La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 20, 1906, Image 4

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Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in
La Grande, Wr deliver it to your building
Grande Ronde Lumber Co
Is as essential in your home as the doctor
Executed in workmanlike manner and approved
sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of ;
Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatorys and all
plumbing fixtures.
1018 Washington Avenue
JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor.
Largest Brewing Plant lnEaaiern Oregon
Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best
A hard lot
of troubles to contend with, spring from a
torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless
you awaken them to their proper action
with Dr. King't New Life Pills; theploas
antest and most effective cure for Cons
tipation. They prevent Appendicitis and
lone up the system. 25c at Newhn
Drug Co.
Eight acre6 room house, barn, place for
chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o
fruit and plenty of water. Located east
of flouring mill, will exchange for city
property Apply at premises. JohnGavan
to the East
Afforded by Rock Island Lines:
f. Through San Francisco, Lot Angeles, Southern
California and El Paso.
2. Through San Francisco, Central California,
Colorado and Denver or Colorado Springs.
3. Through Oregon, Idaho and Colorado.
4. Through Washington, Montana, the Dakota,
and St. Paul - Minneapolis,
5. Through Washington, Canada and St. Paul
Minneapolis. A very good plan b to go one way and return another
ete twice as much country and enjoy the trip twice at muck.
It will be a pkasun to give you full details.
Central Agent.
Rock. Itltnd-Frltco Lines,
140 Third St., PORTLAND. ORE.
30 (fill
(Scrippe Newe A relation)
Washington, Aug. 20 The women
nurses and the soldiers, the former in
attendance and the latter under treatment
at army hospitals in Alaska have come
near starving to death on the allowance
which was permitted under the law at
SO cents a ration. The military authori
ties in the territory have reported that
the allowance is altogether inadequate
and does not begin to furnish funds to
buy food to sustain those to whom it is
ssued by the government It will be
necessary to make an exception on the
part of the nurses and the soldier patients
and lu una and uie laguiar army rauon
has been sanctioned by the Secretary of
War, an action he may take by virtue of
statue and service regulations in cases of
such emergencies as exist in Alaska.
The problem comes about through the
high price of food in the territory, especi
ally at the army posts, and notably at
Fort Gibbon. Provisions which must be
brought from a distance are expensive,
and such commodities as eggs, meat
and milk cost from four to ten times the
market prices in the states.
iw - Jttsr
(Scrlppe Newe Association)
Trenton. N. J.. August 20. The twenty
eighth annual convention of the New Jer
sey State Federation of labor was called
to order this forenoon in the Assembly
Chamber of the State Capitol. Nearly
every local in the state, affiliated with the
American Federation of Labor was rep
resented by delegates. This convention
promises to be the most important ever
held by the state body. There are a num
ber of important matters to be considered
and the report of the legislative committee
will be of especial interest, in view of the
political agitation now going on among
the labor men. It is eaid that labor
measures received scant consideration at
the hands of the last legislature. The
impression is that the convention will de
clare for independent political action, with
a view of securing the election of men to
the legislature who will voice the senti
ments of organized labor. 1
Another matter which promises to take
up a good portion of the time of the con
vention is the dispute between the Biew
ery Workers and the Steam Enaineere.
In anticipation cf this matter being brought
up the Brewery Workers have elected
twenty three delegates to the convention
from the different locals of the state and
the Engineers also have sent large dele
gations. This dispute is about the old
jurindiction question which has been so
often discussed by the Federation. In
every case the decision has been in favor
of the engineers, but the brewery workers
have refused to abide by the decisions,
The right of way crew for the O. R. &
N. have established a camp on Mr. Shinn's
ranch on Alder Slope about three miles
from town. Work is progressing rather
slowly on account of the shortage of help,
but it it expected that after harvest men
will be more plentiful, when work will be
pushed rapidly. -Joseph Herald.
