X (I I . t - A i More Bargains AT I THc GOLDEN RULE STORE I SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS J ' ISO ".- PAIRS t-.t 150 Ladies' Misses' and C ildren's Oxfords in Black and Tans at BARGAIN PRICES $1.25 ladies' Oxfords $.98, $1.75 ladies' Oxfords $1.39, $2.75 ladies' Oxfords $2.19 BOOKS Some of those you have always wanted to read but never have, why not do so while they are so cheap, and the weather so hot you can do nothing 20c Books I2ic., 25c Books 19c, 35c. Books 25c now else Men's Underwear Broken lots of Man' Underwear nmr nif . 55c 60c garment! for 45 23 6c socks in black, tan and fane per doz 1 Oc aockt in black, tan and fancy per doz 97e 200 men's fine dress shirts, half price Fine line men's ties, 55c to 60c values 25c Large line men's pants at sale prices Ood ends in men's suits $3 to $10 values, per suit $5.00 Two patterns in Craniteware, closing out below cost One decorated pattern in dishes at the price of white ware, only a few Glassware Berry sets. Saiad oowis ... Water bottles Water pitchers . .... 90c values 63c 60c " 36c ... 75c ' 43c . .. 85c " 60c LOCAL ITEMS ! ! SOUVENIR! Table mats, per set 38e Tanglefoot Flypaper, per box . 36c Toilet Soaps, the best, per box 45c Diamond C, laundry soap, 7 bars . 25c I THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY I Larcrest Store- 1308, 1310. 13J2 ADAMS AVENUE Smallest Prices r W W WW W WW WWW WW WW WW WW WW wwwwww Ispecial! SOCIETY Now is the time to give me a Fall or Winier suit Until your order for AUGUST 15 I will give a special discount on all suitings A L. ANDREWS TAILOR and HABERDASHER - GUARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE WORK Miss Moina Aikine entertained last even ing a number of her friends with a lawn party in honor of her guest Miss Pritchard of Portland. Under the glare of an arch light the guests played gmis. listen! to a short musical program and pircojk of light refrasnments. H. Belknap sang a solo, Jay Claridga entertained with a. instrumental s)to. the Misses Aikine a panoduet and Miss Renh sang a vo.al selection. T.ia hostess assisted by her sister Miss Irma and Miss Emma Roesch served the guests with pineapple sherbar.. cake and frappe. Th. se present were; Misses. Carman Stoddard. Evalyn Rohan. Mayme Reith. Edith Spdfford, Margaret Porter, Eva Neill. Gertrude Mitchell. Amanda Pritchard Moina Aikine. Messers. H. Belknap. Harris French. WillSiegnst, AMacLennon JayJCiaridge, H. Volp. Will Ericson. Wm. McFarlane. Chester Newlin and C. Houch Miller and Kincart will be taken to prison Sunday. Mrs. T. Golithan went to North Powder this morning for a short visit. , F. C. Steam is in the city from Baker City. Attorney T. H. Crawford returned last evening from his camp near the Cove, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stevens came over from Cove this morning for a brief visit in this city. D. Carpe came over from Union last evening and is making La Grande a busi ness visit. Remember the union services in the Central church tomorrow evening. W H. Gibson preaches the sermon. Preaching at Grange Hall - at 3 Ptr, tomorrow by O. H. King- Welcome to all. i W. J. G arson western agent for a Casua'ty Company was a visitor in the city yesterday. While hers he was the gaest of C. B, Simmons. ' District Attorney Leroy lomax of Baker City returned'to his home in Baker City last evening. He spent a few days nere in legal business. J. J. Carr. Ed Davis. William Seigrist and Clyde Scheurer leave tonight for the head of Grande Ronde river for a two days' fishi-g t ip. Steve Cady, foreman of the Observer printing office, left this morning with his family for Durkee where he will spend his vacation in fishing and camping. Miss Mabel Galloway, who has been in the city the past three weeks attending summer school, le turned to her home Union this morning. S. R. Haworthand wife of La Grande a e in the city. Mr. H. is figuring on the construction of the fraternal building this place. Lostine Democrat. Walter E. Bloch arrived this morning from Portland. Walter is a former La Grande boy and while here is busy greet ing old schoolmates. He is now employed by the J. K. Gill Company of Portland Rev. B. F. Meredith is making bus ness tour of the John Day country, His pulpit in the Methodist church will be filled tomorrow morning by Rev. Walker of Union. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Moore left last evening for the East by the way of Spok ane. Their destination is Put-In-Bay. Ohio, but their railroad trip ends at Dul uth Minn. From there they go by lake steamer to their home town. souvenirs of You can . . o niro assortment of 1 have JU?i receivcu -- - : the Mormon Tabernacle, Only 25c and 35- see them in the windows. ; Now is the time for haying tools, such as forks, pulleys, syZl water bags, steel cable, pure .Manilla rope. WS you need them I can supply you. , AXLE GREASE I have the celebrated Kastor grease, made from pure castor of will not gum and lasts longar than any other jMRS.T.N. MURPHY ItitllltX'" SANITARY PLUMBING Is as doctor essential in your home as the OUR WORK t'xfcutcd in workmanlike manner and approved sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatorys and al plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NSIL of Hardware and croc-cery. HAVE TO YOU WON'T CO OUT l THE YARD TO SMOKE a La Flor Da Hackman Cigar. Your wife will like it's odor as well as you do. It's fragrant because its made from specially chosen tOEi-. -hB ... ......... freely and satisfymgly. Manufac tured by C. E. HACKMAIM, Phone Red 1581 Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwi Mr. Albert Hanney.one of Union county's most progressive farmers, was in the city this afternoon. Mr. Hanney states that his fall grain has every appearance of yielding far above the average but that the spring grain on his place will be a little light. The first hot days had a tendency to retard its growth. George H. Currey and family, accom panied by C. E. Dickey and Master Roy and Miss Carrol Currey, returned last evening from a two weeks' outing on Catherine creek. They report having had a most enjoyoble time with plenty of fish and an abundance of exercise. HINDUS AFTER ORIENTALS Vancouver. B. C. July 28. Hindus are trying to oust Chinese and Japanese from the local sawmills. Two thousand Sikhs and Hindus' mostly British army reserve men, are on their way here to get work. Already about 500 Hindus are working in and about the sawmills of the province. Caucasians, who want this to be a white Brit sh Columbia, are beginn ing to murnur against the employers. 10! f. Washington Avenue TELEPHONE RED WE WANT MONEV and in order to get it we have decided to sell groceries FOR CASH at a reduced price. We can do this and still make a good prorit because we have cut our expense account in the middle pnd we are willing to give the benefit to our customers. Our line of groceries is complete and the qu ity is un excelled. Gall and allow us to quote yc. prices on ; cash purchases. : SEATTLE GROCERY STORE: LAWSON BROS. Prop. TRACF. Of KIDNAPER FOUND The Pendleton East Oregonian in speak ing of Ce:il Brittan who recently disap peared. s ys: It is said that James Hudson and Ben Craigen.who have been about the vicin- 1 ity of the tollgate. have found the tracks of a team, hack and three men. which 1 tally to tracks found near the scene of the boy's disappearance. I They have traced the team to the breaks ' of the Umatilla river and at places where the team has stopped they have found j the tracks of a large man with partol 1 one boot heel missing and a number of ! large tacks in his boots, almost identically 1 like the tiacks found at the tollsate the i day follow ing the disappearance of the I child. i Trie team was fallowed to the bend of the upoer Urnatilia river, where all tiace i was lost in the gravel in the river bd. ; Whether this is the kidnapper or not is j unknown . but ro one seems to know who ' went over tnat unusual route with a ; team at that tune and further search will ' be tnaJe to find who drove this mys'.er j lous team through the mountains. j THAW FAMILY IN COUNCIL ! (SiTlpp News A'Kuoliitlon) i New York July 28 -There was a family ! counc'l in Thaw s cell this mormrg. ; George Carnegie was present with his j wife for the first time since the tradegy. ' Eveiyn was also present. j REGULAR SERVICES IN ST. PETER'S i Services at St. Peter's church on Sun , day at the usual hours. 