LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE HOUSE KEE P I NG OUTFITS Consisting of Bed Room Suits, Dressers. Iron Beds. Springs. Chairs. Bad Lounges. Couches. Folding Beds, Cooking Stoves. Carpets, and Lnuiejms. BARGAINS BARGAI S WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thir.g you want for a quick ccol dinner. FRUIT JARS Ail sizes. Mason and Eccr.cmy Jars. Phone yc.r order. Main 75. w u .... rs ft a"ijua'j''ul. " ""T THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY i E. POLACK. Propr. ! ! CHERRIES WANTED i 2 W pay 6 per pound for fancy large BLACK CHERRIES, and f for others according to grade and variety. We are in the rr.arket for eggs. We pay 22 Vc Pr doz. Spot Cash. We are new ready to contract for your entire hay crop for this season. Call and ee ui before you make any arrangements. We have a large nock of strawberry boxes and crates, wh en we offer very cheap in order to close them out. PHONE MAIN 2 I Oregon Produce Company Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's ! EXCELSKR $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best ange at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY NSTAU-MENT PLAN. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and EURMTl'RE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 f. D. HAISTEN 14'5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEIM Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL UASOL1NE STOVE The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind. W Guarantee them. Money back if ycu Kant, Keep Kool while Rooking. U Grande Evening OBserver SATURDAY U3UST4. 1906 Published daily except on Sunda; One year in advance Six month in advance Per month Single copy '. $6.60 ..... 5.50 65 6c It is said that $10,000,000 worth of fire insura-ce now in effect in Oregon is absolutely worthless. Three or four com panies which went fo the wall following the San Francisco disaster are unable to pay these policies should there be any osses. Entered at the Post Office at' La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY EROS.. ED'S AND PROF This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-piumt Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. AhVEK'JlMM KATKH (play Ad lull rarniKhm upon i,"iril.. oral routine nui ion IUi- per line Brl I na tion, 5G per lint for ftu-h NUbnMjNvni lot" Hon. eeoiuiluoa 'f rua'tulcucB, r airline, trite nl lliHiik. do ucr line In China they are going to introduce trial by jury. Tne worid does move. After all it wasn't just fair or right fo' that Maryland siernT to have to dodge a mob in oider to carry out the law and execute a prisoner. Th.3 dignity of both the law and the sheriff suffered by the act. You know it's right When yon get it at SGHEdRER'S The large crop will tax the ablity of the transportation co npinies to furnish sufficient cars. Last year there was a loud c'ammer from all sections owing to a car shortage and this year it undoubtealy will be stiil more intensified. Cantclope Sundaes. Ask for it You know it's right Refreshing rest room Summer dr'rks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Cream Parlor in Eastern Oregon The Rock Island has opened up a new pass systtm. Beginning wiih August. 1906, all engineers wno have been in the company service 25 years will receive annual passes for themseives and wives over the entire system; all who have served 10 years annual passes for them selves over the system: those 15 years amuais over their divisions. The editor who Can please every one is not fit for this worid. but is entitled 'o wings. Human nature is constructed so that some like scandal, some don't; some j like fakes exposed, others don't; some like the truth to.d aoout them, others don't some like to take the home paper j seven or e ght years, never miss an issue cr pay a cent, ar.d get mad and stop the : pacer when they get a statement of tneir j amount, ethers don't. It it some consol , ation to know that the Lord Himself failed ! to pease every one while on evth. Ex. INEW HAY ; Choice lot of this year's Timothy Hay just received- In small bales. Best we have seen for many years. 2 Choped feed and stoam rolled barley manufactured 2 to order. 