miiiJI iGbASSiricB ADS Rates On cent a word, one-half a cent a nop. uiassmeo aaas Drag quick results. word each subsequent inser- Try one today. warn. BY THE TAX WANTED Men and boys for beet thin j ning. Apply to Samuel Storey, SBIi Nil SHED ft 612 FF;ONT ROOM-Phone! .FOR RENT Furnished room in 'Anthony house corner 6th and P st John ; MONEY For loans on city property see f Wm. Grant agency. Also real estate ,' and insurance. ? . LOST On the road between La Grande and Starkey, leather folding pocket book 'containing a diamond ring. Said book J was lost on or about the seventh of June. A liberal reward will be paid for the . irn or information leading to its return I tWhit office. WOOD WOODWOODParteVdrs"ring to engage their winter supply of wood will please leave their order at Mr. Polock's grocery store. I have 600 cords of good dry cord wood and of any kind. Respectfully J. Anthony. WANTED-shop. -sin apprentice boy in repair L. C. Smith I HELP WANTED-Competent woman I to do general house work. Inquire at this office. f MEN WANTED At the Sugar Factory. I inquire) of F. G. Taylor at the Sugar I Factory. coo care e:..r "J. J M,ALUSTR'S SPtGfK LINIMENT" A New Remedy. Sold by all Druggist uive it a trial. WANTED A competent girl or woman to do general housework. Good wages paid. Mrs. J. C. Gullino ABSTRACTS OF La Grande In vest- FDR RELIABLE TITLES go to the ment Company, Foley building. La Grande Ore., Avenue. 1 nquire at this office. GIRL WANTED At once to do general I house work. Apply at Western Union Telegraph Office. iTelegi ! VNTE NTED A fresh 5 preferred. Phone Box 454. Milch cow, Jersey Red 621 or write HUUbEKEEPER-Competent to take charge of house. No washing. Small family. Inquire at this office. WANTED Board and room with private - family, for business man. Apply at this office. (Oil SIN LOST On the rood from the Holms farm to the Island city on July second, a large metal lamp. Finder please return to Henry Spence at Island City and receive reward. REAL ESTATE LOANS-Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment company. i fORSALf I EigtrtacreaS room house.barn, place for I chicken or hogs, orchard, all kinds o I fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city I property Apply at premises. JohnGavan f jfjffi SALE OR TRADE Two acres in jfthom' addition, nicely improved, large roomv house, good water. Will trade C. A Cary. FOR SALE One 23 by 60 Russell Sep arator with wind stacker and long and short elf feeder and band cutter com plete. J. E. Reynolds, La Grande R. F. D., No. 2 t orinas to the little one that Drice'ers am ot nealthy Mesh, solid bone and muscle That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. Best baby medicine on earth Tea or Tablets, 55 cents. Newlin Druo Company The chances in the Oregon tax laws proposed by the State Tax Commission for enactment by the next legislature are at follows: Taxation of railroads, steam and elec tric and of power companies operating in more than on county, on the base of net earning, capitalization at a fair in terest rat. Taxation of bank, national , state and private, on capital stocks, surplus and undivided profit. Reduction of the household exemption from $300 to $200. County Treasurer instead of sheriff to be tax collector. Washington system of certificates of tax delinquency, in the interest of better tax titles. State to receive 1 0 per cent oj all liquor licenses. Tax commission of five member, to public utility corporations and supervising all assessments in the state. Franchises not to be directly taxed. but to be taken into consideration by the board in determining the taxable valua tion of a public service corporation, ac cording to the systems in Michigan and Wisconsin. Fiist assessment under new method to be made in 1 908 and first levy and col lection in 1909. The new code will not touch express. telegraph, telephone, sleeping car ana oil companies, which are to be taxed by the iniated la w enacted June 4. RAVY YARDS AS OPEN SHOPS (Scrlppa New Association) Washington, D. C. July 28. An inter esting question is now before the Navy Department, involving the labor unions. Captain Leutze, commandant of the Wash ington Navy Yard, who acts at superin tendent of the naval gun factory, has rec ommended two methods of fixing a stand ard day's labor either to put the men on piece work or to use what is known as the "premium system", which allow the union to determine what shall be a maxi mum output for a day, but which permit's a man to do mora work if he chooses and for which he receives extra pay. A hear ing on the merits of the case will be had at an early date, at which the representa tives of labor will be allowed to present their views. They will ly greatstresson the advantage of the "premium system", which, they claim, will stimulate greater production and at the same time allow an ambitious workman an opportunity to in crease hi earning. COLLIDES VITHOUT DAMAGE SUSPECTED MURDERER RELEASED :8crtppt Nfwi Association) Poughkeesie. N. Y, July 28 Fritt Constantine, who was held on suspicion of being the man wanted in Chicago for the murder of Mr. Gentry, was released this morning. The inmates of the Gentry home declared thst he was not a former boarder. (Scrljipm News Association) Greensburg, Pa , July 28 -The Pensyl vania eighteen hour train, west bound, dashed into a freight wreck while running ai, sixty miles an hour. . The engine left the track but all the cart remained on the rail, which it the most remarkable fact that local trainmen have ever wit nessed. The pilot plunged into the wreck scattering it far and wide. Sides of the cars, were scratched and the hand rail bent where the jar wa heaviest, but otherwise nothing serious happened. In three hour the trai i wa again on it way. and making up for lost time. - MEAT Fresh and Cured Gan be obtained at this mar- at all times, we deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. KR0USE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Phone Main 48 1 live and let my brethern live With all that's good to me; Unto the poor some cash I give, The balance I ffive Roekv Mountain Tea Newlin Druo Company. