-rsr jGUASSlricB. ADS'! Rate One cent a word, one-ha'f a cent j fen. Cl..ified adds brmg qu,ck r.s.iu. Con,;"8"1 FOR SALE Tan head of horses, and one ftsh milch cow. Inquire of Mr. Rose Virris. on door thi aide of Rohr ar.d Co. Butcher bop. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acre in Honan' addition, nicely improved, large roomy bouse, good water. Will trade C. A Cart. FOR SALE Air condition. motor windmill good A. Mcum N 4th t WANTED Men and boy for beet thin ning. Apply to Samuel Storey. A- 5JRN1SHED ' Black 612 FRONT ROOM-Phone FOR RENT Furnished roon in Anthony house corner 6th and P st. John MONEY For loan on city property see Wm. Grant agency. Also real estate and insurance. LOST On the road between La Grande and Starkey, a leather folding pocket book containing a diamond ring. Said book was lost on or about the seventh of June. A liberal reward will be paid for the gSirn or information leading to its rewrn lathis office. rOR SALE One threshing machine S3 by 60 with band cutter long feeder and everything complete will sell or trade. J. E. Reynolds Phone 1961 FOR SALE Near Cove. S80 acre fin fruit, vegetab'e and pasture land. with fin spring water, for $4,600. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove ior $5,600, or land and town property for $9,600 if taken together. Inquire at this office FOR SALE On 33 by 60 Russell Sep i, g&rator with wind stacker and long and CXhort self feeder and band cutter com- pleU. J. E. Reynolds, La Grande R. F. D., No. S MEN" WANTED-At th Sugar Factory, inquire of P. G. Taylor at the Sugar Factory. - WANTED Experienced skidders to take contract. FOR SALE Five room house on Adam Avenue. . Inquire at this office. .. GIRL WANTED At once to do general house work. Apply at Western Union Telegraph Office. WANTED A fresh preferred. Phone Box 454. Mi'ch cow, Jersey Red 621 or writ Brick furnished in any quanUy or any' stvl. No contract too small or to large. See sample n' our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. Lm Oraode. Oregon. a5 The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK Th Ravines bank is the greatest boon that has ever :come to the masses. It not offer a sustitute for doubtful cepting small deposits it protects them from their own J thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings account, no matter how small GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS W. C. BROWN, President GEO L. CLEAVER. Cashier F.J. HOLMES. trt v. . . FOR SALE Eight acres,6 room hous,brn, place for chicken, or hogs, orchard. aU kind o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan !)l?,ttC!;rLife inurn -ompanie. will reduce the rate 33 per cent to all who asxee to use Hollisters Rocky Mountain lea. A wise measure. Tea or Tablet So cents. Newlin Drug Co. Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smilling face, bright eycw, sparkling with health, which comes taking Hollisler- Rocky Mountain Tea. 36 cts. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Cc. TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of parties on good timber claims of tw j million feet and better. Foley Bik. La Grande Investment Co. LOST-ln this city, a gold fob locket with emerald settings. Leave at this office and receive reward. MEN AND MYS WANTED To pick cherries- Begin Tuesday and Wednesday. Can use all who come. C M. AND B. M. Stackland. MDF8B BONDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Recorder of the City of La Grande, up to August 1st 1906, forth purchase $30,000 Water Bonds, of City of La Grande, said bonds to bear 6Jt interest, payable semi-an- ually, and to run for a period of 20 years with privilege of redemption at any time after 10 years, upon giving three ' months notice. G. E Fowler Chairman Ways Js Means Committee FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF La Grand - Invest- TITLES go to the ment Company, Foley building. La Grand Ore., in REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount on city and country real estate. Loam closed promptly, as soon as title it a; proved, la urakdc investment co PANY. NOTICE OF RESTORATIOlrto Settle ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Land within the former BakarCity Forest Re serve, Oregon. Department of the Inter ior, General LandOffice, Washington. D. C, March 28. M06. In pursuance of th proclamation w th President of the United States, dated March 15. 