T8Y AN D FIND IX IN TOWN BEFORE YOU SEND AWAYIT WILL. PAY YOU VOLUME V LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1906 NUMBER "136 snows , eight (Scrtppi New Association) Washington, D. C. Aug., 22, Gompers is making a most active labor compaign and on of his latest moves is to write to each of the congressman asking for their veiws upon the Labor Bill grievance which tin haon Mint to th Pmiilaot U says he has received many replies and all who do not answer as in favor of the labor interest wilt be considered at against the am. He states that he will not tolerate any equivocations, and that th congressman must either favor his fSfjiands or be fought by organized labor' MONTANA HIBERNIANS MEET, (Scrlpp News Association) . Anaconda, Mont., Aug. 22 The ann ual state convention of the Ancient Order of Hiherians open here tomorrow and judging from the crowds which have taken possession of the hotels of the city, the convention, will surpass all former state conventions of the order in Montana in number of ' delegates. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the order will also meet here tomorrow. Both conventions will last two days each. El PASO TRAIN WRECK (SsSSp New Association) Bisbee Ariz., Aug. 22 The palatial train of the El Paso Southwestern Rail road of the Phelps Dodge Coper Co. was wrecked seven miles from here this morn ing near Osborne. The buffet and three passenger coaches were turned over and were fatally destroyed by fire. Twenty three passengers were seriously injured but none fatally. SITUATION SERIOUS (Scrlpps New Association) Witajngson, Aug. 22 Minister Hicks of SVrtiago cables that slight quakes continue but the fear is subsiding and the financial situation is serious. - I SOAP SALE I REPLENISH YOUR TOILETDEPARTMENT We will place on sale SATURDAY ONLY, 600 boxes of the best soap makers Toilet Soap, (Andrew Jargens & Co.) in the following brands. Violet, Rose and Carnation 0 Remember V s is A-l Toilet Soap, your only chance Phone Blacl 10 WILL DISCUSS MUNICIPAL MATTERS (Scrlpps New Association) Ashland, Wis., August 22 The annual convention of the Wisconsin League of Municipalities will meet here this after noon, with Mayor Peter B. Nelson, of Racine in the chair. The attendance promises to be large and the program will be unusually interesting. Prof. E. G, Smith, of Beloit College and other prominent scientists will read interesting papers on municipal water supply, etc. The convention will last three days and will be mainly devoted to the discussion of various municipal problems. WILL PLEAD INSANITY (Scrlpps New Association) , New York, Aug. 22 Thaw' attorney today decided to plead emotional Insanity and also decided that Evlyn would be the principal witness for the defense. The attorneys will attempt to show that Thaw was insane at the time he killed White. Nowithstanding this claim they state as a fact that Thaw is perfectly sane at this time. "crlpps New Association) Victoria, B. C, August, 22 According to advices received here from Carbanah Point one of the life boats of the illfated steamer Valencia has been discovered in a cove near there in which were eight skeletons. The boat was found by two boys of the light house keeper, who s;ys, that the Indians have known of the boat for months but said nothing about it as they wanted the boat DECLARED A TRATOR (Scrlpps News Association) Bogota Aug. 22 The cabinet to day declared Mendosa, former minister to the United States a tr ator. The cabinet elleges thathe revealed secrets of the diplomatic service. II BOYS DISCOVER SKELETONS SATURDAY CENTS PER BOX Three Cakes in a box tJllC tJOifl jnj.i.J.j.lljir-iF.MM'"'"y IHE EARTH IS STILL (Scrlpp New Association) Val;raiso, Aug. 22. Slight shocks continued to frighten the population dur ing the night and a number of fresh fires have increased the horrors of the situa tion. Heavy rains at Santiago caused all ui man w uveiuuw uiair (miiks wine.! i ha added greatly to the suffering. It is now thought that sixty million dollar will cover th loss. It is estimated at this time that the known death list will foot up to felly two thousand. There are fully siity thousand people dependent upon the relief bureau. The situation is gradual ly becoming more bearable, but there it every liklihood of om dreadful pesti lence breaking out a the conditions, to say the least, are very unsanitary. 