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE I Over 200 good farm6 for sale. See our I list befor you buy. A. A. Barry, the I: Otnoim ami Washington Land Man, at nyWe Valley House. FOR SALE One threshing machine 53 by 60 with band cutter long feeder and everything-complete will sell or trade. J. E Reynolds Phone 1961 BRICK BRICK Brick furnished in any qjant.ty or &-.y Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CREAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles e THE OXFORD PAR JAMFS FARQUHARSON. Prop Complete ajwonniooi oi WINES, LIQUOH AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. tyle, large, brick. No contract too s-naii or to See samples ' wr pressed: GEO. KREIGER. lot -riH-. Ort-eeu IN A HURRY? THEN CALL. . - WH. HEYNCLbS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than r takes to tell it. Day phone Red 76 1 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at your service e a -- . i i i i i t n i m t t I The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK - $60,000.00 The savings bark is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by Suffer a sustitute for doubtful investments, oui oy ac- fr ... -L Kom frnm their own cepting small ceposus u pruwtw u.c... thoughtless expenditures. savings account, no matter now smaii We want your : GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS ! OFFICERS W. C. BROWN. Fres ce-.t ut-u. ... Tnrer. t, j. r.v '.i ' ' Wm. MILLER, Vice Rresident T. J. SCROGG1N. Asst. Cashier GOV. f OIK AT MONONA ASSEMBLY (Scrlppe Newt Association) Madison Wis. July 28 Govenor Joseph Folk of Missouri arrived here this morn ing and this afternoon and will deliver an address before the Monona Lake Chaut- uqua Assembly. It it expected that he will remain here eeveral daya and will deliver two or three more addresses befor he leaves. (HFRD4TFS WTH BIRTHDAY tricrlppt Newt Association) New Haven, Conn., July 28.- -Mrs. Syl via Langdon Dunham is celebrating her 1 06th birthday quietly today in her home at Southing'on with her family and friends. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and several members of the society called on her and offered their congratulations. Mrs. Dunham is the widow of Chauncey Dunham. During the last four years her sense of hearing hat gradually failed and her eyesight hat grown weaker, but in other respects her health it ttil) good. POSTMASTERS TO ORGANIZE (Sorlppt Newt Association) Milwaukee, Wit.. July 28. The Post masters of the Fourth Class in this state met here today in convention for the pur pose of organizing a state organization for tneir mutual benefit. 1 he attendance it quite large and nearly every township in the state is represented. TERRITORAL LUMBERDEALERS MEET (Rrrlnrjs Xewi Association) ShimnH OU-ln . .lulu 28 The annual convention of the Retail Lumber Dealers' ! Association of Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory opened here today with a large at tendance. Nearly five hundred lumber dealers were present when the convention was called to order. The local' dealers have arranged an elaborate program for the entertainment of the visitors. OPENS WITNMW THRIUER (Scrlppe New Association) New York 28 -The third AvenueThreatre under the new management of Martin Dixon will open its season this evening with a new thrilling melodrama entitled "The King Of Diamonds." The play was written by Findley Fauley a voung New York newspaper writer and has described an up-to-date drama of high life in New York with no popular scenes or dens of vice. The "big scene'' is a race between an express and a local train in the sub way. HORSE STABS ITSELf P. J. Ahbornof Baker City, Wednesday afternoon lost a valuable young horse in a most peculiar manner. The animal was very spirited and restless, and while running about the yard of Brown's livery stable slipped and Ml. striking agair.st a broken and '.oosened fence board in such a manner that a large splinter penetrated its heart. The horse lunged backward and fjeed itself of the splinter, but was dead by hemorrhaee directly from the heart within five minutes. STASS fOR ATLANTIC CHAUTAUQUA irtcrlpps .Newt Association) Atlantic, Iowa, July 28 The Atlantic Chautaqua Assembly openei its session htre today with an unusually Una program J B'rj'' of speakers, lecturers and other attrac tions. It will continue until August 4 and among the start who will be heard her are Wm. Sunday, the former bateball player and present revivalist, Brooker T. Washington, the negro educator. Beau camp, the humorist, De Witt Miller and many others. SENATOR TILLMAN CAMPAIGNING iScrlppe Newt Association) Prosperity. S. C, July 2s A large open air meeting is held today at Young's Grove, near this town, which will be ad dressed this afternoon by United