TRY AND FIND IT IN TOWN BEFORE YOU SEND AWAY-IT Wlll PAY YOU VOLUME V ;, LA GRANDE, UNION ' COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY,' AUGUST 23, 1906 . wMBrei' i r : HE (OBAN REBELS ARE VERY ACTIVE (Soripps News Association) ' J Jl7" Aug. 45 General Guerans of CTfifisurgeant army in Pinar del Rio pro vince is prepared to advance against the government troops. Guerrans telegraphed the officials of the Western Railroad that if any more troops were sent tore-enforce the government that he would blow up their roads and bridges.' He has sent a force to occupy San Jaun and Martinez. Rejected All Bids Washington Aug. 21 The Secretary of the Interior has rejected all bids for the construction cf 135 miles of laterals for tJyjrrigation of lands under the Inter state canal, North Platte project, which were recently opened at Mitchell, Neb raska. The bids were rejecttd on the ground that they were greatly in excess of the estimates and new proposals will be asked for unless the bidders promptly submit lower qids. Library. Opened for Inspection Eugene, Aug. 23 Large numbers of people thronged the new Carnegie library building last night, the occasion being the formal opening of the structure for in spected by the public. The interior of the building was decorated with flowers aCP the several hundred pnople who took advantage of the occasion to inspect the building were delighted with the manner in which it is arranged. London's Views fr.rinn Nawa Association) London, Aug. 23. Comment here thinks that Cuba is certain to be annexed to the United States to the disadvantage of the British trade. Many declare that Amer ica was foolisi in attempting to give the Cubans self government. SOAP SALE SATURDAY REPLENISH YOUR TOILET DEPARTMENT We will place on sale SATURDAY ONLY, 600 boxes of the Soap, (Andrew Jargens & 0 Remember this is A-l Toilet Soap, your only chance i Phone Black 130 I 4 UN-HANDED COLf TOURNEY (Scrlpps News Association) Cnicago. 111.. Aug. 23 The most ori ginal and interestirg golf tournament ever Played in this part of the country began this morning in the links of Midlothian Golf Club. It is a golf totirnament of left-handed players, with nearly seventy five entries. imong the prominent play ers, taking part in the "Southpaw" tourn ament are Richard Fitzgerald, the cham pion left-handed player of the Midlothian Club. F. L. Niley. L. W. Pitcher, F. H. Godman, George Lindsay, ane Percy V. Castile. Competition is at 36 holes, med al play, handicap, and a gold medal will be go to the winner. A cup will be presented to the player with the best netscore and another to the runner up. A large gal lery was present at the opening of the contest this morning. Finnnc ILVVVO ( (Scripps News Association) Kansas City, Aug. 23. This morning the flood washed from the graves of Elm wood cemetery between one hundred and two hundred corpses. The bodies were washed into a ditch opened for sewerage construction. Persons living near, say that they are sure many bodies were washed away into Blue river. The em ployees reburied as many as they could find and an effort was made to conceal the facts from the owners of cemetery lots as much as possible in order to prevent distress. WELL KNOWN DETECTIVE DIES (Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco, Aug. 23. Jos J. Bur nett, captain of detectives of the San Francisco police department, and wel1 known in police circles, died last night at Pacific Grove of asthma and heart trouble. He was on a leave of absence at time of his death. DESTROY EMETERY Co.) in the following brands, GENTS PER BOX Three Cakes in a box lUsaUUii SEVERE HEATH (Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, Aug. 23 Blasting heat con tinued here this morning. By ten o'clock five deaths as a rosult of ths heat were reported by the police, and mors than six times that number of prostrations. . The situation was greatly relieved this after noon by a north wind which was accom panied by rains. Ths city is comparitivelv cool this afternoon. , REVIEW NOT SO EXPENSIVE (Scrlpps News Association) Washington, D. C, Aug, 23, Ths naval review at Oyster Bay instead of costing the government a million dollars as charged, will cost exactly six hundred and nine dollars above the usual expense of maintaining ths fleet one day. This ex pense would have to be boms whether the review was he'd or not. The extra nina nunat ea anarnme aotiars will be ex pended tor black powder with which to fire the salute. This powder is condemned for every ether purpose. COMMISSION WILL RESUME (Scrlpps News A relation) Cleveland, Aug. 23. Attorney March