'ASBURY PARK DOG SHOW (Scrlpp New Association) - Asbury Park, N, J., August 22. The first annual bench show of the Asbury Park Kennel Club opens today at the Auditorium. The number of entries is quite large and includes some of the finest dogs owned in this and som of the neighboring states. Besides the regular list of prize there are a number of special cups which have been donated by weathy residents of this city. The show will close tomorrow evening. KUROPATKIN RECALLED (Scrlpps New Association) St. Petersburg, Aug. 22. It is reported upon what seems to be good authority that Kuropatkin has been recalled to the capitol to resume his former post of min ister of war. It is said that he will be charged with the reorganization of the Russian army. COSSACKS MOWED DOWN . . (Scrlpps New Association) St. Petersburg, Aug. 22. Mutinous Cossacks were mowed down in great numbers by the loyal artillery at Samar kard. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 ' Vcrcrc No-27 Silid REBELS! ( S (Scrlpps New A Klatlon) ' j Havana, Cuba Aug. 22 It is reported j that the rebel forces won a victory before daylight this morning. Gennral Peno Quirra attached the government outposts at Pinar del Rio City and drove them to town. 1 he insurgeants did not follow up the advantage from the fact that they are awaiting re-enforcements GOVERMENT CONFIDENT The goverment declares that there were only thirty guards at San louis, admit that an engagement took place there. There are now 3500 troops in the field and there will be 6,000 in a few days. t PRESIDENT PALMA EXPLAINS President Palma today said "I was caught unprepared and am taking time to prepare to cope with the rebellion. There is positively no cause for alarm. The movement consists of trifling bands much smaller than reported and poor'y led. Several small engagments' have occured in various provinces." General Banderos who was reported as surrounded by the rurals escaped from the trap. A party of rebels are luring outside of the city near the water works and It is feared they will try to shut off the city supply. Oyster Bay, Aug., 22 The President has received no information relting to the revolt in Cuba. This government is not hurrying pell mell into any revolution. It is presumed that the Cuban government will be able to control the up rising, and the United States does not want to be placed in a position seeking the first op portunity to rush into Cuba on the plea that annexation is necessary, but desires to convince the world that the little re public is entirely free, independent and stable. S READY 10 BATTLE (Scrlpp News Association) Goldfield. Nev., Ang. 22. Both Gans and Nelson are now down to we gfit and from now on will only take sufficient ex ercise to keep them in condition. Gans will continue his nine mile walks and trot each morning to perfect his wind. Nelson says that he can easily make the fight at one hundred and thirty pounds. Both fighters say that Britt is now anxious to meet the winner. The arena will be com pleted Monday, SAN FRANCSSCO CAR STRIKE (Si-rlpps News Association) San Francisco, Aug. 22 -The United Railway this afternoon in reply to a de mand of the carmen for three dollars per day, of eight hours, asked that the men delay action until the arrival of President Calhocn who is expected to reach here from the east Sunday. The indications are that the company will refuse the de mands of the Union. The men are in no mood to accept any compromise which they feel certain will be offered them. The strike seems in evitibie an will tie up every car in the city. GERMAN EARTHQUAKC (Scrlpp New Association) Berlin, Aag. 22There was an earth quake today at Zaborze. The ooors of the building were forced open and pictures fell to the floors. Many wall were cracked and the people generally fled to the street. FREE SPEECH GRANTED (Scrlpps New Association) Helsingfors. Aug. 22 -.! Czar today signed the decree granting freo speech to th Finn. A Ml l H R WILL DISCUSS INSURANCE LAWS (Scrlpps News Association) St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22 The com mittee of fifteen appointen at the recent Chicago c:nferertce of governors, insur ance commissioners and attorney-generals from a number of states for the pur pose of preparing uniform insurance laws, which are to be presented to the legisla tures of all the states, met here today under the presidency of Thomas D. O Brien, insurance commissioner of this state. The purpose of the meeting I to prepare a bill carrying out the various i ideas of insurance reform that have been discussed, and the action of the committee