8 and 11 a. m. ; and at 8 in the evening. Sunday school' at 10 a. m. KILLED IN FREIGHT WRECK (Scrlpps News Association) Fiagstaff. Ariz., July 1 28. The local Santa Fe west and east bound freights collided in a headon collision four miles west of here last night. The engineer Zagandolar was instantly killed and Fire man Neglar was badly injured. A Square Deal PHONE MAIN 31 PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Konde Valley Products Fruits. Hay. Potatoes and Gnin ::: Apples a Specialty : WANTED -Fumshed hjusekeep ;; or furn; I B:;k51. rooms for light ned house. Phone Mr. John Ellingford. of Imbler. was La Grande visitor this morning and found time to call at the Observer office and subscribe for the Weekly. Mr. Ellingford states that he is anxious to keep up with the times and knows no better means so doing than to have the Observer regular visitor. The white urocery store delivery team indulged m a harmless runawa last evening. Driver Hopper had started for the Express office with several crates of berries and erroute the team took an innocent little sprint. However when he reached the depot he had fewer berries that he had when he started. The birds will jet them. Mr. and Mrs. Budge of Logan. Unah. spent yesterday in this city the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Watson. Mr. Wat son, ever with an eye open to exhibit the good qualities of this valley took the op portunity to show the many advantages of the Grande Ronde to Mr. and Mrs. Budge by treating them'; to a charming drive through the valiny. Mr. J. L. Mars, the Vcontractr and buiHer yesterday receive, tne contrac: for the erection of a frame buiia;.rg fifty bv fifty. 2 stroies. for Mrs. 1. Krs. Ti;s i mornm? he commenced theVwork of I clearing the lot and within seventy-d,v. j the building will stand completer aro ' ra.H1 f,-r n.'rnn.inru Th l."w.r K HV-v will be arranged for a store room wivi a plate glass front, and the upp will be arranged for offices a: pu-t'oses. Thecase wherein Frank Bir.ehoff to appear and show cause why he sho not be fined for trespassing on the pro erty of J. D. McKennon. did not take plafe this afternoon before Justice Hough as e pe;ted. The cause of tne 'postponement was the sudden illness of Mr. Bi '.ehotT. Mr. B nehoff s intentions were no doib: good en-ugh but on account of a sudden indisposition on his part it waj found ne essary to take the gentleman home in , a cab. It is not known just when Mr. BimJ hoff's condition will enahlehim to be pr e sent at the trial. Rev. O. H. King returned this morr t.j from a vis-t to a number of friends in' t-ie valley and reports that the entire vA ley is one vist scene of tremendous act;.vit. The harvest is in full blast and on f 'very hand is evidei.ee of a record Ve an g crop. Mr. King states that inallthe years in which he has been an observing resi dent of this valley he has never sea n su tlnHid nronr.t Inr nrosneritv .' far the farmers of the Grande Ronde v.'ii.ey as 1 RED CROSS DRUG STORE A NEAT PLACE to have your meals is our restaurant. Evnrything is attractively arranged and nothing is liking to make its appearance neat. Here the young ladies and gentle men can eat to their heart's contents without feeling abashed at their surround ings. WHAT ATTRACTS people here s the merits of our cwiJry It is unsurpassed when It comes to exFrtl lenceand all meals prove healthful, tasty and enjoyable. Our prices are rig1 1 too and our waiters polite and attentive. The Model Restaurant J. A AUBILKLE. Prop. $4 50 UH"N DAY Mi-si TL lo-m (or 1 i 1 - e t t GEO. B. SIMMONS. Sec y arid Mgr. T. PARR. President LARGE COLD STORAGE VVAREHOtSE Hay Wanted o 3 i ro -;9 PRICES us before PAID you sell Jeffer e a : G a-H. -j'ae-. -vood St. 0-e;oi e e e s e aper rl-.vis nd ro;-.r- . J I H:::::::::;::::;:: : , : 1 e 1 it e 1 ICC CREAM AND ICE CREAM SODA ucnjt the i IVone Better :-.orsrescript10ns and Family Re;a pts. a Specty i wo uraduated Pharmacists Always ,n Attendance. A C. MAC LENNAN. Prop P'e-icr'.ptior Pharmar.i.f 1! -L i ! i. fe are now evident. tt 1 1