fllHH i ; : WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner.. FRUIT JARS LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE j HOUSE KEF P INC j OUTFITS ji Consisting of Bed Room Suits. Dressers. Iron Eeds. Spr.r.fcs. C:.a;rs. ; Bed Lounges. Couches. Folding Eeds, CcckT.g Sieves. Carpets, and I L'njltums. BARGAINS BARGAI S All sizes, Mason and Economy Jars. Phone your order Main 7 -! '. Q'i'.j Qe"'ciTZiSff t 1 1 THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. HOLACK, Propr. CHERRIES WANTED We py 6 per pound for fancy large BLACK CHERRIES, and for others according to grade and variety. We are in the market for eggs. We pay 22c per doz. Spot Cash. We are now ready to contract for your entire hay crop for this season. Call and see us before you make any arrangements. We have a large stock of strawberry boxes and crates, which we offer very cheap in order to close them out. i EXCELSKR $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best ange at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stovas or on EASY NSTALLMEN T PLAN. WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FLRMTIRE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN 1 41 5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEIM Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE ' The Klean. Kool, Kitchen Kind. We Guarantee them. Money back if you Kant, Keep Kool while Kooking. La Grande Evening O&servei WEDNESDAY JULY 25, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's tention of carrying away the big prizes. Oregon and Washington have served a similar notxe as regards fruit. The Idaho producers are getting busy, and the indi cations are that if any one of the prizes leave the Gem state the winners will One year in advance $5.60 ha"e broken a" records as to size, quality Six months in advance 3.60 : flaVr 3nd aPPearance ' of the exhibits Per month c i made- Tne xpesition will be attended by be selected to rr.ake Entered at the Post Office at Li Grands Oregon, as Second Class Matter. the representatives of thirty-e;ght fruit I which the judges will the awards.Ex. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-piumt Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ADVERT i.ai Si RATE." tiily Ad muw UrnUlittl upon p,.iu tlor ..xical raurilng nntlra l(V per lln firnl I ur- lion, jo per not fur eucb ub-eurui mic tion, eo)dlliD if oui,1(ileiii-e. 50 line ,arij of thut,k, 1 oer line govern- Russia's experiment of free me-it h s been short lived, and despotism represented by the mailed hand of Gen eral Trepoff. is again in complete control. But the people of that unfortunate coun try are destined to be free though the struggle may require years and the soil be soaked with the blood of thousands of patriots. It is a last ditch struggle of absolute rule and the harder the czar resists the more complete wiil be his overthrow at the end. I i I THE LATEST IN EARLY ENGLISH FURNITURE Just in From the Factory Hammocks an. I awn Swings M W. H. BOHNRNKAMP CO N0T QUITE SO H9T at SGHEfclRER'S WE FAN YOU WHILE YOU WAIT THE IDEAL (ITV Professor Shaw of Vassar College thus defines the ideal city of the 20th century. There is much sense in these few S'mple specifications, which apply to any town. A city with clean streets, well sprinkled streets, streets lined wit.i well cared for shade trees. Streets and roads that are freed from billboards that are a stench to any com- ! munity. Vacant lots now used as dumping places turned into attractive squares. Benches along the road side for weary pedestrians. Back yard9 that are visions of beauty instead of eyesores. Window boxes that brighten dull walls and recreation piers on the banks of rivers. Ail these make for patriotism as well as for civic beauty and righteousness. If it is true that tha boy without a playground is a father to the man without a job. wa may well shrink from looking at the future. Boys and gir.s are turned loose on the streets: mischiei. vice and crime lesult, and when thes conaitions become unbearable we turn to the curfew as a negative means of dealing with con ditions that ought never to have existed STRONG Again I I Refreshing rest room Summer dri ks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Cream Parlor in Eastern Oregon STORAGE COAL j Buy now and save money and worry. $7.00 per ton ; l what Mrs. Lucy Stovall.of Tilton, Ga, said after taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hundred or other weak , women art being re-. tored to perfect health by this rem edy. YOU may be well if you will take it Indigestion causes nearly all the sick- ness that women ' . have. It deprives the system of nourish- j mtnt and the delicate organ peculiar to j women suffer weaken, and become . J diseased. A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs cf our many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who has n tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred w,, have, and do, and always will, because they wart the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you. We are respectfully, -9 A. T. Prescription Druggist H I Ll LA GRANDE. OR Kodol Dyspepsia Cure delivered in your bin. Gall and see our line of BUGGIES SAVING THE "DROWNED" A case has been reported by the life- saving service wnere a man was resusci tate after being uiider water 23 minutes. From Atlantic City comes a report cf a New York business man who was revived after he had been underwater 1C min utes. In both cisjs the resusciUtion took a long time mjre than a day in the Ccse of the man who had been under water 23 minutes, while the 10 minute man was revived in an hour. These cases are valuable lessons . at tnis season of the year when the seashore j resr's are crowded and drowning is fre- quently reported. No man should be ! given up as dro vned until he has been worked with 24 hours. Many men and women, especially children, have been given up as dead when immersion under water would have had no permanent bad effect if suitable measures had been promptly taken and long enough continued. e enables the stomach and digestive organe to digest and assimilate all of the whole- J ome food that may be eaten. It nourishes '! the body, and rebuilds the weak organs, j Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour risings, belching.heartburn and all stomach disorder. HIS APPRECIATION Tl-.E BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantagesof a cneckir.f; account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an occoLnt miss many cf .ts advantages. We are always glad to explain the workirgs of io mose wno are not familiar with banking. a checking account Interests'paid on time deposits and in savings department. Ditfests What You Eat Politr bottl ho.dt 2 imm Bitch m tb tnl, t 60 tm nt orftUrr ( 1 .0 .DW Itt ftCo.,CMr,PI.A. A 1 ftLl.Fr;git. HAY, GRAIN, AND STEAMED ROLLED BARLEY. I GRANDE RONDE CAMI COMPANY. Phcone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. : V To Chicane The fruit and sugar beet raisers of Colorado and Utah have served notice on those in Idaho that they are coming to the exposition to be held in Boise during the National Irrigation C T.grcsa. Sc;-;en-ber 3 to 8. with the in- 55 ltd thffi ' ,i (sir4 t ( 1 1 &uso Jf '4 r.tst -i'us ii..'iy. t : r. . : v; 1 1 tc Cl.i- ft i'ii v i! .t Oniric-, ii.-m p. '-.tils I;; i irtc t: .'ul Vn:r.'ix.-"i via tile : ( l,;..!'. !'iii..n I'-i-irii' hrtli. Wrsm Line, tiv rote "I The p I l' erli.nd Liniittd, iv -r ! 1 tr.ick railn;.v )nt.iti tin- Mi.v Miri kiver and t. Iiii.it. '. m.ikir.i; i!:rt-ct I conncctioi: at t'hicaM with ail lints to the Kan. THE BEST OF EVEPVTHINO. ht r turtlipr inl. rma.:t n ni'i lv io W. A. Cot, Ucnrrl Ajjt. C. ft N.-W. Ry. IM 1 hhd StrMt, Portluiil. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPIUS 574.000.00 TShe J'armers ana Tjraders 9ationat SSanA jflV Off on a e . I SCCIMG IS BELIEVIVG is a proverb especially true of our Business. If we examine your ey- ,i and fit you with glasses you m.-' bele'e in us. For you will sfc.' oeuer man you ever am wim A : those old window glass spectacles EVERYTHING ' a d the sight can be found here. And vou know or have heard of cur moderate charge method. Repairing Promptly done I J. H. PEARE. "weler arltl Wcn i