, A. AAA A A A V V W V r w w v w 8 Bargain Friday J u L Y 2 r LOCAL ITEMS AT Tile GOLDEN RULE STORE SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS FOR inib uAi ur DAYS. 150 PAIRS ISO Ladies' Misses' and G ildren's Oxfords in Black and Tans at BARGAIN PRICES $1.25 ladies' Oxfords $.98. $1.75 ladies' Oxfords $1.39, $2.75 ladies' Oxfords $2.19 BOOKS Some of those you have always wanted to read but never have, why not do so now while they are so cheap, and the weather so hot you can do nothing else 20c Books I2;c. 25c Books 19c, . 35c Books 25c. Men's Underwear Broken lots of Men's Underwear per suit . . 60c garments far i 200 men's fine dress shirts, half price j ( Fine imd man-, tiev SSr tn FiOr. ! I values 25s ' Barry sets. 8SC . I ra lin. .. ,t ..I. ,,, ' Salad OOWis. , ' - ...... j mi, pi 1 'J values, per suit .55.00 Glassware 1 6c socks in black, tan and fancy mr doz il. 2 3 1 0s socks in black, tan and fancy per doz 97c T.vo patterns in Craniteware, closing out below cos! One decorated pattorn ir. dishes at the pnee of white ware, only a few Water bott.es Water pitc ler . 90c values 6Je 5Uc " 5oc ifoo 4Jc Boc " 5.JC Table mats, per set 33c Tanglefoot Flvnaoar-n.-T hoi 35c Toilet Sjaps. the best, pe7!Nw . 45c Diamond C. lau.-idry soap. V ba These prices are for our 8th Bargain Friday only : t 1 t THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY X 1308, 1310. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE X Llll'trest Stor- Smallest Prices S P E O 1 A L Now is the time to give me your order for a Fall or Winier suit. Until AUGUST 1 5 I will give a special discount on all suitings AL. ANDREWS TAILOR and HABERDASHER .1. WORK QUARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE SANITARY PLUMBINi rw ! I ' Bonnie Our Bryan is over the ocean. Our Bryan is over the sea.. Our Bryan is hitting the papers With Western agility. Refrain. Bring back, bring back. Bring back our Bryan to us to us; Bring back, bung back. Oh-h-n, onrg back our Bryan to us. Our Bryar is mixing wi'h monev. Onr Bryan is solid with kings; Our Bryan ,s jollying with tyrants An. I smiling at sceptres and things. (Refrain) Our Bryan, we hear, s silk hatted. Our Bryan is frequenting the the haunt Of Pink Teas, and next will be using Su;h ianguage as "cahn't " and "shan't." (Refrain) i Is as essential in your home as the doctor! OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike manner and approver. sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of Uath Tubs, Jinks, Toilets, Lavatory and a'll plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NEIL 1013 Washington Avenue TELEFHONE RED 161 ? t SOCIETY i A MERRY-GO-ROUND BIRTHDAY Mrs James Ire'and yesterday afternoon gave a unque bit thday party in honor of her daughter Mariam's 5th anniversary. The home was beautifully decorated with red and white sweet peas, and after the little folks had amused themselves immensely. Mrs. Ireland assisted by Mrs. C. S. Dunn, served tnem witn ice cream, cake and lemonad.. As a climax to the alieady pleasant affair, seventeen little hearts were gladdened by the announcement that all were to have a ride on the merry-go-round. With more haste than dignity tliey raced down town and made the best of their opportune es. I Those present wete: Lillian and Ger : trude Volp. Viola Benham. Ruth and Mad . eime Jones. Laura Dunn. Alice Hill. Olive ! Masses. Clou Shell. Edna Burke. Pearle . Dean. Winifred Hough. Mattie Hampson. j Pluma Holnun. Mattie Schofieid. Mariam : and Catherine Ireland. H. H. Knox of Elgin, transacted busi ness in this city last evening. H. A. Keatchum of Baker City, is in the city on business. Mr. F. E. Corp of C ve it a business visitor in the the city today. J. D. Bracket came over from Union last night on a business visit. L. A. Stoop of Elgin is visiting here to day. E. Teter of Pendleton