GbASSlricb hBSl Rate One cent word, one-half a cent a w-rd ea-h s b tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try on- tod" Seq"en mser- OBSERVER rw" wu wuu-Partie$ desiring house, ifood water. Will tradt lV C. A Cary. INDUSTRIAL WANTED Men and boys for beet thin ning. Apply to Samuel Storey, FURNISHED Black 612 FRONT ROOM -Phone FOR RENT Furnished room in Anthony house corner 6th and P st. John MONEY For ioans on city property see Wm. Grant agency. Also real estate and insurance. LOST On the road between La Grande 8k3tarkey. a leather folding pocket book colSjfinine a diamond ring. Said book was lost on or about the seventh of June. A liberal reward will be paid for the return or information leading to its return to this office. FOR SALE One threshing machine 33 by 60 with band cutter long feeder and everything complete will sell or trade. J. E. Reynolds Phone 1961 '.Kke ineir w.nter sjpoiv of wood " please '"ve their order at Mr. Polock's grocery store. 1 have 600 cords of gTod dry COrd wood and of any kind. Respectfully J. Anthony. ADDITION WANTED-An aDDrentir. hnu m J iS LGSmith TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of Darties on good timber claims of two million feet and oetter. Foley Bik. La Granee Investment Co. "J. J M.ALLISTER S SPEdiTC LINIMENT" A New Remedy. Sold by all Druggist Give it a trial. j do general house work. office. Twmty year battle "1 was a looser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and malignant sores, until 1 tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing bom. till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmville. Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts. Burns and Wounds. 25c at Newlin Drug Co. The work of eather ne the fac's and figures for the Observer's Industrial Edition is progressing nicely. Tnose o far interviewed are showing a commend able willingnes: to assist in this commun ity work, w'nch is to certain to be of direct material benelt to the Grande Ronde valley. The edition wi'l be a creditable review of local resources, advantages, investment opportunities and trade facilities. It will answer those questions apt to be asked by prospective investors and homeseekers in regard to both city and county. Illustrations, that will back up the state ments made in type, are being arranged for, and they will include views in the valley as well as in La Grande. Inquire at FOR SALE One 33 by 60 Russell Sep arator with wind stacker and long and short self feeder and band cutter com- plete. J. E. Reynolds, La Grande R. F. D., No. 2 MEN WANTED At the Sugar Factory, inquire of F. G. Taylor at the Sugar Factory. FOR SALE Five rooir. house on Adams Avenue. Inquire at this office. GIRL WANTED -At once to do general house work. Apply at Western Union Telegraph Office. PPNTED A fresh Milch cow. Jersey preferred. Phone Red 621 or write Box 454. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment com pany. MPROVED FARMS FOR SALE- Over 200 good farms for sale. See our list before you buy. A. A. Barry, the Oregon and Washington Land Man, at Ronde Valley House. f OR SALE Eight acres.6 room houscbarn. place for chickens or hoes, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at pre nises. JahnQavan BMfK WTO Brick furnished in any quant.iy or any' vln Ni contract too SMid.ll or to large. See samples r our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. .i rai'f. Oregon C pr.niN Union Pacific WULM (ONEEDERATE MOMJMMI tScrlpiis News AosociatloifV Bowling Green. Va., July 25. Several hundred Confederate veterans and many others have come here today from a parts of this state to attend the unveiling of the monument of the Confederate dead ul wa:.n.c uuiifc w.i;w . p.- this afternoon. The program of the ex ercises inc udes a dinner to the veterans and a meeting with addresses by promi nent speakers. The monument will be unveiled by D. S. Cash, who served dur ing the war in Company B, Ninth Virginia Cavalry. Governor Swanson will be present at the exercises. 15... " V -.'.v i 1 WsfcA MEAT ' . Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar- at all times. We orders promptly, us or leave your will do the rest. deliver all Phone to orden We KR0USE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. Phone Main 48 mm MI I (J .UK, OR No. 6 -ail imc. Pecter, VX. No I 840a onh, Omh, Kan- hx am No. i 'wCltv. Ht lA-uii, win- Nos .HOapm rc.D ti i. fcOSpm P0T1I0L UhleK Tn- No. I ltoo. '" walla, Noj ImyUm, roiueroy. col Kitin. ta. Spoinf. and point ert and ihitIIi rnt h;m ikMr f Ianltwa7l !! illrt.m, OniKtilla, mil loin, Co'lal, No Momio, Wallace, Vtar 01 p. m. iht, HpoHmK ami other 6:40a m tminta twl atd Donb vt ykm) No JJ alMiid IHr. ik; Ini- Illiv rx- i "fl -rn. Con- Boll r iMiia at w th SiMimiy it-t lor polotii s ail SiXpn fhfitn SteHiiKTa netwco To'tiund aud Han f'raui'l' co every five day". E. C. MOORE Arn EARL CRAY GOfS FISHING. iScripa New Association) ' St. Johns, N. F., July"25.- Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, accompanied bv a small party, arrived here toJay to go salmon fishing for about ten days, Elaborate preparations have been made for the entertainment of the Governor General, this being the first time that a Governor General of Canada ever visited New Foundland. Chamberlain ' Coxigh Remed; 4 r MINORITY IS NOISY A Safe Medicine ror niiaren. In bnylng oon medicine for children, never be afraid to bny CP LAIN 8 C0V0H hi WRIT. There in no danger from it, nd reflet U alw: to follow. I "e 'uteided especially for congha, colds, cronp and connh , and is the test Tasc'icine in the world for these diseases. It Is a certain enre fx- exonp I t, when given as soon as tne croupy cuuK.. will prevei't the attj -k Whooping congh Is not dangerous when tb is given as directed. Jt contains no opium or other h annfu) drugs , a givtu uh roufiimtly to a baby as to an adott. .1 It. ir c'inu .t mly T art, r- .nedy yb All our groceries are good- cl?an, fro.h unrt niim ' The kind that will make your meals very delici ous, and give the house-wife an easy task in prepainng it. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and berries. Every thing that should be found in a first class grocery. PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDE BR!J NORTH FIR STFIET ! BID TOR BONDS Pacific-Ukiversity FOREST GROVE, OREGON. w A High-grade College With Superior equipment. Beautifully located twtnty-t.ix milee from ttirtiana. Full regular cullece courses. Acadt'mv gives Ftrong prejarsitory and High School courses. Conservatory of Music and School af Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught Gymnasium and Field Athletics undet a Physical Director. Well-equipped Lalioratonea. I it.rarv of 13.INKI Volumes. i Healthful social life: religious influence). I All student enterprises active. i THE SCHOOL THAT STNDS FOB THt I BEST IN EDUCATION - I WRITE FOR CATALOQUB 1 vScripjm News Association) Pittsbure. July 25 At a meeting of the stock holders of the Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company,, the first in five years, the minority stockhold ers openly charged George Westinghouse the president, for with ventures with the company's money, and charged the directors in aiding the plans. The minority tried to pass a resolution looking toward future reforms but found themselves outnumoered and unable to prevent the election of the slated direc torate. insirTn1ppFais to "court t (Sciii' News Allocation) Nw York. July 25. President Unter meyer this afternoon -in behalf of the in ternational policy holders' committee, ap plied to the supreme court to compel the insurance superintendent Keisey to show a cause why he should not be restrained from omitting from the ad inistration ticket, the names of members who we.e made candidates without their consent. LiVATGR CASE DECIDED (Scrlpp N'ws Association) Washington, July 25 The Hay elevator case, in dealing with the allowances to elevators by the Union Pacific, has de cided by the interstate commerce today. The case was re-opened for further testimony and an argument at a time and place to be decided later. At that time further requests of western roads will be heard. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Recorder of the City of La Grande, up to August 1st 1906. for the purchase $30,000 Water Bonds, of City of La Grande, said bonds to bear bti interest, payable semi-an-ually, and to run for a period of 20 years with privilege of redemption at any time aunching private after 10 years' "Pon 8,vin ,hree montn notice. u c. towler Chairman Ways & Means Committee FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Giande Ore., in Foley building. NOTICE Of ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order madj by the Hjn. J. C. Henry, County Judge for Union county, state of Oregon, on the 1 0th day of July. 1906, the undersigned, will, afte.