5 . T 1 , WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner. FRUIT JARS All sizes, Mason and Economy Jtrs. Phone your order. Main 75. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE HOUSE KEEPING 5 OUTFITS Consisting of Bed Room S-jits, Dressers. Iron Beds. Springs. Chairs. Bed Lounges, Couches, Folding Beds, Cooking Stoves, Carpets, and Linoleums. BARGAINS BARGAF S It 5 U C ..j 111 ill' I 1 H " S233 ! ! i i . i. ii ! mwmm- 2J 1 1 ; s ' 5 : f if 5 ! I i ; S i! i CHERRIES WANTED JWe pay e.'ii'e pr pound fcr facy large BLACK CHERRIES, and : i Wt ara in tha market for eggs. We pay 22 'c per doz. Spot Cash. We are now ready to contract fcr yojr entire hay crop for this season. Call nnrt , hfr rl EXCELSK R $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best ange at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY NSTAU-MENf PLAN. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN 14'5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL CiASOLINE STOVE t The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind. We Guarantee them. Money back if you I Kant, Keep Kool while Kooking. . J Li-Grande Evening Observer SATURDAY JULY 23. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday We have a large stock of strawberry boxes and crates, which we offer very cheap in order to close them out. PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company One year in advance .$6.50 Six months m advance 3.fio rtr month 66 Single ccpy 5C we can recognize a good-mannered young man or woman the actions of an ill-bred person also attracts attention, but i eceive no approval. It seems too many are getting up in the world as "Topsy did, and she "just growed." CROP WfAlTH INCOrtCflVABU Entered at the Pest Office at La Grande Oregon, as Stt'.rc Ciass Matter. lURREY ERGS., EDS AND PROP Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plum. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. I THE LATEST IN EARLY ! ENGLISH FURNITURE ADVKK'lHIMi HAT K Jlnpln.vAd rat, mrnlnlivd upon ipMrni,, ocalrMKllnxnu'lnvlUrpcrlliirrtriii lluo, jc pr Hoi Mr uh AubMxjunl iDwt lion. Monition nl mu ioleoce, jc er I Id. rU of lliHtkn. v orr in (iOOD MANNERS It is hardly neccessary to express the opinion that if the ghosts of our ancestors were to walk the earth today they would In neither this nor any other country from the time when nations first were founded had last year's bumper crops ever been paralleled now in the July crop report of the government, which partly reveals and in part promises an equally inconceivable mass of perishable wealth. Corn promises a ye Id of only 4.0C0, 000 bushels behind last year's huge record of 2.700.000,000 bushels. Potatoes. oats and barley are likely to be some what below last year, but much of which is already harvested, may go beyond the record by 30.000,000 bushels.' The four great farm crops of corn, hay, wheat and oats in order of their gross ! ! value, will probably be worth this year about $2750,000.000. All the gold dug in all the world in the 414 years since Col umbus discovered America would buy but four such crops. Just in from the factory Mammocks and Lawn Swings W. H. BOHNFNKAMP CO The Union Pacific, which owned hund- be shocked in many way,. If we shall j reds of thousands of acre, of choice land judge the progress of the world by the manners of its people, it is not very ap parent that we are even holding our own. Time was when good breeding was con- in Nebraska that was sold and improved years ago, always reserved in their deeds a 100-foot strip for right of way. Just now this old clause is making trouble for A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST . .wll)ur(Ce in e worm, farmers whose land is worth $150 per ana me manners or a person, in public acre, as Northern Pacific surveyors are running lines through their tracU with an abandon that seems heartless to th j far mers. Capital News. N0T QtllTE SO H2T j&SG HEARER'S WE FAN YOU WHILE YOU WAIT Refreshing rest room Summer dri ks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Gream Parlor in Eastern Oregon and private, indicative of his breeding. Perhaps in the mattsr of manners would the "shades" of our fathers and mothers receive the greatest snock. Today the rn.jor.tj, of parents seem to f Accordine to late d:'tM.rh. f.m ,ha be sadly rex.iss in teacninj their children ' n, . - . .. 1 1 north, there was great sufTermc n Y.os- wnoie aay cms wa k. on ac courtesy, good address, and many little MUnt of a locl, bw famhe a . wu, gerious conduion cju;d b6 dvertsd by the j tura in the rearms apply to children alone',,-. nt j w . u . . of good cold s'.oraee houses, sn Hat we See it in young men and women who i, . . . . . 1 W1IU . a larger quantity could be kept in stock.! To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who has r. tried one of cur delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred ...o have, and do, and always will, because they wart the best and appree.ate a fine article. We have some new flavors this vear which ar J going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping J yu wiH kindly favor us with an eariy cail, so we may show you, We are respectfully. A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL LA GRANDE, OR have outgrown pare.iiai restra nt. sad to relate, It is not likely, however, that suc'i a con dition will be again permitted.- Ex. STORAGE COAL Buy now and save money and worry. $7.00 per ton delivered in your tin. Gall and see our line of BUGGIES HAY, GRAIN, AND STEAMED ROLLED BARLEY. GRAXDE R0MDE C;VW COMPANY. Phoone Main 6 Lewis Ores. Prop. LINES Tr 17 aversing States and Territories The Richest Under the Sun Rock Island - Frisco Linti completely gridiron the treat Middle West and Southwest- From the Rocky Mountains and the Rio Grande to the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley From Minnesota to the Gull of Mexico. i H you are going; anywhere In this great land of activity, let me tell you about our service to h, and ! through it to the East Ccnenl Agent, Rock IsUnd-FrUco Lines, 140 Third St.. PORTLAND. ORE. HIS APPRECIATION THETBUS1NESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantageief a cneck.r.g account with a oar.k. Those who do ret keep such an account miss many cf its advances. We are always e'ad to explain the workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar witn banking. lnterestspaid on time depcs.ts and in savings department CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $74,000.00 TJhe farmer? ana Tjraders Rational SBanA om SEEING IS BELIEVIMG t is a proverb especially true of our business. If we examine your eyeiA and fit you with glasses you muv J5. believe in us. For you will see better than you ever did with t those old window glass spectacles EVERYTHING : : to aid the sight can be found here Ar.d vou know or have heard of 2 our moderate charge method. Repairing Promptly done J. H. PEARE. Jclcr and Opticicn it .5f!