i 25 -4 ; PROffSSIONAl CARDS PHYSICUsS a L. BICCERS to. D." Physician and Suroeoh Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beiry's store Office Phone- Black 1321 Residence Phone Red 1001 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Surof.on Office over Hill s Drug Store. Office Phone 1562 Residence Mam 65 N. MOUTOR M. D. MYSIOIAN AMD SUROEOH Cor. Adams'Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 Kesioence Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 7 1 BACON & Hall PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 1 9 C. T. Oacon residence, Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence, Main 52 DR. H. VOLP. Physician and Suroeon Office: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 Calls answered day or night. PR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksville Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building Phones: Office Main 63: Res. Main 64 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attornkys-at-Law la orande . oreoon Office in Foley Building J., W. KNOWLES A i roRNEY and Counsellor at Law Office in Ralston Building r La Grande, Oregon. fiTr. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS attorneys-at-law Office in Ralston Building Lt Grande. Oregon L. A. PICKLER Civil. Minino, Irrioation Enoineerino and surveyino Estimates. Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande, Oreoon Dentists C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store a GeAMOibi Oneoun VETERINARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Offic at Hill's Drugstore, La (Jrande Oi Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1 36 1 Farmer Line 68 e LIGHTNING COLLECTION ; ACEJT j II. A. Watson, Mgr. Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. . Office Lewie building La Grande. Or. I : THE TAYLOR STUDIO To the Summer Girl: I want you to visit my studio and let me show you how successfuly I can ptiotograh you in your sum mer gown. Come while your gown is fresh and new. it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to the laundry. Remember the new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO is next door to the Observer Office PHONE BLACK 1182 , SUNDAY PHONE 841 COLORED EDUCATIONAL (OMREtf (Sorlppe New Anaoclatlon) Washington, D. C, July 31. The na tional capital has been invaded bv more th-n 1 0,000 negroes from all sections of the country, principally from the South, who have come here to attend the second quadrennial Negro Young People's Christ ian and Educational Congress, which opened at Convention Hall today. This congress is the largest and most inuoort- ant gathering of educated negroes ever held in this country since the emancipa tion of the slaves and a great deal of im portance is attached to it throughout the country. At the opening session of the contrast Dr. S. J. Corrothers delivered the intro ductory address. The Rev. Dr. M. W. D. Norm in welcomed the delegates on be half of the churches'. Recorder of Deeds John C. Dancy on behalf of the negro cit izens; Commissioner Henry L. West for the District of Columbia, and Secretary Ciiaiios J. Bonaparte for the seneral gov ernment Bishop W. J. Gaines, of the A. M. h. church, will also deliver an address. "A Generation in the Makinir of a Race and its Results" will be the general theme for discussion at the convention and ec cordi g to the program more than two hundred speakers, including some of the most prominent men of both races, will take part in the discussion. Among them will be Booker T. Washington, Bishop G. W. Clinton, the Rev. N. C. Cleaves, Bis hop J. W. Arnett. Bishop Alexander Wal ters and William T. Vernon, the new reg ister of the treasury. ROCKFfllfR IS OPTIMISM (Srrlppa News Ansoclatlon) Cleveland Oho. John D. Rockfeller arrived here and will spend the remainder of the summer at his home here. He is healthy and happy appearing boyish in his enthusiasm over getting back. That his keen desire is to make peace with his feilow men and win the love and admiration of them and to dose his long and busy life at peace with all the worH, is apparent in every move and word. He said to the newspapers and passengers "When you get to know me better boys you will see what kind of a man I am. I hope that in time some will know me better" WALLOWA COUNTY Send your collections and cash items to The Stock Growers and farmers Bank, OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on time deposit. ; lAPIIAl. S25.OO0.00 C. T. McDanip.l, Cashier. A. K. Stfunfnbkro, Pres. e PAINTS THAT PLAY GHOST! the kind that have no real "body "have no place in our stock. Immitation paint is worse than no paint at all. We have a care in providing , paint that fills the wood, preserves it. adds to its ap pearance and altogether does what an Al paint shop should do. STANIELS & JARMAN Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars fa 0 SPOTTED ftVER IH INTERIOR Reports come from the interior of two ser.ous cases of the dread spotted fever in the sheep country.