and, representing the Interstate Com merce Commission, today is in conference with Chas. Chamberlain, secretary of the National Petroleum Society. Marchand says that ths commission will most likely resume work here just as soon as the charges made against the roads of the central west, charged with discriminating am investigated. . STANFORD UNIVERSITY OPENS (Scrlpps News Association) Palo Alto. Calif., August 23. The work of repairing the damage done by the earthquake is practically completed and work in all departments of the Leland Stanford University was begun today. The attendance is smaller than in former years. best soap makers Toilet Violet, Rose and Carnation SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 Vergere Mo. 27 CHICAGO KO MORE FOOD IS NEEDED (Scrlpps News Association) Valparaiso, Aug 23 Soma few busi ness houses resumed business this morning. Wire communication with Santiago has been restored, but the government officials have exclusive ss of the lines. Martial law still prevails and it will be soms time until things become sufficiently stable to withdraw it. All persons are required to cease moving at about six o'clock of even ings, all after that hour are shot at as marauders. Great sheds have been erect ed for the homeless and to protect people from terrific rains which have fallen since the disaster. The government has appropriated $4, 000,000 for the relief of ths destitute PLENTY OF FOOD Valparaiso August 22 The governor of the state of Valparaiso to day issued a proclamation in which he states that there is plenty of food hut that medicine and shelter must be provided at once. He also warned the people that the government was fully able to control all disturbances which might arise and that no lawlessness would be permitted of any sort. (flitt Wedtfy Sports Scripps News Association ' . ni. . oeaiua, Hug. zo. a confidence game of incredulous proportions which has been worked in this city sines, last December, has just come to light. Prominent men in several parts of ths northwest have been victimized to the extentof $160,000. Among the alleged victims is Chas. Cun ningham of Pendleton for $4000. The game was fake wrestling and 'fighting bouts on which the victims thought they had a sjre thing. These bouts were pulled off at the temporary arena on the shores of Lake Washington. The alleged instigators of the fake fights are Russell B. Harriman, alias Russ Barnett, F. W. Brown, an eastern confidence man, and Mathew Ries, a well known horseman. The expose was made today by a local newspaper. Arrests are expected 'o follow. Ttie Nays Trial (Scripps News Association) Portland Aug. 23 In the Franklin P. Mays land fraud case trial before the Fed eral court this morning, A. C. King a for mer county clerk of Malhuer County tes tified that the circulation of petitions ask ing for the creation of the Forest reserve of the Blue Mountains for which he was promised land by thedefendavt but nevor received any. He stated that Mays paid the bills in curred by Forest Superintendent Ormsby 0r the government inspection. How Cans Trains (Scripps News Association) Goldfield, Aug, 23--Joe Gans has been sitting a h big pokcrgame since yesterday afternoon. A coupie of wise ones in the game with an eye for his coin say that he has lost a couple of pounds. hythis method of training. Ncison is taking his on the road and in his training quarters. H's financial balances are being fattened on the stock exchange. Evsrythir.g is quiet in both camps and the men are thought to be in good shape. INSHRGfANI LEADER KILLED (Srrlpps News Asitoclutlon) Havana, Auc, 23- The government authorities here have been informed from official sources that General Banderas the negroe insurjoant wa9 Killed thii t morning. The body has lieen fully idem-! ified. ! HIGH WATER IM KANSAS MY j (Scrlfl1 News Aw iclutlon ) i Kansas City Mo. Aug . 23. The j greatest rainfall ever recorriud fell her (. ; tnij morning. The trains were block i ; al seventeenth street. At, tins point ti.e ! water stood six feet deep. C tizens in a ' number of cases narrowly escaped drownding. SOCIETY PEOPLE IN CIRCUS STUNT Scrlpps News Association) New York, Aug. 23 The first per formance of the annual Society Circus under the auspices of the Franklin Ath letic Club will be held on the club grounds at Van Nest this afternoon. For many weeks preparations have been made for this event and it is said that this year's circus will be much larger and interesting than any of its predecessors. Thers will be preformances every afternoon and evening in the big tent erected for that purpose. The carnival will