1 RY AND FIND IT IN TOWN BEFORE YOU SEND AWAY-IT W I L. l PAY YOU V0LUMS V - LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1906 . . NMPrpa'' r I , RfADY FOR s g Scripps News Association) Oyster Bay. Aug., 25. Public Printer Stilling and ' other officials wrote the President this morning enthusiasticly eommenuing the pending change in liie mode of spelling in the various state departments. The President has been censured by many and jollied by others, but he it unmindful of either censure or compliment and proceeds to enjoy hie Vacation as if nothing had happened Public Printer Stilling says that he has ayKdy put a committee of emphyees at wCT; remodhng the manual of style. He has also Issued an order to hold all proof untill the style sheet has been perfected. The new manual he states will allow him to dispense with the service of a large number of proof readers. TO ARRANGE FOR STATE CONVENTION (Scrlpps New Association) Denver, Co!., Aug. 25. The Republican State Central Committee of Colorado will hold a meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel this afternoon to fix the time and place for the next state Republican convention. It is expected that theie will be between 900 and 1000 delegates in the coming convention. V DAMAoFroTiit nliNois (Scrlpps News Association) New York, August 25. According to the official report of the experts it will cost $10,000 to repair the damage done to the battleship Illinois in the recent col lision with the Alabama. The Illinois will take part in the President's review and will then be sent to the navy yard for re pairs. TO MEET GUERRA (Scrlpps New Association) H'Vna Aug., 25, Colonel Bacallaowith 25 artillry and fifty recruits left this morning to meet General Guerra. the leader of the insurgents. Phone Black 130 FAL AUTHORIZED INSURANCE LIST (Scr'.pps News Association) San Francisco Aug. 25 Prof. Whitney who is associated with the San Francisco chamber of commerce, said today that the authorized list of insurance comoan- ies would be completed within a month. wnitney and Commissioner , Wolf are working with all haste to complete the report and as soon as completed it will be given every publicity possible. MAY MISS PRISON (Scrlpps New Association) Chicago, Aug. 25 Goorday, who has created so much coment bv attamntinnr " to force himself into prisyn, is so ill at a hotel in this city that it is altogether likely that he will not live more than a few days. He has a private prison In course of construction in wmcn ne exracta to serve out a term, but it is now very doubtful if he live to see the building finished. (Scrlpps News Association) Columbus, Ohio., Aug., 25 Vice Pres ident Fairbanks taday addressed the col ored industrial exposition. The public re ception was tendered by him at the Gov ernors mansion this morning. He told the negroes that education was not to prepare them for living without work but to make it possible for their work to count. "Workl Work!" said the Vice President "Work is the keynote to success. Broad opportunity lies before the colored race. What becomes of it, depends upon you." NEW POSTMASTERS (Scrlpps News Association) - Oyster Bay, August 25. President Roosevelt today appointed Lizzie McCann post missress at Richmond, California, and W. S. Brainard, postmaster at Wardner Idaho. N advises roes TO WORK EW GOODS the m STRIKE IS IE (Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco. Auir. 25 PrlrW Cornelius of the International Carman's Union, this morning presented to the ueary and California street lines tne same aemano as made upon the United railroads, three dollars for day. Any action that tonight's meeting oi tne carmen will now apply to every line in the city and if the order is a strike it means a complete tieup. The independ ent lines will undoubtedly follow the United roads in refusing to grant the de mands of the employees. The refusal of the carmen to await the arrival of Presi dent Calhoun, for an answer to their de mands widens the breach and makes the strike almost inevitable. PREMIER STOLYPIN ASSASSINATED (Scrlpps News Association) St. Petersburg, Aug. 25 A bomb thrower belonging to the Revolutionists party succeeded jn throwing a bomb this morning which exploded and killed Premier Stolypin. The dispatch announcing the assassination does not state whether the assassin was captured or not. FIGHTING STRIKERS (ScrlDDS News Association 1 Nurenberg. Aug. 26 Two hundred were