A tragic finish
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak in the great North Sea dyke, which
a child's finger could have stopped, to be
come a runinout break, devastating an
entire province of Holland. In like man
ner Kenneth Mclver. of Va.xeboro, Me.,
permitted a little cold to go unnoticed
until a traggic finish was only averted by
Dr. King & New Discovery. He wnies:
"Three doctors gave me up to die of lung
inrlamation. caused by a neglected cold,
but Dr. King s New Discovery saved my
life." Guaranteed best cough and cold
cure, at Newlin Drug Co. 60c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Contractor and Builder
Dealer in Building: Material
Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and
Gravel delivered.
La Grande. Oregon
Dro a line naming work, and I will
name the right price.
The transportation of cattle across the
ocean is said not to be free from painful
incidents. It is probable that the cattle
on the best lines of steamers get across
in fairly comfortable conditions, but here
is a record of one winter voyage on a
line of steamers going - out from Boston.
In a storm seven hundred sheep were
washed overboard, ar.d seventy-five
steers fell and broke their legs and were
thrown overboard alive. For three days
the storm was so bad that neither fooJ
nor water could be given the cattle and
sheep, and when' they were landed some
were too weak to walk, some were lame,
all were stiff from standirg in cramped
positions, in a wash of icy water for ten
or twelve days. One sheep was seen to
drop dead when taken from the vessel.
Cruelties even worse than these weae
reported to the editor of this magazine by
a young man of undoubted reliability who
went across in care of the sheep and who
can never forget the suffering he witness
ed and was powerless to prevent Can
we call ourselves humane or a Christian
people while such treatment of our
"fellow mortals" is allowed? -Our Dumb
rH.-. -M-i. ... i . , . . . i i t....
devoted their lives to the perfecting of
rioiuster s kockv Mountain Tea. It con
tains the choicest medical roots and herbs
known to modern medicine. Tea or Tab
lets, 28 cents. Newlin Druo Company,
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue or
an order made by the Han. J. C. Henry,
County Judge for Union county, state of
Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1906.
the undersigned, will, afte.- the 23th, day
of August, 1906, sell, at private sale to
the highest bidder for cash, the following
described real property, belonging to the
estate of D. B. May, deceased, towit:
All of lots numbered one and twenty
six, in block four, of Predmore's Addition
to the town of La Grande, Union county,
state of Oregon, being in said city of La
Grande, Oregon.
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, July 1 1 ,
1906, ' B.T.May.
Administrator estate D. B. May, deceased.
Treasurer Calls For City Warrants
Notice is hereby given that there are
now funds on hand to pay all out stand
ing warrants issued on General Fund of
La Grande City, up to and including, No.
6289 endorsed Dec. 10, 1904.
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund from No.5234 to No. 6289 inclusiv,
ceases from this date.
There are also funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants issued against Water
Fund of La Grande City, up to and In
cluding No. 6284 endorsed June 22, 1 906
Interest on all warrants on
Mter Fund from No, 6058 to No. 6284
exclusive, ceases from date of this call.
La Grande. Oregon, July 31, 1906.
J. K. Wright.
City Treasurer.
Any Make of
Agent for Cleveland Bicycles
That the luili of many native plnnts,
growing wild In our American foreM,
poHsem. remarkable pmiierties fur the cure
of ti ii in an maladies it well proven. Kvea
lh uiiiutori'd iiidiitn lind learned the
curative value of Mime of these, and
lunula the eurly settlers their Ui-es. The
Indian never liked work so he wanted his
iuii to ire i well as won a ptsilile Unit
die might do the work and let him hunt.