last three days. There is also a side show, tent a freak's tent, a dressing room- tent and a large stage and band stand. In addition to the amateur acts ten professional acts will be offered every performance. ENGLISHMEN a fScrlpps News Association) i ondon, Aug. 25. The imprsasion prs vails throughout England that Prssidsnt Roosevelt will run for the office of Presi dent or me united states agnn. It is the belief of ths English politicians that t'i Republican party will be forced to place him in nomi nation in order to com' bat Bryan. It is also believed that though Koosevelt dos not intend at this, time to allow his name to be used, he can hardly refuse to accept the nomination when it is offered him; ' . , TWENTIETH (ONNEOKM MM (Scrlpps News Association) New Haven, Conn., August 23 Jhe forty-first annual reunion of the twentieth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry is being held today at Savin Rock. An unu jally interesting program has been prepared for the occasion and some prominent speakers will address the veterans. The business meeting was held this morning and was folio wed . by a t dinner. The afternoon will be devoted to a social gathering. GENERAL CfiEELY'S REPORT (Scrlpps News Association) Washington, Aug. 23 General Creely's report protests against departmental methods and urges the abolition of the division system and the establishment of brigade posts. He says, "I regard many duties of department commanders in a measure, ignorant of military operations with his division. Ordinarily there would be no embarassment but in times of em erging this system would cause necessary delay. Los Angeles Sends Funds (Scripps News Association) Los angles Aug. 23 -The chamber of Commerce of this city decided this morn ing to send $10. COO to the relief of the sufferers at Valparaiso. II TEDDY IS THE Mi WE WANT YOUR STATIONERY TRADE There is every reason why you should come here for anything you want in the stationery. Our stock is complete, wo afford an unusually wide selection and the new lines in correspondence papers come here a3 soon as they come out. IF YOU SCEK BOTH QUALITY AND RIGHT PRICES you will find it to your interest to trade heie, while our ample assortment contains papers to suit every taste. We also have all the items that go with a stationery line: PENS. PENCILS INKS, ERASERS, ETC s s NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande, Oregon. I a t a as LA iO mm (Scrlpps News Association) Boston, Aug. 23 Thomas Lawson in an open letter this morning opens his bat teries von Rockefeller, Rogers and ths Harriman clique for ths Pacific Railway stock coups. Hs says "Unmindful ' of ths warning, tools from evsry section swarmed to answer ths call of ths system. Fifteen thousand miles of railroad built by ths peopist maintained at ins expense of ths people ami mads powerful by the growth of the country, grows greater and instead of turning its profits back to ths people in ths shops of reduced rates, ths system has pumped water into stock until ths money reauirsmsnts far ths Interest surf divi dends est it all nfx" Lawson also took another whack at Hearst today. Hs said hs had previously to this time had no idea of ths man's un importance. Regarding ths personality of Hearst, hs said "Thsrs Is no personal ity, Hearst when est mined resolved him self to number of persons who ars about him." lit speaking of ths Murphy incident, hs said "Murphy would bs ths, C . L- i ,i ; r iivsb man mi vuvy inv mjHnuuun, as n is ths sort of mas who whsn smitten on one cheek would turn ths ether to receive ths same treatment In fact hs would not only turn tbe second but would search for ths third." Lawson declares that Mur phy's braces ars la Europe, meaning Croker. ' ; TIW DC Al DUIX (Scripps News Association) " Washington, Aug. 23. Oiffbrd Pinchard chief of the Forest Reserve service, will start en September 3 to attend the Nat ional Irrigation Congress which meets in Boise City. . Valparaiso Bandits (Scripps News Association) Valparaiso, Aug. 23 It has been die coveted that bandits cut . the ears and fingers off of the body of Madame Montt, the wife of the presidentelect, in order to secure her jewels. Ice Men Arraigned (Scripps News Association) Kansas City. Aug. 23--W. F. Lyons and Harry Burke, ice magnates, were arraigned this morning on the charge of raising prices and causing a restraint of trade. They pleaded not guilty and were released on bonds. Money for Banks (Scripps News Association) Washington Aug. 23-Secretary of the treasury Shaw today placed three million dollars as a deposit in fifty or me national banks BATTERIES