1906. ex cluding from the former Baker City Forest Reserve, partly embraced in th , Blue Mountain r or est Keserve, Oregon, the area described below, and restoring to settlement the public land therein, notice hereby given that th said public lands will become subject to entry, fi line 'and selection, under the usual restrictions, at the United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on July 18, 1906: In Township eisht IB South, Ranee thirty- eight (38) East, Willamette Meridian, the west half of the north-west quarter and - m.ir winter Upply 0f wood w 1 Please leave their order at Mr. Holoek sgrocery store. I hav 600 cord of good dry cord wood and of any kind. Respectfully " J. Akthohy. he west half of the south-west quarter r.., , ,j o u.a . . c,.;n thirtv-flw. iXfii- in Tn,n.h;nfCarter' ner0' ,d 20. had asiulted a of Section thirty-five (35); in Township nine (9) South, Range thirty-nine (391, East the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south west quarter ot section twenty nine (29), and the west half of th north-west quarter of Section thirty-two (32). w. a. kichards, commissioner. Approved: Tmos. Rath, Acting Secretary of th Interior. $60,000.00 only protects them by investments, but by ac- j OFFICERS W. MILLER. Vice R-ts cent J T. J. SCR03G1N. Asst. Caster Treasurer. I STILL IS MISSKW After five days and nights of constant searching for little Cecil Brittam. who was lost at the tollgat Sunday night, the mys tery surrounding that case is now almost as deep as ever. No trace whatever has been found of the lost boy. and th con- j viction that he was kidnapped is daily growing stronger. A 'phone message from the tollgat this afternoon told the story of th sam futile search a on the past four day. For a time this morning it wa thought a clew had been found when on ot th Diaper dogs took up a trail which is thought to have been mad by a man im plicated in th kidnapping if suchoc.urred Th dog was loosened and allowed to follow the trail. However, the scent was ost after th dog had followed th trail in the direction of Stout Spring. In view of the distance which th child was tra;ked by the bloodhounds and some other thing, th people at th toll gate believe th little boy wa stolen. However, they are reticent to accuse any on in th absence of proof, and so far no on has been directly implicated in the crime. Sheriff Taylor is still at the tollgat taking pari in the search for the missing boy and striving to seur torn evidence that will lead to his discovery if kidnaped. INJURED SEARCHER BETTER Tollgate, July 20. Milan Laflin, the camptender who was accidentally shot while searching for Cecil Brittain, rested well last night and Dr. Robinson reported this morning that he stood a splendid chance to recover. Laflir, wa (hot about three inches below th heart the ball pass ing through the body and emerging at the back. Miss Fowler, the nurse from the Walla Walla hospital, arrived at 3 o'clock this morning, and is now in charge of the patient Dr. Robinson will remain with Laflin several days in order to attend him. -E. O. UNION COUNTY PRiaS " The threshing machine man of Union county hav held a meeting in La Grand at which it was agreed to rais th pric of threshing to 6 and 6 cents per bushel- 5 cent for oats and barley and 6 for wheat This is a rais of 1 sent par bushel on ach variety of grain over for mar price. doming on top of extraordinary prices for sack this advanc in th pric of threshing has brought out a strong pro test from th farmers and it is possible that many farmer will organize and buy machines to avoid th threshing trust. Grain is ripening rapidly but it is thought that machines could b secured by the farmer in time to thresh th crop without serious loss. Th hot weather ha damaged crops' but slightly in Union county and haying is now in progress in all parts of th county. Athena Press. nCW CRT AW Of SAW Mil u K. nibbard. a rancher, was over from Imbler this morning and while in thecity reported that Elgin will very likely hav a larg a saw mill in th nor future asLa Grand. instigator of this ntrpris is S. H. Graves, of Shelton Nebraska. This man is a wealthy banker and financier of that place and has spent several days in Elgin looking over a sit for an up-to-date saw mill. He wa apparently satisfied witn conditions as he has gone back to Omaha to interest more capital and will soon inform th city of Elgin whether or not he will build there. If he does, it will oe a mm or luu.uuu reel capacity per day. Mr. Hibbard seems confident that the big thing is forthcoming, and soon. NOB AFTER OKLAHOMA NEGRO Oklahoma, City, July 21 A special to the Mornino Ulj,hnmn u rhf Pnfna seven year old daughter of a miner nam ed Huferty at Henrietta, Wednesday afternoon. Th negro was caught and identified. He wa taken in charg by th federal authorities and moved over night to Weleetka, where he wa jailed. It i understood that th miner at Hen rietta have organized and moved to We leetka. in an effort to get Carter and lynch him Rumor that a pitched battl had occurred could not he verified. ASK HUP AGAINST PEASANTS Odessa, July 21 Governor General Kaulbars ha been overwhelmed recently with appeal for military assistance from land owner in