Offic: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 Call answered day or night. DR. F. E. MOORE ... Osteopathic Physicians Kirksville Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building Phones: Office Main 63: ' Res. Main 64 PROfESSlOKAL CARDS Dentist! PHYSICIANS f -r n . ,,. ... - C B. CAUTHORN Q L, B1GOERS M. D, . IimiT Physician and Soroeor ow ,., Drug Stor. Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beirs store La Oranoi. Ohoon Office Phone Black 1521 w Residence Phone Red 1001 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. A. L. RICHARDSON ' 5' 7 ' Physician ano Surosor D R A' CHARON Office over Hill's Drug Store. VETERINARY SUROEON Office Phone 1 562 Residence Main 65 0ffic at Hill' Dru Store. La Grand Or Residence Phone Red, 701 N. MOLITOR M. D. Office Phone 1361 Farmer Line 68 PHYSICIAN AND ' SUROEON t'riD CAl c nl" ZT Z m OR SALE Desirable 8 acr fruit farm Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St in Old town. Every variety of fruit, a 0ffic Maln 83 Rssioence Main 68 earden. spring water, reservoir and pipi WILLARD SMITH system, splendid unicken yard, good ,... . n nd farm implemenU. six roomed PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON I.,.. j j ii house and desirable location. Easy Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House payments. Inquire at this office. Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. - Pnon.Marn71 WSTn the road from the Holm, farm to the Island city on July second, a large BACON & Halu metal lamp. Finder will please reWrn to physicians and surobons Henry Spencer at Island City and receive Office in Foley Building. Phone Main 19 r'wroV - , ' J. T. Bacon residence. Main 18 . M, K. Hall residence. Main 62 FOR SALE A two year old roan Durham ... . . bull registered Four.young milch cows DR. H. VOLP. ' Inquire of Jot Santos , I ' ' '. Perry Oregon PHYSICIAIf AND SUROBON ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law r r- m in ITnlAW Rllitjiniv ' J. W. KNOWLES A i roRNEY ; and Counsellor at Lav Office In Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. r. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS attornbys-at-lav , Office in Ralston Building Li Grande. Oreuon L. A. PICKLER ' Civil, Minino, Irrioation Enoinbbrino AND SuRVEJTINO Estimates. Plans, and Spscifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. , Lk Grande, ' Orboon THE (OMTORT" Of the ladies is well taken car of by us. We have succeeded in our efforts to make our restaurant the best place for th laaiee to nave tneir meals, and have tastely arranged the different things 1 to add attractiveness to the place, and make the surroundings pleasant SOMETHIKG fflfliJff OUR RESTAURANT ... Provides meals that are beautiful and refreshing. The excellence of our cookery has been attested by the favorable com ments of the many ladies that patronize us. If you would stop at wt restaurant your nostrils would dilate at th pleasant odors our cookery sends forth. It would tickle your palate and after th meal you'd smack your lips and say, "That meal was very tasty." The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbucklt, Pr 'dor OPBN DAT ntatiokKt? o? $.4-50 A .Safe Medicine for Children. In buytr oon.rh medicine for children, nerer W afraid to bvf Cf Lain a Couqh Ki vrlt. Ther to no dangr?oa R, and relief to Jw ire to follow. If 'ntoideJ especially toewgli, okU. 'crotvaft' 'la ooutrh, and to the tent uei'teln in the fcotji tot these ClsiMet, It k it certain cure for cronp t t, when gitMaroMfhtcroaty wrtfftli ' Mr will prevent th attik Whooping co0 Is sot dattgeroM vrtMk t) MMf to given as dim-ted. It contains wo opium or other harmfn) drag,' given acHu0dmtly to a baby a to an adult. J - )! v... I PAID WB& $. (rtcrlppi News Association) Seatle July 9 The discovarv wmt this afternoon that th bookmaker, at the Meedows race track issusDectad f hni. ling out thousands of dollars of countar. fist coin to the winners. Saerat ir!r. officers have already passed on $2000 of oogus coin, wnion is now In their posses sion. Wholesale arrests WHY BAKE Bread when you can buv sitrht -ioavai of bread for 25centsat J. D. McKsnnons. Thsre is a matter that should baintall- gently and mjtuslly uksn up by the farmers and business men of this citv who handle groceries. There are annual ly several thousahes of dollars of grocer ies shipped into this vallev. Tha farm.r. certainly labor under tha impression that they are saving money on these goods or they would not place their goods with outside concerns. The grocermen of this oity carry large stocks of goods and are in a position to sell these sooda iut cheap if not less that these same goods ard being secured. The Observer's close relations for the past ten vasrs with th farmers of this valley knows that no more pariotic class of citizens live any where than the agricultural kino. nf Grande Ronde valley and if they were convinced that they could buv as chean o our home merchants thev prefer so doing. On the other hand and we believe that they can and it is to tha best interest of us all, that the merchants and farmers take up this matter in a business way and thoroughly invoti the conditions. " v . BOdU (0 SHOWS HO IMPROVEMENT ; The man who was seriously injured Thursday moining while "attempting to board a freight train, is still at the Blue Mountain Hotel in a very critical condition. The big fellow is a gamester however. and shows no sigh of su.cunbing to the i.ijuries. (AllfORNIA WRECK . (Scrlpps News Aaaovlntlon) ' Redding Cal. July 9 Sjcond section of the overland pissenger was wrecked south of tunnel i o. i J l w Gregory. The rails spread and the engine, four baggage cars and express car were demolished. Fhe engine toppled into the river. Express guard Stewart and fireman Long were seriously hurt PRESENT YOUR BILLS . All who have bills against the Fourth of July committee ars requested to pre ssni same o the secretary. J. F. Dordan on or before Tnursday night. ' " fRENCH DUEL I Scrlpps News Association) Paris July 9 - ol. Piquirt and Q-meral Qante fought a duel as a result of the Drefus trial today. Each fired one shot Nobody hurt. EIGHT LOAYES of bread for-SScents at J. D.' McKsnnons LOST A gentleman s watch. Return to this office and receive reward. -X TIKBER CLAIMS LOCATED , Tidtberl if you wish to get located on a good torn bar clai.n, call at once A. A. Barry Ronde Valley He us Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CKEAMERY BU1LDINQ Agent for Cleveland Bicycles SStSttlUllllllttllll MMMMUIiMMtlMMMttlllMtftff f m441 FREE REE FREE Y3 'i THE OBSERVER HAS SECURED A REAL TREAT FOR ITS READERS You have all read about the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, and have nodoubt seen many pictures showing the truely awfuj effects of Natures' Great Convulsion, but how many of theie views have you saved. The Observer has secured the best of these pictures in book form and off rs them to you adsolutely FREE. Every detail of the Greatest Disaster known in History told in pictures. Something you will treasure. No home is complete without on. OUR OFFER Lvery new subscriber to the Daily paving one month in a1 at pur regular rate of sixty five cents will receive one of these albums absolutely FREE. Eve y new subscriber to the Weekly paying one year in advance at our regular rate of $1.00 for the year will receive an album absolutely FREE. Every present subscriber paying all arrears aud one month to thefer Daily, in advance or one year for the Weekly in advance will receive an Album Abw'utely FREc. We have but a lirrvted number of this splendid collection ot Cali fornla views. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Call now Do not wait. , ' ,, M Jl