t TtJMMAAAA... . -..-.7.:.. 4. IMail Boxes! LOCAL ITEMS t '4 ii THc GOLDEN RULE COMPANY'S SpialBargains Interest In these Special Sales continues to increase and that there may be no laini we are, as stated before, putting forth our bsst efforts, to make "each belter than the other." . Ladies' Wrappers One lot of six dozen, summer weight, just received $1.25 values r 1.60 values "' Remnants Some more 'of those good bargains your neighbor have been telling you about . RIBBON. LACES. RMRPIDPpipc WASH GOODS Pint Miicr imc' C1U Underwear Broken lots of Men's Underwear : per suit 60c garments for 35c - 45 perdoz , $1.23 1 0c socks in black, tan and fancy ' per doz . 9?c THE GOLDEN RULE ,m ... j. t iS PE OI 5 : Niwliaihe' time to give me your order for 5X . Fall pr .Wini'(5r suit Until V;:VhI wiUvVa, .special discount on all suitings Z V- t:' 1 : '. ; 1 A L. ANDREWS! TAIlOU and HABERDASHER WORK GUARANTEED SANITARY PLUMBING Is as essential in your heme as the doctor OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike mtnnrr and approved sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of Bath Tub?, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatory and a'l . plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NEIL .4013 Washington Avenue '.' HELP WANTED -Girl to general house work. Inquire at this office. Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CKEAMERV BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles Tailored Skirts Muslin Undenar I Mohair, Lustre. Panama and Summer ! . . t ouitings , A fee assortment arprices less than I than unit r.miM miB. u i. X $ .99 SI. 55 skirts $.09 make - X ... I 23 1.65 " , S - ' ,, 2.f0 $ -25 Cojt covers S . X 3.60 " 2 38 -35 ' .25 4.25 39 " .39 5.00 " j 93 -60 Gowns 43 X : -?6 " 63 Ladies' Knit Vests eo sks H I M 0e Grade l?-c , ooc 200 men's fine dress shirts, half price Fine line men's ties. 35c to 60c ' values 25c , Large line men's pants at sale dhcbs . Q,,H nH in man's nit CQ $10 values, per suit $5.00 Two. puttrn iii CiamlvwAitt, closing out below cost One decorated pattern ir. dishes at the price of white wars, only a few 1308, 1310, 1312 ADAMS AVENUE V Li PRICES REASONABLE : : J TELEPHONE RED 1G 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE .r TftADC MARK A Designs COPYRIUHTS AC Aaron Miidlng m nkptrh nml ifacrtptlon mat intcklT awcmi our mmiihu riee whether an ,nrntloo la protmblT iHMitM. (mmunlr knuaftriotlrcMmmtuttitl. HANDBOOK on I '!!& tit frteex Olilit ewoiit'y for KHfuring patent. I'jitnis taken tFtmuah Muim ft Cu rvoetrt wrwj ftortc. without uhnriMt, tu tba Scientific Jtai lean. I tmndanmalr liliwtTMed wfmr. l arvwat etr ntiatiuii of any tvHiiititli' turital. Tnrnia, i Mir ; four montUa, ft. tfolULiyail nvwatlwalani VJUNN & Co.S6,B"'1-'- New Yorjf Urlta omoo. 106 y 8t Wilmil-n, Ol C ic. rr-i . . I : asc Other Grades same proportion 2 for 15c ,S .. 63 3' 125 I.:..:::::::::;: ,:0 i I Glassware II Berry sets 90c values 63c Salad bowls 50c " 35c Water bottles 75c ' 43c Water pitchers ...85c " 60c labia macs, per set 58c Tanglefoot Flypaper, per box 36c Toilet Soaps, the best, per box 45c Diamond C, laundry soap, 7 bars .. 25c COMPAN Talk to Wallace. AMUSEMENTS SHIRT WAlSr PARTY A SUCCESS. A jolly crowd gathered at the commer cial cluo last evening and to the sweet strains of' the orchestra, danced to their hearts content. Every gentleman present took advantage of the permission to wear shirt wais's. and the usuil ' persperation" was noticeable for its absence. Several attended from out of town aid had many good things to say about the music. JUNIORS FINE ENTERTAINERS The Juniors of the M. E. Church last evening exclled themselves and enter tained With what was really a splendid entertainment. The little folks, under the supervision of Mrs. Reeves 'and Rev. B F. Meredith, delivered recitations and sang songs in a way that surprised their hearers. After the program, ice cream and cake was served to those present. The following program was rendered: Song Prayer Rev. Meredith Song Recitation Vera Leffel "Song to her dolly." Helen Bartlett Recitation .. Christine Wheatley Little Japanese Girls Recitation Mane Bolton Exercise by six girls "It never pays to be bad." Solo Thelma Leffel iRock of Ajes." Frances Breakenridge Talk