will, it is expected, have an important loeanng upon tutjrt general insurance legislation. ( It is quit probable that the committee will remain in session during the rest of the week. Bid EAT SALARIES (Scrlpps News Association)' sc. raui, Minn., Aug. zz. I he com mittee appointed by the insurance con ference held in Chicago last February, to day reported to the commissions of the various states, recommending to regulate insurance companies as follows: "No off- cer is to be paid $5000 unless his salary is fixed by the board of directors under strict conditions. No pensions or saltries o members of officers' families. Vouch ers required for all expenditures over $100 Forbidding political contiibutions directly or indirectly." FARMERS' UNION OF ALABAMA (Scrlpps News Association) Bessemer, Ala., August 22. Several thousand members of the Farmers' Union of Alabama are here at present to attend the annjal convention of the organization which opened here this morning. The members and delegates were welcomed by Mayor J. J. Sullivan and Ex-National President O. P. Pyle of Texas made the response. In the afternoon an executive session will be held and a general session in the evening, when several important papers will be read. The convention will last three days. GUNBOAT ASHORE (Scrlpps News Association) Vancouver.- Ang. 22. The gunboat Princeton ran ashore in Vancouver har bor but was floated at high tide. The Princeton is here to receive the body of Admiral Train. NOTED EARL DEAD (Scrlpps News Association) London, Aug. 22. The Earl of Levan and Melville. Lord High Commissioner of the assembly of the church of Scotland. and the keeper of the privy seal of Scot land, died toiy. no NOR WE WANT YOURj STATIONERY TRADE I There is every reason why you should come here for anything you want in the stationery. Our stock is complete, we afford an unusually wide selection and the new line3 in correspondence papers come here as soon as they come out. IF YOU SEEK BOTH QUALITY A JD RIGHT PRICES you will find it to your interest to ample assortment contains papei We also have all the items that PENS, PENCILS INKS, NEWLIN La Grande, WRAITH IS SURE Of ACQU1TAL (Scrlpps New Association) ' Springfield, Mo., Aug. 22 Galbraith. who is on trial charged with being the leader of a mob which lynched three ne- gross, was witness in his own behalf ing almost a complete alibi. Every time he evaded the prosecutor questions th crowd in th court room cheered. The judge broke his gravel in attempting to enforce order. For period of ovr several min ute th noise wa aufficient to completely drown the voice of th court officer. Public sentiment is entiraly with Galbraith and there is no doubt but that he will be dismissed. . HARD POLITICAL FIGHT (Scrtrps New Association) Columbus, Ohio., August ' 22 During th nomination for school com missioner th convention got beyond con trol of the sergeant-at-arms and the police wa called and order was finally restored. BRYAN ENDORSED The Democratic state platform agreed upon is an unqualified endorsement of Wm. J. Bryan. Tom Johnson waslvictoriou in secur ing the adoption of his platform. The severe prohibition plank was left out as per his wishes. - ' . , - mmcc tiunv nciimnH junto i Him i Kiumuii (Scrlpps News Association) Muncie, Iryl., August 22. One of the largest ramuy reunions ever held in the west is that of the Jones family, which is uaing iioiu vuua wu wi, tail giuuuuv 111 this city. Several thousands of the large family of Jones's are in attendance and are enjoying themselves to their heart's -content. An interesting program has been prepared for the entertainment of the members. Oliver Jones, the presi dent of the family organization is among those present. Every state in the Union and nearly every province of Canada is represented in the reunion. NO TARGET PRACTICE (Scrlpps New Association) Oyster Bay, Aug. 22. The President has decided not to have target practice curing the review, but that the practice will be held in the open ocean outside of the review line. The last time the Pres ident witnessed a target practice and re view, one of the large guns exploded and killed two cabin officers. ANOTHER SHIP WRECK (Scrlpps News Association) Rotterdam, Aug., 22. The steamer Amsterdam bearing a large number of American turist went ashore ten miles from this city this morning. The pasengers were landed without accident. 9 i A rade heie, while our to suit every taste. vith a stationery line: ERASERS, ETC. Dl 1G CO. Ort, ). ft