h s business to transact here today. F. M. Dimmjnd of Baker City is a visi tor in the city today. Mr. O. H. Hagan and familly I .'t th morning for Catherine creek where they will camp a few days. "Doc" Bacon has accepted a position as chainman for L A. Pickler, city engin eer for La Grande. George L. Cleaver and E. C. Moore left this morning at four o'clock for Cove. Tr.ev expect to return tonight Wm. Ojden, one of Cove's prosperous farmers started his heading crews on the season's run last Monday. C. B. Simmons of the Parr-Simmon; -uinpaiiy. isiurneu cms morning from the Dalles where he has been a few days. J. W. O'Bryne, proprietor of the Biue Mountain Hotel, is in Union today on a b ief bii ness trip. Go to the Lawn Social at the Foley risidence this eve.n.ng. and take y.ur friends and neighbors with you. Civf' Engineer C. R. Seit.z and Chainman William Synhort returned last evening from Wallowa wnere they have been sur eying tor the past few weeks. ... M. Jensen the reaiestate man was a Li Grande visitor yesterday. He reported Imblerin a Nourishing condition and crop: never looked better. County Treasurer John Frowley and family returned from a three weeks' out ing in Wallowa County. Mr. Frowley reports that they had a mo3t delightful time. TheJ. W. Knowles family with their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family and Mrs. Stewart Morris, left last eve ning for Mill Canyon where tney wil spend several weeks in camp. Messrs. A. V. Andrews. R. W. Newlin ani W. W. Berry with their families re turned last evening from Catherine creek where they have beer camping. They s y they caught all the fish they wanted. A sharp frost, they also report, visited tiat section Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Moore leave for the East in a few days to at end the conven tion of the American Osteopathic Asso ciation at Put-in-Bay. Ohio. They will also visit Chicago, Minneapolis, Kirks ville and Kansas City. Dr. Moore is an o.licer of the National Association. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers returned last evening from a trip through the Coos Bay region. Mr. Myers says after giving that country a careful examination he has came to trie conclusion that La Grande is good enough for ,iim that he will speno the remainder of his days here. Herman E. Willis, Assistant Grand Chief of the B. of L. E. will pay an offic ial visit to the La Grande Division No. 362 of the B. of L. E. Sunday July 29. The local division will entertain him in right .oyal style. Among other forms o: entertainment will be an elaborate dinner which will be served in his honor from iV n to nine in the evening. Besides dainty refreshment being serv ed, there will be an interesting programe rendered at the Musicle S cial on the Foley lawn th's evening. There will be recitations, vocal and instrumental solos j and duets. Among those who will take I prt are: -Misses Foley, McDonald, West ; Divis. McCoy. Casjy. McCall and the ! .s,cs You g. HANDSOME HATLESS WOMEN NEED NEW NOVELTY IN COMBS We have the Latest, Also Pretty Collars and Collar Pins E. M. Wellman & Company ADAMS AVENUE V n f c. r I I mg fr VI2 ; whT ' t'lO s ' trav, i : WJU ! pron has ! man I'V ! the u .til j besi ! Appals lo Department J (Srrlpps Newi Association) Washington. July 26 The treasury department .