La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 16, 1906, Image 5

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i"! 0t T"- h"
w wuii. : wntiiw uui unng quic ll
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaj,aa,a, i 1 A I '
FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one
fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. .Rose
Harris, one door this side of Rohr and
Co. Butcher chop.
rnn c I c -p i 1 , i I
FOR SALE OR TRADE-Two acres in
Honan's addition, nicely improved, large
roomy house, good water. Will trade
C. A Cart.
FOR SALE Air motor windmill good
A. Mclain N 4th st
WANTED Men and boys for beet thin
ning. Apply to Samuel Storey.
Black 612
FOR , RENT Furnished, room in
Anthony house corner 6th and P st
MONEY For loans on city property see
Wm. Qrant's agency. Also real estate
and insurance.
LOST On the road between La Grande
and Starkey, a leather folding pocket book
containing , a diamond ring. Said book
was lost on or about the seventh ot June.
A liberal reward will be paid for the
return or information leading to its return
to this office.
FOR SALE One threshing ' machine
33 by 60 with band cutter long feeder
and everything complete will sell or
trade. 1
J. E. Reynolds
Phon 1981 '
FOR SALE Near Cove. 380 acres o
fine fruit vegetable and pasture land,
with fine spring water, for $4,600. Also
the finest residence and acre , block in
Cove for $5,600, or land and town
" property for $9,600 if taken together,
i Inquire at thVoffiee
FOR SALE-One 33 by 60 Russell Sep
arator with wind stacker and long and
short self feeder and band cutter com
plete. ' .- - J. E. Reynolds,
La Grande R. F. D.. No. 2
M EN W A NTED At the Sugar Factory,
inquire of F. G. Taylor at the Sugar
Factory. .
WANTED Experienced skidders to take
contract. :
WANTED Log Chute Builder,, state ex
perience and amount of wages desired
in first letter. Address, Colorado Con
solidated Lumber ''Company, Boulder.
WANTED loggers" at abote mill to
contract by 1.000 feet. Trees run from
tight to thirty inches diameter, cut two
to four logs; will pay f 1.00 per thous
and under contract. ; Address, Colorado
Consolidated Lumber Company, Boulder,
Colo. ,;
WANTED Man of sobriety, experience,
with ability to manage men, to take
charge of Company's logging . opera
tions; mill capacity 100,000 per ten.
hours. Send reference. State salary de
sired in first letter. Location of mill South
Fork of Gnnde River. Grand County.
Colo. Address, Colorado Consolidated
Lumber Company, Boulder, Colo.
WANTED-ManagerSaw Mill. Box Shook
and Planing Mill. Requisites: Honesty,
sobriety, ability to manage .men, and
a thorough knowledge of the business.
All references required. Capacity of saw
mill 100,000 feet ten hours. Will pay
right man $260 per month for first twelve
months, $3C0 per month as long as sat
isfactory thereafter. Good position for
riirht man. Address; me
solidated Lumber Company;
Colorado. ';
I The Eastern. Oregon Trust and
The savings bank is the greatest boon, that has ever,
come to the masses. It not only protects them by:
offer a sustitute for doubtful investments, but by ac
cepting small deposits it protects them from their own,
thoughtless expenditures.
We want your savings account, no matter how small-
W.C. BROWN, President
nm i n E AVER. Cashier -
cwt ori bsent.ins.r
Try on today.
ur r . T
"wu nwu WOOD-Paraes desiring
to engage their winter supply of wood
will please leave their order at Mr.
Polock's grocery store. I have 600 cords
of good dry cord wood and of any kind.
Respectfully ' . .
J. Anthony.
FioKi1 a -ret a ft saah. k... I l
a will UVUVfaSUeirn, pieKV I QT
chicknt or hogs, orchard, &U kinds o
U. A .1
run, ana pieniy ot water. Located east
of flouring mill, will exchange for city
property Apply at premises. JohnOavao
Notice Life insurance companies, will
reduce the rate 8 per cent Ho all -who
agree to use Hollisters Rocky Mountain
Tea. , A wise measure, .Tea. or Tablets
35 cents. -Newlin Drug Co. ' "-
Good looks bring happiness. Friends
care more for us when we meet them
with clean, smilling face, bright eye,
sparkling with health, which come J
taking Hollistar's Rocky Mountain Tea.
