already his friends have advised him. Presumably they ha' given him hope, have given him to under stand that he has friends and they will help him. Do these friends fail to recogonize that something is due society, asks the Chron icle. Do they pess over the fact that a social leper is kept from society for so ciety's good, and not for the convenience of the out.ast? Sympathy is a great and noble trait, but it should not be misdirected it should not be confused with maudlin sentimentality. The deliberate perpetrat or of a revolting crime is not to be petted and turned loose to commit new horrors. This young man had companions. Other young men in Spokane associated with him. They were partners in some of his debasing pasttimes. There are smaller editions of Sydney Sloane in Spokane. They may lack the nerve, the cruelty, the utter degeneracy of the boy who now oc cupies a cell in the city jail, but they are on the downhill grade. If not stopped now there is no way to foretell the deptli of depravity to which they may descend. There are scores of boys running wild on the streets of Spokane. If their parents will not take care of them the hemp j courts may be compelled to do sj. They I are getting the training that leads to i crime. These boys should be taken in was and cared for. If the parents care no- The Hunting Season is now Open. Something new in I Automatic Shot Guns i Ammunition of all kinds V. H. BOHNENKAMP CO A LITTLE TALK ON i:e cream soda NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST To matain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many trons in every department, a reputation we point to with pardon able pile, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fount with a new line of crushed fruits, and fruit juice which excel any which e have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who has ne tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred wj have, and do, and always will, because they want the best and appreci-.e a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going toe of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you wilmndly favor us with an early call, so we may show you, We are respectfully, A. T. HILL Presription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR A- j The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank thing for their boys, the police may in the end take them in charge for the benefit of society and the government may pay for the parent's neglect.Morning Democrat, NEW HAY! Choice lot of this year's Timothy Hay just received ln small bales. Best we have seen for many years. Ghoped feed and steam to order. rolled barley manufactured Leave your oider'now for winterV weed. fOR SALE Starved out and must walk back east or sell at a loss my real estate and insur ance business office and household furni ture, including a fine Korr Bros, upright Piano, the only time you will ever get a chance to buy this make at cost and 60 foot lot in best residence part of the city for only $450. Three houses and lots some other i at less tnan cost" '60 acres of valley ( land 7 miles from city, all in cultivation on goid road, new school across the I road, only $20 pr acre held at $25 one year ago $1 1 00 cash will handle this. 480 Cities do n.il always stand forth mor- ; acres of heavy timber 15 miles east cf als of its inhabitants. La Grande i all ' Union. 1 mile from new proposed R. R. 6 good spring or water ana good caoin i only $6.00 per acre. G. H. Powers. The broken land man. CIPIUL STOCK $60,000.00 The sangs bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by offer a s-stitute for doubtful investments, but by ac- ' cepting snail deposits it protects them from their own thoughtles expenditures. We war.t.our savings account, no matter how small CENTAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS OFFICERS ?RNV'; President Wm. MILLER. Vice Rresident GcO. L. CLRv ER. Cashier T. J. SCR0GGIN, Asst. Cashier F.J. HOLMES, Treasurer, right on that line; for instance in the , matter of the moral and physical welfare j of that beautiful residence part of the city known locally as "Old Town", the putting down of the new substantial side ! GRAXDE R0NDE CASH COMPANY.: Phoone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. SALE Of REAL ESTAIE The Drooertv known as the Ball hoarH. walks is what has brought to pass the ': ing house No. ,7 14 S,xth Street, lot No. 3 proof of this assertion. Heretofore any ; block 1 02 Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, stranger in La Grinde could at a mom. ! belonging to the estate of Jane Bail, de ent s notice detect an old town resident I "Sed' hereby offered for sale to the , . highest and best bidder subieat to the life from two pc.nts of observation. The ter- J jnterest in said esUle of Ueorfce Ba, r'oie s'.de waiks made the distance so ! Bids will be received up to 5 o'clock p. m. great that he was continually looking ovir i Tuesday, September 4, 1906. by the un his right shoulder to see if afr.endly team ;derslnd at his residence at 1712 Sixth was going townward, thus causing him to 1 Street' La Grande- . I Cecroe Ball, be covers as well as permanently d,s-j Administrator of the estate of Jane Ball figurir.g f,,s anatomy; and to keep free ; deceased. frcm the protruding nails he was stepping i Dated at La Grande, Aug. 28, 1 906. 1 m m r m w -r - - b r SEEIC IS BELIEVIG X is a proverb especially true of owf business. If we examine your eyes and fit you with glasses you must I believe in us. For you will see better than ..... ju A -- .j'" " Ju uia wnn i -fft those old window glass spectacles EVERYTHING to aid the sight can be found here. And vou know or have heard of our moderate charge method. .1. H. PFARF Jeweler ?4AA4AA4AAAAi Repairing Promptly done I and Optician