r-r- : O 73 a c t 90 '5E ni The cut to the left illustrates a childs' jaw at the age of six or seven years. The figures 1 2, 34, & 5 are the first or "baby" teeth end will be shed by the child and permanent teeth will take their place. The tooth marked 6 shows the first permanent tooth and should be looked after closely and saved. Bring your children to tnz z OS I J OS o a 4 1 ( I 8. This Cut Represents a Childs' Jaw LA GRANDE DENTAL CO. Successors to Reavis Bros and WE WILL ADVISE WITH YOLK about their teeth. Experience counts. Everythingguaran- " Phone Black 5. teed. An Adults Jaw with Per j- r . . mancnt Teeth all In Place People see your shirt front whether you see them ee it or not If it has been laundried at this laundry you can rest assured and feel perfectly comfortable ! whether you see them see it or not . If you want to made a good I front let us help you. A, B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 1 LaGrvnje, Oregon. J CITY BREWERY I JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing , Plant in Eastern Oiegon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE j LA GRANDE IRON WORKS v D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, V.'e manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highe prices paid for old cast iron. We Have Those CROQIET SETS, MEW SH0PPIG BASKtTS. HANDSOME JAPANESE WEAR, HEAD WEAR For l-adies E. M. Wellman & Company ADAMS AVENUE Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restoration medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Ben nettsville. S. C. says: They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver.' Electric Bitters cure chills. and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, j kidney troubles and bladder disorders. I Sold on guarantee by the Newlm urut,' Co., price 60 cts. I Bright eyes are an infallible index to! youth, windows from which Cupid shoots; nis arrows, nomsier s rcocky mountvn Tea makes bright eyes, rosy cheeks. Tea or tablets, 35 cents Newlm Drug Co. Death From Lockjiw never fullowsan injury dressed with Buck lens Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poison ing. Chas. Oswald, merchant of Rens se.aersville. N. V.. writes: "It cured Seth Burch of this place of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns and sores. 25 cts. at Newlm Drug Co. nnonG THE CHUM HUT f HUIU H K CHHIHTIAN WIKNl K HniKiu Hniiains opponlie Kolcr HoiH Huixlny t!erv( ra . ............ II a m Hrr'k-ea wwlundxy 7:: i id KvaUin riwnu el tani' ptaoiMj iu?Miyi n.l Tliur.i1tt from 10 Ut M a, in kul KiuU n tint Hutuidaya from ! lu in. LATTER IAV8AINTS HUll.l.y Srhool 10 SIT. Urgulai ervim........ .. pm Mutual Improvement Aiiaociatiou meet nm loiutly at 7.au p in , NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notice is hereby given to all consumers if water in the city of La Grands, Oregon, tnat all parties who wish to irrigate, are required to file an application for the same, with the City Recorder. Irrigation hours: The laws for irri gation are as follows; from 5:30 to 7:30 catholic rim HI II t W.J. Wtiyle, racUir l-ow Win................... High Mwi.. Konary and Henedti-tioti following 10 1 ,..7 s in -10 s ni III. IIIHM .....10 m p lu ....7 p m .....8 p ni rRKHHYr KIAN CHUKl H . Rev. E H Haya, pator Hunriay Hcliool Junior Kndeuvnr v.... Hen lor Endeavor .. Prayer Mliu Thuraday frrarlilnit Hunday... .....II am and H p m Morning tbeme--" I he Ur-ad of Life." K veil lug tbeme -"fttmou. Toe Umpire.' The cliurua ebolr under the direction ol M ra. Ljle. A cordia' Invitaliooia given to all who have no chunrh li .nitt U attend llictie aervlcra . 81. HKTFK'H KHIrtCOFAL CIlUKHI I'plou II. Club, rector fill Munday after Trluity Holy Communion , ....ia in Hunday fcliool...... ...lua in Morulug farvlre .n a in Kvtnlug Menrlce. w p (li Every one Invited to attend tbeae services. II. E. CUUKCH Kev. U. K. Meredith, pul ir aundayJfebool .... 10 a lu Junior l.eaaue.. . o p u, Kpwurtb LHagua. ; 7pm frjurxbservlttn ... a ni and 8pm Moruing "TbeTblBg tbat never ralla" Kveuing -"Uuromclom lulliuucu" A ooMt.l Invllatlou to all tbae aervlce 1 extendid BAPTIST CHI'KCH Rn. W. II. ulbaon pn.lor Sunday Hobool . 10 a m B. Y.P. V ..., 7pn1 Prayer Merlin .....Tbun.dav Bp m Preachlna Hunriny II a in and 8pm Boya" Club, Halnnlay : p m Murnlmt tbeimi; "4rriimu to ibn Agod." AH older people are raprrlnlly Invited. Even I tig "Tlie O ut Tli . e d f ii I " At 7 p m the H. V. I'.li. innnhg will bp l.flhyiiiwi licit ire (Incur. tlipine.