ii LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE WARM WEATHER GROCERIES HOUSE KEEPING Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner. OUTFITS Consisting of Bed Room Suits, Dressers, iron Beds, Springs, Chairs Bed Lounges, Couches. Folding Beds, Cooking Stoves. Carpets, and Linoleums. BARGAINS BARGAI S FRUIT JARS All sizes. Mason and, Economy Jars. Phone your order. Main 75. u .H..U. 0 THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. FOLACK, Propr. WANTED Hay, Grain, fruit, in short, All Kinds of Farm Products t W havi contracts for 600 tons of hay. Ws must hav the hay to supply our customers. . We will pay the highest market prices, spot cash,' for all goods." We will also want a great deal of oals, and other grain as soon as they are ready for market. We are ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great number of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a limited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all tr fresh eggs you have. . . Call on us 'before You make any Arrangements in Marketing your goods We have a nice lot of hay and oats in our warehouse which we offer to the local trade in a retail way, at wholesale prices. We have a car of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, due'here tomorrow morning. These will be the finest of the season on this market. Buy your melons now while they are good, as the melon season will soon be over for a year. . , PHONE MAIN 2 i: Oregon Produce Company 1 Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's S 4 SG HEARER'S For Fine Candies and Ice Cream. The Coolest Place in Town. Your Trade is Appreciated. Refreshing rest room Summer drinks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Cream Parlor in Eastern Oregon v i N EW HAY! Choice lot of this year's Timothy Hay just received- 2 In small bales. Best we have seen for many years. Ghcped feed and steam rolled barley manufactured J to order. Leave your older now for winter's wood. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY.: Phoone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prou. EXCELSK R $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best ange at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY .'-.11111' PLAN. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FIRNIUKE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN 14? 5 Adams. Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL UASOL1NE STOVE Ths Klean. Kool, Kitchen Kind. "We rs.i.ranteB them. Money back if Kant, Keep Kool while Kooking. you La Grande Evening Observer THURSDAY AUGUST 23 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 ....... Per month 65 Single copy 6C Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP innocent citizens; the negro, the Irshmen, the Jew are presented, not with that fair sense of fun which needs offend no race or person, but with a cynical dissolut ion of ethntic characteristics." Mr. Swift considers it a curious anomly that America, of all nations, should be the producer of this peculiarly atrocious form of "art." "We are most the humor ous if not the wittiest people on earth," he exclaims in conclusion, "and yet we maintain the colored Sunday supplements." This paper wjll not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. AUVKKlirilNU HATEtt liplay d ratal ramtuhefl upon pmiIoUoi. ' ocul reading not left 10c per line flrat I unci Moo, 5e per ilnr (br each mibMunt low Uoo. MointloDt of con'toleuce, jc er Una. ardi of tbubka. per line. ATROCITIES Of THE COLORED SUPPIEMEN Mr. Linsday Swift in the Printing Art calls attention to a curious anomaly when he points out that while the illustra-. tion of books and magazines has been steadily advancing in artistic excellence, the illustration of the daily papers especially as it relates to the comic ele mentgrows constantly worse in every particular. "And the colored Sunday supplement," he adds, "denotes its low water mark." What the American public seems to ascept as comic jour nalism is characterized by Mr. Swift as "a shameless travesty of art and humor." He writes:The public visits beautiful muse urns, libraries and seem to enjoy them; it goes to churches whore good music may be heard; it will support a decent play and condemn a nasty one. But it can be I debauched and can have its dawning; sensibilities for art or anything else that is worth while blighted; and there is no! debauchery or blight, outside the domain i of obvious immorality, more deadening to the public than this continually thrust- i ing everything that is sorbid. vulgar, and belittling before its uncultured but curious eyes. "The leading motive of most of these humorous illustrations is the practical joke. a theme which in litature, as everybody of the simplest knowledge understands, died a natural and deserved death at trte end of the eighteenth century. JJo mote in books are we expected to laugh over the ducking of paisons in It is simply charity on account of their lack of knowledge that permits