Therefore, lie ting "paimm. root for her,
for that wan their great remedy for fe
male wen knew. llr. I'ii-rce ue the
a me root vailed blue. Colio-h in nig
ravorlie rrewriptiuti." killlullv omi
hined wnli oilier uiu'iiik thut make it
more envlle llittll an) other iin-tlii-ine In
curiiiir all the various weiiknie and
pamliil (terainrenieiiis eoiiitar lo women
Many amlcted women hae leeit aved
(Mm the operating tulle und the Mir-
? eon's knife liv I lie timely use of llociiir
'ierep's ravorite Tri'M-ril'lion. Tender
nen over the lower lielvie region, w llh
backache. xeH of n urines-, famines,
bearniK down pains or iliMrees should not
fo unheeded. A course of " r avorite I're-k-rlplton
" v ill work in.trwlnnx heuelit
In all siK-h rases, aiid generally effect a
permanent cure if persisted in fur a rea
soiialile leiiKtii of l ine. The " r at on le
I'rcsvripi.mi " is a Im miles ancnl. lien
wiioiiv prepared lm
roots without a drt
tit ol ali-nlio In iu
niuk up. w inn-iis all oilier medicines,
pnl up lor nl through Unionists lor
woman's (xfnllur ailineniM. contain large
quantities! of spirituous lliiiurs, wliuo
an very harmful, especially to delicate
women. " I-avorite I're.-criplinn " con
tains neither ulrvhol nor harmful hauit
formimr drugs. All iu Ingredients are
printed; on nu'h bottle wrapsT. It is a
powerful Invigorating tonic. Imparting
lies Ilk and strength in particular to the
organs distinctly feminine, tor weak
and sickly women, who are worn-out,"
or delimitated, t-spcrtully for women who
work in store, nllu-e. or ho
sit at the typewriter or sewing machine,
or bear heavy household burdens, and for
nursing mothers. Ir. IVrre's favorite
Prescription will proves priceless ueueht
because of lu health - realm lug aud
strength-giving power.
For MUistipation. the true, sclent in
euro Is Or. tieree's IMvaaaul r"llu.
Mill, harmless, v-i sure.
Yes if you will step this way
please, we will show you
some o? the exceent laundry
work we are doing every day.
You will feel proud when you
walk airing thestreetdressed
in ore of those shirts that
we turn out of this jndry.
A. B. C.
La Givnfe. Oregon.
iviu la 1 1 is uui u v a
- For several seasons we have been the leading seed
distributors of Union county and our present stock
is larger than ever Everything in the seed lire
Secuie our prices on either small or quantity
Slater TBuildiner j
All skin diseases tire due to the same cause an excess of acid in tilt
blood caused by faulty assimilation of food ami poor bowel action ; this
fiery acrid matter is forced to the surface through the pores aw glands.
Pustules are formed, discharging a sMcky lltiid which dries and mai a crust,
causing intense itching. When the crusts or scabs are scratched" off the
sum la ten raw ana oieeaing. Dear Birs-My body broke out with a
Sometimes skin diseases are in the " emotion which in spite of all
dry form, and bran-likescalescomeon RVXtiiZ"
the flesh, or the skin becomes hard and simply terrible. I had triad many
rirv nflen rrictinir ami th nainfnt highly recommended preparations with-
ary, ouen cracking, aim llie painitll out benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. deter-
Itchino causes acute siifrerinir It mined to irive it a fair trial, and waa
does not matter how the trouble is feVePJ?id mednu1f.hiy,dWh" fwbo,
manifested, the cause is the same an Escoudido, Cel. ' I MAENO.
excess of acid in the blood. Salves, powders, cooling washes, etc., while they
relieve the itching and give the sufferer temporary comfort, cannot cure the
trouble because they do not reach the acid laden blood. The best treatment
lor all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that
is purely vegetable and one which acts directly
on the blood with a cleansing, heaji'njj effect.
S. S. S. neutralizes the ecids. andYl rifiea the
blood so that the skin instead of beirfif blistered
PURELY VEGETABLE and urned by the fi(:r-v flui(ls-is nourished by
. . . " a supply of cooling, healthy blood. Special
book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired will be furnished
without charge. JHt SWIFT rprnirtf! ATI MUTA km.
Chamberlain '
Cough Remed
A vWe Medicine -
wa vniiaren
. , xnuaren
In bny,r ron -h uetUdne for children never b. .,
tA.N8C0--h,rlT. Thesis no danger frW!?tobCp
to follow. I a uW iM ( It . Ud relief U . .,
rawen. a is the i est ne icine In the world th-e m P Md T
certain cure f r. t , :,ut - t. when given U sooi!?, U
will nrevei l H, . ... .w . 80011 the croon.
- n uouutng cough is nr. a --cvougu I an
a.. -v. m b uaoy aa (o an adult. """"i"pi l syijt
' ml
I an.
r .nede