by the pastor Song Organist ..Marie Bolton A PECULIAR WEAPON The police are in possession of the pis tol or revolver, whichever it may be call ed, which was used by Gonta the Jap last night during the shooting mixup. It is the most peculiar firearm seen by them, and is practically indescribable. It is some Urger than a colt revolver and uses I a 8'iort but thick bullet. Each carcridge j has a little brass pin which is locked in j place when inserted in the chamber It j carries six shells. It is plainly of foreign male. but judg;ng from the holes it made I in Chas. Mizoguski's house, it is very J effectual. A connoisseur of firearms I would be repaid by an examinat on of it. j MARRIED In this city. Wednesday evening. July I 18. Miss Tiliie Albertus and Mr. J. W. j B-ckford. Rev. Templeton. officiating, j Wallowa Cheiftaln. NOTICE TO GRANGERS The next regular meeting of Blue Mountain Grange will be Saturday. July 21st at 8 p. m. Young folks will have complete charge ofrreeti-g. C. D. Huffman, W. M. 2 """"Smallcst Prices I J. J. McAllister is in the city from Mil ton today. Lewis Thompson of Baker City is a La Grande visitor today. Al Heisner returned last evening from a week's outing on '"ive Points Creek. Dick Mclntyre of Elgin is in La Grande on a business mission today. George E. Mapes. the leading merjhant atE'ein. is visiting friends hers tnHav Dr. D.W. McMillan, the Union physician. is in La Grande on a professional visit. iss Jea l Maris retu. nsd to her home n Union this morning after a visit at the A. T. Hill residence. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Charlton and son Clyde -f Hilgard are in ths city doing trading. E. E. Holmes, a Wallowa business rran sin the city visiting friends and trans acting business. Baker City people, who are in the city today are: Lewis Thompson, Issac and Joe Hegstead and H. A. Keatchum. Miss Dixie Todd of Pendleton and Ellen Stafford of Union are visiting at the J. R. Olive.- home. Misses Nora Fritts and Creta Breckin ridge left this morning for a short visit at Hot Lake. Attorneys R. H. Llovd and N. C. Mc. Leod have been transacting legal business in the city. They returned home this morning. Rev. E. B. Hays, pastor of the Presbv- terian church, and family went to Baker City this morning where they will spend a rew day. We Gillilan has secured a Dosition position with the O. R. 4 N. as a freieht brakeman He started on his first run st eietflna. Mrs. Clara Ribbs and her daughters Bessie and Cecil, left this morning for their home in Nebraska. Thev have spent the past year in La Grarde. Mrs. J. P. Hannon and little son came down from Huntington yesterday to spend a week or ten days visiting Mrs. Han,.on's sister Mrs. Frank Pike. Editor Fred Cur rev and his dauohtcr Carol!, left last evening for Catherine crjek where they will join George Currey hia family in a.twodays fishing expidition. J. Murphey and Ed. MurDhev. with their families left this morning with a biff load of camping paraphernalia and will spend a couple weeks fishing and . other wise recuperating near Catherine creek Attoinev and Mrs. C. H. Crawford and Attorneys"fom Crawford have a camo near Cove where they are enjoying the oreezes during the ho! weather. The party came Into tawri to-day in their .automobile. U. G. Couch of' Island City made the Obsecvr office a friendly call this after n on and treated the force to a supply of great big juicy, Royal Anns. He picked sixty gallons of cherries from one tree, ard they were all dandies. Mr, and Mrs: Oavid Nelson who were married at Salt Lake last Wednesday and are now taking their wedding tour, arrived 4ast evening and will spend a week in La Grande as the gudsts of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Causey. Mr. Ne'son is-a brother of Mrs. Causey. HE 00T II IN Ttl JAII The Japanese who was arrested early this morning and placed in the city jail for a matter of a few hours this morning astonished Constable McLachlen this afternoon when he went to the jail to bring him down town. The man was covered with red spots, not a few but many, actually covered. McLachlen kept his side of the sidewalk. Upon arrival at tie justice of peace office, an exanimation for smallpox was made, but it was wounds r. su.ting from bites of bed bugs