4 Tv? iiy ' - - -, r M M M Mill MM I MM THE X t 1 jj FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH 1 ! ! which Pnnr ru I ... ..: . . . : : - . , j eearcnea Tor it right in our store. ' It is delightful to sio our Snn WIRd . T "iLn ana our patron uy that J ou!d delight to sip it all th. day. Giv. your mouth I A -5 ODA WATER TREAT W a'so have ,CrnrtAJ!l'.9RAPE JlJ,CE- LEMONADE, COCO COLA, and ROOT BEER Our Juices are from PURE FRUIT. Doctor. Prescription, and Family Receipt, a Specialty . wwuam rnarmacists Always in Attendance. RED GROSS DRUG STORE A. C. MAC LENNAN. Prop. Prescription Pharmacist CHERRIES WANTED We pay 6.le per pound for fancy large BLACK CHERRIES, and for others according to grade and variety. We are in the market for eggs. We pay 22 e per doz. Spot Cash. We are now ready to contract for your entire hay crop for this season. CaH and see us before you rr.ake any arrangements. We have a large stock of strawberry boxes and crates, which w otter very cheap in order to close them out. EXCELSK R $31.00 to $45.00 Means Best Range at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY NSTALLMENT PLA.. LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE HOUSE KEFPING OUTFIT Consisting of Bed Room Suits. Dressers. Iron Beds. Springs. Chairs. Bed Lounges, Couches, Folding Beds, Cooking Stoves, Carpets, and Linoleums. BARGAINS BARGAP S WE DO UPHOLSTERY and FURNITURE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN H'S Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind. We Guarantee them. Money back if you Kant, Keep Kool while Kocking. la Grande fvenin Observer PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company Mitttttttf M; Fine Confectionery and Cigars ! VanBuren's I N6T SHITE SO H9T we Van you while you wait Refreshing rest room Summer dri ks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Cream Parlor m Eastern Oregon j STORAGE COAL I Buy now and save money and worry. $7.00 per ton ; 2 delivered in your bin. 2 Call and see our line of BUGGIES : HAY, GRAIN, AND STEAMED ROLLED BARLEY. Z : GRANDE RONDE CAM. COMPANY. Phoone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. ; SATUDAY JULY 21. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.50 Six months in advance 3.50 Per month g5 .... 6c c:.-i. '. The czar, distressed and annoyed by the actions of some of his subjects, calls their attention to the soft and gentle hand thar has guided them to the quiet places of national enjoyment, and says tUt if they do not cease their bomb throwing and pistoling that he will declare a dicta torship. The czar must consider affairs very seiious. Ex. Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS- ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearine over a nrm-ri-nii,m. c;j VillVU articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment ADVERT HI Hi RATER Jleplay Ad ratcn rornlabed apoo application ' ml rmdlna tun lorn lUc per line flni 1 uw,.. Moo, je per iln Iter each eabkequeos Inaei Mod. ReeolDUona rwii1olBee. je erllne. .nle of Uwak. tn per Una. Some good Indians are not dead, but they are lonesome. ,,v w . . .... ... A logical man is one who readily sees the reasonableness of your position. There is something in, the makeup of th waiter that prevents him from seeing the evi:s of the tipping system. A ton of the finest logic on the market will not convince an tching tooth of the error of its way. The lawyers have changed their minds again, and Harry Thaw appears today a a drooling idiot, unable to remain in one place without being locked up, and incap able of lying on the ground without hold ing on. General Stoessel may consider himself more fortunate than General Fock. Death is preferable to 20 years in the galleys. But why couldn't Stoessel save his life by pleading mental irresponsibility, as Admiral Rojesventsky did?- Ex. The Chicago man name-4 Gourdain is making strenuous and frantic efforts to get into the penitentiary, having been senten ced thereto for four and a half years. He certainly should be accomodated If a man has to serve in jail, it isn't fair to keep him out of it. Advertising is rapidly becoming the force that moves the world. Staid old Bosto; has appropriated $50,000 to be spent during the year in advertising the city and trie business men will supple ment this with another $50,000. And as a result of this campaign with printer's ink it will be interesting to "watch Boston grow." Ex. Farmers of the Inland Empire are awakening to the fact that they must do something to eliminate the weed pests, that are menacing their farms. For many years few of these species of weeds were present and little heed was given to them until they have increased to such numoers that whole farms are menaced special care should be taken to c ean the fence lines and fence corners. The county should see that the roadsides are kept clean, to p event the pread:rg of the seeds. By a careful aiyd systematic effort the pests can be s '.si under control and finally abolish' altogether. Pul i THE LATEST IN EARLY j ENGLISH FURNITURE j Just in Prom the Factory he men are getting in hit in ali the big cities, pretty nearly, lately. W. F. Lyons, president of the Central Ice Company of Kansas City, testified la Wednesday that he had gone into the ice business in 1900, aud that, the. following summer being very hot, he raised the price of ice to meet ths demand and made a profit of $45,000 that year. Think of that will you-$45,000? $45,000 clean-or rather unclean-profit. All in one summer. A recently completed census report on the blind and deaf in the United States shows that about one person in every 1200 was blind, and 'one in every 850 deaf in the United States in 1900. The total number of blind in that year was 64,763, of whom 26,645 were totally blind. About on tenth of the total num ber of blind were born so. There were more blind among the negroes than whites Of the blind at least ten years. f age 20 ,1 were engaged in some gainful occupation. 1 Stilwell i MARKET i formerly known as the j; HARRIS MARKET j PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stilwell I MARKET e WALLOWA ((MY Send your collections and cash items to THe Stock Growers and farmers Bank, OF WALLOWA. OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on time deposit. - lt OPITAl. 5.000.00 C. T. McDaniel, Cashier. A. K. Stslhenbero. Pres. j Hammocks and Lawn Swings j : W. H. BOHNFNKAMP CO : A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA j NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST ftf BUT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons, trt eery department, a reputation we point to with pardon- able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda J fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who has never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find hun- 5 dred who have, and do. and always ill,. because .they want the .best and.. , appreciate a fine article. We have' some new" flavors this year " which" are" J going to be of Universal favor en account of their delicate flavors. Hoping J you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you,. We are respectfully, Jy . ... - ' .: A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR a j HIS APPRECIATION I THETBLS1NESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages"of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many of its advantages. We are always glad to explain the workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. Interests) paid on time deposits and in savings department. t CAPITAL AND SURPI US $74,000.00 farmer?' ana Uraders lj 7ationat SftanA 1 ou J. M. PlARE. IN ANCIENT DAYS watches were clumsv affairs a-f' were not over-accurate. To aVl pi maw now mucn we an or watchwaking has advanced you inouia see our laates TIME PIECES They are delicate little affairs in old, silver, gun metal, or enamel. J I hey are all guaranteed to keep Z accurate time and not to get out of order easily. The prices are about T anything you care to pay. Z ':u?ter and Optic teg Ti' man Tribune. I