1 1 vww HMItt4AAA. . ' I, ii HIE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY'S : fecial Bargains Interest In these Special Sales continues to Increase and that there may be no lain ue are. as stated before, putting forth our best efforts, to make "each better than the other." LOCAL ITEMS " ZTi from his Ladies Wrappers One lot of six dozen, summer weight, just received $1.25 values $ 93 1.50 values 1. L29 Remnants Some more of those good bargains your, neighbor have been telling you .bout RIBBON. LACES. EMBRIDERIES WASH GOODS PRINTS, MUSLINS ETC. . Tailored Skirts Mohiir. Lustre. Panama and Suitings $1.55 skirts . . 1.65 ' 2.00 ' "" 3.50 " 4.25 " 5.00 Summer ! .$1.09 .. 1.19 . 1.69 .. 2.98 . 3.69 .. 5.93 Ladies Knit Vests 10c Grade 12te 05C 45c " . 2 for 15c 3 for 25c 25c - 33c Muslin Underwear A nice assortment at prices less than than you could purchase the goods and make. $ .25 Corset covers $ .18 55 - 25 60 - ' - l .60 Gowns it i.eo ; -S .60 Skirts ....1 49 i.oo ::z:..r; " '25 ::: 1.09 Underwear ; Broken lots of Men's Underwear Per suit J5o 60c garments for Other Grades same proportion Glassware 200 men's fine dress shirts, half price I Fine line men' tin XRr. tn en, I .v, VVH HI WU I values as. ' Berry aata. on. u.i. . i Larue line mn s runts dt mU r.nr. I ?ala bowls 60c 35c water bottles bs ' 4Se 1 5c socks in black, tan and fancy perdoz $1.25 1 0c socks in black, tan and fancy perdoz ..9fc - 45 . Onrl onrU iiiuii a out lb WJ $ 1 0 values, per suit $5.00 Two patterns in Graniteware, closing out below cost One docorated pattern ir. dishes at the price of white ware, only a few Water pitchers .. ".'.".86c Table mats, per set .: Tanglefoot FIvoaDer. Der fans loilet Soaps, the 6 Diamond C. laundry 50c box ......45c 7 bars ...25c THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY Lararesst S tor f 1308, 1310, 1312 ADAMS AVENUE Smallest Prices 'Z 1 o IS FE CI A JLl your order for Now is the time to give me a Fail ey,'inier suit Until ' y..v:' ... '.'. ' wWe av's'pel discount on all suitings Talk to Wallace. A L... A NOR EWSI ,.( ,-,:(,. TAILOR and HABERDASHER .laifta. WORK GUARANTEED PRjCES REASONABLE SANITARY PLUMBING Is as essmtial in our home as th dactnr OUR WORK fxrcutfd in workmanlike irunncr and approved sanitary' standards. Carrying a complete line of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Livatorys and al plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NEIL i ! I t t 0. R. & N. BRIDGES ORDERED Contracts have just been letbv the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company to McCreary & Willard. Spokane contract ors, for the erection of a number of steel bridges on the main line of the 0. R. & N. between Portland and Huntinatnn. Work on these structures will be begun soon, and it is hoped to compete the work by the end of the year, This contact is in line with the heaw construction work now being done with a view to bringing the road up to first class condition, and will involve additional large expenditures When th s contract is coirpleted. there w.ll be no woodun bridges across any stream of importance oh the main line of the 0. R. & N. The contract includes a steel bridge 7 1 0 feat long across tne Sa-.dy river near Troutdale. a steel bridge across Hood river near tne town of that r.ame. a teel bridge 420 feet long across the Umatilla river at Umatilla, a 300 foot structure of the same material across the Des Chutes rivar at Des Chutes, a steel bridge across the Walla Walla river 175 feet in length at Wallula, and a 100 foot steel bridge across Burnt river near Huntington Pendleton E. 0. Geo. L. Cleaver has returned trip to Baker City. A. W. Gutridge of Baker City is a business visitor in this city. C. C. Beckley was over from Baker City yesterday on a brief visit. Mrs. A. E Hanies has been visiting her father Mr. A. Hall m Joseph the past week. JJessie Thomas of La Grande, is spending a tew days in Baker with local friends. Baker city Herald P. A. Wort ington right of way agent for the O. R. &. N. is in the city today looking after business i i;jrjr,j J. Ireland and E. C. Moore, manager of the Eastern Oregon Colonizing Company, spent yesterday in the Cove. District Attorney and Mrs. F. S. Ivan hoe returned yesterday from Denver where they attended the Grand Lodge of Elks. - When the time comes around, don't forget to go to the Musical Social on the Foley lawn next Thursday evening. It will be a treat you will never forget. Master