the district of Kherson, Yekaterincdav and Poltava against th peasantry, who are organized and led by revolutionists. Cossacks only are f urn shed for such duties, as loyalty of the regular troops is not to be depended upon. MAGNATE MUST BE ARRESTED (Scrlpis News A Klatlon) Toledo Ohio July 21 Prosecuting At torney William David says that if J. D. Rockefeller reaches Ohio he must submit to an arrest or appear and give bonds i answer to charges. Dav d says he will arrest the magnate even if he is his own golf links. GRAIN MARKETS Chicago July 21 Wheat opened at 76 Closed at 76; corn opened at 49 closed at49lj,'; oats opened at 5 2 SOCIETY Mrs. J. H. Aikine entertained th ladies of the Five Hundied club Thursday after noon. Mr. M. L. Causey won the prize, a handsom plat. During th afternoon frapp was ser ved and at the close of the game, delicious refreshments of pineapple cherbet, cake and ice tea were served. The guests were. Mesd-mes M. L. Causey. H. C. Grady, Wm. Bohnenkamp, F. Swaney, E. W. Bartlett, F. Kiddle. Wm. Allison. H. S. Cavana, J. Gulling, A. H. Buckley Q. E McCulley and Watt. Yesterday afternoon little Miss Mildred Reavis entertained fourteen of her young friend in honor of her sixth birthday Many pretty gifts were given to her by those spending th afternoon. Cooling and refreshing was th spread given the little ones and all departed wishing the hostess ma ny happy returns. GERMAN SAENGEREEST (Scrlppe News Association) , Rochenter N. Y. July 21 The annual convention and Saengerfest of the Arbei- tor Sadngerfest of the Northern Middle States, which was formally opened last night with a reception and commers for th visiting singers, is one of the best at tended conventions of hat organization ever held. 1 he delegates number more than four hundred and many af them are accompanied by their wives and families This morning the singers held a re hearsal at Germania Hall, at which Prof. Frank W. Pohl, of this city, was the director. In the afternoon a business session of the delegates will be held and the grand festival concert will take place in the evening. Another business meet ing will be held tomorrow morning. The rest of the day will be devoted to a garnd outing at Schuetzen Park. KING OF ENGLAND CODEATHER '"crlpp New Association) London July 21 The Duke of Man chetter'i second son was christened today. Th king was th godfather. PAN AMERKAN DELEGATES ARR1AE (Brrlppa New Association) Rio D Jane Jio July 21 The steamer Byron arrived this morning with delegate from United State to th Pan American congress. "v ROSENBERG RELEASED . Altona, Prussia, July 21 August Ros enberg, formerly of Seattle, who wa arrested here Jul 3 on th chare of be ing engaged in an anarchist cor (piracy, was released. Th judge who investigat ed th case decided that th testimony against th prisoner was Inadequate and said that no suspicion remained in th minds of th authorities against him. WHEAT BURNS AT HEUX H!ix. Ore, July 21 A fild of wheat belonging to H. C. Egger at Merrick, was almost totally destroyed hv fir. Tussday, caused by a spark from a pass ing engine on the W. & C. R. road. Th loss it fully covered by insurance. PASTURE 160 acre of good pasture adjoining Morgan Lake. Good spring. $1.00 per head per month. Thomas Broadhurst. THIS FOR MINE EVERY TIME No more a muddledbrain for mine I'll call for soda vry time Quench my thirst to my hsart's content, Sav cash for clothe a wall a rent Treat my wif and children too Smil with thm, and mile" with you. All th popular drink at Hill' soda fountain. ! HOME INVESTMENT ADDITION I I We have just surveyed and O. O. Jonhson place on Island City road, into acre tracts. Said tract is plated as block 6, Home Investment I Addition. This property is all in bearing orchard and a lot will make a fine home. Water right with each lot. The price is right and we will T sell the property on installments Secure a Lot at Once and Get the Best La Grande Investment Co. Foley Block TRIAL NEXT MONDAY Srrlppe News Association) Seattle July 21 -Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Maud CrefAeld will be arraigned next Monday morning if Judge F rater is here then "said Prosecuting A:tomey Mackintosh today. Th court ha announc ed hi intention of being in Seattle on that data. HOLY ROLLER RELIGION DEAD "I believe the relig.on is dead forever said Mr. Creffield. We had intended to continue our faith her but it would hav been a revised faith and one against which there could not wve been a dread of suspicion. What we did in Oregon w thought right at time. We hav f und further light since an i view out (practice three years ago of wrong. Is is not for the public to know what the inner works of our religion were Holy Rollerism is not spreading and there if little danger of it doing S3. HONOR THE MEMORY OF ZOLA Paris, July 