- the 25th day of August, 1906. sell, at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, tne following 'described real property, belonging to the estate of D. B May. deceased, towit: All of lots nu-nbered one and twenty six, in block fo. r of Predmore s Addition to the town of La Grande. Union county, state of Oregon, being in said city of La Grande. Oregon. Dated at Ls Grande, Oregon. July 11,1 19Q6. B.T.May. Administrator estate D B. May. deceased. MI A HI I li All INSIDIOUS FOE SUFI I ittiiitiiiaaintturrtrrir I 1 Lni. v . . TO HEALTH The Eastern Oregon Trust and j Savings Bank j CAPITAL STOCK - - - $60,000.00 j The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by .... -,,l Invectmpnts. but bv ac- fkjjffer a sustituie icr uuuuuu. ,.v-.... , --- Hepting small deposits it protects them from their own thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings account, no matter how small AND EXCH AiNu t KDSiicaa GENERAL BANKING OFFICERS W. C. BROWN. President rt rn I ri P1VF.B. Cashier uw",w" F. J. HOLMES. Treasurer, w. MILLER. Vice Kreside' T. J.SCROGGIN. Asst. Cas1"- CUBA RELEASES AMERICAN (Srrlpp News Association) Washington July 25 The s ate depart ment announces that the Cuban govern ment has agreed to pardon Miss Millie Brown who was associated with a violation of an ncient law by erecting a private tele'hone system. WATER SPOUT IN fRAKCE iSrrlpps News Association) Lyons. France.July 25 ---A village near here was destroyed by a wa'.ei spout this morning. At least thirty are dead and the loss reaches a million. CANS CETS DECISION Seattle. July 25 -Joe Gans was given the decision over Cave Holly at Pleasant Beach Monday night after an interesting battle that went the limit of 20 rounds. Holly insisted on clinching repeatedly, and used his we.ght to advantage. Gans has his opponent groggy in the last round, but c.uld r.ot put him down. i ;s mi iituuisjilieric poison which we unconsciously breathe Int onrlunvs t :'oi.i.'h the impure air arising from low, marshy places, stagnant ponds. t'.ir..o c'.'lars, sewer pipes, improperly ventilated houses, decaying; vc".:i-i:. .!c- ii.;.i-r, t tc. Day after day Ihse serins mi. I poisons ate taken inti tlie itiiiL.- .iinl us tlie blood passes through theiu it becomes infected with tin poison niii! in its i irculiition distributes t lie microbes of disease to all parti of the bo ! . M.ibtria in a very insidious disease ; it jrives no warning of it coming r.iitii tile circulation is filled with. the poison and this foe to bealtl lias tl.e s ? tern at its nicicy. The blood becomes polluted, thin and weak nnt its low. irn ; circulation fails to properly nourish and strengthen th body. li e entire system is attacked, mid if the perms and poisons o Malaria aie allowed to remain the strongest constitution will break down No one can feel well when the system is in n malarial condition; the vitalitj is weak, the appetite poor, digestion deranged, the complexion frrowi sallow and the entire body feels the effects of the poison. Malaria must b removed from the system through the circulation and the only medicine tha. can accou;;;!iKli this is S. S. S. It not only cleanses the blood of all unhealthy morbid matter, but destroys the germs, cures Malaria and lestotes this vita! ""id to a strong, healthy condition. S. S. S is made of roots, herbs and barks combioinc VjK purifying and tonic properties which keep tilt l--'J m X --3 m, tj,'J blood free of all poisons and the system it w ,4'B -i.lf O perfect condition. While destroying tin PURELY VEGETABLE. Kcrms of Ma-aria and building up the weak. polluted Wood S. S. S. gives tonr and vigoi to tin- ent:r f vstem. Rook on the blood and any medical advice without charge. JHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. PASTtRE 160 acres of good pasture adjoining Morgan Late. Go'.-d spr.rgs. Jl.OOper head per month. TfCAS EcCACH'.'li'T. La Granic National Bank ESTABLISHED 8 67 United States Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,09000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR OE0R0E FALMER, President. J. M. BERRY, Vies Prrsident. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier, W. L. BRENHOLTS. Assistant Cashier. GE0FCE L. CLEAVF.R. F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. COflLEY. C. C. PEMNGTON. F. J. HOLMES. ICE If you bring her to our CREAM PARLORS you will have her won withou pleading your case at her feet SELDER, Caady Man Cerera! banking business, parts cf tr,e world Drafts drawn. on all LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This it one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system the latest and most practical, ,md in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to IS. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 7J. Only 82 yean old I am only 82 year old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as long as I can get Elec tric Bitters," says Mrs, E. H. Brunson, of Dublin. Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as voting and makes tha weak as strong as this grand tone medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, m namsd kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by New iir Druo Co. Prico 50c.