Walter Gallowav his home in Union this morning after hav ing visited here Tor the past three weeks with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Budge. """ waoie orowneu ot farmir.gton Washington arrived in the city last Sat urday evening and will spend a portion of her vacation visiting with Miss Dorthy tuner ana otner friends. Doctor and Mrs. F. E. Mnnr m- and Mrs. M. L. Causa v and Mr nH Mm David Nelson drove to the Roy Campbell rancn yesterday where thev wart nr,r Gained during the day. This trip means iwency-nve mile drive. ss . R. Lorenz a. mamkir fm Pendleton East Oregonian's staff arrived last evening from Pendleton and left this morning for Cove where h will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. She informed us that the ther mometer at Pendleton frequently registers 1 1 u degrees. J. C. Gulling who Saturday was strick en with paralysis is reported to he nrar.ri- tally in tie same crniitinn t-t k. was Saturday evening. His right side isaf fected and while he cannot use his right side to any extent he is not entirelv disahleH He can get out of bed alone but is unable to return to it without assistance. Th right hand suffered th9 heaviest, as he k unable to grasp anything with that member. IsounentrI i have jupt received a nice assortment of souvenirs of ; the Mormon Tabernacle, Only 25: and 35c You can ; see them in'the windows. kTa... i t.: - f i c..Vi oe forks niillevs. , nuw ia uie uius iji noyiug tuuia, j.vu .. 't r j- ii i i i i KAamMU rnnfl j ymes, water Dags, sieei caoie, purs maniua. iu J you need them I can supply you. AXLE GREASE I have the celebrated Kastor greasa, made from pure castor oil, will not gum and lasts longar than any other j MRS-T.N. MURPHY i Hardware and crockery. t O t YOU WON'T THEY WERE 10ST The composing, jab force and reportor ial staff of the Observer drove to How ard's Meadows yesterday in pursuit of huckleberries. To their discomfiture the trail was vague and the forenoon was MORE PiERVf THAN SEHSE For audacity and daring, the robbaryat the depjt recently, was far surpassed yesterday afternoon when an unknown man wen' into the Blue Front Saloon and walking up to a man sitting in a chair and partially drunk, thrust a nana into his pocket and removed a' wallet contain ing a few dollars.. The bartender and another man saw the performsnce and made quick work 'of grabbing the man with a perverted idea of the ways of pick pocket, but alas he made as quick wnrk of getting away again. Marshall Rayburn was notified and within the hour tne man was in the grim handclasp of the law. This mornirg when the prosecuting at torney tried to airangefora trial the witness for the state, the man who was robbed, was nowhere to be found. After searching for him all forenoon, it was dis covered that he had gone to Wallowa this mornin,. In the absence of this principal the authorities are undecided just what steps to take. The man who was robbed is John Boor- HAVE TO CO OUT IN THE YARD TO SMOKE a La Flor De Hackman Cigar. t Your wife will like it's odor as we'l as you do. It's fragrant becauss its made from specially chosen tobacco, "ripe" enough to smoke freely and satisfyingly. Manufac- J tured by ' C. E. HACKMAN, Phone Red 1381 ij Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood J HELD OVfR TO GRAND JURY John Major and Waiter Fletshar of Union were arraigned in Justice of the Peace couri this morning on a charge of larceny in a building. The alleged crime was committed in Union and the prisoners had to be brought to this city for trial. However, the defendants waived examin ation to the Grand Jury and are now lodged in ta.il as the bond of to hundred each was not subscribed. MARRIAGE LICENSE The following license have been issued by Connty Clerk Gilham this mam irg: K. S. French to Era L. Treppeer. The former is the son of Mrs. A. R. French of this city and the lady is the dauuiwr of Joseph Treppeer of Cova. Elmer Kidffer to Leana Hjax. both of the Cove. I(E (REAM SOCIAL The ladies of the Baptist church will give an ice cream social at the residence af Mrs. Wines, corner U and Depot Streets next Wsdnesday evening. SAWMILL BURNS Silvarton. Ore.. July 25. A small saw mill owned by D. P. Fox and located on the Abiqja river, a few miles from this city, burned last evening. Loss is $4000. No insuranca. A BUSY GRAND LODGE Cot. F. S. Ivanhoe. who wis the dele gate from the local lodge of EUs to Den ver last week, returned yesterday and reports