-Koi-lilving and being forgiven. Bpotutl iuviiatlun la extruded tottraugani In tbeclty to womhlp wltb ua. CfcNTKAl c;HUItl Hol CI'KIMT - OPPWITE BeMMKK HOUBK O. H. King, pa.inr, larjH p. it. Bible Sdiool .,., o a a Moruing Worahlp ..llani V f 8 C K iiicetlug 7- u p ir K-angllnlii- avrvire .gun ,, n, 1'ia.er iii'filui Vi'idtimlHV M;l p ii Mo nlug "A n view of client Ihr Hrrat act drtumiM drill end ut tbr Cure..ti in." fc i iiiug-a'r'orglvrti4t. ' A roidlni invitation mail the ervlem. NIW MAHAGTMf NT Tie Cjntemal has changed hands. I will he ready to receive boarders the first of May. room and board $5.00 a week, medis 25 cts. Come and see us. C. T. Tolin. Proprieter. . m. u n n Dated. April 30. 1906. Stilwel I MARKET formerly known as the HAKRIS MARKET I PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stihvell MARKET Will TEST SNAKE RIVER (OAI The Grande Ronde Coal company will bring 200 tons or their product to Lewis ton during the summer for the purpose of having thecoal tested by Lewiston con sumers and arrangements will be made at once for working the properties and freighting the coal to the city by teams says an item from the Lewiston Tribune. Mr. Voilmer ha recently returned from an eastern university where he hat m ade special preparations as a mining specialist and will investigate the Grande Ronde deposit with a view .if determining the quality of the coal. Other members of party expect to make investments in (he company's stock. Numerous tests hive ' been made with coal brought to the city I and all have been of the most satisfac- ' tory character. The coal fires easy and makes great heat leaving a clear like ash devoid of clinkers or cinders.- E. 0. Mrs. Garret Oldenberg and daughter arrived in the city yesterday and will make her future home with her husband who is interested in the fruit business in this valley. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng to discover the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. I nr No. 2 the grades are from 3 to "15. Here they graduate- Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 473. THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES Is ong of my special ties. Delivery Jo be made on or after March 16. Special bargains on Roses I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum. cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp' berry, vines, creepers, and' hedge plants. Phone 1511, Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, SEED Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK For several seasons w have been the leading seed distributors of Union county and our present stocK is latter than ever Everything in the seed line ' Setuic our piices on either small or quantity purchases .. ' .y.OLIVER SlaUuv T3uildmer IEFFERSQN AVE . Main 57 ' ; " . LUMBER RETAILED AT- 9 WHOLESALE PRICES Bitter Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building I Ciande Ronde Lumber Co I PERKY, OREGON. DISSOLUTION MM Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that the firm of Romig It staples doing business in the merchantile business at No. 1211 Adams Avenue La Grande, Oregon is hereby dissolved by mutual consent E. E. Romig retiring. E. P. Staples will continue the business at the old stand and will pay all legitimate debts of the firm and owns and will collect all notes and accounts due said firm. Done at La Grande, Oregon this June 21st 1906. E. P. Staples, E. E. Rjmig. An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until constip ation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentliest reg ulars of Stomach and Bowels. Guaran teed by Mewlin Drug Co. , Price 26 cts. Guardian Sate By virtue of an order and license made and entered by the Hun. County Court of Unbn County, State of Oregon, on "June 19. 1906. in the matter of Guardianship of the persons and estate of Earnest N. Patty. Z. Beatrice Patty and Frank A. Patty, Minor heirs of Thomas F. Patty, deceased, and ward nf the undersigned their guardian. I will from and after the 20 day of July ' 1 '.100 at my home No. , ) 432 Adams Avenue La Grande. Union Cu.ity. Oregon proceed to sell at private sale Lots 17 18, 19, and 22 and the west half of Lot 21 of Blook 164 of Champlains Addition to the town of La Giande, Union County Oregon, for . the benefit of said heirs and their estate. . Zor E." Patty Guardian of the person and estate of Earnest N. Patty, Z. Beatrice Patty and Frank A. Patty. Minors. A ROAST FROM GRANDY & RUSSEL'S will give you a very agreeable surprise if you are not a customer of ours, and you will Wonder why you never favored us with an order before. Any of our patrons will tell you that our meats far surpass anything ever tasted, being of th finest and most tender quality; and what is more, always so. The best lamb, mutton, beef, veal and poultry in season is always to be found at Grandy&RusscIl IN HURRY? THEN CALL Wn. KEY HOLDS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than i takes to tell it Day phone Red 76 1 Night " Black I Z92 Wagon always at your service. ft 6"." v.- t : V.