-.as decided to appeal from the decision of Judge Morrow of Califor nia which classifies Japanese sake as non emurated. and a manufactuied article and dut. able at twelve cents a gallon. It is claimed that sake wines therefore are dutiahie at fifty cents a gallon. Over ore million dollars is involved. fAICRUP DtSIROUD Simmons who returned this morn n the t alles says that The wheal ore has been practically ruined. lere he took a thirty mile drive into ronndirg country and in his day's ib was informed that the crop a about one third of what was I two weeks ago. The hot weather ked it to such an extent that in ces the large fields will be scarce -h hirvesting. Ha says that lers are sadly disappointed as 1 1 ly fie out 'o ' had t n of the (diid Born in Prison ; (Srrlppe New Association) I St. Paul, July 26 A boy was bo. n to I day to Mrs. Stella Brenna, who is serv 1 ing a life sentence at the State prison for the mu'der of her three steD children last fall. The child will be sent to Michi gan where the prisoner's mother lives. Men Wanted Steady work, good wages. Inquire at the George Palmer Lumber Co. at mill-site. SOUVENIR j see them in the windows. Now is the time for haying tools, such as forks pulleys J sythes, water bags, steel cable, pure Manilla rope. .If.. you need them 1 can supply you. AXLE GREASE I 1.1 iacfnr orea.se. made from pure i nave me ccicuia" 0----- , , . castor oil, will not gum and lasts longar than any other MRS-T.N. MURPHY Hardware and crockery. i t. " 1 . aHBj x YOU WON'T HAVE TO CO OUT I IV THE YARD TO SMOKE a La Flor De Hackman Cigar. Your wife will like it's odor as we'l as vou do. It s fragrant becausa tobacco. frjeiy and tured by 'ripe enough satisfyingly. to smo.9 Manufac- C. E. HACKMA, : Phone Red 1331 ,'jt. Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenw;ojYy WrencHed His Kbm "a ter M. Pierce, president or me n.n Lake Sanitarium Co.. is making a personal trial of the waters ;n the treatment of a severely strained knee) Last Monday in alighting Trom a hugy on his farm, ti e heel of his shoe caught in the reins and the consequent fall resulted in badly wrenching his left knee. Mr. Pierc3 hai met with an accident to this knee three years ago. from which, however, he had long since recovered. The unpleasant prjpect he now faces includss ten days in bed and then several weeks on crutches. About SI 00.000 is now being spent on building extensions and other improve ments at th Sanitarium. Work on tie necessary foundations have already been begun. I(t (REAM SOCIAL The ladies of the Baptist church w.ll give an ice cream social at the res.der.ee ; of Mrs. Wires, corner U and Depot i:raata t us evening. HtNSON INJURED IN LAUNDRY N. A. Henson. an employe of the A. B. C. laundry, was frightfully mangled and bruised about the face, and is sufferirg fro.n a broken ankle due to an accident late yesterday afternoon. Mr. Henson was engaged r. oiling some machinery when his footing slipped, throwing him on r heavy belt. When the belt had finished its work, the unfortunate man was fright fully cut. Dr. A. L. Richardson was hastily called to set the broken bones and bandage the wounds. FATHERLESS JEWS iSrrlpps N'ewe Association) Vienna. July 26 One hundred and eight Jews, whose parents were murdered at Byalistock. passed through Lowberg today enroute to America. A NEAT PLACE to have your meals is our restaurant. Everything is attractively arranged and nothing is liking to make its appeiyje neat. Here the young ladies and gae men can eat to their heart's contents without feeling abashed at their surround ings. WHAT ATTRACTS people here is the merits of our cookery It is unsurpassed when it comes to excel lence and all meals prove healthful, tasty and enjoyable. Our prices are rig'-t. too and our waiters polite and attentive. The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OHVN PAY We Hll We,ki 4 A ND XKJHT Mi-al Tlrktit far $4-5v ICE GREAM AND ICE CREAM SODA None Better Doctor. Prescriptions and Family Receipts, a Specialty Two Graduated Pharmats Always in Attendance. 4 : A. C. MAC LENNAN p, Prescription Pharmacist ' RED CROSS DRUG STORF prescription Pharmacist WJb. WANT MONEv and in order to get it we have decided ' to ell groceries 1 FOR CASH at a reduced-- price! I We can do this and still make a good profit because 1 cash purchases. H you Pr'ces on j SEATTLE GROCERY STORE i