' , I THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH i LOOK HERE We have just received THREE COMPLETE . which Pence De Leon vainly searched for it 'right in our store.". It ..delightful to sip our SODA WATER and our patron. say that they wo.ild delight to sip it all the day. Give vour mouth t HOUSE KEFPING I A SODA WATER TREAT f OU T F 1 T: We a'o have ICE CREAM. GRAPE JUICE. LEMONADE. COCO COLA, and ROOT BEER Our Juice, are from PURE FRUIT. Doctor. Prescription, and Family Receipt., a Specialty Two Graduated Pharmacists Always in Attendance. I RED CROSS DRUG STORE 1 A. C. MAC LENNAN. Prop. Prescription Pharmacist CHERRIES WANTED We pay 6 per pound for fancy large BLACK CHERRIES, and for others according to grade and variety. We are in the market for eggs. We pay 22,'c per do. Spot Cash. We are now ready to contract for your entire hay crop for this season. ' e us omum uu ii:a ny arrangements. We have a large stock of strawberry boxes and crates, which we offer very cheap in order to close them out. PHONE MAIN 2 i: Oregon Produce Company jj EXCELSI'. R $31.00 to $45.00 . Means Best Range at any price. Sold n Exchange for Old Stoves or on EASY ' NSTALLMENT PLAN. Consisting of Bed Room Suits, Dressers. Iron Beds, Springs, Chairj. I Bed Lounges, Couches, Folding Beds, Cook;ng Stoves, Carpets, and Linoleums. BARGAINS BARGAI S WE DO UPHOLSTERY and fLRMTl'RE REPAIRING Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN Adams Ave. Phone Red 241 H. B. HAISTEN Fir Street Store QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind. We Guarantee them. Money back if you Kant, Keep Kool while Kooking. La Grande Evening Observer FRIDAY JULY 20. 1906 Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af I VanBuren's ; Ullllll IMIIIIMI - II N9T aaiTe so hqt jiSCHEdRER'S WE FAN YOU WHILE YOU WAIT Refreshing rest room Summer dri ks that satisfy Best equipped Ice Gream Parlor in Eastern Oregon Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $p.50 tix months in advance 5.50 Per month 65 Single copy '. sc "Make hay while the sun shines," looks nice in print, but not in the harvest fields, these hot days especially. Democrat. Don't lose sight of the fact that cities do not grow up they are built. Help build up La Grande by investing your Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. C'JRREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any artic.e appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. A UV KK1 LSI N U KATKM Msplajr Ad i-atea raralsbed a pod application deal routine uoilrlu per llnvflrsl liw lion, je per line fur auita ubMxjunl id Hod. MOlutloDt of condolence, s er line. rtU of (batik, be per line Those Portland street car employees are modest. They are willing to allow the management to hold their Jobs if they will be good and not interfere with the running of the road by the motormen and conductors. After twelve years Dreyfus has been cleared of treason by the French courts. He is a Jew and a victim of the unreas onable and savage prejudice ruling so many millions in Europe. Tom Watson proposes an eight-plank platform with the initiative and' referen dum at the head, to whom he invites everybody ta rally. If T)n m II ejt off the other seven he might get the rally, all right. Several States will enact tome sort of primary law this winter. Probably none of them will be as good as ours, for the people ar. not able te take lawmaking nto their own hands in other States. Professional politicians jdo not like the direct primary law. STORAGECOAL! Buy now and save money and worry. $7.00 per ton delivered in your bin. Call and see our line of BUGGIES In Minnesota the Republicans have nominated A. L. Cole, of Walker, once a real estate man but now a merchant. He has served two terms in the legislature and is on good terms with all the party. He has a strong opponent in Governor Johnson who carried the state against "Bob" Dunne in 1902. by a plurality cf 66,486. He made a cood record and be ing of the Scandinavian race, will receive many votes on that account. cles HAY, GRAIN, AND STEAMED ROLLED BARLEY. : GRANDE RONDE CAH COMPANY. Phoone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. The accident insurance companies have compiled an interesting statement, show ing from their' reports what percentage of accidents belong to the 12 cause pro vided against. The report shows the percentage to be as follows: Accidents to pedestrians 24.14 Accidents indoors at home 18.80 Accidents from horses and vehi- 18.16 .15.98 . 15.98 . 4 77 . 4 06 2 75 . 175 1.52 1.20 .70 . .05 The big dry dock Dewey, after an event ful voyage, has at last been anchored in Philippine waters. The navy department is to be congratulated upon the success ful termination of the trip, the outcome cf which was looked on by many with ex treme doubt. If theOregon Development league never performed any other duty than to bring the people from remote corners of the the state together, it would be a messen ger of immeasurable good. If it never accomplished a solitary object in an indus trial or commercial line, the friendship it has promoted, the fraternity which it has created and nursed into active being, would give it place among the greatest benefactors of the state. It was one of the creator of the larger state life which is now dawning. It was one of the godmothers of the present pro gress, the present development which is causing the state, to glow w,th energy from Astoria to Ontario. E. 0. Bright eyes are an infallible index to youth, windows from which Cupid shoots his arrows. Hollister's Rocky mountain Tea maker bright eyes, rosy cheeks. Tea or tablets, 35 cents Newlin Drug Co. llStilwellii MARKET formerly known as the HARRIS MARKET THE LATEST IN EARLY ENGLISH FURNITURE j Just in From the factory Hammocks and Lawn Swings W. H. BOHNFNKAMP CO A LITTLE TALK ON irF tdfam cnrvA L MOT B ETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation we point to with pardon able pride, we want, now. to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had. and while we may occasianly find a party who has never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred who have, and do, and always will, because they wart the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavor. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you. We are respectfully, A. T. HILL. Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stihvell MARKET ; HIS APPRECIATION V THEBUS;NESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantaces"of a check.ng account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many o: i.s advantages. P " M?' a'".ay8 s!ad exp,a,n ,h workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking" wing account lnterestspaid on time deposits and in savings department. 0 CAPITAL AND SURPlL'S $74,000.00 farmers1 ana TJraders 7atonat S2ank Accidents at home out of doors Accidents whiU on recreation Killed on railroads Bicycles and automobles Accidents on street cars Acci ental discharge cf firearms Bites of animals and reptiles Assaults Accidents on steam ships Unknown WALLOWA (0UNIY Send your collections and cash items to lUe Stock Growers and farmers Bank, OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interet on time deposit. lAPITAl. . 525.000.00 : IN ANCIENT DAYS watches were clumsy affairs and Wrft nrtf m... -. . - -r-. .... v.i-.h.ui.u, 10 ,p. - preciate how much the art of X witehwaking has advanced you should see our ladies' TIME PIECES j They are delicate little affairs in old, silver, gun metal, or enamel. I niv are all sunni n i,. T c;urate time and not to get out of order easily. The prices are about anything you care to pay. C. T. McDaniel, Cashier. A. K. Steunenberc. Pres. eeeeeeeefteeeeeeee Jl J. M. PLAKC. S'Mtler and Option r 4 if, eeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee To'al .100.03