35 eta. Tea or Tablets. ... ... : 1
Nevun Druo Co.
f . i
i We can locate number of partes 'on
good timber claims of two million feet ind
better. , : ,'
Fdlej flllc. La Grands Investment Co. '
LOST In this city,- a gold fob locket
with emerald settings. Leave at this
office and receive reward.
iJo pick cherries. Begin Tuesday and
Wednesday. Can uss all who come.' i t
CM. and B. M. Stackland. !
Notice ie hereby given that sealed bids
Stilt 04 received by the City Recorder of
the City of La Grande, up to August 1st
1906, for the purchase $10,090 Water
Bonds, of City of La Grande, said bonds
to bear 6 ft interest, payable ' seml-art-
ually, and to run for a period of 20 year
with privilege of redemption' at any time
after 10 years, upon giving three moo the
notice. . Q. E. Fowler ' I
Chairman Ways & Mesne Committee
TITLES go lo the La Grande ,lnt
ment Company. La Grande Ore in
Foley building.
on city and country real estate. Loans
closed promptly, as soon as title is ap
proved. La Grande Investment com
pany. .
, , ry .
ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Linda'
within ths former ttaker city f orest Ke-
serve, Oregon. Department of the late
ior. General Land Office. Washington. D.
C, March 28, 1 906. In pursuance of the
proclamation of the President -of-the
United States, dated March It 1906;-
cludiog from the former Baker. City Forest
Reserve, partly embraced in the Blue
Mountains Forest Reserve. Oregon, the
area described below, and restoring to
settlement the public land therein, -notice
is hereby given that toe said public lands
will become subject to entry, filing and
selection, under the usual restrictions, at
the United States - Land Office at La
Grande, Oregon, on July ,18i 1 906 1 In
Township eieht (8) South. Range thirty
eight (38) East, Willamette Meridian, the
west half of the north-west quarter and
thm west half of the south-vatst quarter
of Section thirty-five (36); ia Township
nine (9) South, Range thirty-nine (?a
East, the west half of the north-west
nn&rlar and the west half of- the south'
west Quarter of Section twenty nine (2a),
and the west half of ; the ..north-west
auarter of Section thirty-two '432).
W. A. Richards, Commissioner.
Tnos. Rayn.
Acting Secretary of the Interior. '
Wm. MILLER Vice Rresident .
T. J. SCROQG1N. Asst. Cashier '
State Engineer John H. ' Lewis spent
Sunday in the City. Mr. Lewis ie work
ing hard to secure better and snore equh .
able laws regarding -the rights of water
in Oregon and has made the question a
matter of investigation for several- , years
and is striving in every way possible to
direct public attention, to. the crying need
of a comprehensive state law controling
the use of the water of our rivers.
In the following interview it is shown
just where the water use' stands bsfors
the law and the remedial measures pro
posed by the State Engineer. He says:
"The development of this' State and
especially this community is greatly retards
by the lack of definite water laws, and the
value of present water rights are greatly
lessened for lack - of proper standing in
law and protection by the state. - -.'"Records
of stream discharges to be of
value must be kept daily and throughout
several years as the water fluctuates
from if' to day- also with each season.
A reo rd .of thue to five ye re duration
is of the greatest value in designing works
for the use of water.
"It . is . next necessary to secure an
abstract .ot water '
amounrotwate whien must be let run
by to satisfy vested right below the pro
posed diversion, ; ,Thi an . only be
determined at present by bp ging suit
against all parties claiming the right to
the use of water from the stream and
securing a decree of court, as the present
water lews contain no penalty to eworce
compliance.' Only part of the vested
rights have posted and filed the required
notice, hd many of ths rights which are
speculative in character have -filed notices
which w haver beoome vested out ssrve
fto wumber tha title to water and prevent
its legitimate use. - -
A lawsuit is expansive auu uiun
the loss ef time. As there is a definite
limit to which the waters of each stream
can be put to, a beneficial use, investments
will become more huardous at this limit
i reached..' . If en abstract of actual vested
rights eonnot be bed careful measure
ment of stream flow will be of but little
value in the protection . of investments
The only way at present Ie to build your
ditch, divan water and take ohancea on a
court decision. If unfavorable, the money
invested is lost If favorable to the ditch
owner, he bae disturbed the peace of the
community and called each user of water
into sourt at considerable expense, when
e should have been attending to the irri
gatlon of hie orops. This decree is bind
(Scrlpps Newe Association)
Oyster Bay, July 16. The President
entertained a number of visitors today.