wounded, some mortally in a des perate street ftaht with soldi the striking employees of an automobile works, i he soldiers charged with fixed bayonnets. The strikers attempted to storm the works fighting the police when a batallion of infantry was called. UNIFORM LAW COMMISSION (Scrlpps News Association) St. Paul, Aug. 25 The members of the Commission of Uniform Law met in this city today. They discussed the insurance laws and devoted most of their time to the study of the Standard form of policy Vergere No. 27 IYITAB ROBBED A PEDDLER (Scrlpps News Association) Oroville, Cal., Aug. 25-A. N. Andemon jewelry peddler was held tip and robbed .last night by two highwaymen on a lonely mountain road. He reports that he lost four hundred and fiftvdalUrsanrl iir-u The Sheriff this morning captured Ben Salavator and L, Lawrence in the city mis morning, upon whom the booty was found. SECRETARY ENROUIE (Scrlpps News Association) Valpanso Aug., 25, Secretary of State Elihu Root has arrived at Punta Arenas, in the straights of Magellan. The offlc ialls of this country and the American minister will meet him 500 miles south on the 28th and ha is eiDected to rudi here on September 5 and he will go to Santiago to extend condolence for l he r resident. THE (iAII WBMEfiT (Scrlpps News Association) GOVFRNMENT CONFIDENT Havana, Aug. 25. It appears certain that a great battle will occur tonight at San Juan. General Martinez Cacallao disposed of a small body of rebels and proceeded onward. The governor of Nu nez says that the Revolutionists of his province are scattered and within twentv days there will not be an armed rebel in ms province. Ofarrell has consented to remain in the cabinet until the return of Secretary of state Rivera. INSURGENT RAID Havana Ana OR ITiflw inanrffM, - .ered a village south of this city and look all of the loose provender and ammunition that they could find and road away to join a larger band. The raiding party numbered 150. ARROYO NARANJO RECAPTURED Havana. Aua.. 25. A detachment of mounted police re-captured Arroyo Nar anjo. The Insurgents were fleeing when the Loyalists approached. . ENGLISHMEN DO NOT CONCUR (Scrlpps News Association) London, Aug. 25. The -afternoon papers here generally ridicule President Roosevelt's action in adopting the re formed method of spelling. The Globe says "Roosevelt will find, like William the Conqueior, that it is easier to subdue a people than its language." The Pall Mall Gazette comments as follows: "Roosevelt is likely to confound confusion with a ven- gence. He cannot straighten out the or thography of the English language, but is more likely to succeed in making it more crooked." NOTED AUTHOR DYING (Scrlpps News Association) Boston. Aug. 25 Captain Nathan Ap- pleton. author, traveler and panarna pro moter, is dying at his home. The doctors give no encouragement to friends or rel atives. WE HAVE THEM TO One who has occasion to travel any of our country roads, cannot help but notice the alarming rapidy with which the abominating thistle is spreading through out this county. In places they are so thick that it is impossible to turn out of the road with a team, and ysar by year they are gaining stronger hold alcng the country throughfares. It is the duty of the road supervisor of each district to see that the thistles are kept down, and a failure to do so is in direct defiance of our state law on this question. The county court should see to it that the supervisors of Wallowa county comply with statues and cut down the thistles which are standing along the road sides ail over the county: silent witnessness of neglect. A few years of wide-awaks work on the part of road supervisors and property owners will practically exterm inate this pest, and we are in favor of starting a crusade against the thistle. Wallowa Chieftain. OPTIMISTIC ATTEMPT MADE Oil THE LIFE OE RUSS1AII PREMIER (Scrlpps News Association) St. Petersburg. Auor. 25. Four million. acres of the Imperial domain have been turned over to the peasant aland bank for distribution among the needy in the hope that their land hunger may be satisfied. This makes nine million acre so far set aside for the peasants. ST. PETERSBURG REPORT bt. Petersburg, Aua. Ko An artemnt was made to assasinate Primier Stolurin. at his home during a reception today. Booms were thrown by two officer, at tending the Premier's three-year-old son. General Zamiapin was killed and nun guests were badly