contr. ct jd during his brief stay in the city ja.il. J AKE GULLING STRICKEN This morning just prior to going to his breakfast. Conductor Jake Gulling was stricken with a slight stroke of paralysis. Medical aid was promp'iy called and while this particular stroke is not as bad as first reported, still he is in a critical condition. He is not speechless nor is he disabled completely. Hs has slight c:n trol of his muscles. fOUR GENERATIONS This afternoon a party consisting of one family but four generations came into the Taylor studio and posed for a picture The oldest was Grandma S. Eaton aged seventy-three, the second generation was Mrs. Dexter Eaton, the third Mrs. Jo.in Ladd. and the fourth a, bright little girl, the daughter of Mrs John Ladd. aged three years. All were happy and well from Grandma down. A marriage license was granted this morning to D. E. Slack and Miss ErTie Hopson both of Summerville. 1 I have the mail box that ; Master General. I can put S on the box. Come and get S You will need some 54 j. HOUSE NUMBERS f t I have the right kind. Call and see them j ; MRS-T-N- ; Hardware and WORK FOR NAVY YARD (Scrlpps News Association) Brooklyn, N. Y.. July 21 Instructions have been sent to Naval Constructor W. J. Baxter, head of the department of con struction and repair at the Brooklyn navy yard, to proceed without further delay with the work on the battleship-Connecticut and the collier Vestal. It is expected that the Connecticut will be realy for service within three montns. after the dalay of about that time in tho complet ion of the ship owing to the exhaustion of the funds for the work as originally alloted to Congress. The collier will be built bv yard labor, in the steel material to be purchased under contract. Bids for it wil. be invite: before the end of the we k bv the Bureau of supplies and accounts. At the same time a contract will be awarded for the sister collier, 'he Prometheus, to be built at the Mare Island navy yard, where there has been installed a travel ing crane and other appliances for ship c instruction. EOT BREAKS ARM Theodo e Heidenrich, the little four year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Heid enrich sustained a painful break of his arm yesterday. Tfe little fellow was climbing a tree when either from dizzi nass or a misstep, he fell to the ground landing ob 'a box. 'The results were that hs arm was broken just above the elbow. We sell, you buy. both happy. 20 per cent off on combs and brushes this week Come in. and look or stop at the window. Newlih Drug Co. WE WANTMQNEV : and in order to get it we have decided to sal! groceries ! FOR . at a reduced price. We can do this and still make a good proit because we have cut our expense account in the middle and we are willing to give the benefit to our customers. Our line of groceries .is complete and the quality is un excelled. Gall and allow us to quote you pries on SEATTLE GROCERY STORE LAWSON BROS. Prop. WARM WEATHER GROCERIES Every thing you want for a quick cool dinner. FRUIT JARS All sizes. Mason and Economy Jars. Pho-e your order. Main ?5. THE CITY GROCERY A.D BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. is approved by the Post your Name and Number one. MURPHY crockery. Y0L WON'T HAVE TO GO OUT IN THE YARD TO SMOKE a La Flor De Hackman Cigar. Your wife will like it's odor as well as you do. It s fragrant because its made from specially cnosen tobacco, "ripe" enough to smoke freely and satisfying ly. Manufac tured by C. E. HACKMAN. Phone Red 1331 Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE Over 200 good farms for sale. See our list before you buy. A. A. Barry, the Oregon and Washington Land Man, at Ronde Valley Housa. to have your meals is our restaurant. Everything is attractively arranged and nothing is liking to males its aopaarince neat. Here the young ladies and gentle-., men can eat to their heart's conterV without feeding abajned at cnair surrou.ft ings. what Ainuas people hers is the martts of our cookery It is unsurpassed when it comes to excel lence and all meals prove hea'th'ful, tasty and enjoyable. Our prices are. rig'-t too and our waiters polite arid attentive. The Model staurant J. A. ARBIXKLE. 'rop. OI'VN tlV ND N1UHT MslTI lil fur QASH ft HyfJii.WWV-'! - .