Among those pres nt were:General Bing
ham, police commissioner of Nsw York;
Sscretary Taft, F. P. Dunne and F. W.
Whiteridge, who was special ambassador
to ths marriage 6f King Alfonso, reported
Acting Secretary of State 'Bacon came
jver from Lone Island, whereJie is
eoendinar hie vacation. - L o
Bricrht eves are an infallible index .to
youth, windows from which Cupid shoote-j
his arrows. Hollister s Kocky mountain
Tea makee bright eyes, rosy cheeks. Tea
or tableta, 36 cents Newlin Drug Go.
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease in the same that the use
of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases.
They save youTfom danger and ' bring
quick and painless release - from consti
pation and the tiles growing oat - of it
Strength and vigor always follow their
use. Guaranteed by Nivlin Druo
26c Try them.
J. L
and Builder
Dealer in Buildin; Material
Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand
Gravel delivered.
La Grande, Oregon
Dro a line naming work, and I will
name the right price.
Brie furnished in any quantty or any
style. No contract too s nail or to
large. - See eamplee rl our pressed
' ; ' La J rand, Oregon.
' tun w J Vul
ng only between the parties theretr.
New ditohes will be built, and the oper
ation is repeated until the community is
bankrupt V .
In Utah for example, all rights are
determined once for ill, beginning with
the streams mcst used.' Thereafter no
rights can be acquired without authority
of the state. Notice of the intended
diversion is published and protect allowed
where any one thinks his right will be
injured. The question 'of supply and rights
are carefully investigated and when the
permit is issued by the state it hae the
same standing in law as a patent to lands
issued by the Government. In an arid
country the patent to land is of insignifi
cant value compared to the water right
which is the foundation of its value. Set
tlement ie therefore retained by uncertain
water laws as now exist in this state.
' "An administrative system is necessary
A water master or policeman in each
community ' would distribute the water in
accordance with court decree a d future
acquired rights. These rights would be
recorded in order of priority . As streams
fluctuate during the season the poorest
J V;S'J!2 55 iWm th low
est water thus protesting the older rights
without feaf of annual oontest in the
courts. Where water is stored on a
stream channel thie officer measures (he
same and protects it to the point of diver
sion and vse. Appeals from the decisions
of the water master which qosti nothing
can be taken to the eourte and only the
person who thinks himself agrieved ie
disturbed. The watermatter ie subjeot to
removal for causl.
"Considerable opposition is had to the
change of present water laws principally
from those holding speculative rights or
franchisee without use. When these fran
chises become of increased value they
will be sold and not before. Fear ie had
lest a new law will create unending liti
gation. A This has not been the experience
or other etatea end ae pointed out we
are assured of unending litigation under
present laws where the limit of a et cam's
use ie reaohed, "Irragation in the Will
amette Valley hae been much agitated of
late end the Portland Board ef trade is
taking an aotive interest in plane for unit
ing all sections of the etate- in preparing
a bill which will meet the needs of each
community and bejfcupported by all. Care
tui study oi tne raw measure and co
operation in its support is all that is nsc-
essary for the eiluWi of this problem
upon which the future Oregon depends."
