LOST CHILD IGbASSiricb ADS MEAT Fresh and Cured I HOME INVESTMENT ADDITION ! Si Rates-One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser- tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try one today. FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Harris, one door this side of Rohr and Co. Butcher shop. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan's addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade C. A Cary. FOR SALE Air motor windmill good condition. A. Mclain N 4th st VfjTED Men and boys for beet thin ' ning. Apply to Samuel Storey, FURNISHED FRONT ROOM-Phone Black 612 FOR RENT Furnished room in John Anthony house corner 6th and P st. MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. LOST On the road between La Grande and Siarksy, a ieaiiior fuiuing pufeki book containing a diamond ring. Said book vlBjst on or about the seventh of June. A "Sberal reward will be paid for the return or information leading to its return to this office. FOR SALE One threshing machine 33 by 60 with band cutter long feeder and everything complete will sell or trade. J. E. Reynolds Phone 1961 FOR SALE Near Cove. 360 acres o fine fruit, vegetab'e and pasture land, with fine spring water, for $4,600. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove for $,600. or land and town property for $9,600 if taken together. Inquire at this office R SALE One 33 by 60 Russell Sep arator with wind stacker and long and short self feeder and band cutter com plete, J. E. Reynolds, La Grande R. F. P.. No. 2 MEN WANTED At the Sugar Factory, inquire of P. Q. Tayi at the Sugar Factory. .WANTED Experienced skidders to take contract. - SALE Five rooir: house on Adams venue. Inquire at this office. GIRL WANTED At once ti do general house work. Apply at Western Union Telegraph Office. WANTED-A fresh Mi'ch cow, Jersey preferred. Phone Red 621 or write Box 454. I BRICK Brick furnished in any quanuy or anyj style. No contract too s nail or to large. See samples our pressed. brick. GEO. KREIGER, ha UthuA. Oregon. ev-i The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by offer a sustitute for doubtful investments, but by ac cepting small deposits it protects them from their own thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings account, no matter how small GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS OFFICERS W. C. BROWN, President . ft mWD r.athier utu. u . j HOLMES, WOOD WOOD WOOD Parties desiring to engage their winter supply of wood will please leave their order at Mr. Polock's grocery store. I have 600 cords of good dry cord wood and of any kind. Respectfully J. Anthony. fOR SALE Eight acres.6 room houM.turn. nl.r.fnr chickens or hoes, orchard, all. kind n fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at pre-nises. JohnGavan Notice Life insurance ompanies, will reduce the rate 33 per cent to all who agree to use Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. A wise measure. Tea or Tablets 35 cents. Newlin Drug Co. Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smilling face, bright eyes, sparkling with health, which come: j taking Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cts. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Cc. TIMBER CLAIMS We can locate a number of parties on good timber claims of two million feet and better. Foley Blk. La Grande Investment Co. LOST In this city, a gold fob locket with emerald settings. Leave at this office and receive reward. MEN AND BOrS WANTED To pick cherries. Begin Tuesday and Wednesday. Can use all who come. C. M. and B. M. Stackland. BID fOR BONDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Recorder of the City of La Grande, up to August 1st 1906, for the purchase $30,000 Water Bonds, of City of La Grande, said bonds to bear 6 interest, payable eemi-an-ually, and to run for a period of 20 years with privilege of redemption at any time after 10 years, upon giving three months notice. G. E. Fowler Chairman Ways & Means Committee FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande Ore., in Foley building. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment com pany. NOTICE OF RESTORATION to Settle ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Lands within the former Baker City Forest Re serve, Oregon. Department of the Inte ior, General Land Office. Washington, D. C, March 28, 1 906. Jn pursuance of the proclamation of the President of the United States, dated March IP, 1906, ex cluding from the former Baker City Fares! Reserve, partly embraced in. the Blue Mountains Forest Reserve. Oregon," the ares described below, and restoring to jettlement the public lands therein, notice is hereby given that the said public lands will become subject to entry, filing and election, under the usual restrictions, at the United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on July 18, 1906: In Township eight (8) South, Range thirty eight '38) East, Willamette Meridian, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west halt of the south-west quarter of Section thirty-five (86): in Township nine (9) South, Range thirty-nine (39) East, the west half of the north-west quarter end the west half of the south west quarter of Section twenty nine (29). and the west half of the north-west quarter of Section thirty-two (32). W. A. Richards, Commissioner. Approved: Thos. Rayn, Acting Secretary of the Interior. $60,000.00 Wm. MILLER. Vice Rres'.dent T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier Treasurer. 