-- ! . i i i WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner.' FRUIT JARS All sizes, Mason andEconomy Jars. Phone your crder. Main 75. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. WANTED Hay, Grain, fruit, in short, All Kinds of farm Products We hav contracts for 600 tont of hay. We must have the hay to supply, our :ustomers. We win pay the highest market prices, spot cash, for all goods. We will also want a great deal of oats, and other grain as 'soon as they are ready for market. , We art ready, at any time, to contract your late winter apples, as we will want a great number of cars to supply our trade. At the present time we are taking a limited amount of small fruits, potatoes and all the fresh eggs you have. f" on us 'wbcfcrc Yc-' rr.cUi a,,y Ai i misements in Marketing your goods We have a nice lot of hay and oats in our warehouse which we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale prices. We have a ear of Fancy fresh water melons from Milton, Oregon, duejhere tomorrow morning. These will be the finest of the season on this market. ' Buy your melons now while they are good, as the melon season will soon be over for a year. PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company i Fine ...i Confectionery and Cigars Af Van Bur en's s . 0 SC HEARER'S For Fine Candies and Ice Cream. The Coolest Place in Town. Your Trade is Appreciated. Refreshing rest room Summer drinks that satisfy J Best equipped Ice Cream Parlor in Eastern Oregon J NEW HAY! Choice lot of this year's 1 i )thy Hay just received- ; In small bales, Best we ; seen for many years. I Choped feed and steam to order. Leave your order now for w'::.i -r's wood. GRVMDE RONLi Phoone Main 6 t,. tf .... ".-i 1 MM i 'WrirfrffittTT t ... I M I f EXCCLSKR $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best ange at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY .,111 I 1 ' PLAN. LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE HOUSE KEEPING OUTFITS Consisting of Bed Room Suits, Dressers. Iron Beds. Springs. Chain , Bed Lounges, Couches. Folding Beds. UooKing oiove-, v.. Linoleums. BARGAINS BARGALS WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 J. D. HAISTEN 14! 5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Rr Street Store QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE The Klean, Kool. Kitchen Kind. .We Guarantee them. Money back if you Kant, Keep Kool wnne nooning. La Me Evening Observer WEDNESDAY AUGUST 22 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 Six months in advance 5.60 Per month 65 Single copy 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. adveuiihinu Kates Jlplr Ad mm rarnlslied upon application luteal reartlnii noi ice IOc per line Oral I naer Moo, je per lint fortch HuboequeDI loner tion, eaolutlona ofcouilolenna, so rer Hue. of thnk, fcn per m. CO-OPERATION AND HOME INDUSTRY This focal pride and love of home and the home town is one of the strongest of human feeling when once it is deeply planted. It should be cultivated in every possible way. Nothing should be left undone to stimulate or cement it. Every member of such a community should cultivate a spirit of comradeship and co-operate toadvancethe general welfare of all. The merchant, the small tradesman, the country editor, the church, should be encouraged in every possible way. The whole community should co-operate to protect and stimulate the trade of the town. The home paper should he liberaly patronized. There is no one thing during influences for good than the country press. One of the most unfortunate of influences has been the trend of com mercial evolution that has borne so heav ily on the country editor by the devol rnent cf the mcropol'an family monthly and mail order p.ipjrs. filled w.th tempt ation for the rual people to strmulatc tie centralization of wealth and trade in the cities by supplying their ordinary needs from far distant and practically unknown sources. This trend toward the centra ization of trade and industry in the great cities walks side by side with fie centralization of wealth and population as a menance to our national future. T'la dancer it threaten Jean only be cbvated by awaking the people at lara to a realization of it. j Maxwell's T insmar. In the case of the working man with a big family it would seem more appro piate to say, "Everybody works father." Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural Department that he piujta lu strictly enforce the new "thirty-six-hour cattle shipping law" recently passed by Congress. The plague of fleas which is just mak ing life miserable for the people of Penn sylvania state, is another reminder of what we miss by not being located "back east." True, we may miss a few con veniences, like having plenty of trans portation facilities, but the numerous advantage far out number the shortcomings. Other towns can learn something from Walla Walla on the question of fire insurance. When the companies notified the policy holders of that city of the 25 percent rake off recently put in effect the Walla Walla Chamber of Commerce promptly took steps to organize a home company to combat the arbitrary increase intended. They contended that the rates were already high enough, a proposition that will not be denied by the pers ons paying them. FOR SALE Eight acres,6 room house. barn, place for chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and t plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan Treasurer Calls For City Warrants Notice is hereoy given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out stand ing warrants issued on General Fund of La Grande City, up to and including. No. 5289 endorsed Den. 10, 19C4. Interest on all warrants on General Fund from No.5234 to No. 5289 inclus'"-, ceases from this date. There are ajso funds in the treasury to pay all warrants issued against Water i Fund of La Grande City, up to and I i eluding No. 6284 endo-sed June 22, 1 906 ! Interest on all warrants on i Mater Fund from No. 6058 to No. 6284 ! exclusive, ceases from date of this call. I La Grande, Oregon, July 51. 1906. i J. K. Wright. J City Treasurer. Special Sale this week j j on Go-Carts and Ice j I Cream Freezers W. H. BOHNRNKAMP CO (Of A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST s ; BIT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has nev tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred who have, and do, and always will, because they wart the best and appreciate a fine article. Ve have some new flavors th.s year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping,; you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you, Fi We are respectfully, V A. T. HILL Prcription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR The Lrastera Oregon Trust and f Savings Bank Mr.Sjvift: r it a cur.Mi a r.cma'.y Mat Ainenc i ,f A rat. ons should be the j producer of . -,s r.c.i: ary atrocious f irm I of "art." V... ,ve i.--,t V.i nirous ,f not ! tm w.tticst . T j,, eirt:!."he exclaims inconclusior a-,i yf, e manu r-. the j cilo: ed Sum- e-r.r-t. while othe r ' ! nations the ; : ; ... I THE LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are betfininrg tod soever the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in tne art of teaching music. The school is divided irtj two depart ments; No. 1 is fcr oeginners from 5 years or more and are taug'it the first three grades. Pupils coine one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from j tc. 15. Here tney graduate. Pupi.s take one or two lessons a week as they des.re. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this schoo: who do not study. Opposite the Foley House ove the candy store. Phone. 473. CAPITAL STOCK $60,000.00 The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by oner a sustitute for doubtful investments, but by ac cepting small deposits it protects them from their own thoughtless expenditures. We war.: your savings account, no matter how small GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS OFFICERS GEO f -?av?PT r"1 Wm' M,LLER- V,ce Rresident L "EAN ER' Cd5::'er T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier F. J. HOLMES, Treasurer. i barley manufactured 5 : OXFORD PAR li COMPANY. : Lewis EJros. Prep. ; JAMES FAKQl'rURSON. Prep. Complete ,Hrttnt)l ol WINES, LIQUOR AND CIGARS Co J lun.N-, . xcj lrlks j -.-c-.aty Far .,-4 !!nr,..,, W.ifrer t. .1 v-u are ,nv.UJ t. ca.l a: : ct a:.;..a nted. j i :! IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN He will ta'e that trunk to the De pot or our heme -n !s$ time than .1 takes to tell it. Cay chore Red 761 " Siack 1792 Wa.-on always at youi service 1 i l T SEEIG IS BELIEVING is a proverb especially true 01 ar ousiness. it we examine yo r . s and fit you with glasses you i ,t believe in us. For you w -a better than you ever did n those old window glass sped . s EVERYTHING to aid the sight can be found here. And vou know or have heard of our moderate charge mathod. Repairing Promptly d n J. H. PEARE. eler and Optician '.V- v .IV