21. There was a demon stration today at the tomb of Emil Zola, commemorative of the acquittal of Drey fus. The latter ssnt a wreath of orchids bearing his card. Major Dreyfus was tecogiized among the gathering and was greeted with an ovation. A MERRY GO ROUND A merry-go-round company is busy to day letting up it tent and other fixture and ere Many hour th city will be favor ed with strain of "Cairo" and other late ' - - i i t ant lot in the rear of th Odd Fellow' building. ATTORNEY KILLED FROM AMBUSH (Scrlpps New Association) Shoshone J Jy 21 Warren Moody the son of th late U. S. Senator was shot from an ambush this morning and killsd. Bright eyes are an infallible index to youth, windows from which Cupid shoots his arrows. Hollister's Rocky mountain Tea makes bright eyes, rosy cheek. Tea or tablets, 56 cents Newlin Drug Co. FOR RENT A four room cottage furn ished. Also a ten room hous suitabl for boarding and rooming. Inquire of Mrs. Zumr. Habit-forming Medicines. Whatever tnav be the fact a in man of th M-culli! patent nrdlclnp con taining Injurious IngrndU'iiti as broadly Kublinhxd Id Mime Journals of more or m iiiNwm.', till publicity ha certainly brnn of srnst bvnelit In around); nenlnd attention to thin subject It has. In a eonsldorable measure, resulted In the most Intelllarnt people avoiding Such food and mwlk-infl as may be fairly lus Dectfd uf cotitaliilnv the Inlnrimii (nvrw dtcnui comulaiiMMi of. Rerognlclng thi act some sime ago, nr. rierre. oi Hunalo, N. Y., "took lime by the fornlnck," as it were, and published broadcast all the InKrrdlenM of which his popular medi cine are eompimid. Thu lie has com pletely forestalled all harping critics and all opposition that might otherwise be urged agalimi hi medicines, because they are now or know composition. Fur thermore, from the formula printed on very bottle wrapper, It will be seen that these mi'iik-'nv contain no alcohol or other halilt-iorinliig drug. Nnlther do they contain any narcotic or injurious agents, their ingredients being purely vegetable, eitracted from the roots ot medicinal plniits found growing In the depths of our American forests sud uf well recoguiied curative virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even In small portions long continued, as In obstinate case of diseases, becomes highly objec tionable from Its tendency tu produce a craving for stlinulunw, I)r. fierce em ploys chemically pure, triple .refined glycerine, which of Itself Is a valuable remedy In many cases of chronic diseases, being a superior demulcent, antiseptic, antlferment and supporting nutritive. It enhances the curative action of the Golden Meal root. Htona root, Klack Cherrybark and lilondmot, contained in "Uolden Mmlicnl Discovery," In all bron chial, throat and lung affection attended with severe cough. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent I)r. (Jrover Coe, of New York; llartholow, of Jeffer son Medical College, I'hlla.t Hcmlder, of Cincinnati; Elllngwnod. of Chicago; Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand a leader In their several school of practice, the foregoing agent are the very rest Ingrmllente that Dr. I'terc eoiild hare chosen to make up hi fa mous " Discovery " for the cure of not only bronchial, throat and lung affec tions, but also of chronic catarrb In all its varlou forms wherever located. plated the ME AT Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. KROUSE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. Phon Main 48 -u-,ir.-t f,i fJv rjire mm To make the day a success on ha to din well. Look over this list and see if it does not make your mouth water. Absolute purity of every article is assured and they are certainly appetising. Do not wait until the last minute but cut out this list, past it in your mem orandum book and call here im mediately and leave your Fourth of July order. It will be promptly tilled New potatoes String Beans Green peas . Strawberries Raspberries -Cherries Peaches ,!' Heina Pickles Olives ' , Shrimp OrangSs Bananas, etc PHONE MAIN 46 QEdDEJ" BRlf NORTH FIR S TPFET If you bring hr to our ICE CREAM PARLORS you will have hr r won. withou . pleading your cas at her feet SELDER, The Candy irr-T L Man i THE TAYLOR STUDIO To thi Summer Girl: I want you to visit my studio and let m show you how suocestfuly I can photograh you in your sum mer gown. Com while your gown i fresh and new, it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to th laundry, Remember th new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO is nest door to the Observer Office PHONE BLACK 1 182 SUNDAV PHONE 841 ; LIGHTIM1IMG COLLECTION AGENT ; H. A. Watson, Mtfr. -F'v, few i : i Our system gets th money. J l m t a. Full particulars made known upon ' application to interested partes, i Office Lewis building e La Grande, Or. 2