0 fl For 96 hours the dreary seach for Cecil Brittain has been :n progress at the toll gate on the summit of the Blue mountains without the sl:ghtest trace of the chili being found. Over 150 people are now at the sum mit, and th s af terncon all the forces were called in for a consultation. It was al most definitely dee ded that the child has been kidnaped, as there is not the slight est trace of clothing., blood or other mask leading to the theory that he has been devoured by wild animals has been found. The Draper bloodhounds absolutely failed to pick cp a scent anywhere, and it is the opinion of Draper that the child has been carried away by some one and that he is still alive in the hands of a kidnaper. Sheriff Taylor, of this city, is now with the seachers and will now run down the clu-s that may have been found leading to the belief that the child was stolen. The mysterious man who has been seen at times on the mountain has not been located and a search is now being made fo him and his camp. Word is sent nut that there are now too many men on the mountains. The accomodations are not ample for the crowds that are now gatherbd there. It is decided that it is of but little use to search farther as every foot of ground for miles around the tollgate has beep thoroughly hunted ever and now all effort will be directed tiward finding a trace of the mysterious stranger or others who may have crossea the mountain about the time the child, was lost. Pendleton E. O. REPUBLICANS OPeFcAMPAIGN (Scripps News Association) Washington, D. C, July 20. The Re publican Congressional Campaign com mittee is preparing for the opening of the congressional campaign in the various states and co gressional campaign head quarters will be opened today in New York and many cities throughout the country. The record of tne first session of the Fifty-ninth Congress will be used as a campaign document during the cam- pain this fall. "The session just closed was one of the most notable since the adoption of the Constitution", said Representative James A. Tawney of Minnesota, chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations and vice-chairman of the Republican Cam paign Committee. "A vast amount of important legislation was enacted, and Congress responded to nearly every pop ular demand upon it. l see nothing in the present situation that would justify even a doubt that the Republicans will not control the House in the Sixtieth Con' gress." It is generally understood that, accord ing to the plans of the campain committee the coming campaign will be one of argU' ment and statistics. Amcng the most prominent c impaign orators this fall will be Speaker Cannon, Secietary Shaw, Secretary Taft, Vice President Fairbanks. Senator Beveridge, Representative Hill of Connecticut, and Representative Payne of New Yerk. PAINTS THAT PLAY GHOST! the kind that have no real "body" have no place in our stock. Immitation paint is worse than no paint at all. We have a care in providing paint that fills the wood, preserves it, adds to its ap- ( pearance and altogether does what an Al paint shop should do. STANIELS & JAPAN Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder laler in Building Material Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, a no I w.II .:::.-.o"t r' ' "iO. We have just surveyed and plated the O. O. Jonhson place on Island City road, into acre tracts. Said tract is plated as block 6, Home Investment Addition. This property is all in beanng orchard and a lot will make a fine home. Water right wi'h each lot The price is right and we will , sell the property on installments Secure a Lot at Once and Get the Best La Grande Investment Co. Foley Block La Granie ESTABLISHED i887 United States Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,030 00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TEORGE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY, Vice President. ' . F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER. ' F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY. C. C. PENINGTON, F. J. HOLMES. General banking business, parts of the world THIS fOR MINE VERY TIME No more a muddledbrain for m ne I'll call for soda every time Quench my thirst to my heart's content, Save cash for clothes as well as rent Treat my wife and children too "Smile" with them, and "smile" with you. All the popular drinks at Hill's soda fountain. PASTURE 160 acres of good pasture adjoining Morgan Lake. Good springs. $1.00 per head per month, . Thomas Broaohurit. Chamberlain ' Cough Remed' A t?afe Medicine for Children. In hnylr . "xm - oedidne for children, never be afraid to bnjr Cr Lain h Comir hi vr.l l There In no dimmer from it, and relief in alw to f ,liow. V 'u 'n'e 0. 1 especially for coaghs, colds, cronp and r coTik'li , uri'i i tiue et z. Icine in the world for these dineaM-s. It Is a -e rtdu cure 1 r c nnp t, when given as soon aa the cronpy cookV will f.revn t tho t., vVhoojiing cough Is not dBTierons when t:. is 'i;i ,,i Oi.-ede-;. U contains no oplnm or ot'iiT hinufuj drngn, a given ' v.CJ ttly to a tab as to u a alult. National Bank Drafts drawn on all THE : OXFORD PAR : JAMES FARQUHARJON. Prop. OMttaee ataortaMM WINES, LIQUOR AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You art invited to call and get acquainted. R. ire wg t ml; ii rs. neJ Can be obtained at this mar- at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. KROUSE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Phone Main 48 mm To make the day a success one has to dine well. Look over this list and see if it does not make your mouth water. Absolute purity of every article is assured and they are certainly appetising. Do not wait until the last minute but cut out this list, paste it in your mem orandum book and call here im mediately and leave your Fourth of July order. It will be promptly filled New potatoes String Beans Green peas Strawberries Raspberries Cherries Peaches Heinx Pickles Olives Shrimp Oranges Bananas, etc PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ" BR2J NORTH FIR STREET if you bring her to our ICC CREAM PARLORS you will have her won withou pleading your case at her feet SELDER, TheMacnandy THE TAYLOR STUDIO To the Summer Girl: 1 want you to visit my studio and let me show you how successfuly 1 can photograh you in your sum mer gown. Come while your gown is fresh and new, it will look neat er in a picture than after it his been to the laundry. Remember the new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO is next door to the Observer Office PHONE BLACK 1 182 SUNDAY PHONE 841 LIGHTNING COLLECTION AGENT ii. A. Watson, Mir. i: i i . i: I: Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. r -- - Jmv r. jut. . llBfif f Office Lewis building La Grande, Or. in'vi'ii.'.i.t f;it:s