States Senator Tillman. There will also be a barbecue and other entertainment fea tures. i , ATTORNEYS TO BE ARRESTED I Scrlppe Newa Association) Pittsburg, July 28 The district attor ney of this city it preparing to arreat two attorneys who are active in collecting and presenting evidence in the Hattje case. They are charged with conspiracy in for- and will add much interest to the already famaut negro oast, ACTING SEALS Die acting seals and sea lions which peaform with The Great Adam Fore paugh and Sells Brothers Enormous Shows United, amazingly illustrate in juggling, comedy effects and musical acts the highest known achievements in animal training. Captain Webb, who was the first to attempt the education of these curious creatures of the deep seas, spent nhany years of his life in the Arctic re gions, and there, far away from civilized life, home and friends, he made a study Of their nature and brain scope, and after a long time and the exercise of much patience finally developed the wonderful performance which is now a remarkable feature of The Great Adam Forepaugh and Selis Brothers' Shows United. The performance is given on two big stages, and every move of the intelligent animals may be plainly seen from every part of the enormous tent. This trained animal act is beyond question the most marvell ous exhibition ever effe'ed for public in struction and cntertainrr.er.i. Here August 8. 510,000 IN PRUNES Mr. J. T. Lasselle, of Albany, Ore., 'his been in the city this week, arranging for the handling of the prune crop of the Orande Ronde valley. The Lasselle Bros, own and operate the fruit dryer at Union, and are putting in new furnaces and making other im provements preparatory to handling the 1906 crop tributary to this place. They are also erecting a dryer at Cove at a cast of about $2,600 and will have it ready for this season's business. The Lasselle Bros, anticipate handling not less than 1,000 tons of prunes at Union and Cove this fall. For these prunes they will pay $10 delivered, the same as last year. It is expected to begin drying in this section about October I st and run prob ably forty days. Figured out in pounds 1.000 tons of prunes means 2,000.000 pounds. Some fruit, isn't it? And it will all be received and dried at Union and Cove this fall. Allowing a ton to the team, it would requiie a string of teams about six miles long to move the Union and Cove prune crop. BLAlt COST From one of the contractors who was in tht city last evening, further particulars concerning the immense blast, which shat tered the mountain opposite Mosir Tues day evening, were learned. Andrew Ros en & Co., were the contractors, and the shot which removed 20,000 yardt of ob' ttruction cost $5000. The height of the mountain was 208 feet, the width ,.90 feet and the length 200 feet.. 30ne thousand kegs of powder had been cached in eight different pockets, and when this ignited there was something do ing. The Dalles Chronicle. DeWitt DWISj the nam to look tor he Ton to to tour Witch Hel Salts. DeWKt't Witch Haul Salve Is the orteinal snd only iftnultis. In fact DcWIIt'slalhe onlrWilch Hnsl Salts that It made from the unaduJlaralad Wilch-Hazel AD othsrs are cnuntsrtotts bass Imt tatlois, cheap an4 worthlsas svsn danrous. OWIlt'i Witch Hazel Sahrs Is s specific for Pilea: Blind, Bleedlnf , Itchlnt and Protrudint Piles. AlsoCuts. Bums, Braises. Strains, Lacerations, Confusions, Bolls. Carbunclea. Eczema. Tetter. SaI Rheum, snd sll other Skis Olssasss. - &ALYE CC. DeWitt i Cccwctft A. T. HILL, Oruggi Meeetteeeeeeme ICE CREAM FOR THE HOME The Blue Mountain Creamery is now prepared to furnish its patrons with the very latest creations in FROZEN ICES, SHERBETS. f RUT tCES, PLAI ICE CREAM Anything you have ever heard fancy frozen confection. of in the way of Orders for Parties and Banquets specialty solicited Orders promptly delivered to any part of the city BLUE M01NTAI CREAMERY CO. Phone "Wain 44 All our groceries are good, clean, fresh, and pure. The kind that will make your meals very delici- -ous, and give the house-wife an easy task in preparing it. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and berries. Every-, thing that should be found in a firtt clast grocery. PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE MAIN 4B QEbDLT BR2J NORTH F(R STFUT ICE If you bring her to our CREAM PARLORS you will have her won withou pleading your case at her feet SELDER, IheMCand- -rrr-rr .. ;;r.r--- Mjn LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. Thit it one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are. begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system it the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1., is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This it no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupilt take one or two lessone a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House oer the candy store. Phone. 4ifS. Onfv ft? v.n re s.Jjf j - -- "I only 82 years old and don't expect even when I get to be real oi to ftel that way as long as I can get Elec tric Bitters." says Mrs. E H. Brunson. of Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing eise keeps the old as young and makos the weak as strong as this grand tonic, medicine. Dyspepsw. torpi.l live', in Harnad k.Jneys or chionic constipition are unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reaonut.le time. GuarantPul by New Dn'T Co. priM 50c.