Ulieuever a sore or ulcer doea not beal and shows eigne of becoming
chronic, it shoulj arouse suspicion, because u my nf these placet. lcal to
C nicer, it may appear as an ordinary., ro at first1; and- is given
ireutment as such, with some simple salve, wish or plaster, wfth the hope
that the place will heal, but the real Beat nf the trouble ie in the blood and
.-an not be reached by external remedies, and soon the sore will .return. After
awmie tne deadly poison begins to eat
into the surrounding flesh and the
ulcer spreads rapidly, becoming more
offensive and alarming until at last
the sufferer finds he is afflicted with
L-Cancer. Cancerous ulcere often start
irom a Don, wan, tnoie or pimple,
which has been bruised or roughly
handled, showing that the taint la in
the blood, perhaps inherited, - Another cause for non-healing ulcere and
sores is the remains of some constitutional disease or the effects of a long
O 'LG3 (B
PURELY VFRETARLP to improve, the discharge gradually growa lesa,
runes, i vc.uc.ihdi.Emi the inflalumutiott- eatVKft the flesh resumes
Its healthy color, and soon the sore ie well, because every vestige oi the cause
has been removed from the blood. Book on tores and ulcere and medical ad
rice without charge. jil SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA,
La Grande
United States Depositary
Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profit $(60,090 00
1EOROE PALMER, Prmidutt. , J. M. BERRY, Vice Prssibsrt.
F. L MEYERS. Cashiir.
k W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier.
General banking business,
parts of the world
are all found in the list of
Sherwin Wilhams paints, and
their high quality insures that
any shade will be permanent
They dont fade like many so-
called paints. .: Neither do
they lose their life and scale
off, are they affected by sun
or ram. They can be relied
upon as being thoroughly
durable in all respect. Mow
tnat tne 4th or July is ap
proaching it is a good time to
celebrate by giving your house,
fence, or outbuilding a new
pnr Handera, and
CoapM MaorUMnlot
Cold lunches and mixed drinks a
specialty. . Fair and Impartial
treatment to all. , You are invited
to call and get acquainted.'
Notice ie hereby given to all coneumere
if water In the city of LeQrande, Oregon,
that all parties who -wish to irrigate, arc
required to file an application for the
same, with the City Recorder.
Irrigation hours; The laws for irri
gation are ae folfows; from 6:90 to 7:30
p. m. "
Signed; H. C. Oilman, Water Supt
Dated. April 30, 1906. .
I waa aafferi nr rnitlr from e t.iiitr.
ous uloer on my laf t braaat, whleh had
DUfunioiM.tnn as linui wonia aia-l
flharare varv olfanalT nattar. Il
knew the trouble was hereditary as en
only sietor. my mother and two of har
sl.tars died of Oanoar. I em fully aat-tafli-d
I would have tone tha aameway
put lor ej. a. ,. wnion ouraa ma.
Bolton, Mo. at aa. J. OA88KLI..
" ' very root of the trouble and cures so thorough-
-v that there la never anv alirn nf the trouble
vmm A innn a th ivilnn flrta
the influence of S. S. S. the place begins
National Bank
Drafts drawn on all
Fresh and Cured
Can be obtained at this ma
at all times. We deliver
orders promptly. Phone
us or leave your, order. V
will do the rest.
Successor to J. Bull and G
Phone Main 48
t mlra th rtv a success one hft. .
In Tm uiI1 I nstlr nu.r t M la lu .
and see if it does not make1 yoi ,
mouth water. Absolute purity t ,
every article is assured and thf ;
are certainly appetising!' Do n-
wait until the last minute but c ,
out this list, pasta it in your man
orandum book and call here ii - )
mediately and leave your Fourth ,
.lulu nrHar It will hn nmmnl ' t
filled 1 i 1
New potatoes Peaches e .
String Beans Heinz Pickles i
Qreen peas Olives t ' J
Strawberries Shrimp !! .
Raspberries 'Oranges !
Cherries Bananas, etc y !
-SAAeAafcAeafcetisaedllAeAA -
To the Summer Qirl: ;
I want you to visit my studio
let me show you how succes
1 can photograh you in your i
mergown. Come while your t
is fresh and nsw, it will look r
er in a picture than after it
been to the laundry. Reme
the new location of . ,
Ie next door to the Obs
I e
I a
I f
H. A. Watson, Mg
Our system gets the mon
Full particulars made known
application to interested pa;
Office Lewis building
a a ,
If you bring her to our ; . 2
vou will have her won wit 4 ,
' . .. . . . r
i pieaaing your case ai. ner 10 1
I La Qrande, Or.