injured. The reports, concerning the safety of the Premier are confusing but the official bulletin fe&uad tonight says that he is uninjured The- concussion was terrific and did great damage. Some of the injured were terribly mangled. There was much dam age done to his home by fire, before the names were extinguished. The Stolypin outrage occurred durina the regular reception given at his home on Aplekarsky island. The premier was. so badly wounded and his. body so ter ribly torn that the first r snort riven out was that he has been killed. Soldiers surrounded the house and admission was denied to every one. Tha explosion ignit ed the house causing much damage Physicians give no hops of his recovery. YAKIMA INDIAN MURDERED North Yakima, Aug. 2.5. Ptr Samp son, an Indian residing on the Yakima Indian reservation, was. murdered last night three miles this side of Fort Simcoe. He was stabbed a dozen times in the body and over the heart, and his head was beaten to pulp. Moses, Peter's brother, who was in the city today, said that near the place where the body was found there were signs of a fierce struggle. He said bloody marks could be seen on the ground for a radius of 20 to 15 feet He thinks the man was murdered by a band of drunken Indians. Although a wind storm blew ail night on the reservation, it is the belief of the dead man's brother that the murderers can be tracked to their hiding place. The j Indian police and two trackeis are now on the trail of the murderers. PROF. BAINWIN HERE Prof. Baldwin of the Oregon Agricultur al college is in the city today in the inter- (Scrlpps News Association) Boston Aug. 25 The President this afternoon issued a proclamation calling for the relief of the homeless and needy rufugees of Valparaiso, Ths proclama PR (LAMA I BY PRESIDENT WE WANT ! STATIONERY There is every reason why you should come here for anything you want in the stationery. Our stock is complete, we afford an unusually wide selection and the new lines in correspondence papers come here as soon as they come out. If YOU SCEK BOTH QUALITY AD RIGHT PRICES you will find it to your interest to trade here, while our ample assortment contains papers to suit every taste. We also have all the items that go with a stationery line: PENS, PENCILS INKS, ERASERS, ETC. NEWLIN DRUG CO. j La. Grande, taeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Three weeks ago Stolypin recieved a letter from the Terrorist saying that he was to be killed for assisting the Reac tionists. It is stated the premier's body is. terribly mar led. . FOUR ARRESTED . Four Revolutionists have been arrested In. the Premier residence off Aptekarsky coach. The officers entered under a p ra ta o making an important report. They ire not admitted to the office. One of the officers threw a bomb into the recep tion room, the thrower being among the lulled. The Premier it known to be uniniurad. One of his daughter suffered a fracture o both legs. Among the killed was the nrivate sac-. retary to the Primer. THIRTY WOUNDED St. Petersburg Aug. 25 It Is officially reported that thirty were wounded in the attempted assassination of Premier Stoly pin. St. Petersburg. Aug. 25. Premier Stol ypin has wired the Czar this afternoon "I am intact." Later reports are to the effect that the premier escaped but many occupants of the house were killed and wounded and among them was the premier's son. est of the school and looking afrer pros pective students. Union county in the past years Has been well represented and several new students will be enrolled this year. Last year the enrollment reached 745 and this year it is expected to pass tha 800 mark. The new $69, 000 dormitory for the girls will be ready when school opens. The Agricultural col lege is one of the best institutions of learn ing in the state. OREGON LAND FRAUDS (Scrlpps News Association) Portland. Aug. 25. In ths Mays land fraud case now on trial, C. E. S. Wood, attorney for the Military Wagon Road Grants, testified that before creating the reserve Ormsby report had not been mad public. J. L. Wells, a notary public, was also upon tha witness stand and testified that he was hired by the defendants to secure applications for school lands, and that hs was to rsceive five dollars per head for each application. tion says that we must recall how tha the people of Europe and Asia and both Americas aided this country in the San Francisco disaster. YOURj TRADE I Oregon.