- One is a young lady school teacher seriously ill at Iron stue and the other is a man near unto death at the Lockhart ranch on the road from the lower country to the hills. Both of the patients 'are in a very serious con dition. Spotted fever seems to be a more pre valent disease this year than ever before in the interior country and the doctors are baffled in treating it. Over there as a general thing the patient is so far from a physician that the disease cannot be properly treated. Everybody is afraid of the dreaded disease and whenever possi ble they skirt the sage brush plains and stick to the hills or meadows. It is commonly believed that spotted fever comes from the bite of the sage tick. This tiok is red and its bite is very irritating. The common belief among the people of the infested regioue is that the tick to carry the germ of the fever to a human must have first been feeding upon a mole and for that reason every effort is made to exterminate the moles. The vic tim of the spotted fever wastes away slowly, not bting alarmingly ill apparent ly at any time. His skin becomes a blotch of red spots and his flesh dries up Bak er City Herald. BICYCLE ECCENTRICITIES The possibilities of trick bicycle riding have been pushed to the uttermost limit ty l!m Cuiiouiu troop, mree men and two ladies, now featured with the Great Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' Unitid Shows. These performers have made bicycle riding an art. They have invented movements which call for the highest dating and skill as well as keenest sus ceptibi ity to artistic grace and picture effect. They glide through all the dainty figures of old fashioned dances, as well as those of the present day vogue, with eccentricities thrown in to make the changes more thrilling and amusing. They work singly, in groups and all to gether, spinning around on the rear wheel, balancing upright on the handlebar, turn ing a sumersault across a wide table, with the wheel high in the air, and land ing safely in the saddle, the entire troop forming athletic Doses, and in a lot of other amazing ways they set at naught the laws of gravitation and physical limitations. This act created a furore in the leadir.g arenas of Europe, and is one of the many imported sensations com prised in the enormous program of Fore paugh and Sells Brothers' Circus this season. La Grande August 8. LOME DIRECTORY EAGLES - La Grande Aerie 296F. O E. meets svery Friday night in Elk riali, at 8 . m. Visiting brhren nvited to atU . ' I. R. Snook W. S 3r.G. UBiggers W. P. I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. II. E. Coolidor, N. G. D. E. Cox. Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 31. I. O. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. 0. E. FcwmH. C. P. D. E. Cox. Scribe. M. W. A.- La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at 1. O. O. F. hall. At visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams, V, C. John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA -Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers ire invited to attend. Frep Hon Chief Ranger L. L. Snooorass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Bioofhs John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRlENDSHIPTENTNo. SI. h. O. T 'A. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays ach month in I. (). O. K. ha 'I. isiting mights welcome. H. C. Ball. Com VIox Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HlVENo 27. Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after n ion at the Redmen hall. All visiting Udies are welcome..; , MaUDR I'r.NftM aHu C.nrrtman.U.r I M. C. Veisfy. Retfihi Keeper. B. P. O. E.. U GRANDE LODGE No 453- Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend E. W. Davis. Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully. Recording Secretary LA GRANDE LODGE No." 169. ! WOODMEN OF THE WORLD -Moots every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. AH visiting members welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul Commander J. H. Kerhey, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 2?-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, j Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, I N. L Ackles. C C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. j RATHBONE- SISTERS RoweiaTem ' pie No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. In the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawliy M. E. C Eunice Proctu M. of R. & C. - , ' . I MM mi tni ii - - ... i: " i w ......... . .... - . i 1 -r' THE OBSERVER HAS SECURED A REAL TREAT FOR ITS READERS You have all read about the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, and have nodoubt seen many pictures showing the truely awful effects of Natures' Great Convulsion, but how many of thcie views have you saved. The Observer has secured the best of these pictures in book form and offers them to you adsoliitely FREE. Every detail of the Greatest Disaster known in History told in pictures. Something you will treasure. No home is complete without one. OUR OFFER, Every new subscrib?r to the Daily paying one month in advance at our regular rate of sixty five cents will receive one of these albums absolutely FREE. Every new subscriber to the Weekly paying one year in advance at our regular rate of $1.00 for the year will receive an album absolutely FREE. Every present subscriber paying all arrears aud one month to the Daily, in advance or one year for the Weekly in advance will receive an Album Absolutely FREE. We have but a limited number of this splendid collection ol Cali fornia views. "A word to the wisejis sufficient." Call now. Do not wait . - i - t f 4