2 Leave your order now for winter's wcod. GRANDE R0XDE CASH COMPANY. ; Phoone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. The Oregonian tells the people how soma of the "first families" of Portland have fleeced that city of millions in years gone by, through franchise steals and similar jobs, and are seeking to ban down the same system to their children. But the people who came west since Oregon was disc.vered, say no. the "first family" graft is about over. Special Sale this week on Go-Carts and ice Cream Freezers W. H. BOHNF.NKAMP CO BIDS FOR ii UMATILLA I IRRIGATION I I: i.Scrlppx News Association) Washington Aug 4 - The secretary of the Interior asks for proposals for the ; construcuon of main and lateral ditches of the distributing system of the Umatilla I irrigation project. Bids are to be opened in Portland on October 1st. 1 The first general primaries under the new primary law passed by the last leg is'.ature are being held throughout Uli- i no s today. T.ie law is very strict and ' prov des that all those entitled to vote at 1 primaries shall be given bt opportunity to cast their votes. This is the first time ! that a direct vote is cast for United Slates Senator. Senator Shelby M. Cul lon who is runn ng for re-election, has I established a record at the present ca.n- J pa'gn. by absta.ning from canvas"., ng t..e Stats. He did net deliver a sing e speech dunng the entire compaign.' If ins perp e ; re fr me" he sa d. "I will be re-ole.-'e.-i, j .f they are not t won't, that s a. then ' , to it. "It is stated on good autfo' ty jtVreiS iittlt doubt f Sen. Cul.cn't re : election. OfftR 51090 REWARD j Small posters have been received by , bneriif Lhilders from Walla Walla, pre senting portrait and description of C icil Briitan. the small boy who it is beiisve J was kidnapped from Toll Gate, in Umatilla county. July 15th. and offering $1000 reward if he is returned alive rr S50 for his body. The little fellow is described as having fair complexion, rosy cheeks, small nose and mouth, light brown hair, rcur.d face and head, small feet and hands; has scar on left side of lower lip. He is five years of age. 5 feet, 6 inches tali, talks very plain and is very bright. The parents are destraoted over his loss and ask that any information concern ing his whereabouts be sent to R. L. Brittan at Walla Walla. SPECIAL APPOMMINT The Mayo today appointed H. W. Stontr Street Supenntendent who will be elected by th. council at the regular meet ing in September. F. S. Ivanhoe was appointed at-.orney temporarily to attend to the ci's legal affairs until a regular attorney is appointed. In this connection the Oliver case comes up for trial, havi ig been remand back from the Supieme cojrt egai for t rial on its merits. EXPENSIVE VENISON J H. King, of Portland, and two broth er named Wann, of Salsm, wv.-earrestuu and fined $25.50 each tor shooting deer out of season on the Alsea river. Other arrests for fie same oiferse in that neigh bornood are probable. A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT B ETTER Til AM THE BEST BIT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supp!ydg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, we want. now. to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who hasnev tried ore of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred wno have, and do, and always will, because they want the best and appreciate a fine article. We have seme new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you win Kina.'y tavor us w tn an early ca.l, so we may show you, We are respectf jiiy, A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR HIS APPRECIATION TME E Eb'SlNESS VAN thoroughly appreciates the advantagesof a enng account wit i a bank. Those who dn nnt i,pn k" "c-art ra-v cf its advantage. We are always g ad to explain the workings of a checking account to those wno art not familiar with banking. Interests. pa,d cn t me deposits and in savings department. CAPITAL AND StJKPl IS . . $74,000.00 Tjio 3armers and traders Rational S8anA 0 .vW.Wj 0 VEARsV , M SEEING IS EXPERIENCE flam TftADt Mark DCftlGNI COFVRKiHTl AC Any tnt1nf ft aktrh mid description mi '.iitrtrtnmnt1tiitUl USMnRnm on C.ai'it. -nt f'. Ol.tfwt iu-n r ft rutliii pttif. -W--I.I iAtw, wtih.tui t-htinr. hi th Scientific Jlntcricaii. -lilMton of mt m i.-i i 'It. )-uriueJ. 1rntl a "fit: ftnr m-i'tltii.f . by all neiwui)n MDNNiCo."'"" New Tort BELIEVING t is a proverb especially true of our J uuamess. II we eiaminn unnr nuoc t t n v and fit you with glasses you bel;eva in n wnr ....ti wi ;uu will ore oeuer man you ever did with t those old window glass spectacles EVERYTHING t-i aid the sight can be found here. Ar.d vou know or have heard of t our moderate charge method. 1 if J. H. PEARE. and Repairing Promptly done X Optician