residents of the Pacific coast to sympathise in the deepest for those thoasadns of swelt ering residents of the east, when our cool nights are so easy obtained., We are becoming very much interested in irrigation and will become mrre so each year until this entire valley is under water. We have the water from many sources. A number of our leading farmers and business men should attend the National Irrigation convention which meets the first week in September at Boise. So urgent has become the demand for laborers in the northwest that the North ern Pacific railway has decided to make a reduction in rates from the east to all points in Oregon and Washington to induce men of the working class to come to the west. It will be several days- yet before a comparative estimate can be drawn be tween the earthquake horrors of Chili and California, but the dreadful assurance is out that Valparaiso has suffered to a tremendous and bitter limit, and that her claim on the generous impulses of hum manity are as imperative as was that of the Pacific metropolis. She had not so much to lese m point of possessions, public and private, as the greater city of the north, but her mortality is infinitely larger, and this is the elment of ail d.sas'er that appeals to the heart of the world. And the world will respond in time, and largest to the last measu.e of her necessities. TO OPEN BIDS FOR CERTIFICATES tSnlpps News Association) Washington. D. C. Atgust 23 The time for the filing of bids for the new 4 per cent Philippine certificates, with which the SI. 000. 000 of temporary cer- horse ponds, or other bucolic and heavy : September I, are to be redeemed. expired modes .-f enjoymert. But there is a ' at two o'clock this afternoon. Originally strange recrudesceuce to-day in oui I temporary certificates to the amount cf comic lustrations of the mak ng merry 1 -500.000 were issued by the bureau of over the mistakes of another. Yokels 1 I""'' ,0 prfov'de .fr the r- Bm . i . , . tenanee of parity of Philippine coinage, now. as ,n. hundred and fifty years ago , T.he new certificates will be accepted at are to te amused at the butting of elder- , par as security for public deposits should ly frai.-es by the horns of the polemic I further doposits be made, and may be goat: -u'es are perpetually warring on SUDitituted for government bends now the c-,;oreal welfare rf th. i neia ds secunt1 r deposits, on cond'ticn that the government bonds thus re'.easej be used as security for additional circula tion whenever, in the judgment of tSe ( ; secretary of the treasury it is desirable to J ; stimulate an increase in national bank cir- j culation. To prevent irrespons.ble persons havirg no funds, to submit bide on speculation, as , happened a short time ago. every bidder was required to enclose with his bid certi J . fied checks to the amount of one per ce-1 cf his bid. as an earnest of his resDor.si- real welfare cf the unwary polices an are defacing the features of . m m m m m : THE : OXFORD PAR JAMES FARQUHARSON. Prop. CmpiM UMrltutnt ol WINES, LIQUOF AND CIGARS Cld lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all." 'you r8 lr,;fed io ca.l and getvacsuamted. blltv WASCO PIONEER The Hunting Season is now Open. Something new in nUIASH lUllls twHIlSL Ammunition of all kinds riiinc VUI It? W. H. BOHNHNKAMP CO A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST I BIT BETTER THAN THE REST I To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our 4 many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon- able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda ' J- fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has nev tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun- J dred who have, and do, and always will, because they want the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you, ' , We are respectfully, A: T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR in j The Eastern Oregon Trust and j 1 Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK $60,000.00 The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever f come to the masses. It not only protects them by offer a sustitute for doubtful investments, but by ac- cepting small deposits it protects them from their own I thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings .account, no matter how small GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS OFFICERS W.C. BROWN. President GEO. L CLEAVER, Cashier F. J. HOLMES, Treasurer, Wm. MILLER. Vice President 4 T. J. SCR0GG1N, Asst. Cashier f - I SEEING IS BELIEVING K. M. Cushing an 1852 pioneer of The Dalles died yesterday. J. H. PEARL. Jeweler and Optician is a proverb especially true of our uusmebs. u we examine your eyes X and fit you with glasses you must I be ieve m us. For you will see ' better than you ever did with , those old window gas9 spectacles Jf EVERYTHING ' to aid the sight can be found here And vou know or have heard of t our moderate charge method. I Repairing Promptly done I 4 . ' t