that it wa the ousiest session of any grand lodge yet held. Bssid ea trans acting the regular business of tne session tne de'egates adopted a new const tut-on and ritual. Tne colonel and Mrs U an hue had a splendid time and speak high of the entertaining ability of 'the Denver Lodge. A NEAT PUCE WHEAT IS SHATIERED Where threshing is the countv i ;n progress in different parts of the county it is found that considerable wheat has been shattered by the hign winds of the past week. It was very dry owing to the extremely hot weather and shatters eai'y In seme fields it is estimated tr'at two bushels per acre has shatt-jred alra;dv The grain that is threshed so far is rot shriveled, but is plump and well fiiied a u is all first grade Pendleton E. O.' j to have your meals is our restaurant. b.irything is attractively arranged and nothing is l;king to make its appearmca r.eat. Here the young ladies and' gentle men can eat to their heart's.' contents w thout fes:ing abashad at chair surround WHAT ATTRACTS paop:a here ;s the merits of our cookery It is unsurpassed when it comes to excel lence aid all meals prove healthful, tasty and ervoyab'e. Our prices are rig'-t too aid our a ters polite and attentive. The Model Restaura.6 J. a. AKlilK KIE. Prop. no N;u;ir w Svll U-vkl. o . . . Mml 1'lckHs r,r l4'3u spent in clearing away windfalls and var- ev and 'ha fellow with the smooth fingers . is trom Ferry, and it is believed, is named Will ams. 1013 "Washing1 n Avenue TELEPHONE RED 161 i WE WANT MONEV l and in order to get it we have decided to sell groceries FOR CASH l at a reduced price. We can do this and still make a good prorit because we have cut our expense account in the middle and we are willing to give the benefit to our customers. Our line of groceries is complete and the quality is un J excelled. Gall and allow us to quote you prices on cash purchases. j SEATTLE GROCERY STORE ! ious other obstacles. At high noon their destination was reached and wiointr the perspiration from their brows, they mut ually agreed that "Napoleon s crossing the Alps." was easy in comparison to a drive over the Biue mountains. Guided by fortune they were able to re turn to La Grande in time to furnish the Observer's patrons with the usual Mon day issue. LAWSON BROS. Prop. MACHINE GETS FARMER'S FOOT Ritzville Wash.. Juiy 23-A. W. Arnick a farmor liv'ng eight miles east of town was seriously hurt while working on his threshing engine yesterday. It appears that he thought the engine was shut off entirely but when he was out on a foot board the machine started catching his feet in a way that his right foot was ground off at the instep and all but the great and little toes were taken off his other foot. He was hurried to town where Drs. Bice. Hewitt and Johnson operated taking off the torn fragments He is resting easy today. DRUNK AND DISORDERLY Two strangers. PeteTJHwin and Jo Allen by names, were rounded day by the police and arraigned tin mornirg for being drunk and disorderly Recorder Snook fined each ten dollars nd as the money materialized, they were released. WILL EIGHT THE MRATES" Pend.eton. Ore.. Juiy 23 -A meeting of tne Umatilla Woo!growers' Association has been called for September 8. The object of the meeting is to discuss the question of taking such measures as may seem expedient to secur tluir rights to the range within the limits of the state of Oregon to the forest reserve. Perry Gould, president of tha ass- ci ation and the leading spirit in the fight against the Washington sheepmen, may resign in September, to take x position with the Union StocK Yards company. Spokesman. Ws Hi.i Tiose CROQUET SETS. VEU SH0PPIG BASKETS. HANDSOME JAPANESE WEAR, HEAD WEAR Fcr Lades i E. M. Wellman & Company BERKLEY POLICE STRIKE (Soripis News A iclatton) Berkley Col. July 23 A police force of eight patrolmen will ask the trustees for $00amonthat tonight's meeting and unless the raise is granted all will resign. Their present salary is $70 a month. MARRIED SLACK-HODSON -In the Method parsonage at 2:30 p. m.. Sunday. Rev. B. F. Meredith officiating, Mr. Burris Elbert Slack toMissEffie Hobson.both .Summerville. Mr. and Mrs. B. F Hug acted as witnesses. Mrs. Hug is a sister of the groom. WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thing you want for- a quick cool "dinner. FRUIT JARS All sizes, Mason and Economy Jars. Phone order. Main 75. your THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. iTJUCK. Propr.